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Class I IIT-JEE Achiever (Integrated) 2021-22

I Term Consolidation Week
Worksheet – 04
Topic Newton’s Laws of Motion (Without Friction) Date July, 2021
Multiple choice questions with one correct alternative
1. Two blocks 1 and 2 connected by a string which passes over two pulleys, one fixed and one movable
(see figure) are in equilibrium. When the blocks 1 and 2 are interchanged, the relative acceleration with
which the blocks move is

P1 P1

m2 m1


m1 m2
Fig. (a) Fig. (b)
2 2 2
(A) 2 m s (B) 5 m s (C) 10 m s (D) 20 m s2
2. An iron nail is dropped from a height h from the level of a sand bed. If it penetrates through a distance x
in the sand before coming to rest, the average force exerted by the sand on the nail is
h  x  h  x 
(A) mg  1 (B) mg  1 (C) mg  1 (D) mg  1
x  h  x  h 
3. A block of mass m is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass . If a force
2 Mg is applied at one end of the rope, the force which the rope exerts on the block is
2Mg 4Mg
(A) (B) 2Mg (C) (D) zero
3 3
4. Find the acceleration of all the blocks and tension in different strings for the arrangements shown in
figure. Assume all surfaces to be smooth and all strings to be light if their mass is not specified.
(A) 3.6 ms–2 T1 = 21 N, T2 = 29.4 N
(B) 1.8 ms–2, T1 = 21 N, T2 = 29.4 N
(C) 1.8 ms–2, T1 = 10.5 N, T2 = 21 N
(D) 0.9 ms–2, T1 = 10.5 N, T2 = 29.4 N
5. Three blocks placed one after the other are pushed by a force F as shown in figure. Determine the
normal reaction exerted by m2 on m3?
m2 F
(A) (B) F
m1  m2  m3
m3F m3 F
(C) (D)
m1  m2  m3 m1  m2


Multiple choice questions with one or more than one correct alternative/s

6. Two blocks A and B of same mass are connected through a string and are arranged as shown in figure.
When the system is released from rest and there is no friction, then
g 3
(A) acceleration of A is (B) acceleration of a is g
2 4
(C) tension in the string is zero (D) tension in the string is
7. In the arrangement shown in figure all surfaces are smooth. Select the correct alternative(s)
(A) for any value of  acceleration of A and B are equal
(B) contact force between the two blocks is zero only if A  tan 
(C) contact force between the two is zero for any value of mA or mB
(D) normal reactions exerted by the wedge on the blocks are equal

8. For the situation shown in figure the acceleration of blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg
(A) zero if F = 100 N
(B) a1 = 5 m s2 and a2 = 0 if F = 300 N
(C) a1 = 15 m s2 a2 = 2.5 m s2 if F = 500 N
(D) acceleration of the masses is independent of F
9. Select the correct alternative(s).
(A) A cart moving on a horizontal plane with a constant acceleration g has a
mass m attached from its top with a string. Then the constant angle
formed by the string with the vertical is 45
(B) In the above case instead of string if there is a spring, then also the constant angle remains the same
(C) When the same cart moves over a smooth incline of angle 45 with constant speed then the constant
angle formed by the string with the line perpendicular to the roof of the cart is 45
(D) When the same cart is coming down a smooth incline, constant angle formed by the string with the
line perpendicular to the roof is 0

10. Consider the situation shown in figure and select the correct statements from the following
(A) acceleration of pulley B is
(B) acceleration of pulley C is
(C) tension in the string passing over pulley A is 12.46 g
(D) tension in the string passing over pulley A is 10 g

Read the passage given below and answer questions 11 and 12 by choosing the correct

Two blocks of mass m and 2m are connected as shown in figure. A force F is acting on the
block of mass 4m. Pulley is massless and inextensible and string is light and inextensible.
All the surfaces are smooth.


11. Acceleration of 4m such that with respect to its 2m will remain stationary.
g 3g
(A) (B) g (C) (D) 2g
2 4
12. Contact force between ground and the 4m under the previous problem condition
(A) mg (B) 3 mg (C) 5 mg (d) 7 mg

Read the passage given below and answer questions 13 and 14 by choosing the correct

Two masses each equal to m are lying x-axis at (a, 0) and (+ a, 0),
respectively, as shown in figure. They are connected by a light string. A
force F is applied at the origin along vertical direction. As a result the
masses move towards each other without losing contact with ground.
13. The acceleration of each mass at the instant when the masses are at (x, 0) and (x, 0) respectively is
2F a 2  x 2 2F x F x F x
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m x m a  x2
2 2m a  x 2
2 m a  x2

14. The tension in the string at the instant when the masses are at (x, 0) and (x, 0) respectively is
F a2  x2 x F a x
(A) (B) 2F (C) (D) F
2a a2  x2 2 a2  x2 a2  x2

Numerical problems

15. Two small balls of the same size and of mass m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) are tied by a thin light thread and
dropped from a large height. Determine the tension T of the thread during the flight after the motion of
the balls has become steady (Air resistance force is same on two balls).
[Take m1 = 2 kg, m2 = 1 kg, g = 10 m s2]
16. In the arrangement shown the mass of ball is   times as great as great as that of rod.
The length of the rod is l = 5 m. Masses of pulley, threads and friction are negligible. The
ball is set on the same level as the lower end of the rod and then released. How soon will the
ball be opposite to the upper end of the rod. (g = 10 ms2) (mention answer in SI unit.)

17. A monkey climbs up and another monkey climbs down a rope hanging from a tree with same uniform
acceleration separately. If the respective masses of monkey are in the ratio 2 : 3, the common
acceleration is . Find x.
18. A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude
changes with time. The force-time graph is shown in figure. The velocity of the
particle after 10 s is x ms1. Find x.


Choose the appropriate entry/entries from column II to match each of the entries of the
column I. It is possible that an option(s) in column II may be valid more than once, for a
given entry in column I

19. Three blocks of masses m1, m2 and M are arranged as shown in figure. All the surfaces are frictionless
and string is inextensible. Pulleys are light. A constant force f is applied on block of mass m1. Pulleys
and string are light. Part of the string connecting both pulleys is vertical and part of the strings
connecting pulleys with masses m1 and m2 are horizontal.
Column - I Column - II
(i) Acceleration of mass m1 (P) F
(ii) Acceleration of mass m2 (Q) F
m1  m2
(iii) Acceleration of mass M (R) zero
(iv) Tension in the string (S) m2 F
m1  m2

20. In the diagram shown in figure, all pulleys are smooth and massless and strings are light.
Column - I Column - II
(i) 1 kg block (P) Will remain stationary (with respect to earth)
(ii) 2 kg block (Q) Will move down (with respect to earth)
(iii) 3 kg block (R) Will move up (with respect to earth)
(iv) 4 kg block (S) 5 ms2
(T) 10 ms2


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