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The diet of clown knife fish Chitala chitala

(Hamilton-Buchanan) an endangered
notopterid from different wild population

Article · January 2009


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2 authors, including:

uttam Sarkar
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute


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Electronic Journal of Ichthyology
March 2009 1: 11-20



Uttam Kumar Sarkar*, Prashant Kumar Deepak

National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Canal Ring Road, Dilkusha, Lucknow- 226002,
Uttar Pradesh, India Fax: +91 522 2442403; Email:, uk-
* Corresponding author: U.K. Sarkar; Tel.: +91 522 2441735; 2442440, 2442441,

Abstract: A stomach content analysis of an endangered clownknife fish Chitala chitala

(Hamilton - Buchanan) from different wild population indicated that this species was primar-
ily a predatory and carnivorous in nature, indicating differences in the diet in different wild
populations. An increase in feeding activity was observed from February to May (premon-
soon) which was reduced during June to September (monsoon) coinciding with the spawning
season of this species in most of the sites . The study confirmed relatively unspecialized diet
composition of C. chitala with ability to withstand in respect to availability of food items in
different aquatic habitat. The paper provides basic information on feeding index, index of
preponderance, trophic ecology, and feeding strategies which could be useful for stock en-
hancement and aquaculture of this new potential candidate species.

Key Words: feeding behaviour; diet, Chitala chitala; wild population; aquaculture; India
Accepted: 17.2.2009

The clown knife fish C. chitala (Hamil- ing of this fish have been reported by Sarkar
ton – Buchanan) known locally as “moye” et al. (2006).
or “fulli” is one of the most important notop- The success of effort to introduce and
teroid in India, commands high market de- cultivate any new species, however, will de-
mand and has been prioritized as a new can- pend on quantitative information about the
didate species (Ponniah & Sarkar 2000; Ay- food and feeding habit, nutritional require-
yappan et al., 2001) for aquaculture. How- ments and trophic ecology of this species.
ever, over exploitation, habitat degradation, Therefore, a study of food and feeding habits
pollution and related anthropogenic pressure of fishes is very important in any fisheries
on their natural habitats, have considerably management programme. Review of litera-
reduced the population of this species by 50- ture indicates absence of information on the
60% during the last decades and has been diet of this fish. Though studies on the some
listed as “endangered” (CAMP 1998). The biological aspect of other commercial
distribution of C. chitala is currently re- freshwater fishes had started much earlier in
stricted to river Ganga basin, Yamuna, Bra- India (Mookherjee & Mazumdar 1950;
hamputra, Mahanadi, Kalindi and east and Chacko & Kuriyan 1949; Alikunhi 1957;
west river coast of India,. The species is Natrajan & Jhingran 1963 and Kamal 1964),
highly priced, cultivable and due to its high but recent studies on the life history traits of
demand and popularity it has been declared species with high conservation significance
as a “State Fish” of Uttar Pradesh, India. The from different natural stocks are very
successful captive breeding and larval rear- scanty( Sreeraj et al 2006; Sarkar et al
2008). The objective of this were to describe

