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2022 Open Book Test for Certified Officials

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Open Book Test Answers

01 Player A takes one of his Authorized Toilet / Change of Attire Breaks after the 1 st set of a
Men’s Main Draw Match at a Grand Slam. After the 2nd set he asks the Chair Umpire to go to
the toilet again. Of the following, which is correct:

A Player A cannot go to the toilet as his next break can only be taken after the 3rd set

B Player A can leave the court for the Toilet Break. If he is not ready to play after 120
seconds, he will receive back to back Time Violations. This counts as his 2nd Authorized
Toilet / Change of Attire Break.

C Player A can leave the court for the Toilet Break. If he is not ready to play after 120
seconds, he will receive back-to-back Time Violations. He will be allowed to use his 2nd
Authorized Toilet / Change of Attire Break after the 3rd or 4th set.

D Player A can use his 2nd Authorized Toilet / Change of Attire Break after the 2nd set as
he is entitled to two such breaks in a Best of 5 Match.

While players are permitted two toilet breaks in a best of five (5) set match, the second permitted
break may only be taken after the completion of the 3rd or 4th set. Any additional breaks between end
of 1st and 2nd set will result in a player going on “own” time, which is then penalized in accordance to
the Time Violation rules. The second Authorized Toilet Break could be used after the 3rd or 4th set on
this scenario.

02 Can a player wear a “WHOOP” device which is an ITF approved Player Analysis Technology
(PAT) device during a match?

A At World Tennis Tour events (with approval from the Supervisor)

B At WTA events

C At Grand Slams Events (with approval from the Referee)

D All of the above

E None of the above

The “WHOOP” device is approved to be used only at WTA events. This device may not be worn at ITF
events, ATP events or Grand Slams.
03 In a World Tennis Tour (WTT) tournament the time in the toilet can be extended from 3 to 5
minutes for an Authorized Toilet Break and from 5 to 8 minutes for an Authorized Change of
Attire Break if the Referee thinks that there are not enough appropriate facilities available.

A Correct

B False

World Tennis Tour (WTT) events do not have a time based toilet break and therefore “reasonable”
time is still in effect.

04 What is the maximum number of commercial logos allowed on a player’s shirt (with sleeves)
at an ATP event?

A 4

B 6

C 9

D 10

When considering the various logos permitted within the several logo areas on a player’s shirt,
considering it is a shirt with sleeves and factoring in sleeves, front, back and collar, the number is ten
(10), as a total of 8 could be placed on the sleeves.

05 Which of the following statements is correct in a Grand Slam tournament?

A Only female players are allowed to move their commercial identification to the front
of their shirts/top if they wear a sleeveless shirt. The commercial identification to be
reduced (2) square inches (13

B Commercial patches cannot be moved to the front of a shirt/top in a Grand Slam


C Players are allowed to move their commercial identification to the front of their
shirts/top if they wear a sleeveless shirt. The commercial identification to be reduced
(2) square inches (13

D Players are allowed to move their commercial identifications to the front of their shirts
if they wear a sleeveless shirt, neither of which shall exceed (3) square inches (19.5

Grand Slam dress code for sleeveless shirts.

06 In this video the Chair Umpire should not allow the point to continue:

A True

B False

Scenario: The server’s cap falls while the serve is hit, but the server catches the cap with his
hand (not falling to the court) and continues playing.
Answer: The Chair Umpire is right allowing the point to continue.

07 After the 3rd set in a Men’s Singles match at a Grand Slam, both Player A and Player B leave
the court for their 1st Authorized Toilet Break. Player A leaves the toilet area after 4 minutes
and 20 seconds. Player B who had to go to a further facility, leaves the toilet area after 2
minutes and 45 seconds but due to the longer way to and from the toilet area arrives on
court after Player A. How many Time Violations does Player A receive?

A None

B 3 Time Violations (after 3 min, 3 min 30 sec and 4 min)

C 2 Time Violations (after 3 min 30 sec and 4 min)

On this case player A did not cause a delay to the match nor affected player B.

08 In a WTA Tour Event a player is wearing an Adidas bra and the logo is visible through the

A The player is allowed to wear a see-through logo

B The player is allowed but this will be counted towards the maximum number of logos

C It is not allowed and the player must change

In this base both A and B will be acceptable since the size was not specified on the question. WTA
Procedures state “a player can have one (1) additional logo on her bra, not exceeding 2 sq inches (13
sq cm)”.

09 In a WTA tour event the score is 75 66 in a Singles Match. Player A is due to serve and Player
B is asking for an urgent Toilet Break before the start of the Tie Break. Of the following which
is correct?

A Not allowed, player must wait for the end of the set

B Allowed and will count as an Authorized Toilet Break

C Allowed but will be considered as an Additional Toilet Break

D Only allowed if Player A also needs to go to the Toilet

In this case the toilet break will be allowed but it will not count as the authorized break. The player
will be leaving on “own time” and required to return to court within 25 seconds. Thereafter the player
shall be penalized with back to back Time Violations.

10 In this video, the correct decision of the Chair should be “Let, 1st Service”!

A True
B False

Scenario: Singles match played with a singles net. The serve hits the net, then the net post, and
finally bounces within the correct service box.

Answer: According to Rule of Tennis 19.c, the service is a fault if the ball served touches a permanent
fixture, singles stick or net post before it hits the ground.

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