EMG 1102 Engineering Drawing CHAPTER TWO

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Chapter Two: Loci
2.1 Introduction
The locus (in plural is loci) of a point is the path traced by that point when moving under given
conditions. Many curves can be classified as loci; ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, hypocycloid,
cycloid, trochoid, involute, etc. The study of loci is especially important in machine design where
it is often necessary to determine the space requirements for a linkage or the envelope of a
mechanism for the provision of effective guards.

2.2 Common Loci and their applications

A. Circle: A point moves in one plane such that its distance from a fixed-point O is constant.
B. Parallel line: A point moves in one plane such that its perpendicular distance from a fixed
line AB is constant.
C. Perpendicular line: A point moves in one plane such that it is equidistant from two fixed
points A and B.
D. Ellipse: An ellipse is the curve generated by a point moving so that the sum of its distances
from two points (the foci) is constant and equal to the major axis.
E. Cycloid: A cycloid is the locus of points generated by a fixed point on the circumference
of a circle as the circle rolls along a straight line without slip. The cycloid of a circle is the
most important of these curves as it finds applications in the construction of cycloidal gear
F. Epicycloid: The locus of a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls without slip
along the outside of a fixed based circle.
G. Hypocycloid: The locus of a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls without
slip on the inside of a fixed base circle.
H. Involute: An involute is the path traced by a point on a string as it unwinds from a line, a
polygon, or a circle without slip. The involute of a circle is the most important of these
curves as it finds applications in the construction of involute gear teeth. The involute may
be generated by points on a straight line which is rolled on a fixed circle.
I. Trochoid: A trochoid is the locus of a point P at distance b from the center of a circle (of
radius r) as the circle rolls along a straight line, where b ≠ r. Trochoidal curves find
application in the construction of the fillet gear tooth profiles.
J. Spiral: It is a curve generated by a point which revolves around a fixed point and at the
same moves towards it.
K. Parabola: A parabola is the curve traced by a set of points in a plane, that are equidistant
from a point (focus) and a line (directrix). Practical Applications:
• The parabola is used for reflecting surfaces for light and sound.
• Curves of cables for suspension bridges.
• To show bending moment at any point on a uniformly loaded beam.
• To obtain the displacement diagram for uniformly accelerating motion.
L. Locus of a point on a mechanism
2.3 Construction of an involute
Draw an involute of a circle of diameter 50 mm.

This can be done as follows:

1. Draw a circle with a radius of 25 mm. 2. Divide circle also into 8 number of equal
parts (360 ° = 45°). The divisions can be 12. 8

3. Draw a line to Point P or end P of string AP. It is exactly πD distance away from A.
4. Divide πD (AP) distance into 8 number of equal parts.
5. Name after A, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. up to 8 on πD line AP as well as on circle (in anticlockwise
6. To radius C-1, C-2, C-3 up to C-8, draw tangents (from 1,2,3,4, etc to circle).
7. Take distance 1 to P in compass and mark it on tangent from point 1 on circle (means one
division less than distance AP). Name this point P1.
8. Take 2-P distance in compass and mark it on the tangent from point 2. Name it point P2.
9. Similarly take 3 to P, 4 to P, 5 to P up to 7 to P distance in compass and mark on respective
tangents and locate P3, P4, P5 up to P8 (i.e.A) points and join them in smooth curve. The
curve should be smooth with continuity. You can use French curve to joins different points
if possible.

It is an INVOLUTE of a given circle. Figure 2-1 shows a sample of an involute based on eight

Figure 2-1: Involute of a circle

2.4 Construction of a cycloid

Draw locus of a point on the periphery of a circle cycloid which rolls on straight line path. Take
circle diameter as 50 mm.

Solution Steps:

i. Draw a generating circle with a radius of 25 mm with centre C.
ii. From center C draw a horizontal line equal to πD distance.
iii. Divide πD distance into 8 number of equal parts and name them C1, C2, C3__ etc. The
divisions can be 12.
iv. Divide circle also into 8 number of equal parts (360 ° = 45°) and in clock wise
after P name 1, 2, 3 up to 8. The divisions can be 12.
v. From all these points on circle draw horizontal lines. (parallel to locus of C).
vi. With a fixed distance C-P in compass, C1 as center, mark a point on horizontal line from
1. Name it P.
vii. Repeat this procedure from C2, C3, C4 upto C8 as centers. Mark points P2, P3, P4, P5 up to
P8 on the horizontal lines drawn from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 respectively.
viii. Join all these points by smooth curve.

