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Joan Kang Shin
JoAnn (Jodí) Crandall

Kate Cory-Wright

Unit I All in Our Family 2

Unit 2 Fresh Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14
Unit 3 Long Ago and Today 26
Units 1-3 Review 38

Unit 4 Get Well Soon! 42

Unit 5 My Favorites 54
Unit 6 Wonders of the Sea 66
Un its 4-6 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Unit 7 Good Idea! 82

Unit 8 Thct's Really Interesting! q4
Unit q The Science of Fun 106
Units 7-q Review 118

Additional Activities and Games 122

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# e E NC?AG

Australi,,· Br,1Zi¡'13p;¡n' xoreo - M~xico· Sing"pore. Spain » Uníted Kingdom > Unitcd St"lCS

Unit 1

,,0 ,
Circle the words in the puzzle. Which word is not in the
puzzle? _

B I G G E R o R R F
F R I E N o L I E R
L y o U N G E R H A
(s\ T R o N G E R A R
FRl EN o U ER -5MA-H.:E-R-
A L o L o o T T o A
L L e L L K H Z E S
L E S H o R T E R T
\f) 8 I G G e u T E R

1. older 2. bigger 3. taller 4.s1ower 5. uglier

o Complete the sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. My dad is thirty years harder / older I younger than his dad, but he's taller!
2. Our car is really slow! We want to buy a new car that is faster I cuter I shorter.
3. My hair is very long. My sister's ha ir is much shorter I smaller I taller.
4. Cats make good pets. They are much slower I uglier I friendlier than turtles.
.:_ , .•.•-:._~:.,; ...,..,: ..:...,.,y,~_.,:....".::...~'::,".,'.:,",,:, :",,',,,.;:.; .•~~',::,,.~,,,.,:,:.,,,.,,:,,:.,::,,",', .,' '". ..

• 'o
ORead and write. Read the spelling rules. Do the puzzle.

tall taller busy ---+- busier

short shorter big bigger happy ---+- happier
smart smarter sad sadder funny ---+- funnier
fast faster hot hotter sil1y ---+- si11ier
cute cuter ugly ---+- uglier

1. busy lB U S 1 E R
2. tall i
3. big
4. happy
r ,

5. fast I

6. small
7. cute
8. short I
9. ugly r 10
10. smart

o Write. Complete the questions.

1. Who 1S __ __::t~al:.:..:::le:...:....r
__ [tall], you or your dad? __
2. Who has (short) hair, you or your best friend? __
3. Who is (frtendly), your grandma or your grandpa? __
4. Which is (big), your bedroom or your kitchen? __
5. Which is (cute), a calor a monkey? __
6. Which is ._ (easyl, math or English? __

o Write and speak. Answer the questions in Activity 5. Compare

your answers with a partner.

Who ls taller, you or your dad? My dad. He's stronger, too!

o listen to the songaWrite the arder (1-6) in which yau hear
these wards. TR: 02
Verse 1 Verse 2

Dyounger D funnier

D faster D bigger

[JJ shorter D smarter

O Draw a line from the sentences to the pictures.
1. 1 like being me!

2. My dad's shorter than your dad.


C~t/J t1~.
t ~~'~:
/~4r .: ;~,~~;;:
3. Our car 1S faster than their car, "
"1-' ,i ;'~{~
,<'--/'0" :'
r· ~,".:~."

.. ,t.'f._,_' ,.,..r
\ ...


4. My dog is funnier than your dogo

o Write and draw. Write a new line tor the songoThen draw a
picture tor that line.

, "
':': ,':: , .'
':,'.,' :

.. • my brother. ..'
~:u're .... t~uer .........•.. ..•...•..
, his sister. :.". '::>'.'
..... : He's / She's' "';, cúter:' . ·c. •". my best friendo •......
.' We're .. '.' i,igger . . '.:

. my cousíns. ,:' .•..•. ' .' .
.' They're ." .,'tríendller '. , .
me / him 1her I us I them.
. ···· yourdog~'

ORead and write. Complete the paragraph.

Naomi and Zoe are sisters. Most people
think they look the same, but their mom and
dad know who 15 who! Naomi was born three
minutes before Zoe, 50 she's older (old)
than Zoe. Naomi is also a bit (tall]
than Zoe, and her hair is (short)
than Zoe's hair. Zoe likes to talk to everyone.
She's (friendly) than Naomi.
She also has (big) eyes than Naomi.
Who am I?

• look and write. Write two or three

sentences about these two people.

smart old short friendly happy

• What about you? Compare two people in your family. Make

true sentences.

2. 5

r CD Unscramble the words. Then draw a line frorn the words to
the pictures. ~ ••
1. iashtrgt riah ~ ,.0,
2. yavw irah wavy hair ,(~,_".!! ~ •. W ~ .~

J. ruycl ahri (¡t:t~'\ r~1

4. dolbn )~ ~\
,~/J .....
'::;;/ .
'<,_ ___.)

5. slesags ! .~~~\.\

~ listen and answer. Check the pictures that are described. TR: 03

• Write. Describe the boy's dad. Use the words from Activity 13.

1. He doesn' t Weor g/osses.

2. __
3. __

f!) Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your families.

Well, she's tall and she has dark hair. She also
What does your mom look like?
wears glasses. What about your mom?
6) listen to the girl describe her family. Circle the eorrect answers. TR: 04

1. She has sister(s).

a. no @one c. two
2. Her brother 1S than her.
a. younger b. older c. smarter
3. She has cousms.
a. two b. three c. four
4. Jamie is than her three cousins. f_':.:) .. .:

a. smarter b. taller c. stronger

5. Her favorite relatives are _
a. her brother and sister b. her cousins c. her mom and dad

f!) Work with a partner. Listen to the dialogue in Activity 17 again.

Practice it aloud. Then write the missing lines.
Boy: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Girl: Yes, 1 do. 1 have a brother and a sister.
Girl: They're younger than me. My brother's five years old, and my sister's fOUT.

Girl: 1 have fOUT cousins. They're all older than me.
Girl: They're great, especially my cousin Jamie. He's smarter and friendlier than
my other cousins.
Girl: He has curly hair, and he wears glasses.
Girl: Well, of course my mom and dad are my favorites!

~ Work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 122. Student 2,

go to page 124. Find the differences. Take turns.

~ ,.,

What is she doing this weekend? She's going to a movie.

Where are we going tonight? We're going to a party!
What are you doing tomorrow morning? I'm riding my bike to the park.'

e Read and write. Write what people are doing tomorrow.

l. Carolina is havin~ (have) lunch with her grandmother tomorrow.

2. Who (spend] the day with her mom? Erical
3. Femanda (make) a cake? Yes!
4. Berto and Daniel (not / go out) with their dad.
5. Mario (go) shopping? No.
6. Berto [not / gol to a movie. He and his sister _
(play) tennis.
7. Daniel (see) his cousins tomorrow? Yes!
8. What Andres and his brother (do)? They _
(watch) a movie.

e Work with a partner. Read the sentences in Activity 20, Draw

lines connecting each person with the activity he or she is doing.
Andrés 1S having lunch with her grandmother.
Berto /is playing soccer with cousins.
Carolina / is watching a movie with his brother.
Daniel is playing tennis with his sister.
Erica is making a cake.
Fernanda is spending the day with her momo
is seeing his cousins.

fa Write. What are you doing this weekend? Write two or three
sentences about your plans.

G) look at the picture. Check T for True and F tor False.

::-- . ~:

.- ...
~~,~:.: ~,~

: ......;

1. Brendan's hair is wavier than Carolina's,

2. Carolina and Emilio are happier than the three singers.
3. Deirdre has straighter hair than Emilio.
4. Emilio has curlier hair than Alex.

e Compare the people on stage. Write four new sentences.

big small tall short old young cute

strong friendly smart curly straight wavy


2. __

3. __

4. __

e Work in a group. Take turns reading your sentences from

Activity 24. Don't say the name of the person you're describing.
Can your partner guess?

OK, 1'11start. This girl ís older Ves, you're right!

lt's Carolina!
than the others. Who is it? Now lt's your turno
tI) listen and read. TR: 05

Cool Families
lmagine you live with the same relatives a11your lifc,
from the day you are born until the day you die! You
are always with your mom, your sisters, and your
maternal aunts [mom's sisters]. You also spend time

with your paternal aunts. You clean them and

rest next to them. You don't leave them to go to
school, and they don't leave you. Not for one
minute! This is how the females in baboon
families live,
For orcas, there is a very special
relationship between mothers and sonso
Orca dauqhters often go to live with a new
family. Orca sons, however, usually stay with
their mom their whole life. The moms look
after their sons very well and proteet them.
Sometimes, the sons live with another female,
for example, an aunt, instead of momo
Young meerkats play games every day while
their parents look for food [like tasty inseets).
Their brothers and sisters are the babysitters. When
meerkats turn one month old, they don't have a
party or balloons. lnstead, they go out for the first time
and learn to hunt. When they are four months old, they can
already find their own food! Bye-bye, mom and dad!

fl) Read the text again. Match.

When meerkats get angry, they
stand up and try to loo k taller.

1. parents '~ a. girl or woman


2. maternal aunt'--._,,~ b. someone who lcoks after a

3. paternal aunt '~, ehild when his or her parents can't
4. babysitter ""e. mother and father
5. fernale d. mother's sister
e. father's sister

G) Read the text again. Check the chart.

1. They never leave home.

2. They leave home befare their

first birthday. . -,

!- ~:~
3. They don't spend much time .... ~.. ':"

¡':-: ~1'
with the male relatives.
4. Their aunts are very
important to them.
5. Their parents are often away
from home.

fl) Write your opinion. Write a sentence about each animal.

Include your personal opinions.

shorter taller faster slower smarter friendlier

stronger bigger smaller cuter uglier

1. Baboons: ___

2.0rcas: ___

3. Meerkats: _

G Work with a partner. Talk about the three types of families

described in the story. What do they have in common with
human families? Which one is most like a human family?

e Read. Read the journal entry on page 16 of your Student Book.
How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps below.

1. First, the writer chose a special day to write about. What day 15 it?

2. Second, the writer wrote down

ideas-good and bad-about how 1 reel a
she feels when she starts a new little worried.
school year, She used a word
map to brainstorm her ideas.
Circle the words that describe It's nice to meet New school
I'm a bit scared.
her feelings. new friends. year

3. Third, the writer wrote down

sorne exarnples of special mornents
It's fun to stort
or events. She added sorne details
a new grade.
about the people and how she felt.
She used a chart to do this. Put the
three details in the correct place.

They were friendlier

a girl with curly brown hair She smiled at me.
than I expected.
a boy with black hair and He asked my They made me feel
glasses name. happy to be there.

1 think it's more fun!

my old friend Sam
He thinks fourth grade is harder than third grade.

4. Fourth, she thoughtof an introduction and a conclusion.

lntroduction: Today was my [irst day in fourth grade.
Conclusion: l'm happy to be back in class.
5. Finally, she wrote a draft, or a first version, of her paragraph.


G Choose a topie. Choose a special day to write about in
your journal. See Activity 18 in your Student Book.

G) Prewrite. Follow steps 2 and 3 on page 12. Plan your journal entry.


1. _ 1. _
;:. ~.
--: , -.,;
.. ::' <. ~!
,_o, ~..::j
2. _ 2. _ : :':~", ;:-,~!

;~ .~~~
~~.] ~Y.~~

3. _ 3. _ ~ .~

:-.~:::- --...
:_~~ ~

- .-
Useful expressions
lt / they made me feel ... 1was a bit scared / worried about ...
1 felt ... lt was ... than 1 expected.
lt's nice to . 1don't care ...
l'm happy to .

G Plan your writing. Think of an introduction and a conclusion to

your journal entry. Then write your journal entry in your notebook.

lntroduction: _

Conclusion: _

G Express yourself. Choose one of the topics below and write a

paragraph that describes someone's feelings. Plan your writing and
follow the steps on page 12. Write your paragraph in your notebook.

A Special Family Day A Childhood Memory


..~ ..
;.. ':,

o Unscramble the words. Find the ten vegetables.

l. bagbace 6. oth prepesp

2. tarcor 7. cleetut
3. mureccub 8. innoo
4. telgapgn 9. kimppun
5. erneg nasbe 10. hizicunc

o listen and underline the missing word. Then listen

and repeat. TR: 06
1. carrots cucumbers omons 3. hot peppers cucumbers onions
2. eggplants cabbages carrots 4. pumpkins green beans lettuces

o look and write. Read the list

of ten vegeta bies in Activity 1.
Find them in the picture. Number them.

