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Jimma University

School of Education and Behavioral Science

Department of Psychology

Seminar setting Institution: East Shoa, High Court

Employee Psychosocial support and Job Satisfaction survey


Dear participant, I am PhD in Counseling Psychology student in Jimma University. My 3 rd year

Seminar titled; work with Organization is currently underway to examine the psychosocial
support and Job Satisfaction amongst East Shoa, High Court employees. I sincerely invite you to
participate in this survey by filling in the following questionnaire. Your contribution to insight is
precious. As per the survey questionnaires, you need about few minutes to complete them and no
need of writing your name. Finally, I assure you that I will keep the information confidential and
only use it for academic purposes.

Name: Fekadu Tafesse

Phone: 0911774573

Glad to get your help!

Thank you!
Part One: Respondents background information
1. Gender: Male Female
2. Age: 20 – 30years 31 – 40years 41 - 50years 51 – 60years
3. Indicate your highest professional qualification

Secondary school Certificate Diploma 1ST Degree

Master’s Degree Other (Please specify) ………………………………………

4. Number of years served in the East Shoa High court

0– 3 years 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 10 years and above

5. Your current position

Leader Judge Admin/ experts

6. Marital status

Single Married Divorced Widowed

Other ----------
Part Two: Research objectives related questions

I. Organization relation and employee satisfaction survey

Items Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly
Agree e disagree
1. Is there a clear understanding of the
strategic objectives of the
2. Is it clear to you what your role
demands in meeting the company
3. When employees have a sense of
direction how they fit in the long-
term broader company vision it
does impact job satisfaction
4. Do you believe that there is an
opportunity for individual career
growth and development within the
5. If the employee is directionless in
terms of growth, eventually the
employee will leave sooner or later.
6. Will you be working for the same
organization in the next 2 years
5. Are you satisfied with your job
II. Fairness at work and employee satisfaction survey
Items Strongly Agree Neutral Dis Strongly
Agree Agree disagree
1. Do you think your manager/Leader
treats all the team members
2. Do you think the organization has
fair policies for promotion for all
3. Do you feel that the management
is just towards administering
policies concerning employees?
III. Psychosocial Support Survey
Items Strongly Agree Neutral dis Strongly
Agree Agree dis
1. I have a good understanding about
the kinds of stress I may encounter
volunteering in emergencies
2. know how to recognize signs of
serious stress in myself.
3. I have effective strategies for
managing my stress.
4. I know how to recognize signs of
serious stress in my team mates.
5. I know how to support members of
my team during stressful times.
6. My manager/supervisor cares
about my well-being.
7. My manager/supervisor is
available if I need to talk with
8. My manager/supervisor will reach
out to me if I am in distress.
9. I know how to get extra help with
stress from the organization, if I
need it.

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