It is a cycloid of a given circle. Figure 2-2 shows a sample of an involute based on eight divisions.

Figure 2-2: A cycloid of a circle

2.5 Construction of trochoids

2.5.1 Superior trochoid
Draw locus of a point, 5 mm away from the periphery of a circle which rolls on straight line path.
Take circle diameter as 50 mm.

Solution Steps:

1) Draw circle of given diameter and draw a horizontal line from it’s center C of length πD
and divide it in 8 number of equal parts and name them C1, C2, C3, up to C8.
2) Draw circle by CP radius, as in this case CP is larger than radius of circle.

3) Now repeat steps as per the previous problem of cycloid, by dividing this new circle into
8 number of equal parts and drawing lines from all these points parallel to locus of C and
taking CP radius with different positions of C as centers, cut these lines and get different
positions of P and join.
4) This curve is called Superior Trochoid as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3: A superior trochoid of a circle

2.5.2 Inferior trochoid

Draw locus of a point, 5 mm inside the periphery of a circle which rolls on straight line path. Take
circle diameter as 50 mm.

Solution Steps:

1) Draw circle of given diameter and draw a horizontal line from it’s center C of length πD
and divide it in 8 number of equal parts and name them C1, C2, C3, up to C8.
2) Draw circle by CP radius, as in this case CP is SHORTER than radius of circle.
3) Now repeat steps as per the previous problem of cycloid, by dividing this new circle into
8 number of equal parts and drawing lines from all these points parallel to locus of C and
taking CP radius with different positions of C as centers, cut these lines and get different
positions of P and join those in curvature.
4) This curve is called Inferior Trochoid as shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4: An inferior trochoid of a circle

2.6 Construction of epicycloid

Draw locus of a point on the periphery of a circle which rolls on a curved path. Take diameter of
rolling circle 50 mm and radius of directing circle i.e., curved path, 75 mm.

Solution Steps:

1) When smaller circle will roll on larger circle for one revolution it will cover πD distance on
arc and it will be decided by included arc angle θ. 2) Calculate θ by formula θ = (r/R) x3600.

Figure 2-5: An epi-cycloid of a circle

3) Construct angle θ with radius OC and draw an arc by taking O as center OC as radius and
form sector of angle θ.
4) Divide this sector into 8 number of equal angular parts. And from C onward name them
C1, C2, C3 up to C8.
5) Divide smaller circle (Generating circle) also in 8 number of equal parts. And next to P in
clockwise direction name those 1, 2, 3, up to 8.
6) With O as center, O-1 as radius draw an arc in the sector. Take O-2, O-3, O-4, O-5 up to
O-8 distances with center O, draw all concentric arcs in sector. Take fixed distance C-P in
compass, C1 center, cut arc of 1 at P1.
7) Repeat procedure and locate P2, P3, P4, P5 unto P8 (as in cycloid) and join them by smooth

This is EPI-CYCLOID as shown in Figure 2-5.

2.7 Construction of hypo-cycloid

Draw locus of a point on the periphery of a circle which rolls from the inside of a curved path.
Take diameter of rolling circle 50 mm and radius of directing circle (curved path) 75 mm.

Solution Steps:

1) Smaller circle is rolling here, inside the larger circle. It has to rotate anticlockwise to move
2) Same steps should be taken as in case of EPI – CYCLOID. Only change is in numbering
direction of 8 number of equal parts on the smaller circle.

Figure 2-6: An hypo-cycloid of a circle

3) From next to P in anticlockwise direction, name 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 4) Further all steps are
that of epi – cycloid.

This is called HYPO – CYCLOID as shown in Figure 2-6.

2.8 Construction of a spiral
2.8.1 Construction of a spiral of one convolution
Draw a spiral of one convolution. Take distance PO 40 mm.

Important approach for construction! Find total angular and total linear displacement and divide
both in to same number of equal parts.

Solution Steps

1) With PO radius draw a circle and divide it in EIGHT parts. Name those 1,2,3,4, etc. up to
2) Similarly divided line PO also in EIGHT parts and name those 1,2,3,-- as shown.
3) Take O-1 distance from op line and draw an arc up to O1 radius vector. Name the point
P1. Similarly mark points P2, P3, P4 up to P8. 4) And join those in a smooth curve.

