Activity 5

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Name: Merry Luz M.


Year and Section: BECED-II

Subject: EDUC 108

Activity No: 5

A. Develop affective learning objective in the levels of receiving, responding, valuing,

organization, and characterization by value in your area of specialization (any grade
you prefer). Decide what assessment tool is appropriate to each objective. Use the
table below.

How will you align

Level Learning Assessment your assessment tool
Objective Tool to your objective?
By making sure that the
Receiving Give the place checklist consists of
value of each different possible
digit in 4- to 5-
digit numbers response or answer of the
learning outcome. For
example, the list
observations that must be
put in the checklists
answers the learning
objective. If the objective
requires learner to give
the place value of each
digit in 4 to 5 digit
number. So, the list of
observations that are
indicated in the checklist
must all about giving the
right place value of each
By making sure that the
Responding Write the Checklist
rounded form of list of observation
numbers indicated in the checklist
observed the behavioral
term used in learning
outcome. For example,
the learning outcome is to
write the rounded form of
numbers. So, the list of
observations in the
checklist must be all about
writing the rounded form
of numbers.

By making the list of

Read numbers observation in the
Valuing through 100,000 Checklist checklist congruent to the
in symbols and in behavioral term stated in
words the expected learning
outcome. For instance,
the learning outcome that
learners must achieve at
the end of the lesson is to
read numbers through
100,000 in symbols and in
words. So, the list of
observation in the
checklist must be all about
reading numbers in
symbols and in words.

By making sure that the

Identify cardinal Checklist
Organization numbers from behavioral term stated in
1,000 through learning outcome is align
to the list of observations
in the checklist. For
example, if the behavioral
term is identify cardinal
numbers. So, the list of
observations that must be
put in the checklist will be
all about how students
must identify the cardinal
By making sure that the
Practice the habit rating form that will be
Characterization of being Checklist going to use in peer
by Value thrifty/spending assessment observe the
money wisely behavioral term stated in
the learning outcome. For
example, if the learning
outcome is to practice the
habit of being
thrifty/spending money
wisely. So, the list of
observations that will be
indicated in the checklist
must be all about different
practices of being thrifty.

B. Construct a rating scale measuring student’s attitude towards the Third Quarter
Topics (any grade you prefer).

Legend: HE = Highly Evident

E = Evident
SE = Slightly Evident
NE = Not Evident

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Responds spontaneously / animatedly /

enthusiastically to music.
Performs body movements with rhythm and
Interprets in animated objects through
dance / drama.
Participates actively in school / community
dance /drama activities.
Dances gracefully.

C. Choose 3 topics under Fourth Quarter (any grade you prefer) then develop your
own checklist for each topic.
Topic: Reading poems/short stories

Observation Yes No
Students can recite rhymes, short poems with proper expressions of
Students speaks in proper sentence structures
Student speak distinctly
Students tells story about picture spontaneously

Topic: Read and Write numbers 0-10

Observation Yes No
Students can read and write numbers 0-10
Counts 10 objects aloud without assistance
Counts beyond 0 up to 10
Put objects in container (0-10)
Topic: Expressing thoughts through visual arts

Observation Yes No
Students expresses their ideas through drawing or other art works
Draw simple object representation
Creates own style of object
Draw and works neatly

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