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

the feeding habit, feeding intensity, diet (1963): I = V1O1/ (∑V1O1), where V1 = vol-
preference, food requirement from different ume of the particular food items, O1 = occur-
populations, evaluating possible effect of rence of the particular food items, I = rela-
season, area of capture on stomach content. tive abundance of food items (mean %). The
feeding activity was expressed as feeding
Material and Methods index ascertained in the percentage of full-
The study was conducted in different ness of stomach.
riverine populations and details of the loca- Feeding Index = P x 100/ X x N, where
tion of fish collection sites of C. chitala is P= total point of the gut that were examined,
shown in figure 1.and table 1. The speci- N= No. of guts examined, X= total points
mens of C. chitala were sampled using vari- allotted to the full gut. The food items col-
ous fishing methods, drag nets, cast nets, gill lected from full guts of live fishes were used
nets of different mesh size and the collec- for counting food components.
tions were made during 2000 to The gastrosomatic index (GI) was deter-
2005.Because of “endangered” status of C. mined as the ratio of the gut weight to the
chitala, collection of fish was restricted to body weight.
specimen caught by local fishermen and GI = GW x 100/ BW, where GW= gut
available at landing centers and markets lo- weight in gram, BW= body weight in gram.
cated along the banks of the river. Fish were Seasonal sampling were carried out and
collected fresh, preserved in ice and trans- samples were collected accordingly during
ported to laboratory. The total length (TL) premonsoon (February- May), Monsoon
measured to the nearest 0.1mm by digital (June – September) and post monsoon (Oc-
caliper and weights were taken by electronic tober - January) for measuring GI of fish.
balance. Altogether 250 specimens ranging
from 50 cm to 90 cm in length were col- Results
lected and studied. The alimentary canal of C. chitala is
The fish were dissected and stomach of short, muscular, bag shaped and somewhat
each weighted to the nearest 1 g. Those less coiled.. As shown in figures 2 & 3 the
stomachs containing intact and whole prey preferred diets were crustaceans, insects,
matters were opened immediately and the mollusks, minnows and fishes. Although
prey identified, measured and the individual there were some differences in the diet com-
masses of each recorded. The weighed position of C. chitala among length groups
stomachs were then preserved in 10% for- studied, some level of variations between
malin until a more detailed study was under- different populations of the different food
taken. The gut content was examined under items were also observed. The presence of
a steriozoom microscope (x10) and all the detritus and molluscans remains in the gut
food items were identified. The percentage also indicated a possible benthic feeding ac-
volume of major gut items were counted tivity of C. chitala. Mud and sand particles
weighted and measured. The percentage were encountered sporadically in the gut
volume of major gut items was estimated by contents. Overall, the diet preferences of C.
using the point method of Pillay (1953), chitala from different population were simi-
whereby contents of each stomach samples lar to those of air breathing fishes.
were as unity and the items were expressed
as percentage volume by visual inspection.
The percentage occurrence of food item was
analyzed by the method of Hynes (1950). To
estimate the dominant food items, results of
the percentage occurrence and point method
were combined to yield the index of prepon-
derance (I) proposed by Natrajan & Jhingran

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

Figure- 1: Fish sample collection sites from different geographical locations of India.

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish


ur ru i S a hi a) j
np Sa mt KW a gr rat kk tlu
Ka Go Gh agi ar a Su
B h a (F
Chlorophyceae Bacillriophyceae Myxophyceae Crustacians
Detrius Mollusc& shell Rotifer Insects
Sand and mud Fish remains Miscellaneous

Figure 2. Index of preponderance of C. chitala from different locations. SBS: Samaspur

bird sanctuary; KWS: Katerniaghat wildlife sanctuary.

2% 4%

28% 10%






Chlorophyceae Bacillariophyceae Myxophyceae

Crustacians Protozoans Detrius
Mollusc& shell Rotifer Insects
Plant(aquatic weed) Sand and mud Fish remains

Figure 3. Percentage of food component of C. chitala. SBS: Samaspur bird sanctuary;

KWS: Katerniaghat wildlife sanctuary.

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

Table 1. Latitudes and longitudes of different geographical locations of the sampling

sites obtained by Global Positioning System

Sl no. Riverine /Locations State Latitude Longitude

1 Ganga (Farakka) West Bengal 24. 530N 88.100E

2 Bhagirathi West Bengal 24.050 N 88.060E

3 Ganga Uttar Pradesh 25.820N 81. 260E

4 Ghagra Uttar Pradesh 26.75ON 81.99 0E

5 Gomti Uttar Pradesh 25. 90 0N 82.56 0E

6 Samaspur Bird Sanc- Uttar Pradesh 25. 970N 81.670E

tuary (SBS)

7 Uttar Pradesh 28.210N 81.250E
(Katerniaght Wildlife

8 Saryu Uttar Pradesh 26.330N 832.370E

9 Sutluj Punjab 31.090N 74.560E

The fish and prawn was most preferred Ganga at Faraka (12.98%), river Gomti
food items from all the locations except river (12.92%) and least 3.5% from river Bhagira-
Bhagirathi where the fish preferred mostly thi. Insect was the third main dominant group
molluscs and shell than the fish remains. of food items represented by Notonecta (back
Small fishes (2-3 mm) were present in semi- swimmer), and dragon fly nymph, Sigara
digested and completely digested state and in atropodonta in all the locations. Notonecta
some stomach samples only vertebral column were present throughout the year where as
was encountered in the gut, however, occur- dragon fly nymph occurred during the mon-
rence of fish in the gut was not seasonal. The soon. Sigara atropodonta and beetals occur
presence of maximum percentage of fish in only during summer season. The maximum
stomach was noticed from river Sat- (18.25%) insects were recorded in the sam-
luj(40.65%) followed by river Ghagra ples collected from SBS, followed by river
(39.67%), river Gerua (31.20%), river Ganga (19.12%) at Farakka, river Ghagra
Ganga (20.05%). Crustaceans are the second (17.71%), river Gerua (17.17%), river Satluj
most preferred food items and among them, (15.38%), while minimum (4.95%) was re-
Copepods and Cladocerons were common in corded from river Ganga at Kanpur. Molluscs
almost all the populations. The maximum were the fourth most preferred food items
percentage of crustaceans were recorded and gut analysis showed that the amount of
from river Gerua (38.39%) followed by SBS molluscan shell were present in all the loca-
(15.86%), river Ganga at Kanpur (14.14%), tions as shown in figure 2. Maximum per-