The curve constructed is a SPIRAL of one convolution as Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7: A Spiral with one convolution

2.8.2 Construction of a spiral of two convolution

Point P is 80 mm from point O. It starts moving towards O and reaches it in two revolutions
around.it Draw locus of point P (To draw a Spiral of TWO convolutions).
Important approach for construction! Find total angular and total linear displacement and divide
both in to same number of equal parts.

Solution steps:

• Total angular displacement here is two revolutions and Total Linear displacement here is
distance PO.
• Just divide both in same parts i.e., Circle in EIGHT parts. (Means total angular
displacement in SIXTEEN parts).
• Divide PO also in SIXTEEN parts.
• Remaining steps are similar to the previous problem.

The curve constructed is a SPIRAL of one convolution as Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8: A Spiral with two convolutions

2.9 Construction of a parabola

The parabola can be developed in various ways:

1. Rectangle Method,
2. Method of Tangents (Triangle Method),
3. Basic Locus Method (Directrix – Focus).

2.9.1 Basic Locus Method (Directrix – Focus).

1. Given the focus F and directrix AB, draw a line perpendicular to AB to cut AB at C.
2. Divide this line into a number of equal parts. Draw lines parallel to AB through the division
points, Z.
3. With center at F and radius C-Z (division points), strike arcs to intersect the parallel line
in the points Q and R which are points on the parabola.
4. Join all these points in smooth curve.

The curve formed is a parabola as shown in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9: Parabola construction given focus and directrix

2.9.2 Rectangle Method

A ball thrown in air attains 100 m height and covers horizontal distance 150 m on ground. Draw
the path of the ball (projectile).


1. Given the length and the height of the rectangle, draw rectangle and divide it in two equal
vertical parts.
2. Consider left part for construction. Divide height and length in equal number of parts and
name those 1,2,3,4,5& 6.
3. Join vertical 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 to the top center of rectangle.
4. Similarly draw upward vertical lines from horizontal 1,2,3,4,5.
5. Wherever these lines intersect previously drawn inclined lines in sequence, mark those
6. Join those marked points in smooth possible curve.
7. Repeat the construction on right side rectangle also and join all in sequence.

This locus is Parabola as shown in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10: Parabola construction given rectangle

2.9.3 Method of Tangents

Draw an isosceles triangle of 100 mm long base and 110 mm long altitude. Inscribe a parabola in
it by method of tangents.

Solution Steps:

1. Construct triangle as per the given dimensions.

2. Divide it’s both sides into same number of equal parts.

Figure 2-11: Construction of Parabola using method of tangents

3. Name the parts in ascending and descending manner, as shown.
4. Join 1-1, 2-2,3-3 and so on.
5. Draw the curve as shown i.e., tangent to all these lines. The above all lines being tangents
to the curve, it is called method of tangents.

Exercise 2-1

Draw the locus traced by a point P which moves so that it is equidistant from a line and a point,
40 mm apart. The maximum distance between P the line should be 80 mm. Name and state one
application the curve produced.

Figure 2-12: Parabola required in Exercise 2-1.

2.10 Ellipse
The ellipse can be developed in various ways:

1. Concentric circle method.

2. Rectangle Method,
3. Oblong method.
4. Arcs of circle method
5. Rhombus method
6. Basic Locus Method (Directrix – Focus).

2.10.1 An ellipse by Concentric Circle Method

Draw ellipse by concentric circle method. Take major axis 100 mm and minor axis 70 mm long.


1. Draw both axes as perpendicular bisectors of each other & name their ends as shown in
Figure 2-13.

2. Taking their intersecting point as a center, draw two concentric circles considering both as
respective diameters.
3. Divide both circles in 12 equal parts & name as shown.
4. From all points of outer circle draw vertical lines downwards and upwards respectively.
5. From all points of inner circle draw horizontal lines to intersect those vertical lines.
6. Mark all intersecting points properly as those are the points on ellipse.
7. Join all these points along with the ends of both axes in smooth possible curve.

It is required ellipse as shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13: Construction of an ellipse by concentric circles

2.10.2 An ellipse by Rectangle method

Draw ellipse by Rectangle method. Take major axis 100 mm and minor axis 70 mm long.


