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S O R T O F S P I R I T U A L . C O M

Get your bodygraph.
If you don't already have it, head to or to get your

free Human Design bodygraph.

2 Enter your Gate numbers into your cheat sheet.

See the example on page 2.

Fill in the Gate themes on your cheat sheet.

Look up the theme for each gate in the Gates Glossary

starting on p 7. See the example on page 2. Feel free to

do one page for personality (black) gates and one for

design (red) gates, or mix them together.

4 Marvel in the magnificence of who you are.

You're incredible! And if something doesn't click at

first, get a friend or come find me on IG and ask. 1

Take the gates in black, the column on the

right - these are called your conscious or

personality gates. You can then repeat the

process with the gates in red, on the left. These

are your unconscious or design gates, or put

the themes together because you're a mix of

both. Check out my YouTube channel here,

for a video soon on the difference between the

conscious/unconscious gates.

Each number in the column

will look something like this:

The symbol is the planet. The

gate is the first number in the

column. The number after the

decimal is called a line. We're

only using the gate for now.

Fill in the blanks in your

Human Design Cheat Sheet

and you're all set!

Most free Human Design

software doesn't include

Chiron. Head here to enter

your details and I'll send you

your Chiron gates. 2

Sun what you're here to share with the world

Earth what you're meant to be grounded in
☊North Node what you're moving towards
☋South Node what you're moving away from
Moon what drives you
Mercury what you're here to communicate
Venus what you value
Mars passion, desire, aggression, potential immaturity
Jupiter your blessings, gifts and expansion
Saturn your challenge, especially before age 29
Chiron what you need to heal for your life purpose
Uranus instability, revolution, where you're weird ;)
Neptune things feel elusive here + spiritual life purpose
Pluto potential for truth, growth and transformation

*Chiron won't be shown in most free software, head to to find out yours 3
My Human Design Cheat Sheet
Sun ___ I'm here to be/share

Earth ___ I need to be grounded in

☊ North Node ___ I'm moving towards

☋ South Node ___ I'm shifting away from

Moon ___ I'm driven by

Mercury ___ I'm here to communicate

Venus ___ I value

Mars ___ I'm can be passionate, aggressive or immature about

Jupiter ___ My blessing, gift and area of expansion in

Saturn ___ My challenge I need to resolve to get my gifts

Chiron ___ To fulfill my life purpose I need to heal

Uranus ___ Instability, weirdness and potential revolution

Neptune ___ Spiritual, elusive, challenge to help me grow

Pluto ___ I have potential for truth, growth and transformation here 4
My Human Design Cheat Sheet
Sun ___ I'm here to be/share

Earth ___ I need to be grounded in

☊ North Node ___ I'm moving towards

☋ South Node ___ I'm shifting away from

Moon ___ I'm driven by

Mercury ___ I'm here to communicate

Venus ___ I value

Mars ___ I'm can be passionate, aggressive or immature about

Jupiter ___ My blessing, gift and area of expansion in

Saturn ___ My challenge I need to resolve to get my gifts

Chiron ___ To fulfill my life purpose I need to heal

Uranus ___ Instability, weirdness and potential revolution

Neptune ___ Spiritual, elusive, challenge to help me grow

Pluto ___ I have potential for truth, growth and transformation here 5

A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

1 Self-expression, creative, impactful, make a contribution

[Melancholy, feeling stuck, fear of failing your purpose, fully

expressing yourself, self-expression]

2 Receptive, supported, spender, visionary, unique path

[Managing resources, refusing support, burnout, compromising

your own path, careless spending]

3 Change agent, unique, transformative, mutative

[Difficulty at the beginning, rushing, resistance to change]

4 Problem solver, creates possibilities to experiment with

[Anxiety that you will never find order, needing answers]

5 Patterns, aligns with rhythms of nature, routines, habits

[Rigid, not respecting your need for routine, can't find your rhythm,

difficulty with the unexpected]

6 Friction/conflict, creates intimacy, maintains boundaries

[Fear of who you really are, fear of intimacy, judging others, living

a small life to feel safe, defensiveness, aggression, sex]

7 Democratic leadership, influential service, future direction

[Wants to be the figurehead/wants attention, forcing leadership,

gets caught up in trends and loses own path]

8 Contribution, self-expression role model, promoter

[Identifying your contribution, right timing, accepting your unique

path, doing instead of being, overly self-sacrificing] 7
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

9 Focus on meaningful details, tenacious, right timing

[Obsessive thinking, hard to let go of things, too focused on the

details, misses the big picture, misses connections, focusing on

the wrong things, trying to force focus]

10 Self-love, empowered behaviour, self-acceptance

[Victim consciousness, blame, self-loathing, disempowered]

