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where, chiefly through his family connexions in Havana and

mineral deposits around volcanic vents and of the structure of

region by the Dorian invaders of the Peloponnese. Another

(see Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America,

See A. de Calonne, Histoire de la ville d'Amiens

botanist, Richard Spruce, who resided many years in South

was collected by two brothers of the name of Vassan, students

to Damascus be limited to the city, as in the Arabic

infancy becoming resident in the country where the parent

severe test in the preservation of harmony between the two

22nd of January 1793, the day after the death of Louis XVI,

against the Swedes on the Danube, and at the defence of Landshut

livings in the north of Ireland he was made bishop of Derry

fly-flap (April 30, 1827). Thereupon the port of Algiers was

In Biebrich on the Rhine, in 1482, a wine-falsifier was

say that, at any rate as regards contracts made in partibus

inducing the Anazeh Bedouins to become fellahin; but river

of Albacete; 35 m. E.S.E. of Albacete, on the Madrid-Alicante

1896, which was of a provisional character, was replaced by

of a higher order'' is derived; there is yet a residual

unimportant. The two buildings cited above, two human faces,

(1732, first ed., 1882, illustrated ed., 1902); and H. E.

mechanical disturbance. Various analogies of this sort are

for their special purpose the securing beyond question of the

to the various county councils of England and Wales

ADVENT (Lat. Adventus, sc. Redemptoris, ``the coming

autumn. The universal custom of sleeping on the house-top

stages may have existed in the past, and the modern refutation
AUTHORITIES.---Wood's Athenae Oxonienses (edited by

Cernel, and the fact that he wrote in 998 his Canons 4 as

Dr C. T. Boke (q.v.), who was there from 1840 to 1843.

minutes, a good illustration of the slowness of this process.

admiralty to act as a prize court, or establish a vice-admiralty

civilizations; and the absence of evidence elsewhere for the

five sons, of whom the eldest, baron of Strabane, succeeded

conditions. In later periods at Cnossus accumulation seems

Hochvernagtspitze. . . . . . . 11,585 Pflerscher Tribulaun . . . . . . 10,178

On the 6th of January 1779 Admiral Byron reached the West

outline of the ordinary form of a charter-party for a voyage.

recent introduction in the north, had been in general use for

contained priceless manuscripts in many languages. In his

intrinsic charge---the nature of the mobility of the latter,

depth, or to the artificial heaping up of a mound by later

Tennessee to relieve the inhabitants of that district, who,

ToBedawiet. Those of Kosseir will not speak this before

trial of a milder administration. In December 1573 the

Louis. During a journey through Texas he was robbed of

only. If now we cut the freezing-point surface by planes

strongly ignited in flat retorts made of boiler-plate; the sodium

author shows himself as a keen observer of men and things; the

British naval administration is conducted by the Board of

fresh fat from slaughtered healthy hogs. Leaf-lard is the

{ Tunis. }

a thriving town, with broad streets and good modern houses;

surprisingly varied. The lists of insects, birds and mammals

picture-galleries, a library and a collection of antiquities;

flowering plants. Enteromorpha, Asperococcus and Adenocystis

for his son, and while the premier, Dr Vladan Dyorevich,

arising between her brother and himself, she should decide

we have proceeded far in our knowledge of the decomposition

Fortescue, History of the British Army, vol. iii. (1902);

occurred owing to its explosion under not easily explained

of the beginning of the rebuilding, chicome-acatl (``7

philosophy at Massilia, he entered the army and served (59)

his books and shrinking from publicity, but his name grew into

part the population of the few towns. Their chief occupation

these combinations are affected by the addition of attributes

in the main was apathetic, though the insurgents held Aberdeen

the distinctive doctrines of the Munster Anabaptists. They

prominence or provoked curiosity, found its geographer and

passed by parliament in 1892 was an attempt to appease the rural

committed upon vessels belonging to citizens of the United States

of the Lake of Neuchatel. Agassiz was born at this retired

which entirely proceed from objects before our eyes; and

Numerous localities in the United States and Canada yield

viewed), counsel given after consideration, or information

and Lasta, Waag and the country about Lake Ashangi had

his most primitive, and most permanent aspect. Hence the

been depopulated by a pestilence, Zeus changed the ants upon

these gorges dash magnificent cascades, others leaping the

and Akkashiarshi occur amongst others. Modern scholars,

and landward heights encloses elevated steppes in places 100 m.

chief sufferers through the diminishing prices of corn; and

from Pennsylvania and the North, was for some time in great

Oxon, Hants and Buckingham. The organization and supply of

ul-Mu'ayyad. For more than twenty years altogether he reigned

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