1. Draw a rectangle taking major and minor axes as sides.

2. In this rectangle, draw both axes as perpendicular bisectors of each other.
3. For construction, select upper left part of rectangle. Divide vertical small side and
horizontal long side into same number of equal parts. (Here divided in four parts).
4. Name those points as shown as shown Figure 2-14.
5. Now join all vertical points 1,2,3,4, to the upper end of minor axis. And all horizontal
points i.e.,1,2,3,4 to the lower end of minor axis.
6. Then extend C-1-line up to D-1 and mark that point. Similarly extend C-2, C-3, C-4 lines
up to D-2, D-3, & D-4 lines.

7. Mark all these points properly and join all along with ends A and D in smooth possible
8. Do similar construction in right side part along with lower half of the rectangle. Join all
points in smooth curve.

It is required ellipse constructed by rectangle method as shown in Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14: Construction of an ellipse by rectangle

2.10.3 An ellipse by Oblong method

Draw ellipse by Oblong method. Draw a parallelogram of 100 mm and 70 mm long sides with
included angle of 75°. Inscribe Ellipse in it.


Steps are similar to the previous case (rectangle method). Only in place of rectangle, here is a

Figure 2-15: Construction of an ellipse by Oblong method

2.10.4 An Ellipse by Rhombus Method

Draw rhombus of 100 mm & 70 mm long diagonals and inscribe an ellipse in it.


1. Draw rhombus of given dimensions.

2. Mark mid points of all sides & name those A, B, C, & D.
3. Join these points to the ends of smaller diagonals.
4. Mark points 1, 2, 3, 4 as four centers.

Figure 2-16: Construction of an ellipse by Rhombus Method

5. Taking 1 as center and 1-A radius draw an arc AB.

6. Take 2 as center draw an arc CD.

7. Similarly taking 3 & 4 as centers and 3-D radius draw arcs DA & BC

It is required ellipse constructed by rhombus method as shown in Figure 2-16.

2.11 Locus of a point on a mechanism

A mechanism has been defined as a combination of several rigid bodies formed and connected so
that they produce a definite relative motion with respect to one another. Mechanism is used for
power transmission in machines. Any rigid part pivoted at the ends is called a link. Various
connected links, pivots, and slides are often used to convert circular motion into oscillating or
reciprocating and vice versa.

A mechanism with four links is known as simple mechanism, and the mechanism with more than
four links is known as compound mechanism. There are different types of mechanisms with four
lower pairs as shown in Figure 2-17, Figure 2-18 and Figure 2-19.

1. Four bar mechanism or quadric cyclic mechanism, 2.

Single slider crank mechanism, and
3. Double slider crank mechanism.
4. Crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism.
5. Whitworth quick return motion mechanism.

These are different joints in mechanism as shown in Figure 2-20 such as:

1. Trunnion – oscillates and moves in a straight line

2. Pinned joint
a) Crank – rotates full revolution
b) Rocker – oscillates about a fixed point
3. Slider joint – constrained to move in a straight line.

Figure 2-17 : Parallel crank 4-bar mechanism

Figure 2-18: Crank-rocker 4-bar mechanism

Figure 2-19: Single slider crank chain.

Figure 2-20: Common joints in mechanisms

We must draw loci of points when designing mechanism to determine velocities, accelerations and
forces involved during motion. It is also important to draw loci so that clearances may be checked
and safety guards or shields may be designed to protect the users of the machines.

The usual method of drawing the locus of a point on a mechanism is to construct the outline or
skeleton drawings of the mechanism in a number of positions, plotting the point in each position
and then drawing a smooth curve (the locus) through the points obtained.

Example 2-1

Figure 2-21 shows a slider crank mechanism. Plot the locus of point C for one complete revolution
of the crank OA.

Figure 2-21: Slider crank mechanism

Figure 2-22: Locus of Figure 2-21.

Exercise 2-2

The 4-Bar mechanism given in Figure 2-23 consists of crank OA which rotates about centre O,
link BC which oscillates about centre C and the coupler, AB. Plot the locus traced by the midpoint
P of the coupler for one complete revolution of crank OA.

Figure 2-23: 4-Bar Crack-Rocker Mechanism

Figure 2-24: Locus of Figure 2-23


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