What's this vegetable?

It'5 a cucumber.

That's right! Now lt's

your turno

o look and write. Label the pictures.

dig - dug grow - grew pick - picked

plant - planted water - watered "'eed
YV - v'veeded

weed - vseedeá

o Look and write. Complete the story.

Use the words from Activity 4.
On Earth Day, two children decided to
do something special. They bought a small
lemon tree and a holeo Then
they the small tree in the
ground. Every morning, they it
before the sun carne out. After a month, the
sister the garden, too. "Look!"
she said to her brother. "1 think the tree's
getting bigger already." "Don't be silly," he
replied. "Trees don't in one
month!" Who was right? ln fact, they were both
right. The tree very quickly, but they
couldn't any lemons for a few years!
o listen to the songoUnderline the correct words. TR: 07

I hove to water I weed the garden.

I hove to pick I weed and digo

Ilook ojtet rny cucumbers I garden.

Those weeds grow very big!

We can pick cabbage I onions in the garden.

We can grow I pick sorne green beans, too.

We can plant sorne peppers I carrots in the garden.

Ilike to garden, don't you?

o Draw and write. Write your own words in the verse. Then
draw a picture.

We can pick in the garden.

We can grow , too.
We can plant _~ __
Ilike to , don't you?

o Write. Write a new name tor the songo

----~. --_._----------------------
....... :.. , '...

..,.. :.-:::.:.' .' :.:.:;: :_. .

. .. . .

.::: ...... : .'

. ",' .. ,;::

.' .. '
don't haveto
. ....
.. "
dohornework .
'.' .,.
go te the market. .'. ... '.' .' .
~----'----t----~.,----.,--,-,-----:----tbuy somefreshfruit. ..
'. _l'

!~ _ ..

'?' :~
" -
It;:: "
vie: . . '. ,,'

t~:': S

Why :ro
' ....
does ' ~.: .;.
. ,' '.:
he/she/it . ,.- ....., ~
doesn't . ~ .',~-
'...... ...
· ~:::: .;
i ::;:
ORead and write. Complete the conversation. ...... ~
l• .¡

Jae: What do hove tú do (do) tonight, Shin?

Shin: You (wash) the dishes.
Jae: And what about Eun Mi? What she (do)?
Shin: She (wash and cut) the vegetables.
Jae: Hey, what about you?
Shin: I (not / do) anything. That means I can watch TV!
Jae: Mom, that's not fair! Shin (not / do) anything.
Mom: Yes, he . He (do) his homework.

o Write. Who has to, or doesn't have to, do these things?

mymom my sister(s) do homework wash the clothes

my dad my cousin(s) cook wear a uniform
my brother(s) my best friend wear glasses go to bed early


listen to the story. Correet the sentenees. TR: 08
'o serving'
1. The girl stayed with her grandparents during the vacation.
The girl stayed wíth her aunt and une/e.

2. She had to eat eight servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

3. She had to eat carrots twice a day because they're good for your eyes.

4. Her aunt says kids need to do exercise frve times a week for thirty minutes.

5. She had to drink a big glass of water once a day.

ED Write. Make true sentenees.

every (day / Friday / morning / night)

on the weekend
once a (day / week / month)
twice a (day / week / month)
three times a (day I week I month)

1. I have to eat servings of fruit and vegetabJes _

2. I eat carrots _
3. I usually exercise for _
4. I drink a big glass of water _

f!) Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Aetivity 12.

How often do you drink

a big glass of water?
About once a day.
What about you?
Twice a day.

(D Read and write. Read the riddles. Guess the vegetables.

1. My vegetable friends laugh at me because Ilook like a purple egg.

2. l'm round and green. My leaves look like lettuce. _
3. I look like my friend the zucchini. But people usually don't cook me.

ED Write and speak. Write your own vegetable riddles. Read the
riddles to a partner. Your partner should guess the vegetable.
1. __

2. __

3. __

fl) listen. Complete the conversation. TR: 09

Marcos: Excuse me. Do you have any carrots ?

Mrs. Perez: Yes, of course. Anything else?
Marcos: I need three and two _
Mrs. Perez: Okay. Is that everything?
Sofia: We need sorne too, please. We're
making SiIly Salad Silly Salad

• Work in a small group. Follow the dialogue from Activity 16.

Ask for vegetables to make this food.

eggplant heads potato snowmen

1 eggplant 6 potatoes
1 onion 1 onion
2 green peppers 2 carrots
2 zucchinis 1 pumpkin

.......... " .~~

.. .. ; ...... ,'.'
' '

...... . : ,,' :'.:: .~ :.:': : :.':

" :'.': •••• .Ó. . :.:.:: '

WhatwolJld you like for breakfast? ... I'd like sorne yogurt, please.
. .' ' '

What would she like to eat?··· . . =. She would like to see the menu .
';:""'( .
: . : What would they like tor dinner? .They'd like sorne pizza.
~~.. .
'. .::."

f, '~ Read and write. Put the words in order to make sentences.
...... ",'1

.. :;,.,
I menu I to see I Would I today's I you
r- ... :

1. like
Wou/d you like to see today's menu?
2. would llike I What I to drink I you

3. like I Would Ilemonade I a I you

4. glasses I two llike I we'd I Yes

5. like I would I What I to eat I you

f.D listen and write. Listen to the conversation. Write the

questions. TR: 10

Waiter: Hello and welcome. Wou/d you like atable ror lunch?
Girl: Yes, please.
Waiter: Wonderful! This way, please.
Waiter: Okay. _
Girl: l'd like a glass of water, please.
Waiter: And what about you? _
Boy: No, thanks. Apple juice for me, please.
Waiter: Okay. _
Girl: And I would like a salad.
Waiter: Perfect!
fl) Write. Make true sentences.
1. Write about an activity you have to do every week.

2. Write about an activity you have to do every day.

3. Write about an activity you don't have to do this weekend.

4. What would you Iike for your birthday?

5. What would your best friend like for his or her birthday?

e Work with a partner. Play tic-tac-toe. Choose a square and

make a sentence. Take turns.

have to once a week would like

'd like dcesn't have to don't have to


Would you
has to twice a day
like ...?


.¡~ 6";¡\..,.~
-- <:_¡ .-

I have to brush my teeth.

I play soccer once a week.


$ Listen and read. TR: 11

Celebration Time!
People around the world pick, or harvest, food that
grows. Then they have a holiday. Let's read about some
harvest celebrationsl A,
1. Every February, the people of Mendoza, Argentina,
harvest their grapes. Then they celebrare for a month!
There are parades, shows, and fireworks. They always
choose a Harvest Queen, too.
2. Chanthaburi, a town in Thailand, is famous for its tasty
fruit. People celebrare the fruit at harvest time in May.
The Fruit Fair begins with a parade of floats made
from thousands of fruits and vegeta bIes.
3. The people of Swaziland in Africa celebrare harvest
every Dccember or January. Before the lncwala
festival can begin, the king must eat the first fruit.
After that, everyone else eats.
4. France's famous Menton Lemon festival starts in
February. Therc are big parades with floats decorated
with lemons and oranges. More than 200,000 people
from around the world come to Menten for this
Do you know any harvest festivals?



I ~.




fl) Read the text again. Look at the photos. Write the
paragraph number next to each photo .

• Complete the chart.

Month 1. February May 2. _ February

Crop 3. _ 4. _ fruit 5. _

e Answer the questions.

1. How long does the Harvest Festival in Mendoza last?

2. Why is Chanthaburi famous?

3. What is the name of the festival in Swaziland?

4. How many people come to the Menton Lemon festival?

f%) Write. Describe a harvest festival or another type of festival

in your country.
• What is the narne of the festival?
• When does it start?
• What is the festival famous for?


. ". ~.
• Read. Read Fresh Food or Canned Food? on page 32 of your
Student Book. How did the writer plan his writing? Read the
steps below.

t. First, the writer chose two things that have many advantages and
disadvantages. What are they?

2. Second, the writer wrote down

questions about fresh and canned How long does ,
food to help him think about the eoch last?
topie. He used a word map to
organize questions. Cirele the
Which Which is
questions he asked himself. fresh and
tostes better
3. After answering these questions, canned food
better? for you?
the writer wrote down three
advantages of both fresh
food and canned food. Put the Which creates •
two details in the correct place. more trash?

you know what you are eating you can buy it in winter

fresh food canned food

tastes better is more convenient

is better for you lasts longer

4. Fourth, he thought of one disadvantage for each type of food. What

did he write?
a. One disadvantage of fresh food is that _

b. One disadvantage of canned food is that _

5. Finally, he wrote a draft, or a first version, of his paragraph.

..•..•.••. , ....... , .•:....... /,,: .... /.'.<./11 ....••.•. /1 ... _.:.,' .

> ~
fZ) Organize information. What are some differenees between
buying food from a supermarket and buying food from a farm?
Complete the chart, Read Where's Your Food From? on page
30 of your Student Book if you need help.

We can grow food in other

countries and transport it.

A lot of food is canned.

The food lasts a long time,

and we can buy it in winter.

Transportation is expensive. There aren't farms in _

fl) Write sentences. Use information from the ehart and the
phrases I think, I believe, and in my opinion.
1. 1 think it is expensive tD transport fODd tD supermarkets.

2. _

3. _

4. _

5. _

G Now follow steps 2-5 on page 24. Write your paragraph in

your notebook.
e Express yourself. Choose one of the topies below and write a
paragraph of advantages and disadvantages. End the paragraph
with your opinion. Plan your writing and follow the steps on page
24. Write your paragraph in your notebook.

• Time spent with relatives vs. time spent with friends

• Meals in él restaurant vs. meals at home
• Travel by bus vs. travel by car

o Do a puzzle. Find and circle the words.

Q B e o s P E N T K
S E W E P W E K o o begin began
E G P N M A o E L A learn learned
W A L E A R N E o S wash washed
E N P A K W S s e p
te11 to1d
o E W T E L L B H E
make made
T o o L W f:J3: E G I JSt:>
spend spent
o L o T K W A S H o
sew sewed
W A S H E o N E S S

o Complete the chart. Write the verbs from Activity 1 in the chart.

begin learn make spend tell

sewed washed

o Work with a partner. Ask and answer.

When did you last
When did you last ... make your bed?
1. make your bed? 4. spend money to buy
2. sew something? something? I made it this morning.
3. wash the dishes? 5. learn a new song? What about you?


o label the pictures. Match the words to the pietures.

'.'. ~_L_i ,/ -:
'--...~ ./ ..... -,

\-- J

'. /' "v, ~.

./ ,/
\ {

an electric light a video game a fire a town a chore

o listen. Write one thing that eaeh person didn't have or

didn't do. TR: 12

1. They didn' t nave cell phones.




o What can you say? Only two options fit with eaeh verbo
Cirele the letters.
1. Tel!... a. a story b. the time c. a fire
2. Do ... a. chores b. an electric light c. homework
3. Make ... a. a fire b. things c. a town
4. Spend ... a. clothes b. time c. money

o Complete the questions. Then work with a partner. Ask and answer.
1. What time do you the day?
2. What kind of chores do you at home?
3. Do you know how to __ a fire?
4. How often do you and your relatives time together in the evening?
5. Who in your family can good stories?

ORead and match.
1. ~ Now we play video games. 4. _ Now we buy the clothes we like.
2. _ Now we read by electric light. 5. _ Today 1 ride my bike.
3. _ Now we use a cell phone to call
a different place.

a. b. c. d. e.

O listen to the songo Match. TR:13

1. Long ago, children walked to a. But now we read by
school, electric light.
2. Long ago, we learncd to sew b. Instead now we play
our own clothes, video games.
3. We used to read by candles at c. but today I ride my bike.
night. d. Now we use a cell phone to
4. We used to talk only call a different place.
face-to-face. e. but now we buy the clothes
5. People spent time with we like.
friends by the fire.

f!) Connect to the songo List four more things that are different
between long ago and today. Then write a new verse!

1. Kids played card games.

3. 3.
4. 4.



, GRAMMAR •..........
;. .: .... ,' ,

people . ;' rode horses, but today they drive cars. '
,~~myyears ago, .
:. ;
". farnilies d{d~'thave cars, Theyrode horses instead .. ·....;
.r. :.....,...:.:...,.;. ,', .

• Read and write. Combine the sentences from the chart Use
the word in parentheses.

