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Honorable all the judges, lecturer, and respect the audience.

Everyone here today,

assalamualaikum wr wb.
First of all let’s thank to Allah swt who has been giving us some mercies and
blessings so now we can attend this event. My sholawat and salam always been
giving to beloved prophet Muhammad saw who has brought us from the darkness
to this bright modern era that we live in today.
Ladies and gentleman, my name is Nadya and im from nurse departmen standing
in front on you all I want yo tell about my speech the tittle is The Importance of
Interprofessional Collaboration.
Many research results show that obstacles in interprofessional collaboration
between health workers, especially between doctors and nurses, are the cause of
events that will cause harm, even can threaten the patient's life. Barriers in
interprofessional collaboration can be a major cause of medical errors, nursing
errors or unexpected events
Here, the meaning of collaboration is a working relationship between health
workers in providing services to patients in discussing diagnoses, collaborating in
health services, consulting or communicating with each other and each being
responsible for his work. Interprofessional collaboration occurs when various
health service from different professional backgrounds work together with
patients, families, caregivers, and the community to provide the best quality of
service. Health World Organization (WHO) said that Interprofessional
Collaboration is very important because it can reduce complication rates, result in
better clinical outcomes, reduce conflict between health teams, reduce cost
efficiency, and also can foster creative ideas.
As we know In a hospital, of course there is something called a health service. A
health service will not run optimally if it is only carried out by one health
profession. So the service must be done by a team that works together. Health
service team is a group of professionals with clear roles, same goals, and different
skills. a team will go well if every members contribute well too.
The collaboration of the health workers is very important because every
profession have a knowledge, skills, abilities, expertise, and different experiences.
In health workers collaboration, have the same goal, namely a safety for patients.
For example nurses who collaborate with nutrition analysts to help provide patient
food according to their nutritional needs, because the nurse's job is not to provide
the patient's nutritional needs but her job is only to examine the patient's condition
and what nutritional needs the patient must meet. They have different roles and
responsibilities but they have the same goal which is to heal patients. Actually,
there are many other examples of collaboration that I did not mention here. such
as the collaboration of nurses with doctors, midwives, medical records or
Ladies and gentleman we can draw conclusions,
With inter-professional collaboration between health workers in the hospital, it is
of course very important to improve patient safety and avoid the risks of
unexpected events. For this reason, it is necessary to hold collaborative practices
from now going through a learning process, namely by training health education

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