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

centage of protozoans were recorded in the miscellaneous items, fish scale, rice husk,
samples of river Ganga at Farakka (10.00%) unidentified zooplankton and phytoplankton,
followed by Ganga at Kanpur (8.20%), river cyst shells, fish eggs etc. These items were
Bhagirathi (8.8%), and minimum at river present in a very small quantity of the gut
Gerua (0.23%). The dominantspecies of the content through out year from all the loca-
protozoans were Chaenia, Spirostomum, Go- tions.
nium, Acanthocystic and Tokophyra. Maxi- Gut fullness, Feeding index and Gas-
mum percentage of detritus were recorded in trosomatic Index
the samples of river Ganga at Farakka The percentage of full gut, half full gut,
(6.14%) followed by river Gomti (4.77%), empty guts and feeding index are presented
river Bhagirathi (4.5%). It was observed that in figure 4, respectively. In the present study
Rotifers were the preferred food component maximum percentage of full guts was found
among the juvenile as well as in adult. in the samples of river Saryu with feeding
Maximum percentage of rotifers were re- index 83.3 while minimum from the samples
corded from SBS (12.32%) followed by river of river Gerua (feeding index 40.3). The high
Ganga(9.17%), at Kanpur, river Gomti feeding index (85.71) of C. chitala was found
(8.79%) and river Ghagra (4.17%). The rep- from river Gomti where as low feeding index
resentative group of rotifers was Brachionus, (40.3) from river Gerua. An increase in feed-
Lecane, Monostyla, Keretella, Notholca. ing activity was observed in C. chitala from
Among plant matters, mainly aquatic February to May (premonsoon) 1.6 with a
weeds represented the diet only during post reduced during June to September (monsoon)
spawning season. Maximum(14.16%) per- which coincides with the spawning season of
centage were recorded from the samples of this species in all the locations. Greater the
SBS, followed by river Bhagirathi (7.5%), fullness of stomach, higher the feeding index.
river Ghagra (6.57%),river Gomti (5.80%) In this study a maximum value for the full-
and river Saryu (4.77%). Aquatic weed like ness of gut was recorded from the stomach
Hydrilla, Chara, Najas and portion of uni- samples of river Saryu (75%). However, in
dentified leaves and roots were also ob- case of stomachs of C. chitala from river
served. Bhagirathi showed 57.5% full guts with feed-
The represented genera of Chlorophyceae ing index 71.05. In river Ghagra samples
recorded from the gut analysis of C. chitala fullness of gut was 65% and feeding index
were Ulothrix, Spirogyra, Zygnema, Mogeo- ratio was 75. The minimum fullness of gut
tia, Protoccocus, Ankistrodesmus, Micro- was observed from river Gerua where full-
spora, Pediastrum etc. This was the least pre- ness of gut was only 40% with feeding index
ferred food items except stomach samples of 40.3.
river Ganga at Farakka (9.47%).The Bacil- The analysis of gastrosomatic indices (GI)
laryophycean was recorded from the gut con- indicated variation over the sites and seasons.
tents of fishes collected from all the locations The maximum GI was recorded from river
throughout the year. The representative gen- Ganga at Kanpur (3.3 ± 0.70) followed by
era mainly were Synedra, diatoma, Navicula, river Bhagirathi (3.21 ±1.11), river Ganga at
Cymbella, Frustulia, Fragillaria, Gompho- Farakka (3.05 ± 0.95), river Saryu (2.9 ±
nema, Nitzschia, etc. Blue green algae was a 0.20), river Gomti (2.6 ± 1.44), river
least preferred food items and Anabaena, Gerua(2.13 ± 0.76), SBS (1.94±0.39) and
Oscillatoria, Rivularia, Microcystis, Lyng- river Ghagra (1.6 ± 0.80). The minimum GI
baea, Spirulina, and Cymbella were some of was recorded from river Satluj (1.3 ±0.37). It
the common genera. Sand and mud were ob- was observed that GI was maximum during
served only during monsoon/breeding season premonsoon (1.66) followed by postmonsoon
with less percentage and maximum percent- (0.83) and mon soon (0.45) indicating high
age was found in river Bhagirathi (12.5%) feeding activity during premonsoon months.
followed by river Gomti (5.92%). Among

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

Table 2. Gastrosomatic Index (% of body wieght) of C. chitala from different location.