1. people wrote with feathers we write with pens and pencils

2. people didn't eat chocolate they eat and drink it

3. TV shows were in black and white they are in color

4. people used urnbrellas in the sun we use them in the sun and the rain

5. people wore watches on their clothes they wear watches on their arrns

1. Long ago, people wrote with feathers. (instead)

Today, we write with pens and pencils instead.

2. (but)

3. __ _________ (instead)

4. _ ______________ (but)

5. (instead)


• look and listen. Number the order you hear each word. TR: 14

D difficult

D expensive

[O important

D old-fashioned

Paloma Ramon

El) listen to the audio in Activity 12 again. Answer the questions.

1. ls Palorna's dress from an expensive store?

No, it isn' t. Her mom made it.

2. What kind of clothes did Alfredo's grandfather wear?

3. Why did Ramon practice walking on his hands?

4. Did Hector want to wear something old-fashioned?

5. ls Ana dressed as an important person?

(D Work with a partner. Describe someone at the costume party. Use

the words from Activity 12. Ask and answer questions.

He's wearing an old-fashioned

lt's Alfredo!
watch on his jacket.


> "
• Read. Circle the correct words.

Video qames /~are very important. lf we have them in OUT

home, then we can see at night. Having electricity also means we can use
refrigerators, computers, TVs, and other modern / olá-fashioncd thinqs that
make lije / toums easier. Microwaves and dishwashers, for example, help us do
chores / Ji res 5uch as cooking meals and washing dishes. Did you know that
1.4 billion people in the world don't have electric lights? Life is more
modern / difficult for them. To get hot water, they have to make a
Jire / chore. lf they don't live in a lije / town OT city, then there might not be
a hospital or a bank near them. However, life / thinqs are easier for them if they
have a ce1l phone.

fI) Work in a group. Discuss the questions.

1. Which are more important, electric lights or cell phones? Why?
2. Why is life easier ir you have modern things such as microwaves
and dishwashers?
3. What do people without electric lights do when it is dark?
4. Why is life more difficult if you don't live in él town or city?


. "
more dltñcuít

(f) look at the pens. Complete the sentences and compare them.
Pens for kids


doll pens parrot pens smart pens ink pens

1. The doll pen ~ more interesting than the ink peno (interesting)
2. The doll pen _ the parrot peno (expensive)
3. The pens for kids the pens for adults,
4. The ink pen the smart peno (old-fashioned)

f!) Write. Make sentences. Then circle I agree or I con': agree.

1. My cousin / me (beautiful)
My cousín is more beautiful than me. lagree ~

2. Science / English (difñcult)

1agree I don't agree

3. Electric lights / video games (important)

I agree I don't agree

4. Vegetables / fruit (delicious)

I agree I don't agree


;¡.. ,."
fl) Look and write. Look at the lamps. Write five differences. Make
full sentences.


Giraffe lamp $14 Dinosaur lamp $1~~ ,~~ .:- ~: .--0.(

. -..._" ? "•.. ~
~:....; f'~~

( > "",_ • .1

1. (expensive) The dinosour is more expensíve thon the giraffe. '-,,' ,~,~
L. ;.;
2. 1 think (exciting) .[~~.
3. 1 think (modern) -;.~:-.:
i •• .:

4. 1 think (cute)
5. 1 think (funny)
6. 1 think (nice)

..e> listen. Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words. IR: lS

Woman: Excuse me. l'm looking for a lamp for my son's birthday. Can you
help me?
Man: Of course! How about this giraffe or this dinosaur?
Woman: Yes, the dinosaur is nice. lt's than the giraffe,
and it's _
Man: That's true, but the giraffe is . Plus, it's also

Woman: l'd like the dinosaur. 1 know it's ! but my son

will be with itl

e Work with a partner. Practice the conversation in Activity 20.

Give your own opinions.

Excuse me, I'm looking tor a pen Ot coursel How about

tor __ , Can you help me?

$listeoandread. TR:16

Highqnd Dry

A stilt house is ahorne on "legs." Farnilies usually put their animals or crops
under the house and live upstairs. They live h1gh up so that if it rains, the water
can't enter the roorns. Also, snakes and spiders can't c1imb the stilts and visit
the family at night! Finally, it is often cooler upstairs. Stilt houses are hiqh,
safe, and dry.
Today you can find stilt houses in South América. Africa, Europe, and Asia.
However, they are not a11the same. In some Vietnamese stilt houses, fOTexample,
the len side of the house is for the women; the men's roorns are on the right.
Houses often have two staircases, too. ln Thailand, the houses are often built
on water and face the mountains. They have bigger dOOTSthan Vietnamese
stilt houses.
Modern stilt houses look the same as they did long ago, but they are very
different inside! Today most modern stilt houses have electric lights, for example.
They have fridges, TVs, and computers. And of course, most people who live there
have cell phones!

.................... ' ..
G) Check T for True and F for Fa/se.
1. People Iived in stilt houses long ago. No one Iives in them today. 00
2. ln stilt houses, the fami1y sleeps next to the animals. 00
3. Many small animals can't climb stilts or enter the house, 00
4. You can watch TV in modern stilt houses, 00
e Complete the chart with information from the reading.

Vietnam and
Vietnam Thailand Thailand

• the left side of the • protect people from • stilt houses face
house is for women; the weather and insects; the mountains;

fl) Work with a partner. Imagine you live in a stilt house. Discuss
sorne ways that your life is good (or not so good!).

In 2007, thirteen people-including six children-

lived in a stilt home tor a movie. They lived in
the same way that people did 5,500 years ago!


... " .. ~
e Read. Read School in the Old Days on page 48 of your Student
Book. How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps below.
1. First, the writer chose a main topíc. What was her topic?

2. Second, the writer wrote down a list of subtopics, or related topics she
could write about. She used a word map. Complete the word map with
two other subtopics,


what and how schools long

people studied ago

3. Third, the writer wrote down details about each subtopic. She continued to
use her word map for this, Create a word map for another subtopic,

used branches
from trees

felt ashamed;
" punishments . wore dunce caps
looKed silly

stood in corner
of the room

4. Fourth, she organized the ideas. Read her paragraph again and list the
su btopics in order.
b. __
c.. ._. .__
. _
d. __
5. Finally, she wrote a draft, or a first version, of her paragraph.


;.. ~
G Choose a topie. Choose an aspect of life long ago that you
can write about. See Activity 18 in your Student Book.

~ Follow steps 2-5 on page 36. Plan your writing.

Then, write your paragraph about long ago in your notebook.
'~'- ;

:~ ."





t:> Express yourself. Choose one of the topies below and write a
paragraph eomparing life in the past and present. Plan your writing
and follow the steps on page 36. Write your new paragraph in
your notebook.
Life before the lnternet VS. Jife with the Internet
Life before television VS. life with televisión
o Match the opposite words. Then do the puzzle.

o L o - F A S H I o N E o
S T Y K L o M o E F Y o U
bigger expenslve
e H E P A N Y o L A E R T
G o y o E M o o E S R y y cheap old-fashioned
S L o p X M U G L T p o F faster shorter
e H E A P S L o W E R U S
modern slower
U T A L N A S L o R N G o older smaller
P G R E S L T Y o L o E R prettier uglier
o A L K I L p o R P I R T
A N o I V E S M I L L E E ta ller younger

o loo k, read, and write. Complete the paragraph.

Myaunt My cousin My niece

People often look like their pets! For exarnple, my aunt Rosa and her dog are
similar. They both have wavy hair (They both I wavy). My cousin looks just like
his dogo (He I curly), and the dog does, too. Of course
they are different because (he I glasses) and the dog
doesn't. Look at my sister's daughter. She's cute. Her dog is nearly white, and
___________ (she I blond). Also, _

(hair I straight) like the dogo Do you have any relatives who look like their pets?


, s-
o listen and write. Check the box. Write sentences.
Use every doy, once, twice, and three times. TR: 17

video games x x
play soccer
do chores
.go to the movies i"1 (.)

1. 3·---~gd
2. 4. -----------------------~~~~~
~ ~

ORead and write. Complete the sentences. i

began cel1 phones .town electric lights fire picked spent told

1. Long ago, my relatives didn't live in a city. They lived in a small town
2. They didn't have , so they read by candles at night.
3. Long ago, my family talked face-to-tace or sent letters. They didn't have

4. They grew vegeta bles, When the vegetables were ripe, they
____________ them.
5. They the day very early. They often got up at 4:00 a.m.
6. lf it was cold at night, my relatives lit a _
7. My relatives time with the family. They didn't see their
friends very often.
8. They didn't go out often. lnstead they stories at night.

o Write. How is your life different from the people in Activity 47

Use but or instead.

o look and write. Write what plans these people have.
plant seeds
make a cake
"S" 7",



tomorrow Saturday
: ,.',

She's teaching tomorrow .

.ORead and underline the correct words.

Marco: Hi, Celia. Do yau go / Are }Jau gaing to Sara's birthday
party on Sunday?
Celia: Yes, I amo l'm gaing /1 ga by caro Wauld / Do you like
a ride?
Marco: No thanks. 1'111 ridinq / 1 ride my bike with Sonia. We play / We're playing
soccer first, so it's more easy / easier to go by bike.
Celia: Wow, you're healthier that / than me! ATe you buvinq / Do you buy a gift?
Marco: No, I don't / J'm noto Sonia and I take / are takinq sorne fruit and
vegetables for Marta.
Celia: Fruit and vegetables for her birthday? Why are you doinq / do you do that?
Marco: Because they are funny. lt's fruit and vegetable art!
Celia: Well, I'm buyinq / 1 buy a gift. 1 think a box of chocolates 1S nice / nicer
than vegetables!

O Write. Compare the gifts in Activity 7. Write your own opinion.

l. The box of chocolates is more interesting than the vegeta bIes.
expensive 2. _ ._..._ .... _-_ __ .~------------

3. ~ . ..~ _
4. ___

~ !'"
o Write which thing you would Iike. Explain the reason.

1. You have to visit an older relative. You can take sorne flowers or a cake.
~r-=d-!l.!..!..iK=e,--t=o:_t=a"-!_K=e'--.!s=o~m:....:..:e~fl=o..:...:.w=er,_"s,,--- because
flowers are prettier than caKes.

2. lt's your birthday 500n. You can have a video garne, a book, or a box.
___ because

3. You have to eat sorne vegetables today. You can have carrot cake or
onion soup.
_________________________________ becau5e

~ Read. Check T for True and F tor False.

In South Korea it is very cold in winter.

So sorne homes have ondol, él kind of
heating. People light a fire in the kitchen,
and the hot air from the fire goes under
the rooms. This means that families can
sleep, eat, and play on warm floors. Also,
thanks to the fire, people have hot water
to wash the dishes. Sorne ondoi homes
have smaller doors than modern homes.
The windows and doors are srnall so
that the cold air doesn't come in. Ondol
homes are old-fashioned but cheap.
You don't usually fincl them in towns 01'
cities, but sorne modern hotels use
ondol today.

1. People who live in ondol homes can do their chores with hot water. ~ 0
2. The floors in ondol homes are very cold. 0 0
3. The doors are bigger than in other homes. 0 0
4. Ondol homes are not expensive. 00

. ,.

o Unscramble the words.

1. acts cast
2. stfri-dia tki ~~ _
3. denimice _
4. siustes _
5. gnasbead _
6. eerhmertomt _

o loo k and write. Look at the picture. How many can you
see? Where?
1. 1 can see one casí. rhe girl is wearing it on her armo

2. _

3. _

4. _

5. _

6. _

ORead. Underline the correet word.

1. Mei has / [eels a cold. She is coughing / sneezinq.
2. Ming had headacne / a headache. He feit / [eei dizzy, too.
3. He has (1 / an carache. He dcesn't feel ioel! / sick.
4. She has a stornachache, Hcr / The stomach hurt / hurts.


, ,-~:,.
"" :>-
o Read. Match the sentence halves.
1. A first-aid kit is a good place a. to find out if you have a fever.
2. Use the thermometer b. when you have a cough or cold.
3. Keep bottles of medicine c. to keep tape and scissors.
4. Buy a box of tissues d. packs of bandages clean,
5. 1t is important to keep e. away from little children.

o Listen. Write two problems that each child has. Can you
guess the illness? TR: 18

1. Irma her stomach hurts she feels sick: a storncchoche

2. Sen he feels dizzy

3. Martha she has a headache

4. Ming his head hurts

o What about YOu? Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions.

fee] (sick, dizzy, hot)
have (a headache, a cold]
sneeze / cough

When were you

íast sick?

