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Why do you want to be a pharmacist?

Drug Expert, prescription, medication

Pcol, Product drug development

HCW, Clinical, MTM, Regulatory

2015- Pharmacy law inilabas ata with bagong updates

RA 10918- Pharmacy Law- Legal basis of Pharmacy basis of Immunizing as

Adult vaccination is the only focused

PRC board resolution number 5

Why RPh must step up?- Because the health care systems are overwhelmed

Vaccination- considered as one of the most SUCCESSFUL and COST EFFECTIVE health interventions

Of ALL TIME , second only to clean water - WHO

PPha Immunizaing Pharmacist Certification Program

Roles of RPh in Immunization Delivery

- Advocate/ Educator: good source of data and vital information

- Facilitator
- Immunizer
- Storage and Handling: cold chain manager
- Vaccination Records: GDP training
- Cold chain management
- Vaccine Preparation
- AEFI Monitoring: Adverse event following Immunization

The Community pharmacy as a vaccine access point

The first point of contact with health care

- Accessibility and efficacy: RPh is first point of contact
- Credible information source
- Trust in the RPh

C- collaboration- build bridges not walls

Act like a health care professional

PPha Immunizing RPh Certification Program:

Level1 – general principles of vaccination post Test ( 75%)

- Online modules (7) via 3rd party platform cpdtalks

Level 2- DOH COVID 19 vaccination principles Post test ( 70%) 8 modules, facilitated discussion

Level 3- Basic Pre-Clinical Skills Assessment Skills Assessment ( Virtual)

- Discussion/ Coaching Session

- Skills assessment 9 scheduled )


Clinical Skills Assessment Skills Assessment

Program requirement


Hepa vaccine

Where to get reliable information?

S- Screen

- Verify patient identity

- Validate rx
- VACF fill out by the pt
- Prvide pt with VIS
- Review answers to Vaccine administration consent form
- Ask if patient has any questions
- Let pt sign the consent ( Vaccine Administraion and Consent form )

P- Prepare

- Gather and choose correct supplies needed for vaccination an endure preparation area in clean
FIFO approach
- Performs proper hand hygiene before prep
- Checks temp of ref or freezer when getting the vaccine
- Visual check of the vaccine- check label, expirydate, contents
- Double checks vial label, expiry date contents, before drawing the vaccine
- Selects correct syringe size needle length and size. Maintains aseptic techniques throughout the
preparation throught the prep and prepares the vaccine following manufacturer’s instructions
I- Inject

IM- 90 degrees

Subcugan- 45

- Verify pt indentity against vaccine administration and consent form . check vaccine prescribed vs
the vaccine prepared.
- Perform proper hand hygiene beteween injections, between patients. If using glove, changes
gloves, changes gloves
- Locates the appropriate injection site and preps the site with alcohol wipes
- Controls the ;lumb with the non

- Discard the needle in sharps container immediately

- Provide injection site care by applying gentle pressure

D- ocument

- Completely fillout patients’ vaccs card

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