11 Infinite ideas, peace, reciprocity, seeking

[Anxiety of sharing ideas with others, thinking you have to do all

your ideas, thinking others stole your ideas]

12 Right timing, transformative words, expressive, shy/bold

[Difficult to express yourself/do anything when you're not in the

mood, shut down if forced to act, knowing right timing,

procrastination because your potentials are so big]

13 Listener, story keeper, creates empowering narratives

[Getting stuck in old beliefs and old stories, holding a grudge

when you need to forgive, spilling secrets, gossip]

14 Well resourced when in alignment, right work, eccentric

[Knowing alignment (not hard work) fuels your resources, using

your resources to create transformation in the world, fear of

money or the responsibility of having money]

15 Love of humanity, embrace differences, extreme rhythms

[Not respecting your extreme rhythms, trying to force consistency,

uncomfortable with your big aura] 8
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

23 Communicates transformation that's easily understood

[Not being heard, communicating to the "wrong" people or when

it's not the right time and they don't understand you or judge you,

not being heard or accepted]

24 Detective, can rationalize and make sense of the past

[Fear of being ignorant, can rationalize or justify anything (ie.

poor treatment or bad work conditions), get stuck replaying the

same thing over, fixation]

25 Innocence, love of spirit, healing, oneness, surrender

[Accepting spiritual nature, surrendering to source/ universe,

feeling worthy of love, being hateful, too idealistic]

26 Integrity, transmits truth, sales, receives resources

[Lacks integrity, manipulative, liar, selective memory, can have a

fear of sales or sell the dream but not deliver, no self-esteem if

not in integrity with self]

27 Caring and nourishing yourself and others

[Overly caring, cares for the wrong people, guilt, codependency,

lacks boundaries, learning to care for self]

28 Take risks, face challenges, share their struggle/meaning

[Victim mentality, feels defeated/like life is unfair, engage in the

wrong struggles/challenges, drug/alcohol abuse] 9
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

16 Enthusiasm, raw talent, life as art, courageous

[Leaping w/o looking, moves too fast, not prepared, or not leaping

when the time is right/you are prepared]

17 Opinions, future potentials, inspire possibilities

[Overly opinionated, anxious that your opinions will be challenged,

raining on people's parades, bursting their bubble, acting as if your

opinions are fact/truth]

18 Restore joy, find what can be corrected, improve

[Perfectionism, fear of judgement, learning to wait to share the

corrections for others, being overly critical]

19 Sensitive, knows the needs of others, wants intimacy

[Judged for being sensitive, codependent, stay in bad situations for

too long because they like being wanted, sacrificing your needs for


20 In the moment, charismatic, sees talent, unifies people

[Learning to trust the right timing, trying to do it all on your own,

pressure to act when it's not the right time]

21 Controls resources, cares, surrenders and trusts

[Controlling, materialistic, lack mentality, learning what you can

and can't control in life]

22 Grace, inner beauty, charm, emotional, self-acceptance

[Moodiness, overly focused on looks, shutting down your creativity,

diva, overly self-focused, struggle with self-love] 10
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

29 Commitment, determination, perseverance, cyclical

[Over-committed, wants to control the outcome, burnout, gets

taken advantage of because you say yes all the time]

30 Desire, feelings, intensity, fantasy, sex/drugs/rock n' roll

[Too intense for some people, burnout, too hard/too fast in the

wrong direction, too attached to the outcome]

31 Influence, visionary, powerful leadership, service

[Wanting to be a leader for recognition instead of service, self,

abusing power, feeling worthy of being a leader]

32 Continuity, transformation, knows what will be successful

[Fear of failure, prolonged indecision, overly conservative, not

waiting for right timing, fear of your dream being stolen]

33 Reflection, nostalgia, stories, gathers experiences

[Stuck in the past, burnout, knowing right timing to share stories,

spreading negativity, needs alone time to reflect]

34 Power, empowering, multi-tasker, bring people together

[Struggles with power, how to be powerful, how to use your

power, trying to force power and failing]

35 Change, highly capable, wise, collects experiences

[Jaded, over-confident, "curse of competence", restless, bored,

material goals that don't create fulfillment, ennui] 11
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

36 New experiences, wait for clarity, rabbit hole, next new

[Fear of inadequacy, creating chaos to relieve boredom, creating

crisis when you don't wait, leaping before looking]

37 Harmoney, inner peace, friendship, community, food

[Fears traditional roles in life, manipulative, vindictive, looking for

peace outside of yourself, people pleaser]

38 Knows what's worth fighting for, finds meaning

[Fights just because, stubborn, in the wrong struggles, victim

energy, antagonizing, everything feels harder for you]

39 Provocative, activist, move to abundance consciousness

[Provocation can be hard, melancholy, trigger others, excess

eating, hoarding, drugs etc, tense bodies]