Last week! I had a fever,

and I had to miss school.


... ,~
o label the pictures.

o Eat the right food. Osee the doctor. O Tell your mother.

o Eat treats. O Stay in bed. O Use a first-aid kit.

o Exercise a lot. O Take sorne pills.

o listen to the songoWhat should you do if you have these

illnesses? Choose actions from Activity 7. TR: 19
1. lfyou have a stomachache, you should _
2. lfyou have a broken arrn, you should _
3. lf you have a toothache, you shouldn't _
4. lfyou get a scratch from climbing a tree, you should _

o Write a new verse. Give advice for a fever, a cough, and an earache.
When you don't feel well, here are sorne things that you should do.
lfyou ,you should _
lf you , you _

Ir you ________ , you shouldn't _

_________________ ,and _


::1< ."'"
':' ':'"':',':',':' ,":.:.' " .

, GRAMMAR .,' ' .:'

1 go to bed ...' • :' .: •• .Ós .:

You gotothe doctor.

He / She / It should·· tell your parents -. shouldn't = should not
We ~, .' shouldn't sta y in bed.
" ',:'.'. :
They' stay away from treats.
, People eat sweets.
.,What 1< ; do? " ':. ' .':./, .... '

When' should you :

, '
take? Should we~..?,: '.

,"Where hel st1~1 n. gol :....

~." . "

Why we eat? Ves, we should.

Who they tell? No, we shouldn't.

f1) Read and write. Complete the dialogue.

Doctor: OK, Tania. Do you have any questions before you gol
Girl: YesoWhat should 1 do (l/do) to get better? _
(1 / rest) a lot?
Doctor: Yes, you . You need to get strong.
Girl: So (1 / not / play) sports. That's good. 1 hate sports.

Doctor: Well, you do need exercise. Why don't you ride your bike?
Girl: I love riding my bike! (1 / ride) it every day?
Doctor: No, (you / not I ride) your bike every day. Three
times a week is fine.

G) Unscramble. Then discuss the questions with a partner.

1. Mei / to / sneeze / wants. use I she / What / should?

2. feels I Mei / dizzy. Should / her I ride / she / bike?

3. toothache / has / a / Ming. he / gol should I Where?

• Read and write. Complete the sentences.

a broken arrn -a-ofe-ke-n-le§- a bruise

a hum a cut a scratch

1. Last year my brother fell off his bike, He couldn't walk for weeks because
he had a broKen leg
2. Mom touched the stove, and she got on her hand.
3. Last night the cat jumped up at my sister, She got _
but it is very small.
4. Our teacher couldn't write on the board for weeks because she had

5. My best friend's knee looks black and blue! He got _

when he played soccer!
6. When I was a little kid, I ran with some scissors and fell. I had to see the
doctor because I had on my lego lt really hurt!

e Write. Make two true sentences. Explain what happened.

Aboutme ___

About my friends and farnily _

~ Work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 123 and

complete the chart. Student 2, go to page 128 and complete
the chart. Then ask and answer questions. Take turns.

Did you play soccer No. We didn't play soccer because Victor had a
on Sunday? broken leg! What about you? Did you play soccer?

Ves, I did.

El Do a puzzle. Find the words. Write them in the correct line.

B A N o A G E Z V R S F o E Z
J y E Q p J T I S S U E T J o
M J T L S X o M C E B V A E B
R U o G T H E R M o M E T E R
A R B H Y M e z w T H R H J u
T /H\ y (c\ o L o B o E L E K Z I
V I El \
N j
¡ T Y e A E A G B S U S
cr---- r-A

~ -.__ L
s }J) S T o M A C H A e H E
p 101
I , M w S E B U R N S E o F G
Q iI A i
R o J L E S A Z V B U N T .-'" :~~
M 1\ el E H Y T E o e o N E G o H
B \Hi
. I s e R A T e H y S G H U T
W lE!
I N F U o J x E X J o U A e

l11ness: -heGd._G_GR_:,e-:!,__, ~~ ~

Accident: "_GU_t-!,_, _

First aid: ·_GG~st....::.!-;_· _

fl) listen. Complete the dialogue, TR: 20

Martha: , Alex?
Alex: . And 1 have _
Martha: Oh, no. . 1 think you should _
Alex: OK.
Martha: 1 hope you 50011.

Alex: Thanks.

G Work with a partner. Use words from Activity 15 to make your

own dialogues,

• s-
I cut myself .. We drew this pícture mt ourselves.
You burned yourself... . Did you make it tw.. yourselves?
He scratched himself. They wentto the museurn mt
She hurt herself. themsetves..
Awild cat can take (are of itself.

G) Read. Mateh the paragraphs with the pictures. Then underline

· the correet words.

1. Una: 1 want to buy a first-ald kit for mom's birthday. What do you think?
Dan: But don't buy it. Make it yourself / himsel]: 1'11help you.
Una: Thanks. But 1 need to buy the bandages. 1 can't make them
by itsel] / by myself!
2. Mom: Thanks, Una and Dan. Did you make it by yourselues / by ourselves?
Una: Well, Dan and 1 made the box himsel] / ourselues. And 1 bought the
Mom: That's wonderful! Next time 1 burn myself / herself on the
stove or your father cuts itself / himself, we can use this!
3. Mom: Dan, what is Una doing upstairs?
Dan: She's putting a bandage on her hand because she cut
myself / hcrscl]:
Mom: She's doing it by himself / by herself?! That's not a good idea!

f!) Read. Complete the sentences.

1. Dan says that Una shouldn't buy the kit. She should maKe it (by) herself

2. Mom was very happy because Una and Dan made _

3. Mom is worried bccause Una _

e Read. Read the text and the sentences. Check T for True
and F tor Fa/se.

" .. :- .
. _," ,.' ..

, 2,. For a strong body, you need

exercise Do exercise three times a

,- .:.::.t
for at least 30 minutes ... , ' ..'
- : ,'O",' :" : ,', •• ',' • •

. iJo andwater are

.'" very lrnportant. Eat six servings of
, H:~fe~r~)~()I1l~'f!as~¡',id~a~.·:'.: ': fruit and vegetantes evéry day. And
1.,sleep lslmportant, Childr~11aged ....drink eight glasses of water a day.
.-... ' " . J
.8-1Q Stl9~1~síeep eight ~9lJrS > .. 4. Finally, if you want to stay away
every night. from the dentist, stay away from
sweets, especially between meals!

1. Children aged 8-10 should sleep for nine hours every night. 00
2. They should do exercise three times a week. 00
3. They should exercise for one hour each time. 00
4. You should eat six servings of fruit and vegetables every week. 00
5. We should drink six glasses of water every day. 00
6. We shouldn't eat sweets before meals. 00
e Read and write. Cerrect the sentences that were false.
1. Chjldren aged 8-10 shouldn't sleep nine hours every night. Ihey
should sleee eight hour-s a night.
2. ___

3. ___

f 4. _

. ~
e listen and read. TR: 21

Of Bumps
and Bruises
Ouch! You bruised yourself again!
A few minutes later you have a big
red bump. How does this happen?
When we bruise ourselves, we
break a small blood vessel, called a
capillary, Blood leaves the capillary,
but where can it gol lt can't come
out of your skin because you didn't cut
yourself. So it fills the tissues under the
skin. As more blood travels to the place,
the bump gets bigger and redder.
Most bruises disappear after two weeks. But
they often change color first! After two days, your bruise
turns blue or purple. By day six, it's green. And by day eight or nine, it looks
yellow to light brown.
Did you know that cold blood moves more slowly than warrn blood? Next
time you get a bruise yourself, make it colds Put a cold wet towel, or a pack
of frozen vegetables, on the bruise for half an hour. That way, less blood
travels to it. And you will get better sooner!

............ ~'. .
~ y,

e Read. Check T for True or F for Fa/se.

1. When you bruise yourself, a small capillary breaks. 00

2. Bruises get smaller when lots of b100d goes to them. 00
3. Don't worry if your bruise changes color. 11'5 normal. 00
4. You shouldn't use a pack of frozen peas on your bruise. 00
fZ) Read and write.
( "

Write the information in the cause-effect chart. ;--,'

, 3-~;

The bruise goes red. t~. ~.... ;:

Less blood travels to a cold bruise.

After two days, your bruise is blue. -..' ~ ,: -:
_~. . _ ¡

:...: ~-~
~~. ~~
~.., .

The blood stays under the sKin.
You didn't break any skin .
_--_._.~_ __ ._" .. ~_.~-_ .. _ _ _---~-_. --_._-_ _--._ _-_
.. ..__ _ "" .. , -•... _ .. .."
' _ "" - _ _-
Blood travels to the bruise. ____..

Bruises change color over time. ____..


Cold blood moves slowly. -+--------------------

e Complete the sentences with that's why or that's because.

1. With bruises, you don't break any skin. the blood
stays under your skin.
2. At first lots of blood travels to the bruise. bruises
are red!
3. After two weeks, your bruise is not red. bruises
change color.
4. lf you make your bruise cold, less blood travels there. _
cold blood travels slowly.

fl) Work with a partner. Explain what happens when you

bruise yourself.
• h

fl) Read Ice Cream Headaches on page 68 of your Student Book.
How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.

1. First, the writer chose a topic and did sorne research on ice crearn headaches:
What are they? What happens? Why? She rnade sorne notes.
2. Next, the writer wrote the actions in order:
What huppens rirst? What hoppens next?
She used a flowchart.

The ice cream The nerve center

The ice cream
---..... touches the rcof doesn't like
is very cold.
of your mouth. the cold.

It sends a The brain sends a

message to --t.... message to your
They get big
very quickly.
your brain. blood vessels.

3. Then she connected the ideas. She chose phrases that show cause
and effect:

that's because that's why because

Find and write three exarnples frorn the text.

4. Then, she chose a fun way to make the reader interested in her
writing. She used a personal question:
Do you ever get a headache when you eat ice cream?

5. Finally, she wrote her first versión, called a draft, of her paragraph.

e Now follow steps 1-5 on page 52. Plan your paragraph about
another common problem. Then write the paragraph in your notebook .

", .

.. .. r.
:- .
~ ~ -::-::~ t


~.. ~=:,


.. ,..-

_ _._-~ _ _-- _ -------- - _--- _~ _ -

," '--~.

G> Express yourself. Write about hiccups!

, "Ó:
Read the research below. Plan your writing
and follow the steps on page 52. Include
phrases that show cause and effect. Write
your new paragraph in your notebook.

NORMAL: Ftrst, you breathe in. The musc1e
at the bottom of your chest [called a diaphragm)
goes down slowly. lt pulls air into your lungs.
Then, you breathe out. The diaphragm relaxes.
Ah goes out of your nose and mouth.
SOMET1MES: The diaphragm feels
uncomfortable. lt goes down very quickly.
You breathe in the air very suddenly. The air
goes into your mouth too quickly and a hiccup
Breath in Breath out
comes out!

, ;:".):

ORead andwrite. Complete the sentences. Then label the pictures.

actor amazmg athletes brave cool famous funny great

handsome movies person popular pretty talented wonderful




1. She has a beautiful face and hair. She's very __ __,_pr_e_tt-Ly _

2. My sister can sing, dance, and play SpOTtS.She's very _
3. This man plays a part in a movie. He is an _
4. Firefighters and police officers are very _
5. Our teacher is funny and kind. She's a wonderful _
6. He's tall, with a nice face and black hair. He's _
7. are so cool. I like tennis players and soccer players.
8. There are many places to see in my country.
9. You can watch on TV or at the theater.
10. l'd like to be a famous pop star or a rapper. They're so _
11. Did you see the movie on TV last night? It was _
12. He makes us laugh all the time. He's so _
13. Everyone knows me because l'm on TV. l'm

o listen and write. Complete the conversations. TR: 22

1. Alex: Hey Erica, what do you think of Johnny Depp, the actor in
the Pirates o] the Caribbean movies?
Erica: Oh, him! I think he's . And he's very ! What
about you?
Alex: I think he's . And he's really , too. He's my
favorite actor, in fact.

2. Erica: Do you like Usain Bolt, Alex?

Alex: Do you mean the from Jamaica?
Erica: Yes, that's right.
Alex: Oh, I don't like him at all. He's very , but I think he's

Erica: Really? I don't agree. I think he's _

o Write. List one example of each. Write two adjectives to

describe them.

an actor

a cartoon character

a popular person or place in your


a great movie or a silly movie

o Write about two people or things in Activity 3.

