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Written assignment 6 (20%): Business project proposal

Requirement: Students groups will prepare a project proposal based on the preliminary study of the
organization. These studies would have been conducted over the previous assignments. The student
team by this stage should have identified the main problem the organization is facing or an
opportunity that the organization needs to explore. Through this proposal, students should be able
to conceptualize solutions which will be carried out through a project term that would resolve the
issues identified or translate the opportunities identified. The outcome of the project must clearly
add value to the organization. The students will use the project proposal template given below to
design their proposal. The work should be based on thorough analysis and evidence collected during
previous assignments. This project proposal will be presented to the client organization for approval
of the project. Upon approval, the students will work towards developing and executing the project
during the course of next semester under RES 302.

Submission date: 23rd of November.

The Students should follow the following templates to design their project proposal:

1. Project Identification
1.1. Project title: (should be effective and should be a related problem or opportunity
1.2. Project Description: (should describe in brief what the project is about)
1.3. Client organization: (Name of the organization and address, contact details)
1.4. Client organization: (Focal person’s name, designation, contact details email)
1.5. Project Team: (Team member name, contact details, ER and Phone number)
1.6. Project Advisor: Module tutor’s name

2. Business reasons for the project:

Students will write the problem statement and will clearly emphasize why the project is
important for the organization. This segment should give the client organization an
understanding of the project, the reason it is being conducted and its justification. (Inputs from
the previous assignments will be required)
3. Project Objectives:

The objective of the project should be “clearly stated” and contain a “measure” of how to assess
whether they have been achieved. It should be realistic and should be in line with the needs of
the organization. It should follow the SMART protocol:

Specific (get into the details)

Measurable (use quantitative language so that you know when you are finished)
Acceptable (to stakeholders)
Realistic (given project constraints)
Time based (deadlines, not durations)
4. Project Scope:
The scope of the project should be clearly listed as what the project will do and what the project
will not do.
5. Key project deliverables:
This should include all major deliverables or milestones that will result from the project are
described and listed.
6. Mile stone dates:
Students will prepare a Gantt chart that will lay out the timeline of various deliverables or
milestones that will be executed during the course of the project. (This is a part that is to be left
blank for this submission. The student will complete this as a part of RES 302 and will be
submitted after the project is approved)

7. The project’s criteria for success (must be measurable)

Should list what the project is indented to achieve if implemented
8. Critical success factors
Should list the support that must be provided by the client organization in order for the project
to be delivered successfully.
9. Agreements and undertakings:
The client organization and the students’ team may enter into NDA agreement or any
undertaking that may be essential and crucial for the success of the project. The students and
the client organization may decide on the clauses that should be included in the agreement. The
standard format will be provided by the module tutor.

General Guidelines: Please follow the following guidelines for your written submissions:
Font style: Calibri/Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5
All the pages should be properly numbered. Include a RUB cover page and a table of contents. All
your work must be submitted in a soft copy via VLE. Please note that failing to meet any of the above
criteria would result in mark deductions. With regard to Plagiarism, any work that is detected to be
plagiarized shall be cancelled and be asked to redo. However, the assessment for the resubmission
will be capped at 50%. Therefore, strict adherence to APA referencing is advised.


Criteria 10-7.6 7.5-5.1 5-2.6 2.5-0

Project All the required Most of the required Some of the Some of the key
Identification information of the information of the required of project information
project project identification identification parts required is either
identification parts parts are included are not included or missing or not
listed in the appropriately and are missing. The provided as
template is included correctly as per the information is not required by the
appropriately and template given above. appropriately and project
correctly correctly given as identification parts.
per the template The information is
given above. not appropriately
and correctly given.

Business The problem The problem The problem The problem

reasons for statement clearly statement is mostly statement is statement is not
project emphasises the clear and emphasises somewhat clear and clear and does not
importance of the the importance of the emphasises the emphasise the
project to the client project to the client important of the importance of the
organization and is organization and is project to the client project to the client
supported by valid supported mostly by organization and is organization and is
reason and valid reason and supported supported not
justification. justification. somewhat by valid supported by valid
reasons and reason and
justification. justification.

Project The objective of the The objective of the The objective of the The objective of the
Objectives: project is clearly project is mostly clear project is somewhat project is not
stated and contains and contains a clear and contains a clearly stated and
a measure of how to measure of how to measure of how to does not contain a
assess whether they assess whether they assess whether they measure of how to
have been achieved. have been achieved. It have been achieved. assess whether
It is realistic and is in is most realistic and is It is somewhat they have been
line with the needs in line with the needs realistic and is in achieved. Some of
of the organization. of the organization. line with the needs the objectives are
And has followed And has mostly of the organization. not realistic and is
the SMART protocol followed the SMART And has somewhat not in line with the
protocol followed the SMART needs of the
protocol organization. And
has not followed
the SMART protocol
for all the

Project Scope: The scope of the The scope of the The scope of the The scope of the
project should be project mostly lists project somewhat project does not list
clearly listed as what the project will list what the project clearly what the
what the project will do and what the will do and what the project will do and
do and what the project will not do. project will not do. what the project
project will not do. will not do.

Key project The proposal The proposal includes The proposal The proposal
deliverables: includes all the most of the project includes some of includes only a few
major deliverables deliverables or the project of the project
or milestones that milestones that will deliverables or mile deliverables or mile
will result from the result from the stone that will result stone that will
project. The project. The from the project. result from the
deliverables are deliverables are The deliverables are project The
described and listed mostly described and somewhat deliverables are
correctly listed adequately described and listed somewhat
adequately described and listed

Project’s All the criteria that Most of the criteria Some of the criteria A few of the criteria
criteria for the project is that the project is that the project is that the project is
success indented to achieve indented to achieve if indented to achieve indented to achieve
if implemented are implemented are if implemented are if implemented are
clearly listed. The clearly listed. The list clearly listed. The clearly listed. The
list can be used to can mostly be used to list can somewhat list can somewhat
measure the success measure the success measure the success measure the
of the project of the project of the project success of the

Critical success The list describes all The list mostly The list somewhat The list describe
factors the support that describe most of the describe some the just a few support
must be provided by support that must be support that must that must be
the client provided by the client be provided by the provided by the
organization in organization in order client organization client organization
order for the project for the project to be in order for the in order for the
to be delivered delivered successfully. project to be project to be
successfully. delivered delivered
successfully. successfully.

Logical flow of The work has used a The paper has used a The use of language The language is very
writing language that is language that is is quite difficult to difficult to
clear and mostly clear and understand with understand with
understandable understandable with a many grammatical many grammatical
with no spelling or few grammatical errors and academic errors and
grammatical errors. errors and English has not been academic English
Professional professional academic used as needed. has not been used
academic English English has been used as needed.
has been used. for the most part.

Process and
contribution Each student will have to submit an individual statement of contributions along with the
submission. The individual contribution should clearly lay out the roles and responsibilities
Individual (10%)
of the student in the assignment, descriptions of the contribution made, and the reflection
on personal learning. In your reflection, you are encouraged to mention how the
assignment outcome could have been made better.

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