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a new symbol b in the Cyrillic, @ in the Glagolithic for

de Montfort and then to the crown of France. By a convention

1890 6,097,210 27,115,425 33,212,635

acre. They were paying this back at the rate of 4% on the

Wild Oats,'' afterwards reprinted in the volume Silver

d'agriculture (see FRANCE), are few, the principal being

subjects. In 1865 he married the Countess Marie, daughter

imperfections there might be, his work was alive; it had body,

complication would remain. The other course is to consider

1814) the Creeks ceded their claims to about one-half of the

1894 27,023,553 24.5 662,036,928 32.4 214,816,920

he recognized no self-beauty (auto to kalon) existing

at Presqu' Isle, now the city of Erie; the English at Fort

while surrounding the central tube is a bursting charge of

countship of Limpourg in 1711. The elder branch of the mediatized

ALBERT III. ( 1443-1500), duke of Saxony, surnamed ANIMOSUS

Control exercised by France and Great Britain. France had,

16%, all the other milk-constituents, namely, sugar, curd and

vicinity great quantities of beets are grown by irrigation.

reaction. With nitrous acid, the primary amines yield alcohols,

in an open boat to the enemy's lines, arriving late in the

finally refused the office of president of the Academy of

against his father. These calamities were keenly felt by

discovered in 1843, was allowed to be used as a public stable

had held its place unchallenged for sixty years. At first,

the use of the scholars; and those who have made great

Graun, he was appointed conductor of the royal orchestra.

but in English the Pronunciation varies), a deformation or

will be of value, but the usual method is to send up a

scanty in the forests. Crasses grow luxuriantly in the river

by which the mountain chain can be crossed, the range rarely

works, construction and labour, contracts and purchases of

cultivated. Rye-grass was now sown along with it. Turnips were

land. But the republicans never quite forgave the tardiness

area northwards are ranged the Tertiaries and recent

dry season it has shallows, and is obstructed by sandbanks,

of influence on that coast; but it was to the north of that

apprehensions of the opponents of the repeal of the Corn Laws.


language still spoken by some two millions of people on the

coast-line from the north bank of the Orange river to 26 deg. S.

to the orography of many parts of the chain. In 1887-1889

of the Catharist minister, Pierre Authier; the people, too,

``The Gospels'' in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia

Elbe. He was educated at Leipzig, and then at Wittenberg,

--29 deg. F. On the 31st of July 1901, Berson and R. J. Suring,

the war into the province of Oran, from which Abd-el-Kader

a recess in the wall of a church, sometimes square-headed,

assumption of responsibility for the whole of the Niger region

the Whig Examiner in opposition to the Tory Examiner, then

an addition of 10 or 15%. A bird's-eye view over the effect is

fifth district, occupying a considerable area south of the

EQ.M. Equitum magister.

Kabul, fled across the Oxus into Bokhara. Shere Ali threw

palaeolithic type have been discovered, notably at Tlemcen and

century and more after the Mongol invasion the whole of the

Thasos. In 422 B.C. Cleon led an unsuccessful expedition

Club, the University Club, the City Club of Albany, the

when, on the 20th of May 1381, the university decreed that

in the great india-rubber districts of the Mayutata and

Acetylene is readily decomposed by heat, polymerizing under

and last of his pitched battles in Asia, the one which put

nail manufactories, and trade in agricultural produce.

of the plan thereupon determined to form a separate society,

by the Spaniards in 1762. During the Peninsular War (q.v.),

recognized as belonging to the sultan a continuous strip of

is fertile, yielding wheat, barley, maize, flax, hemp and

of the trade of the whites. In some tribes this would bring

the store pigs accounting for less than one-tenth of the total

of his church and as an evangelist. In 1712 he lost his wife

being his history of the German wars of Gustavus Adolphus,

the Voyage of Bougainville, and so on. However, in all

the constructive study of Acts almost to a deadlock.

reached by the water for many days. Algae of more delicate

multifidum,'' Ber. d. deutschen bot. Gesellsc. Band

three. Jay and Adams distrusted thc good faith of the French

empire as covering over 700,000 sq. m. was not challenged.11

RO2. The oxides of type RO are soluble in water, the solution

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