1 really like Johnny Depp, the actor. 1 think he's wonderful. And he's funny, too.

. ~
o listen. What do they want to do? Underline the answers. TR: 23

1. He wants to be a soccer Qlayer / teacher, He will learn from / practice

with his favorite athletes.
2. She wants to be an actor / a singer. She dreams of fans / meeting a
pop star.
3. She wants to travel to / watch TV programs about jungles and mountains.
She'd like to meet / be an explorer.
4. He dreams about writing a story / book. He will work hard / read a loto

G listen. Check the words you hear. TR: 24

D amazing D cool D favorite D great Dtalented D wonderful

o Write. Describe your dreams for the future.

1 want to be meet travel to

1'11 play write
1 dream about (+ ing) have

1 want tD be a SDccer player. 1 dream Dr playing in the WDrld Cupo 1'11 be famous!


...... -- .~~
'..,¡: .--¿"_";:: -_-:-:--.--_ '::":': .-.::.~ :i.:'·;',:"'! ~:.:.:;.....~ . . .... :-- _--_ / _.~,. .. .. "..
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:.:.<.:..:.:',::......: .

. = . _', ~ :: .. ; :.: ..

Xi?' . .. , J ,

r··::.·~·:....:. ..
" :.:;::

one syllable .
great.~ the greatest' '.
: ~ ."
..two syllables endingin y •.'.'.. '
He's: ,
'/'It's"'(' ..pretty,~ the prett~::
,',,',' :::: .. , ,'. . .' .... " ,'0,.
, : .
,'.' ...../i :. .;:. ~~..L.-~~~~~~-_,..."_,...,,----:c-_,...,,--t-:~.,...,,...-:~~_,...,,_,...,,____,.~-:---...,....,

'. ···We're.•
·.·\.• . .,' ',',': I . .

Ihey'réi >;( >: •.•...•...........
I ':.:':"

.......",'/ r,

o Read and write. Complete the paragraph.

Penguins are my favorite birds! I think
they are the friendliest (friendly) birds
in the world. There are about 18 species of
penguin. (jamous) species Rocjnopper

are: the Emperor, the Rockhopper, and the Adelie. The Emperor penguin is
_______ (big) of all. Many people think that Ernperor penguins are
_______ (handsome), too. Adelie penguins are _
(strong) swimmers. They're (talented), too. They can coast
downhill on their stomachs! But my favorite is the Rockhopper. lt's one of
_______ (small) penguins. lt has funny hair. lt's _
(cute)! These three penguins were al1in the movie Happy Feet. Did you see it?
Happy Feet is (popular) movie ever about penguins. I think
it's (funny) movie, too!

o look and write. Write what each penguin is thinking!

l. The Emperor: "Everyone loves me. l'm the biggestl And l'm "

2. The Adelie: " "

~ Read the lists. Label them. Then add two more examples.

hobby school subject sport TV show writer

1. i 2. 13. .14. i 5. _

-=~~:----l~:~~~tball --r ~~~~~~~c~~~~agk

. English I soccer
comedy read books J. R. Tolkien
music ! volleyball
; I
----------- ---------1 .. ... I . .

listen. Complete the questions.


Listen and write Marco's answers. TR: 25

Questions Marco's answers

1. What's your favorite 7

2. What is the most difficult 7

3. What's the name of a funny 7

4. What's the coolest in the world?

5. What are two that you enjoy?
6. Who's the most interesting of all?

• listen to the audio in Activity 11 again. Check T tor True or

F tor Fa/se.
1. Marco only likes one school subject. 00
2. He thinks that most school subjects are easy. 00
3. Marco's watching a TV show with his sister after school. 00
4. He's playing sports on Saturday morning. 00
5. Marco only has two hobbies. 00

..... ' _.' .... '.. ",' " : '.,.... ,.' .."' ..,,:,',, ¡,:. ,.,.".,'.~,,~ _,,/.':....:.. : o,, ••

ti) Answer the questions in Activity 11. Write your own opinion.


2. __

3. __

4. __ {~

5. __ /1& '
( / ..t1:l C.

¡/é a
t J~

6. __
t ¡Q D
Read and match the two columns.

1. Jorge really likes music. a. He'd like to be an athlete one da . 'fJo


2. I think that English 1S the best b. He wants to be a famous El f

subject. singer.
3. Marcela is talented at drama. c. She'd really like to be a writer.
4. Carlos is amazing at sports. d. She wants to be an actor in movies.
5. My best friend is pretty. She's e. l'd like to be an Enqlish teacher
funny, too. someday.
6. My sister is good at writing and f. She wants to be in comedies or
spelling. funny TV shows.

f!) Playa game. Go to page 125. Play in a small group.

Tails! Two spaces. I think that the

rnost talented band is One Direction.

That's right! My turno


.,~ ~
My grades are good. good bad. bad
I feel better than yesterday. better worse than ever! worse
Soccer is the best sport ever. best the worst sport worst
in the world!

f.D Underline the correct word. Complete the paragraphs.

1. I have lots of brothers and sisters, and 1t'5

awesome! Also, l'm the younqest, which is
good / bad because everyone is nice to me ©.
Better / The best thing about big families is
that you always have someone to play with.
Worse / The worst thing is that you have to
share a room ®. I wouldn't like a small family.
I think that small families are much better /
worse than big farnilies because they're boring.

2. I have better / the best family in the world!

lt's just me, mom, and dad. l'm the only child,
and it's great! I think that small families are
better / worse than big families because your
parents have more time fOTyou. Also, it's
quiet at home and that's really good / better! But sometimes l'd
like brothers and sisters. You see, bad / the worst thing about no
brothers and sisters is that you have to do a11the chores by yourself!

• Write. Write your opinion about two of these topies.

• What's the best thing about big farnilies?
• What's the best thing about small families?
• What's the worst thing about having many brothers and sisters?
• What's the best thing about having many brothers and sisters?
• What's the worst thing about being the oldest child?

f!) listen. Check T for True and F for Fa/se. TR: 26

1. Ana thinks that the Harry Potter books are the best books ever.
2. The Harry Potter books are the best selling books in the world.
3. Mario thinks that the movies are better than the books.
4. He thinks that J. K. Row1ing is the greatest writer of our time.
5. Mario thinks that the best Harry Potter book is the first one.

f!) Read and write. Complete the sentences.

~ popular rich sad talented /
. .. ,.~,'

1. J. K. Rowling was not a happy teenager. She says

that her teenage years were the worst
time of her life.
2. ln school, she was good in English, but she wasn't _
in her c1ass.
3. J. K. Rowling was not a rich woman before she wrote the Harry Potter
books. Now she is one of women in the world.
4. People loved all of the Harry Potter movies, but the last movie was
_______ . Millions of people around the world watched it.
5. Rowling's mother died before she finished writing the first book. That
was real1y sad, But thing 1S that RowHng never told
her mother about Harry Potter.

e Write. Choose three members of your family or three friends.

Describe them. Use words from the list.

tall funny short good athlete bad cook talented student

My cousins Marta and Carla are very talented, but Sandra is the most talented.


~ ..~
• look and write. Look at the photos. What do you know about
piñatas? What would you like to know? Complete columns 1 and 2.


e listen and read. TR: 27

Happy Birthday!
Do you have a favorite party game that you like to
play on your birthday? ln Mexico and other Latín American
countries. children often celebrare their birthdays with a piñata.
First, the children form a circ1e and sing a funny song, which makes them laugh.
Then, children take turns to stand in the middle with their eyes covered. Sometimes
their friends turn them round and round so that they are dizzy! The child in the
middle has to use a stick to hit the piñata. Suddenly there is a loud CRASH!The
piñata breaks, and lots of candy falls on the floor. The children stop singing and run
to pick up the candy. lt's a wonderful party game.
Piñatas come in many shapes, colors, and sizes. Piñateros, the
people who make piñatas, say that the most popular shapes are
characters from TV shows and movies. Birthday boys and girls also like
action figures, animals, guitars, race cars, princesses, and pop stars. To
make these shapes, piñateros use balloons, cardboard, and wire. One
piñata can take days, or even weeks, to make. Next, piñateros decorare
the outside with pretty colors. Farnilies then put candy, fruit, and small
toys inside the piñata. Piñatas come in every color under the sun. And
they're great fun! Happy Birthday, everyone!
One 01the largest piñatas

fl) What did you learn? Complete column 3 in the world was a donkey.
It was 28 meters long, 18
of the chart in Activity 21. meters tall. and over 3,600
kilos 01 candy were inside.


::.. -r
~ Complete the chart. Write the activities in the correct order.

The candy falls on the floor. The child stands in the middle.
Children sing a songo The child hits the piñata.
The piñata breaks.

1. Children 2. 3. They cover 4.

form eire/e. someones

5. Children turn 8.
the child

e label the pictures.

action figure
pop star
soccer ball

e Answer the questions. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Which piñata shapes are the most popular? What shape is your favorite?

2. Do you have a favorite birthday party game? What is it? How do you play it?


> ~
• Read the book review on page 84 of your Student Book. How did
the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.
1. First, the writer chose a book to review: Cliffhanger.
2. Next, the writer wrote down a list of subtopies, or related topies
she could write about. She used a word map.

title of book.

information summary
about the schools of the
writer story

my opinions

3. Next, she wrote down a list of things she could give her opinion
about. Look at the text. Circle the things she gave her opinión about.
1. the place where she found the book
2. the writer
3. the story (p1ot)
4. the people in the story (characters)
5. the language that the writer uses (style)
4. Then, she organized the paragraphs. Read her paragraph and number
the order (1-4).
a. _ Summary of the story (part 1)
b. _ Name of the book and writer
c. _ Opinión
d. _ Summary of the story (part 2)

5. Finally, she wrote her first version, called a draft, of her paragraph.
She used lots of descriptive words, like: interestinq, borinq, excitinq,
funny, and auiesome. She a1so used expressions Iike: in my opinion,
1 think, and 1 belieue.


> ~
G) Follow steps 1-5 on page 64. Plan your book or movie review.
Then write it in your notebook.

f%) Express yourself. We can review other things, too. For example,
we can review the city where we live, a restaurant, a video game,
a movie, or a TV programeChoose something that you would like
to review. End with your opinion. Plan your writing and follow the
steps on page 64. Write your new paragraph in your notebook.

G> Check your work. Answer these questions. Then make any
important changes.

• Did 1 include lots of descriptive words?

• Did 1 give rny opinion on a variety of subjects (e.g., plot,
characters, style)?
• When 1 gave my opinion, did 1 give a reason?


Unit6 RAECERTU Iel RI E lA ITlul RI E I 1


14 t


10 'J


ORead and write. Do the puzzle.

Find the secret message.

aeaturc resource LlONDHP
dolphin sea sponge
disappear sea turtle
~' ...'. - .~.

layer shark ASE GEPONS I I I I I I I I I I I 5

midnight squid uL T O U N O P r-IT TtT Tf T ---rl---'
ocean sunlight
octopus whale CEEROSRU I I I I I I I I I
pol1ution zone P1EDARSAP I I I I I I I I I I
4 ]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (l ') 10 11 12 JJ 14 1.5

listen. Check the sea creatures that the girl saw

at the aquarium. TR: 28


, .~
ORead and match the questions and answers.
1. Wha1's your favorite sea creature? a. l'd like a layer of bananas with
2. What time is it? vani11a ice cream on top and
some chocolate syrup.
3. What do you need to
grow vegetables? b. Because they are in different
time zones.
4. Why is it an hour later in
Sydney than in Tokyo? c. You need water and sunlight.
5. OK. You have chocolate ice d. lt's really late! lt's midnight.
cream. What do you want next? e. 1 like whales best of all.

o Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions.

1. prettiestsea creature
What's the prettiest
2. funniest sea creature
sea creature?
3. biggest sea creature
4. ugliest sea creature
lt's an octopus!

o Read and write.

1. You are swimming in the ocean. You feel lots of arrns touching your legs.

You count them. There are eight of them. lt's an __ oC--=t_oPLU-=S~_

2. lt's late. The town is very quiet. Everyone is sleeping. The dock makes a

sound twelve times. 11's _

3. lt is early rnorning. Your room 1S dark. You are still in bed. Suddenly

something comes through your window. It's bright. lt's _

4. You are on a boat. Some dolphins are playing in the water! Suddenly you

can't see them anymore. What happened? They underwater.