SBS; Samaspur bird sanctuary; KWS: Katerniaghat wldlife sanctuary.

Rivers/Locations Premonsoon Monsoon Postmonsoon

SBS 0.97±0.1 0.45±0.05 0.52±0.08

Gerua(KWS) 1.10±0.8 0.35±0.08 0.68±0.07

Bhagirathi 1.30±0.09 0.71±0.08 1.20±0.8

Satluj 0.68±0.1 0.23±0.07 0.40±0.1

Gomti 1.40±0.08 0.37±0.04 0.83±0.4

Saryu 1.48±0.1 0.50±0.04 0.93±0.4

Ghagra 0.70±0.08 0.40±0.02 0.50±0.6

Ganga (Kanpur) 1.50±0.7 0.48±0.08 1.32±0.5

1.33±0.3 0.62±0.04 1.10±0.5
( Farakka)

Feeding Index of Chitala








i ra






Full Half 3/4 Empty Feeding index

Figure 4. Feeding index of C. chitala from different locations. SBS: Samaspur bird sanc-
tuary; KWS: Katerniaghat wildlife sanctuary.

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

Discussion habit. According to Alikunhi, (1957) they

Though few preliminary reports are changes there feeding habit completely at
available on the morphology of alimentary early stage and starts feeding voraciously on
and feeding behavior of C. chitala (Alikunhi carp fry and aquatic insects. Chandy (1961)
1957, Sharma & Chandi 1961, Das & Moitra studied on the alimentary canal and feeding
1963, Agarwal & Tyagi 1969) from India, habit of C. chitala which is conformity with
this is the first report on the spectrum of di- the present observation. Insects present in
ets and feeding habit from different popula- the samples of C. chitala from SBS may be
tions. After gross analysis it was found that due to lentic habitat and abundance of macro
in a broad sense, the species is omnivorous, flora. This kind of feeding habit may be an
however the gut content analysis shows that optimal strategy for habitats where food
the species is more carnivores. Analysis of sources are subject to seasonal fluctuations
stomach indicated that the fish is basically a (Welcome 1979). The present results
predatory, carnivores and relatively unspe- showed that maximum feeding intensity
cialized with flexible food habitat. In many were during permonssoon and minimum
of the cases, the gut contents could not be during monsoon may be related to a de-
identified to species due to partial diges- crease in food availability. In general, the
tionThe high incidences of crustaceans and diet preference of C. chitala as observed in
fishes in the stomach content of C. chitala this study was similar to those of catfishes
may be related to the differential digestion (Thakur & Das 1986).
of specific food particles. Crustaceans and The present study indicated a tendency of
fish remains, particularly bones and scales fish to carnivores and omnivores( large va-
resist digestion and tend to be over repre- riety of food items ) and it can be defined as
sented in gut content analysis. The incidence euryphagic fish (Nickolsky, 1963) Agrawal
of crustaceans, molluscs and fish parts in the & Singh (1964) reported the large rectal
guts of C. chitala in present study may be a caecum in the alimentary canal of its allied
reflection of variation in digestion rates of genus N. notopterus which is also a carni-
food particles. Crustaceans with chitinous vores. Kulshrestra (1967) reported that
exoskeletons are reported to be identifiable presence of sence organ on the dorsal wall of
in fish guts over a longer period compared to the buccal cavity and presence of teeth on
many other food items (Wootton, 1990). the jaw conformed that it may used for de-
Choudhary & Singh (2005) reported adult tecting presence of animal food and preda-
crustaceans, insects and a number of small tory behaviour of C. chitala. Occurrence of
fishes in the stomach of catfish Wallago different types of food items in the gut of
attu. They also observed dominancy of crus- fish depends on their availability as men-
taceans, insects, fry and fingerlings, mol- tioned by Parmeshwarn & Sinha (1966)
lusks and shrimps in the diet of Het- while Das & Moitra (1963) reported plant
eropneustes fossilis and Channa punctatus. matter up to 15 % and animal material up to
Sreeraj et al. (2006) in another endangered 80% in the diet of C. chitala.
cat fish H. brachiosoma reported high inci- The observation made on the fullness of
dence of crustaceans in the diet analysis. gut showed no full guts from any geographi-
The results of the present study suggest cal locations. This might be due to competi-
that C. chitala is not so specialized in its tion between the other species or regurgita-
feeding habit and capable of widening the tion during sampling. The analysis of feed-
food spectrum depending on the availability ing index showed maximum value in the
in the aquatic ecosystem. Modification in samples of river Gomti and Saryu. The high
respect of alimentary canal concerning with feeding activity (85.71) of C. chitala was
the uptake of food, feeding digestion and observed from river Gomti where as low
absorption are fully suited for its carnivorous feeding index (40.3) was recorded from river

