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Grade: 8

Unit: Expressing Identity

Task: Elements and Principles Analysis
Strand: Ai
Due: 11/14 before 7:40 am

Student name:

Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Artwork Analysis

**Choose 4 of the Self-Portraits below to Analyze**

1. Study the image closely
2. Identify the 2 Elements of Art that stand out to you the most
3. Explain how those 2 Elements were used by the artist
4. Identify the 2 Principles of Design that stand out to you the most
5. Explain how those 2 Principles of Design were used by the artist

Elements of Art Principles of Design

Identification: Line Identification: Unity

Explanation: Explanation:
I believe the the artwork I think that unity is an important
demonstrates the use of lines a lot and principle of this artwork, because all
it stood out to me. To be more the overall lines in the artwork -not
specific, I noticed the use of line just the ones on the hands and face-
mainly on the face an hands. Some of add a sense of harmony to the artwork
the body as well. Even though there is and I feel that they connect different
a clear outline around the whole body, parts and characteristics of the
it does not stand out as much as the artwork together. The lines as well are
areas I mentioned. In the face there all connected in a way and give off a
are lines -big and small- to point out sense or feeling of unity.
different aspects of their face. For
example: the cheekbones, eyes, nose, Identification: Contrast
forehead, and neck even. The hands
are drawn in a similar way and the
I feel that contrast is very evident and
knuckles stand out using line. The lines
prominent in this artwork. The orange
make the artwork more abstract and
color of the coat compared to the off
white background around it, is very
Identification: Color contrasting and they are 2 extremely
distinct colors. The orange is also a
Explanation: very bright shade and strictly spread
I strongly consider color to be an across most of the artwork, making it
element that significantly stands out in stand out even more. It immediately
this artwork. Though there is. Limited caught my eye and I was quickly able
color, It is very clear that the color of to tell the differences in shades, color,
the coat/jacket is very attracting and and value. This is all because of
immediately catches ones eye. There contrast.
are obviously a few other colors visible
in the drawing, but they are very
subtly considered to the color of the
coat at. Without this one element, the
artwork wouldn’t be as complete and
have such an effect on the viewer.
Elements of Art Principles of Design
Identification: Space Identification: Emphasis

Explanation: Explanation:
I feel that space is an important part of Emphasis is a principle of design that I
this as it was the first thing I noticed. It find very visible in this piece. The
is definitely a vital aspect of this emphasis is most visible directly in the
artwork. The black void or abyss in the middle of the piece. Which overall just
middle of the person’s face gives the adds to how much it catches the
artwork depth and definition. It almost viewers eye. The black is very powerful
messes or plays with your head in in this piece and the message behind it
some way. The addition of the boy on also adds its own type of emphasis.
the corner of the abyss also makes the
artwork more surreal and adds Identification: Movement
Identification: Form I felt that movement was a principle of
design that was showcased in the
Explanation: artwork a lot. Movement is how the
Form is an element I noticed a lot in eye travels through an artwork and
this artwork. IN fact, I think I would since this piece -other than the middle
say that it occupies the whole piece. of the face- is realistic and is 3-
Form is 3-dimensional and can be dimensional. The blending of the
viewed from many angles. With thins colors, values, and shading allow for
information I connected it to the the eye to smoothly move from one
artwork, and realized that the persons aspect of the artwork to another. The
face has volume, takes up space, and colors contain different hues that
is done realistically for dimension. make it 3D and are pleasing to the eye,
similar to if it was just an image or real
Elements of Art Principles of Design
Identification: Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

Identification: Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

Elements of Art Principles of Design

Identification: Texture Identification: Pattern

Explanation: Explanation:

Identification: Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

Elements of Art Principles of Design

Identification: Identification: Rhythm

Explanation: Explanation:

Identification: Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

Elements of Art Principles of Design

Identification: Shapes Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

Identification: Identification:

Explanation: Explanation:

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