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I’m pleased of attending to our NSTP symposium about disaster awareness such as learning how to

respond and learn about the protocols regarding disaster. I’ve learned, disaster preparedness is just as
important as eating, drinking, and sleeping for the reason that it may be one of the factors that will keep
you alive especially in your everyday life which includes disasters being a part of the challenges to a
person’s life. For me, an advantage of executing this manner is improving the safety of an individual, a
family, and a community where survival will prevail among them. Being prepared is one of the recipes in
safekeeping a person’s life and well-being for continued safe living before and after problems and
disasters. Additionally, homes, schools, every building and even a person’s life can be damaged or
destroyed by disasters because of the lack of care and knowledge of a person to what is happening to
his surroundings. So, it is important of being aware of disaster as our life depends on it.

I’m elated about attending our NSTP symposium in regard to learning disaster response and protocol. I
can never deny that the damage of a disaster is inevitable to the affected but being disaster prepared
can provide reduced damage to the affected which would result to lesser rebuilding costs and lesser
recovery time. So for a student like me, it is important of being aware of disaster response because it
will not only save my life but I could also save others’ lives. In times of danger, it is better and
recommended for people in a community to work together, to have cooperation and willingness to help
one another because what’s the use of having others other than oneself if everyone won’t help one
another. Therefore, I’ve learned cooperation is a must. Obeying safety protocols from my local officials is
vital too as it will prevent me from possible risks. These aren’t only the learnings I’ve learned and there
are still many more but learnings are nothing if I don’t apply it in life.

Preparing is one of the most important tools in survival for being safe, to mitigating damages and
knowing what might happen. Now, I’ve learned from our symposium concerning disaster response and
protocol that making disaster preparedness is one of the most important lessons to teach a person in
order to start for better world where every human being knows how to keep safe and knows what to do
in times of disasters. Preparing for disasters means setting up and developing activities that will prevent
deaths and minimize damages and preparation is the best way of reducing disasters’ impact. I’ve found
out that the general response to any disaster is associated with rescue and relief operations that go right
after the event. If we are well and adequately prepared, it is very easy to reduce the impact of that
disaster. We can reduce the impact through raising awareness and understanding of all the preventive
actions. As a student, I can help my community to spread my knowledge to others and be
compassionate in times of adversity. I believe I can still find more ways to respond amidst of a disaster.
Our class in Civic Welfare Training Service held a webinar regarding Drug Education and control that we
attended on the said date. As a student who has knowledge about the concept of drugs, I was driven by
my curiosity about what new knowledge I can learn through listening in this webinar. I’ve learned that
the abuse of drugs and alcohol is a problem that plagues our generation. Despite the fact that the
substances often used are both legal and illicit, they all have significant health consequences and cause a
slew of other issues to an individual. Drugs just worsen our lives and affect significantly our mental
health. It is a very easy concept, don’t ever try taking drugs because it will benefit you nothing. I’ve
broaden more my knowledge about adverse effects of drugs from our symposium and I will surely apply
these learnings in actual life.

It is beneficial to be an attendee in our CWTS regarding about drug education. It is clearly shown that
drugs are typically narcotic and addicting, and they can have a detrimental impact on one's life. I
wouldn’t have any reasons to try drugs because I’ve been born of detesting them. Drugs obviously will
just ruin or worsen my life and will benefit me nothing. The process of the drug chain was also tackled in
the webinar that comprises production, processing, trafficking, financing, retailing, and consumption. It
is very saddening that addiction has always been a part of life for humans. So, for a student like me, I
would spread my knowledge about the adverse effects of using drugs to others as it prevents them from
more curiosity about taking drugs. I’ve seen the damage it can do, but it's now influencing our daily lives
more than ever. Educating teens on the effects of drug abuse is truly important as of now.

There is nothing worse than hearing the word “drugs”. I’ve grown up knowing that drugs are illegal and
have a detrimental impact on one’s life. This webinar is very relevant, especially in this era for it helps
young adults to be wary of using drugs and avoid having a drug addiction. I feel it is vital to demonstrate
to the public the dangers of illegal substances because I personally believe that the issue of drug
addiction must be addressed immediately in order for everyone to have an equal opportunity in life. The
webinar has taught me and opened my eyes about these issues that we seem to take lightly because it
has never happened to us yet but it is not the time to make changes in ourselves to help our community
and our country. The symposium has provided me with the knowledge that elevates the idea of anti-
drug abuse advocacy by backing it up with the problem we have in our country and how our
government exerts effort to gradually silence this stigma, the effects on it to the body, and who are its
victims and why do they resort to it. I’ve also learned that illegal drugs have evil effects on the mind and
body cells of addicts. The addict becomes dependent on the drug to a great extent that he/she cannot
stop using it as a result of ruining his/her life.

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