> ~
o Match words that rhyme in A and B. Write all the A words in
the songoThen listen to the song to check your answers. iR: 29
Please, pIe ase protect the seos.
Put good deeds into _
motíon sea
Help sove the oceons.
please ~ ocean
Help save the oceans.

know seas

me below We must protect

the wonders ot the seas,

sea tea
to make a better world
jor you and _

When we make a mess,

we con': dump it into the _

Sharks oon't want that.

Do we?


There are layers in the ocean below.

There are creotures that we don't _

They live deep underwoter.

They don't breothe oír,

but our world is port of theirs.

ORead the song again. Check T tor True and F tor Fa/se.

1. We protect the oceans to make a worse world.

2. The sharks want a clean ocean. We do, too.
3. We know all the creatures in the sea.
4. Ocean creatures and people share the same world.


~ 1"

Weh¿¡vetogetup early during the week. Don'1 eat that! lt's dirty.
You must brush your teeth in the morning. You can't do.that. ít's wrong.
Whatdo we llave 10 do next? . You must n01 go to bed late .
. Why can'twe throw trash in the sea?


4 5

o look and write. Complete the sentences. fish

pick up
1. You _c_a_n'_t_s_w_im
__ on this beach.

2. We our bottles in a recyc1ing bin,

3. You here! The waves are dangerous.

4. We our trash before we go.

5. You your cell phone here.

6. This is a library, You quiet.

o What about YOu? Make four true sentences.

1. 1 have to get up at six on weekdays.

2. __

3. __

4. __

5. __


::. ~\

f!) look and answer. Check al! the objects
that are biodegradable .

• Match the questions and answers.

1. 15 this bottle of water a. Yes, it is. There was a 10t of

biodegradable? overfishing here a few ycars ago.
2. People say that there are no fish b. No, it isn't. 11'5 plastic!
in this sea. 15 that true? c. There was a big oil spill last year.
3. Why are our oceans and rivers We are still c1eaning up.
so dirty? d. People throw garbage into the
4. Ugh! This sand 1S black, not rivers. Then the garbage travels to
yellow. The water is black, too. the sea.
What happened?

• What about YOu?What can we do to protect the ocean?

Write your ideas, Use four words from each list.

oil spill plastic clean up stop

garbage biodegradable pick up throw
overfishing put

f!) Write as many sentences as you can. Try to use all the images .


There are many fish in the ta? ¡ayer af the acean because there is el ¡at af sunlig6t .. ,
(',' ,;
(3 .~¿:
~ 'r-~J
~ f0
f'; ,..,


> ~
·.•····•..•.••.••··1 .•·•·•••.•·••·.•·••••·••··•··.•·•··•·.·••
pikeswithwings inthe future .
•i/oll( ••••.•
·.·ii i.· •..
biggerheads one day.
··········.·.···HélShellt on~ day.
/ .• we.••.••••
· ·.••·••••..• ..·Sp.eak.·.ma.n~
·la.ngUages• .
i <Pi20pl.e···· .,.use clocks intheJuture. .•....

./} WiU /....\ \/\lE! i /. st()P>.·.·.···.····.·.·· pollqtion' ir'lthefuturel····.·· yes,wé wiU./

'. people have / . willgsQlléday? /........ 'No, iheyi W()n't.

e Read and write.

1. Will people _ ____:'/L!.Cive",___ under the ocean in the future?

Ves, they will. There will be underwater cities,

2. __ children (study at school / 10 years)?

3. __ we (go to the movies / the future)?

CD listen. What do Ken and Misao think? Check how our lives will
be different in 20 years: TR: 30

l. have a computer in our bodies vi

2. live in the same house

3. eat very little food

4. have water

5, feel sick


fl) Read and underline the correct words.
James: This is my first beach clean-up. What do we (1) havE fo / must do?
Amit: lt's easy! You (2) must / can't pick up the trash that people left on
the beach.
Sara: But (3) can't / don't forget to wear gloves! lf you wear gloves, you
(4) will / uion't cut yourself with the glass.
James: OK, thanks. Anything else?
Amit: Well, you (5) will / won't probably feel thirsty, so it's a good idea
to bring water.
Sara: But you (6) don't / can't bring soda cans!
James: Great! 1 (7)'1l / must see you at the beach!

Read and write. Write five complete sentences about how to

clean up a beach.
Welcome te the Beach Clean-upl
will can't Plecse follow these rules:
won't must not 1. Wear comfortable shoes. No sandals.
must don't 2. Bring sunscreen; Protect yourself when
have to you protect the oceon.
3. Wear a hot, No umbrellas!
4. Do not piCKup dead cnirnols or pirds.
5. Do not piCK up heavy things. You don't
want to hurt your bacK!

l. You have to wear comfortable shoes. Don't Wear sonda/s.






.:." ,:,." ..': : ...

~ .••.
l.isten and read. YR,31
. .. _; ..

,'. ..: . A shark can grow

lQol(ing for lunch

and lose 30,000 .•.
: teethin a litetime ...
. ,:.'

' ...............•••. in
Ir~{(lnoth~rbusy day the ocean, .:AH ,th.e,sea .creatures are lo()~!Dg:···
i' ,',' fer ,roo,eJ. ZAPI Acoral polyp catch~s a small fish as it swims by. lt eats , ,
i i: ,:"the"fi?h.'EnergypaSsesfrom,.the,fish"td,thepolYP ..Next'.,a. parrotfish ; ,i," ."

~c~A~ ;~.

fl) Check T for True and F for False.

1. Sea creaturesget energy when they eat other creatures. 00
2. Energy moves from strong creatures to weak creatures. 00
3. There 1S only one food chain in the sea. o 0
4. A food chain is part of a food web. o 0

Jo '"i"

fl) Read and write. Write the arder in which each creature
eats the next creature.

parrotfish polyp shark small fish


e Work with a partner. Talk abaut food chains and the foad web.

parrotfish sea grasses shark surgeonfish


sea sponges


e Read land and Sea Turtles on page 100 of your Student
Book. How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.
1. Fírst, the writer chose two things with clear
differences to write about. Land and sea . cppecronce
.~. .
turtles have important differences. ...
t ...

2. Next, the writer wrote down ideas habitats behavior

about the turtles.
. .""." ..

3. After that, she wrote down how land life as a baby· •.•
. .. ,.",.,,1

and sea turtles are different.

land turtle sea turtle

babies stay on land babies crawl from land to the water
live in different habitats live in the ocean
hard, high round sheUs 50ft. flat shells
when afraid, hide in their shells can' t hide in shelís, swírn fast
dig holes in the ground and when cold, swírn away to warm
sleep all winter waters
• •• • o,' , '", •• '•• '; "., ",1'.:,.'.""",":~":'·;:':'''I''II''II.'·,' :':':",',','_"I.~-" :' ',' •

4. Then, she thought of words and expressions that show contrast:

but hotuever in contrast unlike
5. Finally, she wrote her first version, called a draft, of her paragraph.

e What do you remember about warm and cool corals?

Write information in the chart. Read Colorfu! Corals on
page 98 of your Student Book if you need help.

live in _ live in _

need sunlight to grow don't need sunlight

smaller larger

eat _ eat _
._ _._"""_
,,-_._._---__,, " _ ".__ _-+---_ .._--_._-_._-----_ .._---_ ..
grow quickly grow slowly


e Write sentences. Use the ehart and but, however, and in contrast.
1. Warm cora/s need sunlight to grow. In contrast. coo' corals don't need sunlight.

2. _

3. _

4. _

5. _

e Which is the best sentence to begin your paragraph?

Cirele the number.
1. We must protect our coral reefs and ocean habitats now.
2. Warm and ccol coral s are different in several ways.
3. Polyps are small, individual animals that live in water.

fIl Now follow steps 2-5 on page 76. Write your paragraph
about corals in your notebook .

• Express yourself. Choose one of the topies below and write a

paragraph of eontrast. Plan your writing and follow the steps on
page 76. Write your new paragraph in your notebook.
sharks and dolphins two family members oceans and rivers
TV and movies two vacations soccer and basketball


o Playa game. Complete the sentences and cross out the words on
the TV. Which line has tour crossed words?

actor midnight

earache brave oil spill

TV shows sunlight writer

1. People often watch movies and __ TV_s_h_o_w_s __ on television.

2. Someone who plays a part in a movie is called an _
3. An is an aeeident that makes the water and the sand black
and sticky.
4. Food is beeause it breaks up in the ocean. Plastic is noto
5. An is an amazing sea creature with eight arms.
6. To grow, plants need water and _
7. When it is twelve o'clock at night, it is _
8. When your ear hurts, you have an _
9. Firefighters are people. They are not seared to do
dangerous things.
10. A person who plays a sport and runs is called an _

ORead and match the sentences.

1. Juan is a very talented aetor.______ a. You'll burn yourself, and it will hurt.
2. She shouldn't eat her food so fast. ------b. Maybe he'll be famous one day!
3. lt's midnight. Anita should go to hedo e. 1 think he'll be a teaeher one day.
4. Andres is the best student in school. d. She'll he very tired tomorrow.
5. Rosa didn't do her homework. e. She'll have a stomaehaehe latero
6. You must not toueh that. lt's hot. f. Her teaeher won't be very happy,
o Look and write. Write what is wrong with each persono

él broken leg él bruise él cold él cut a fever dizzy hcad tooth

1. He has a cold.
2. _
3. hurts.
4. _
5. He , too.
6. hurts. She , too.

ORead about the people in Activity 3. Underline the word.

1. He can't I must use tissues! He must I must not give germs to his friends.
2. She can't I should play soccer because she can't I has to wear a cast,
3. He willl won't go to the dentist. He willl must not eat candy today.
4. She must not I has to stay in bed. She should I can't stay home tcday,
5. He should I shouldn't put a bandage on his cut. Then he can I can't go
to sehool.
6. She has to I shouldn't gel up right now, but she willl won't feel better soon.


> ~
o listen. Check T for True or f for Fa/se. TR: 32
1. Lionel Messi is from Argentina. C!)0
2. He is one of the most popular soccer players in the world. 00
3. He began to play soccer for the Barcelona team when he
was five years old, 00
4. He has two older brothers. 00
5. He was shorter and faster than his brothers. 00
6. The happiest day of his life was when his daughter was born. 00

G Write. Complete the questions. Then write your answers.

1. What ís the most important (important)

---...,-.,..-:.~,~~~,,~~~--~~-~~. ---,~ .. .,--'--.----------------'--.---'-''.----L...

-- --.~-.-- ..- ..-.---~---,--_ ..-,--,---,--
2. What is (funny) TV I
show or movie of all? 1
-,1,------_· --,,--,,'
---, I

3. Who is (good) singer 1__

in the world?
-_.~._...... _,--- ---~--.~-
--_--._----- -----

4. What is (difficult) I

school subject for you? J '

-:-=~:--'' ·-·,,--·-----·-,·,,----~~::~oIOr?I-----·-----·----'-"------·~---

.;>< ~

o Complete the sentences.
1. Marco fell and hurt himself
2. Did they really do it by ?
3. We'd Iike to do it by _
4. You don't have to do it by . 1 can help you!
5. My sister bought a new sweater for _

o Read. Complete the text

must must not should shouldn't will won't

We should / must protect the orean. lt's very

important. lf we don't proteet the ocean now, our resources
_______ disappear in the future. There are many
things you can do to help! For exarnple, if you go to the
beach, pick up your garbage. You leave
it on the beaeh. lfyou go on a boat, you _
never put trash in the water because it _
pollute the ocean. The worst thing of all is plastic beeause it isn't biodegradable.
So you throw plastie bags in the water! Finally, you
----- __ not buy things made of coral or sea turtle shells. One day there
_______ be any coral or sea turtles in the oeean. ®

ORead. Circle the answers.

