Heat Transfer Paper

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eer 5 May 2015 ‘Duration: 1.75 hours oe harks ‘State all assumptions clearly! Write neatly and legibly. 4 is _ [30 marks} os pon Wooden Supports ian ae a No = 20W/im?-K Tinside = 25°C hy = 10W/m?-K Kplaster | = 0.814 Wim-K ae Plaster ? Kyoos = 0.15 Wim-K ‘Congratulations, your new house is almost finished! One of the last tasks remaining is to finish the ‘roof design and installation. A typical roof cross section is shown above. Geluk, jou nuwe huis is amper klar! Een van die laste oorblywende take is die dak ontwerp en installasie. ‘n Tipies dak kruis-snit word hierbo getoon. '1) What type of material would you choose for the filler in between the wooden supports (indicated ‘by ?). Give an example and explain why you would pick this material. / Watter tipe material sal jy ‘Kies vir aanvulling tussen die hout ondersteunings (aangetoon deur 2). Gee 'n voorbeeld en ‘verduidelik waarom jy hierdie materiaal sal kies. [3] +2) Pick a suitable material from the list below and calculate the total thermal resistance of the roof including the convective effects. / Kies 'n geskikte material uit die lys hieronder en bereken die totale termiese weerstand van die dak, insluitend die konvektiewe effekte. [17] Gold: k = 293 W/m.K Low cost brass: k = 107 W/m.K "Concrete: k= 1.21 W/m.K _ + Loose fibregiass: k = 0.035 W/m.k ‘Corkboard: k = 0.043 W/m.K Graphite: k = 21 W/m.k . paint: average heat flax through the roof. / Bepaal die gemiddelde hitte fluks deur die dak. {5} of the heat flow occurs through the wooden supports? / Watter persentasie van ie hitte vioei vind pias, deur die hout ondersteunings? [5] maar die gevolg is dat die vuurpyl se uitlaatpyp skielik gebuig het en nou gedraai is teen 'n hoek van 15 * met betrekking tot die vertikaal, Die vuurpyl het opwaarts bewees, teen 5 m/s en die uitlaat gas vioei uit teen 20 m/s met 'n digtheid van 200 kg/m’. Die mondstuk uitgang deursnee is 15 mm. 154 Sms i) © Calculate the initial forces on the rocket using a co-ordinate system that is fixed with a person standing on the ground. / Bereken die aanvanklike kragte op die vuurpyl, gebruik ‘n kodrdinaat stelsel wat vasgeheg is 2an 'n persoon wat op die grond staan. [12] ji) _ Calculate the initial forces on the rocket using a co-ordinate system that moves with the ‘gecko inside the rocket. / Bereken die aanvanklike kragte op die vuurpyi, gebruik ‘a kodrdinaat stelsel wat beweeg met die geitjie in die vuurpyl. [12] il) Willi the gecko still make it into space? / Sal die geitjie die ruimte haal? (1) Question 3 [30 marks} The water piping system on a plant is not functioning as expected. The pipe exits a tank which is ‘open to atmosphere and filled to a height of 6 m from ground level. From here it descends straight down into the concrete floor for 1m. It then travels horizontally for 8 m underground after which it is routed up vertically over a wall that is 6 m high (above ground level) and then back down to the ground. Finally the water passes through 2 nozzle into the atmosphere at ground level. The tank is continually topped up’so the level of water in the tank remains constant. Assume that there is no Joss at the entrance, in the pipe or at the outlet nozzle. / Die water spuit stelsel op 'n aanieg funksioneer nie soos verwag. Die pyp veriaat 'n tenk wat oop is 2an atmosfeer en gevul tot 'n hoogte van 6 m bo die grond. Van hier daal dit af in die beton vioer vir 1 m. Dit beweeg dan horisontaal vir 8 m ondergronds waarna dit vertikaal oor ‘n muur wat 6 m hoog is (bo grondviak) beweeg en dan ‘weer terug tot op die grond. Ten slotte vicei die water deur 'n mondstuk in die atmosfeer in op grondviak. Die tenk viak bly konstant. Aanvaar dat daar geen wrywing veriies by die ingang, in die ‘pyp of by die uitiaat mondstuk is nie. 1) if the pipe diameter is 10 cm and the nozzle outlet diameter is S cm, what is the volumetric flow ‘out of the nozzie? / As die pyp deursnee 10 cm is en die mondstuk uitiaat deursnee is $ cm, wat is die volumetriese vicei uit die mondstuk? [10] __ 2)Determine the pressure in the pipe: a) at its lowest point; b) at its highest point; c) just before the nozzle. / Bepaal die druk in die pyp : 2) op sy laagste punt; b) op sy hoogste punt; c) net voor die mmondstuk. {18] 3) It is clear that the top of the wall and the top of the tank level are at the same height, does this ‘mean they should have the same pressure? Why? / Die bokant van die muur en die water viak in die =f bo grondviak, beteken dit hulle moet dieselfde druk hé? Hoekom? [2]

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