40 Driven to connect, alone, loves work, the hero/supporter

[Feels lonely, stomach/digestive issues, not knowing how to

replenish self, burnout, trying to be a hero for others]

41 Imagination, creative, fantasy, daydreamer, initiator

[Stuck daydreaming, worries of worst-case scenarios, shuts down

creativity, knowing the right time for action]

42 Increase, complete cycles, finish things, growth

[Finishing the wrong things, can't get things started, holding on

too long, not finishing things, burnout, rushing] 12
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

43 Breakthrough, transformational insights, brilliant mind

[Trust, right time to share insights, communicating insights,

impatient, lonely, melancholy ]

44 Healing past patterns, makes things look good, marketing

[Fear of the past repeating, stuck in the past, limiting future

possibilities because of past experiences]

45 Shares resources, natural leadership, generous ruler

[Managing resources, acts like royalty, show off, self-worth, lack

mentality, challenges with leadership]

46 Embodiment, direction, serendipity, determination

[Not taking care of your physical body, obsessing over your body,

issues with body when out of alignment]

47 Positive mindset, trust, expect solutions, possibility

[Negative mindset, obsessed with figuring out the how, not

allowing epiphanies, confusion, trying to force answers]

48 Depth, source of wisdom, mastery, mentor, prepared

[Fear of inadequacy, feeling like you don't know enough, staying

in your comfort zone, over-preparing for everything]

49 Principles, transformation, rejection, rules for intimacy

[Fear of rejection, difficulty with unpredictability, quits too soon,

rejecting self, communicating principles/expectations]

50 Values, rules, laws, survival, cooking

[Responsibility, guilt, caring for the wrong people, doesn't evolve

values, survival mentality, not taking care of yourself] 13
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

51 Shock, catalyst, transcend the ego, initiation, unexpected

[Learning to deal with shock and initiation, trying to control

everything, not taking time needed to integrate]

52 Bigger perspective, rise above, clarity, stillness

[Couch potato, stillness w/o focus, not knowing how to be still,

depression, not knowing what to concentrate on]

53 Start things, help others initiate, new beginnings

[Not knowing what to start, not finishing things, burnout from

trying to finish, forcing when it's not meant to start yet]

54 Ambition, drive, ascension, big ideas, business

[Burnout, working too hard, trying to force things, will do anything

to succeed, uses others, too many ideas]

55 Spirit, abundance, faith, trust, support, surrender

[Melancholy, indecisiveness, lack consciousness, not knowing what

to be passionate about, emptiness]

56 Storyteller, teacher, wanderer, expansive experiences

[Repelling others with stories, self-judgement, feels like no one is

interested in them, excessive exaggeration]

57 Intuition, survival, knows the right timing

[Fear of the future, not knowing the difference between intuition

and fear, full of doubt, not taking any action] 14
A note about the gates: the bold text generally focuses on the
high expression and purpose aspect of each energy. [The text

inside the brackets share some of the challenges of the gate.]

58 Joy, vitality, expression, doing, mastery, magnetic

[Critical energy, difficulty or shame with expressing joy, bitter

instead of joyful, feels like joy takes too much effort]

59 Sexuality, creating and sustaining humans or projects

[Providing resources = love, judgement with sex (too much/not

enough), anger, defensiveness, right timing]

60 Accepting, resourceful, patient, tenacious, inventive

[Depression, feeling like we can't create change, apathy, getting

pressured into doing things, resisting change]

61 Inner truth, mystical, infinite curiosity and knowing

[Madness, wants to know why endlessly, bored with life, not

trusting your inner knowing, pressure to know]

62 Detailed, practical, methodical, articulate, organized

[Gets stuck in too much detail, gets in a pattern of being stuck,

limits to logic, logic isn't always valid and true]

63 Doubt for the unproven, validate, find patterns

[Doubts everything including self, suspicious of everything, wants

proof or doesn't question anything]

64 Big picture, stay in possibility, inspiration, epiphanies

[Pressure to make sense of everything, overwhelm from your

inspiration, stuck figuring out the how, gives up because you don't

know how to do something] 15
If we haven't met yet,
I'm Katie. I'm a 2/4
Emotional Manifestor...

... and I'm so happy you're here! If you want to continue

learning about your Human Design, check out the Sort of

Spiritual Podcast or my YouTube channel.

And if you want to go DEEP, I created an online program just

for you! HD School is a well-organized, easy to process

online course that teaches you the Human Design system in

16 weeks so that you can create a business around Human

Design, add HD to your current business or quench your thirst

for learning in a way that’s straightforward and upbeat.

Human Design has completely transformed my life and I'm

committed to sharing it with the world so more people can

experience the alignment and deep love for themselves that

Human Design has brought me. 9

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