Every weekend thousands of families visit the cireus. At the end of the show, the
fa mili es go home. But the athletes and singers in the show don't go horneo They
travel with the circus. Nikita Moiseev, aged 15, is one of the youngest artists in his
circus, He's an arnazinq acrobat from Russia. Nikita likes the talented and friendly
circus people, but he says it's boring sometimes. Like other kids, he goes to school,
but his classrcom is in the circus. He studies 15 to 25 hours a week, with three other
students. Usually Nikita lives in a hotel. So for his vacation he goes "home" to Russia.
1. The circus is popular with a. children. @people of all ages.
2. He thinks that circus life is a. the best thing. b. good and bad.
3. For school subjects, he has to a. study in the circus, b. travel to a school.
4. Nikita lives a. in hotels. b. in a big house.


o Do the puzzle. Circle

the words. Then label

the plcture, B A T T E R y X V W W I

A L S o E F G H N J K V
battery invention
E F T Y e e v B T B U E
creativity problem
S o L U T I o N K L S N
e1ectricity solution
Z A Q p R o B L E M E T
fail succeed
Q w E R I o E A T Y F 1
idea try
M S U e e E E o N T U o
imagination useful I
B V e R I F V G B R L N
invent wheel
e I R E A T 1 V I T y o A
X e E I Y U J M I K o L

o Complete the dialogues.

creativity electricity idea ínverrt problem solution try

Rena: 1 don't want to play video games

anymore. Let's invent something!
Nikos: That's a good o But what?
Rena: Let's make from a potato.
Then we can make electric light!
Nikos: Sure. 1 don't know how, but
let's _

Nikos: Oh, no. We have a _

lt isn't working.
Rena: Wait! 1 have a ! lt'll work now.
Nikos: Coo1. How do you have so much
imagination and 7

o What about YOu? Write your answers.

1. Think of the inventions you use every day. Which one is the most useful?

2. Do you use a lot of electricity in your home? How can you use less?

3. Are you a good friend? What do you do when a friend has a problem?

4. What advice do you give a friend who fails at something?

o Write and listen. Label the inventions. Then listen and write
them in the songoTR: 33



lnventions solve problems.

Problems that we used to have are gone!
The andthe _
help to make our world go aroundl

lnventions are useful,

every day, in every way.
_________ , and _
help lo make OUT world go around.

o Work with a partner. Write another verse.

••••••. c •••••• ·: •. -: •.• ·.;.:: •• -:.; .... ' .... : ••
" .,J'
GRAMMAR:<' ':'.:: :
, • • ,. o '

•••• , .: o


used to '. talk face-to-tace, , :: .,'

, ..,:. ~Oo"
'.: '.:',
.You:··· go to the movies more often.
He /She have a caro
lt: . didn't use to Uve in a house .. "
.We / They travel by boat.
you ..•.
· play games when you were a kid?
Oid your parents use to use the lnternet when they were kids? '.
,.. : 1',

'people . ride horses? .;. < ·': ".

. I , ,:', ,.; o o'. ~::~ .: '

", -: :.0' O'

o look and write. Complete the

sentences and questions.
1. How did this family use to live (Iive)?
2. These people (not / live)
in an apartment. They _
(live) in a house.
3. They (not / buy) meat.
They (grow) their own food.
4. This family (sleep) on the floor. They _
(not / have) beds.
5. _ these people [travel] by car? No, they
_____ (walk).
6. _ they ~ (use) electricity? No, they
______ (Iight) a fire.

o Write. Is your family life different from when you were a little
kid? How?
We used to /ive in an apartment when 1 was five. Now we líve in a house,


""" " __,~,.o .~~i"

ORead. Choose the best word.

1. This invention, called a "butter stick," is easy to __ ! a. use b. move

2. First, open the "butter stick." _ the end. a. Lift b. Turn
3. Now _ the "stick" on the bread. a. put b. lift
4. Then _ the "stick" around the bread. a. move b. use
5. Put sorne jelly on the bread. Then _ the bread
to yOUTmouth and eat it! Yurn! a. turn b. lift

o Listen. Answer the questions. TR: 34

1. What does lrma think of this invention?

2. Why does Daniel think it's sil1y?

fD Listen again. Write the order you hear these sentences (1-6).
O Why don't you just lift the bottle with your hund and give it to me?

O So, 1 move it aCTOSSthe table to you ... like this!

O Well, now you put the sauce on your fries.

O So the wheels turn ... so what?

~ Really? How do you use it?

O Use your imaqination! lt's easy!

• Read. Underline the correct word.
ln 1906 Frank Fleer liftcd / trie(L to make
bubble gum, but it didn't taste good and stuck
to everything! No one bought his inuention /
wheel called "Blibber-Blubber" and Fleer failed /
succeeded. Twenty years later, Fleer's employee
Walter Dierner had a better idea / problem. He put /
turned latex from trees in his bubble gum. Diemer
succeeded / tifted: He turned / inuented "Double Bubble." However, there
was a solution / problem: kids didn't know how to use / put bubble gum!
The Fleer Company quickly found él wneet / solution: they went to cities
and showed people how to blow bubbles! You can do anything with some
electricity / imaqination and crcatiuity / a battery .

• Listen to the sounds. Write the verbs in the correet column. TR: 35

foiled invented succeeded
invented tried
lifted turned
moved used

~ Match. Make true sentenees.

Frank Fleer ~ invented people how to blow bubbles.
Fleer's gum succeeded ... to rnake bubble gum.
Walter Diemer ShOW~ "Double Bubble,"
Dierner's gum tried because no ene bought it,
The Fleer Company failed because it used latex.

e Work with a partner. Imagine your friend doesn't know

what an umbrella ls, Explain it.


...... '

'. . .
. ',:.' .
•. ' o.' _

What do with this? .:

Mo'w . use it? ....
.·,Why .... spell electricity? .'
When < play this game? You= peopletín general)
.:" :'..'< ..' :-.:'. :.:., .'
"éán't be sure about.thefuture. .
._ ....
never know what will happen!
use this to make phone calls .
,.:._ .

fl) Read. Check the sentences that are about people in general.
~ 1. How do you pronounce uihee! in English?
D 2. Please can you show me how to use this7
D 3. What do you think is the best invention ever, Ming7
D 4.] don't know how to play bingo. How do you play it?
D 5. 15 this a new toy7 What do you do with it7

~ Playa game. Listen to the descriptions of inventions. Check the

box when you hear the description. Stop when you have three
pictures in a line! TR: 36

D D~.' D



... ,,- ...... _ ...- ..~~

fD Write. Find the three inventions which you didn't hear in
Activity 16. Describe them in your notebook. Then compare
your answers with a partner.

~ look, read, and write. Complete the paragraph with

used to OR didn't use too
The Hobby Horse
1. People ridc this bicycle: they used to walk
with it and move the handlebars! Most people _
walk with it in gardens and parks.
2. Women use bikes in those days. So, only
men used it.
3. lt be difficult to lift or move, lt was heavy
because it was made of wood.

The Hiqh Wheel Bicyc1e

1. People ride this bicycle, but it wasn't easy!
The seat was very high, and the front wheel was very big.
2. People often fall off because the back wheel
_____ turn very easily.
3. The pedals were on the front wheel, so it be
difficult to move them.

fD Write. Make questions with did ... use too Then discuss the
answers with a partner.

1. Why / people / fall off / The High Wheel Bicyc1e?

Why did peopJe use to fall off the High Wheel Bicycle?

2. Where / people / use / The Hobby Horse?

3. Which parts of / The Hobby Horse / move or turn?

.' ..... _~..~
....• ::.~
e Read the texto Check T for True or F for Fa/se.
1. The Shinkanscn is called the bullet train because of its shape. G) 0
2. The bullet train is the fastest train in the world. G) 0
3. A billion people take the bullet train every day, G) 0
4. Trains are very popular in Asia and Europe. G) 0
5. Trains used to be cheaper than they are today, G) 0

.. ~
el Read and write. Read about bullet trains again. Match the
sentence halves.

1. Bullet trains are very a. on time.

2. When you are on the train, b. hundreds of bridges.
3. The trains travel at c. quieto
4. There are views from d. you feel like you aren't moving.
5. They're always e. around 300 km/h.

e Complete the chart with the opinions about bullet trains.

There is a 10t to see. Bullet trains are very quiet. They're cornfortable.
They're always on time. They're ver)' fast.


3. When you are on the train, you feel

like you aren't moving.

4. They run on electricíty, which means

they make little noise.

s. There are views from hundreds of


The original bullet trains, the OSeries. which

stopped running in 2008, made enough trips to
clrcle the Earth 30,000 times.

fl) Work with a partner. Prepare and practice a role play. Take turns.

Student A - you took the bul1et train.

Student B - ask your partner about the trip.


G Read A Good Idea on page 120 of your Student Book.
How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.

1. First, the writer ehose an invention that she likes: sticky notes.
2. Next, she read about sticky notes. She listed her opinions and the facts
that she learned, (A faet is a pieee of true information, for example, a
date, an event, or a name. We use faets to support our opinions.) She
used a chart to do this.
Complete the chart.

a. They're useful and You lift the paper off, write a note, and stick
easy to use.
it on your notebook or on your computer.
And they come off easily.

b. They're popular.

They have two inventors! In 1970 Silver Spencer .

invented the glue. In 1974 Arthur Fry found a way to '
. use the glue (it was an accident!).

3. Next, the writer thought of words and expressions that show opinions:
In my opinión 1 think 1 believe

4. Then, she used her chart and some expressions of opinion: I think, I believe,
and In my opiníon.
Write three examples of opinions that you find in her paragraphs.

In n:!'l_<?_pinion,
sticf5y notes are a great invention. _


5. Finally, she wrote her first version, called a draft, of her paragraph.

..... /., - - / / ..
e Choose another invention. What do you like about it? What facts
can you use to support your opinions? Complete the chart.

fl) Now follow steps 2-5 on page 92. Write your paragraph
about your invention in your notebook.

e Express yourself. Choose one of the topies below and

write a paragraph of fact and opinion. Plan your writing and
follow the steps on page 92. Write your new paragraph in
your notebook. Check that your paragraph has opinions, and
that there is a fact to support each opinion.

a useful school subject TV and movies

your favorite actor your favorito book or writer
pollution in oceans and rivers big families and small families



o Do a puzzle. Find the words and the secret message!

14 9 compete
MEETCPO control1er
a creative

JYOEN hobby
YOBHB screen
11 12
IJ :l



Iwl ). '] .)
r.) () "
I B <¡ 10 11 I!. IJ 14
IFI 15


.:. :~~
o look and write. Label the pictures. Use words from Activity 1.

ORead and write. Complete

the conversation.

avatar enjoy screen

controller points toqether

Juma: Hey, Ornar. Mom gave me a video game console for my birthday, Do
you want to playa game together ?
Ornar: Sure! 1 really video games. How do you play this one?
Juma: lt's really easy, Pirst, you choose an . Then you listen to
music and move the controller around in the airo You can watch your
avatar move on the _
Omar: That's real1y cool, Juma! Do we have to compete or ?

Juma: We compete. Each person has a , so we can both play at

the same time.
Ornar: OK. So do you have to win ?

o What about YOu?Write about yourself.

1. What hobby or hobbies do you have?

2. What is the most creative activity that you did recently?

o Listen to the songoMatch the sentence halves. TR: 38

1. The boy who has the highest seore\ because 1 think they're sweet.
2. The girl who colleets a fossil can see them in her drearns.
3. 1 collect stuffed animal s on my new cell phone.
4. The boy who takes a photo wins the video game.
5. The girl who reads about dinosaurs sees it on the screen,
6. 1 like to talk about my hobby wants to learn its narne.

o Describe the pictures. Use sentences from Activity 5. Then

draw another sentence from Activity 5 and describe it.

1got the most . What's this I'm watching sea

-... .
poínts:11 won .1 turtles tomorrow.
..... _ ~~:.:::::.:,..;;..:;.:.:.:.:..:..::.:...;~:.:;.;..:,.;.: •.:..;.;.;.:..:_;_::..:..:.::.;.:;:.::;::;;::

a. The boy who has the highest sCore ...

b. __ _

c. ___

d. __

O listen and write. Listen to the chorus. Cross out the extra
words. Then write your own chorus with a partner. TR: 39

What's your favorite hobby?

What do you often like to do?
What is your friend's hobby?
1 have él eool hobby, too.

......... _ - : _.

... ,~ ,..
.rÓ . ..........• :.. : ... :.:-.
.. . .. : .. --:: :' .~.,.' ." ' . .: :'" .'. . .. ::.:., .:.:., ;
: :'.. : .- _.: ..... :,' _.. ._.. :: '::":
GRAMMA'Ff .. l·····
; .' ; :"';':'

" .Ó:

........ .'.: .; ' ..