Sarkar & Deepak, 2009 The diet of clown knife fish

Gerua which may be due to variation in Agrawal V P, Singh HN (1964) Functional

habitat structure. The habitat of river Gerua Morphology of the rectal caecum of
is fast flowing river containing less abun- Notopterus notopterus (Pallas). Current
dance of natural food organism. The feeding Science 33 (2): 53-54.
intensity of fish is related to its stage of ma- Ayyappan S, Raizada S, Reddy AK (2001)
turity, reproductive state and the availability Captive breeding and culture of new spe-
of food items in the environment (Ricker cies of aquaculture. In: Captive Breeding
1956). for Aquaculture and Fish Germplasm Con-
The ability of C. chitala to feed at differ- servation, Publication 3 (ed. by A.G. Pon-
ent tropic levels, rapid growth, high conser- niah, K.K. Lal & V.S. Basheer), pp. 1–20.
vation value, increasing consumer demand, National Bureau of Fish Genetic Re-
ability to survive in confinement, makes this sources (NBFGR) – National Agricultural
species a potential candidate species for Technology Project (NATP), Lucknow,
freshwater aquaculture. Sarkar et al. (2006, India.
2007) reported good ability of early life Chandy M (1961) Origin, distribution, phy-
stages of C. chitala to successfully weaned logeny and interrelationship of
on to live, artificial and other non- Ophicephalid fishes (Snake head murrels)
conventional diets under experimental scale. of India. Proceeding of Indian Science
The diversity and flexibility of food compo- Congress 42 (3): 304.
nent in the diet observed in this study from CAMP (1998) Conservation Assessment and
different wild population indicates that the Management Plan Workshop Report. Zoo
fish appears capable of widening the food out reach organization / CBSG and Na-
spectrum in response to habitat availability. tional Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources
More studies are required on feeding strate- Lucknow 1-158.
gies, diet preferences, and compatibility with Choudhary S, Singh DK (2006) Food of
other cultivable species during different life some common fishes of Birganj (Nepal).
stages before adapting in to the culture sys- Environment & Ecology 24 (2): 345-347.
tem. Das SM, Moitra SK (1963) Studies on the
food and feeding habits of some freshwa-
Acknowledgements ter fishes of India. IV. A review on the
Authors express sincere thanks to Dr food and feeding habits, with general con-
W.S. Lakra, Director, NBFGR for providing clusions. Ichthyologica 11(1-2): 107-115.
necessary facilities, suggestions and encour- Hickling CF, Rutenberg E (1936) The ovary
agements. Authors are indebted to Indian as an indicator of spawning period in
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), fishes. Journal of the Marine Biological
New Delhi for NATP (National Agricultural Association of United Kingdom 21: 311-
Technology Project), World Bank for the 317.
financial support. Hynes HBN (1950) On the food of the
freshwater Sticklebacks (Gastrosteus acu-
leatus and Pygosteus pungitius) with a re-
view of the methods used in the study of
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Copies of the PDF file of this work have been deposited in the following publicly accessible libraries:
1. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. USA; 2. Natural
History Museum, London, UK; 3. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA;
4. Department of Ichthyology, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 75005 Paris, France; 5. Senck-
enberg Museum, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; 6. National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The
Netherlands. 7. The Gitter- Smolartz Library of Life Sciences and Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Is-
rael; 8. The National and university Library, Jerusalem, Israel; 9. Library of Congress, Washington,
D.C. USA; 10. South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa; 11. The
National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan; 12. The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm,


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