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It is no surprise that the matter about the environment is one the greatest issues that we are facing

nowadays. We are continuously hurdled with numerous disasters and challenges that concern our
everyday living that is greatly rooted with our environmental concerns. This greatly calls for the need to
educate people about our environment and its awareness thereof. We cannot do anything about these
problems if we are not aware ourselves. The solution always comes from being aware. So it is important
of being aware about our environment. For me, as a mere student I can help protecting our
environment by simply maintaining its cleanliness. By simply preventing littering, planting of trees and
spreading beneficial facts about environment to fellow people. They are simple yet are the best things
and most impactful. . As I’ve been continuing to attend in our class in NSTP, I’ve learned ed of how the
way we treat our environment affects our life and health too. We are faced with similar circumstances
all around our country those are not given proper attention and the best thing we could do is to be
constantly aware and spread awareness to other people. I’ll be simply responsible and diligent.

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