The person llves opposite has bugs in his house .. '.
People . have colds and coughs should use tissues.
The.boy. .....
··. sits near me in class " , coílects teddy bears. .'.. .
A girl··.················ r used to study in my school iíwents video games now. .:'
.',_' ..
.' A nurse is someone .:' works ln a hospital. ..
" My frien~; isa person. likes to compete .
..... ---- ... :.
•' ••••• l"

o look and listen. Look at the avatars and listen. Write the
number (1-5). TR:40
e d e

() Read and write. Read the sentences about pictures a-e.

Choose the best expression. Add who.

is creative must have the

ride horses highest score
loves teddy bears enjoy sports

a. 1 like this avatar. lt's great for people who enjoy sports .
b. This avatar is wonderful for people for a hobby.
c. This is great for my friend . She loves pictures of nature, too.
d. This is a good avatar for my sister. She is a person _
e. This is a funny avatar for Mario. He 1S someone _

fl) Work with a partner. Student 1, go to page 123. Student 2, go

to page 128. Complete the puzzle.

• look and write. Label the objects in the Science Museum store.

- -.-b. d - n


e listen. Number the order that Irma talks about these toys (1-5). TR: 41

o bugs o dinosaurs o stuffed animals

O cómic books O fossils

f!) listen again. Underline. TR: 42

1. The stuffed animals / bugs are eute, but her brother is a bit old for them.
2. Irma thinks that the fossiJs / dinosaurs are old-fashioned.
3. The stuffed animals / bugs move if you put batteries in them.
4. The bugs / dinosaurs are good for her brother beca use hc's ereative.
5. lrma buys the fossils / cómic books for her brother because they are
the easiest,


", ' _ ~...... :. ...

e Read and write. Read the description of the video game.
Describe it.
avatar collect controllers cooperate
points score screen • Avatars for children
aged 10-14.
ln this cool qarne, players can compete or • Players compete to
- . First, choose your _ collect dinosaurs.
More poínts for sorne
Then watch the - dinosaurs are
everywhere today. Now try to __. _
as many dinosaurs as you can. But remember, • Watch dinosaurs move
on screen. Hear the
if you get a slow dinosaur, you win just two
-- . So, for a higher _
• TINocontrollers for
try to get faster dinosaurs. There are only two
players. Cooperative
- , but four people can play in a games also possible.
cooperative game. Enjoy!

~ Read. Match the questions and answers.

1. What new hobby do you want to try? __

2. Do you do anything creative? __
3. Do you prefer to spend time together with other people or alone? __
4. Do you like to compete in sports? __
s. Did you use to collect many things when you were younger? __

a. Not real1y. 1 sometimes play tennis, but 1 never count the score.
b. A musical group must be really amazing! 1 want to try that.
c. Well, sometimes 1 paint or draw. And 1 often take photos.
d. Sure. 1 used to have a11kinds of things: pens, fossils, and bugs!
e. 1 enjoy both. But 1 usually do things by myself.

ED Work with a partner. What about you? Answer the

questions in Activity 15.


~ }~

." : ::.:

I sent Ma~i~lasome flower~> • Verbs "

, Isent some flowers to Mariela, give
I ..' .' gave me / you a stuffed toy. , ' sell
. You .told .'.•.. . him/ her <;1 story.. .• ' , ..
He " .a comic book.
We me, / you write
a si~fted toy
They buy (tor).
a story to him. / her.
Mariela· find (tor). "..•.'. '.
sent a comic book .
us.1 them.··
". :':. .
make (for).' ..

1 ¡ Project
r 10'tr"«;0"I:
Work jI) palrs. M.\~.t l
póster for tWO dlunutc~ .

• Look at pictures 1-4. Underline the correct verbo

l. Last week we had to .1J.l..ª-~e / buy / qive a poster for two classmates.
2. So we told / made / sold Jaime and Delia a bug poster,
3. Later we showed / sold / uirote the teacher our work. She liked it.
4. After that, Jaime and Delia sold / told / qave us a wonderful fossil póster.

f!) Write. Write the sentences from Activity 17 in a different way.

Lcst »eer: we had to maKe two classmates a poster.

f!) Read the messages. Complete the sentences with who.

l'm a ten-year old-boy who wants a hobby because l'm

bored. Please don't tell me to do sports, 1 don't real1y
like sports. Also, 1 need something that 1 can do alone.

1 have hundreds of comic books, and my mom told me to

throw some away. 1 want to send them to a place where
other people can read them. Do you have any ideas?

1 have a young daughter who collects stuffed toys. She

has more than thirty, and she wants more. 1 want to buy
more for her, but they are very expensive. What can 1 do?

1. Boy / need a hobby / do not like sports.

The boy who needs a hobby doesn' t like sports.

2. Boy / be ten years old / want a hobby.

3. Girl / enjoy cómic books / have hundreds of them.

4. Girl / have too many comic books / do not want to put them in the trash.

5. Young girl / collect stuffed toys / want more toys.

6. Mom / wrote the message / think stuffed toys are expensive.

o Listen and read. TR: 43

Video Games:
Then and Now
In the late 19505, a scientist invented
the first video game. lt was a simple table
tennis game. Modern video games are very
Video games first became popular in
the 1970s. Gamers, mostly young men,
used to pay to play games that were
short and slow, with silly stories. To
play, people had to go to video arcades.
Arcades were like shopping malls full of
machines. This changed in 1972 with thc
invention of the first 'home video' game. Gamers could finally play at home!
Soon people wanted small portable games, too, to play outside the home. The
first successful handheld game came out in 1989. After that, people could play
games almost euerywhere.
Two inventions changed gaming forever in the 19905: cell phones and the
Internet. Thanks to the Internet, multiplayer games became very popular.
Gamers could compete online aqainst more rhan one person at the same time,
anywhere in the world!
Then carne the modern game consoles in the late 1990s. Suddenly video
games, which used lo be only for kids, became popular with everyone,
especially women and older people. Everyone could playa game on the
consoles, even grandma. For the first time, people saw video games as more
than a hobby. lt was a way to learn or become healthy. Even schools and
hospitals began to use them! What next? Maybe you have that idea?


• »
e Read the text again. Check T for True and F for Fa/se.

1. The interest in video games began with young meno 00

2. Arcades were in shopping malls. 00
3. People wanted to be able to play video games everywhere. 00
4. Video games are still just a hobby. 00
$ Read. Write the inventions on the timeline.
1950 1960 1972 1989 late 2000
I I 19905

fl) Read and complete the chart. Add your own ideas, too.

l. WHERE do people play? in video arcades

2. WHO plays video Men, women, children,

games? adults ... everyone!

short and slow. with silly

3. HOW are the games?

4. WHAT do the video They are small,

games look like? handheld, and portable.

S. WHY do people play? for fun

fZ) Work with a partner. Discuss the inventions and changes in video
games. Which ones were the most important in your opinion?
e Read Fun with paper on page 136 of your Student .
Book. How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.

1. First, the writer chose a hobby to write

Write the name of the hobby. _

2. Next, the writer wrote down questions

about her hobby to help her think about the
topie. She used a word map.

Where is it from?

What can you maKe? What is it?

How do you do it?

3. After researehing the answers, she checked her ideas. Are there any
words that the reader may not know? Do any ideas need examples?
She deeided that, to help the reader understand her explanation, she
needed to give one definition and tUJO cxamples.
a. Which word did she define for us? _
b. What is an example of a 'simple' shape? _
e. What is an example of a 'difficult' shape? _

4. Then she chose words and expressions that show examples. Underline
the two that she used.
such as like for example

5. Next she planned the introduetion.

Compare her introduction with the
second introduction (from: Hule and Seek on page 134 of your Student
Book). What do they have in eommon?

a. Origami is él very popular hobby today. The Japanese invented it in the

seventeenth century, and now it is famous everywhere in the world.
b. "Letterboxinq" is él fun outdoor hobby. Here's how it works: People hide
él box. lnside the box, they put él rubber stamp and a notebook.

6. Finally, she wrote her first version, called él draft, of her paraqraph.
~ Now choose a hobby. Look at Activity 18 in your Student Book.
Follow steps 2-6 on page 104. Write your paragraph of explanation
in your notebook.

fl) Express yourself. Choose one of the tapies

below and write a paragraph of explanation.
Give some examples. Define words that the
reader may not know. Plan your writing and
follow the steps on page 104. Write your
new paragraph in your notebook.

A toy you like

One of your video games
A sport you enjoy


Unit 9

The Sc:ience o" Fun

o Do the puzzle.

L _.
o I R
H I I ~nlR N Q 1

V E R T E o/ /9Íc1XIsI N i connect pul!
IR Q B R Z ~/'R/

down push
W H N T ~ 'A/
/V P U L L I R
fa11 rub
A H T ~/
/s v I B K A I
/K force skater
R S ty /
/Ó o W N o J N e
/C /p e Ilo N e T
forward spin
D K/ / J NIE

J/ /A y <z U I R F S ' A vi E I 1
friction swmg

cW vT J s W I N G KlvlT 01

A E W H B Z H A p p E NI
w R F E N Q M X E e z 10 I

o look and write. Label the pictures "push" or "pul!."

J :;~~;
-~ -

2. _ 3. _


4. _ 6. _
o Read. Complete the paragraphs. Can you guess who is speaking?

balance connect down force forward friction over push rub

A. "1 use force . To move, 1 push on one of the

pedals. The whcels turn, and we move. To stop, 1 use the brake. The
brake with the wheels. The brakes and the four wheels
_____ together. When they rub together like this, there is

Who am 1? l'm a cyclist I car driver I skateboarder.

B. "To move, 1 on the ground. The push moves me
_____ . The wheels turn, and 1 move. Sometimes 1 go Iast, but 1 don't
fall because 1 know how to balance! To , 1 stand
and move my arrns in the air."
Who am l? l'm a cyclist I car driver / skateboarder,

o Write. Choose a picture. Describe how they move.

----_ .._-----------_ .._----------_._. __ ._------


o Find four pairs that rhyme.

fall course
work feel

o listen and write the rhyming pairs in the songo TR: 44

Push it, pull it, push it, pull it, push, pull; push, pull; push, pull! Watch it gol

1f you spin , and around and around and around,

what you feel is _
lfyou fall down, down, down, doum, down to the _
that's gravity of _

l'm on the _
l'rn in the _
lt's amazing what you can do,
when you let force the work for you!

The more push, the faster sorne things go.

When you spin around, the force comes and goes.

o Circle the correct meaning of each expression.

1. Letforcc do the work for you!
o Use forces to help you. b. Don't work so hard.
2. l'm in the groove.
a. 1 want to move. b. 1 feel happy.
3. l'm on thc move.
a. l'm moving. b. l'm on 3 train or bus.

you do now, you have to do later!
The more Iless the more Iless
we study, we learn.
faster you walk, sooner you will arrive.
earlier I go to bed, less tired I feel the next day.
The the
harder you study, better I worse your grades will be.
morelless we do sports, healthier we feel.

o Read. Match the sentence halves.

1. You should work hard in sehool because _

2. lt is importantlo brush your teeth because _
3. We give plants water and sunlight beeause _
4. We should try again if we fail beca use _
5. You must not pollute the ocean because _

a. the harder we try, the more we sueeeed.

b. the harder you study, the more you learn.
e. the dirtier it gets, the raster ereatures disappear,
d. the more they get, the healthier they will be.
e. the better you look after them, the less you have to see the dentist.

o Complete the sentences.

To start the merry-go-round, a boy pushes it.

1t starts lo turno What happens?
1. The more he pushes it (he / push / it),
the faster it turns (fast / it / turn).
2. (fast / it / gol,
_________ (the children / laugh).
3. (funny / it / is),
________ (hard / he / push) it.
4. _ (quick I it I spin),
______________ (dizzy / they / feel}.
5. ___ (bad / they / feel),
_____ (they / scream) STOP!
J ~-. ,,::
(1) Read. Read the clues and write the answer.
away frorn backward center direction friction toward .

1. You are in the park. Sorne bugs are moving near the tree. 5uddenly you can't
see them anymore. They disappeared. Which did they go in?
Up the treel
2. You feel sad. You're going to an adventure camp for two weeks. You won't be
with your family. You'll be your friends, too. @
3. You are asleep and dreaming. ln your drcarn, there is a big monster with two
green heads. You're very scared because it is coming you!
4. You buy a candy bar with strawberry filling. On the outside, it is brown. You
eat it. In the , it is soft and red .

• listen and look. Check T tor Ttue or F ter Fa/se. TR: 45

1. Gravity is a force.
2. Gravity pulls things down.
3. Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth.
4. Gravity pushes the sun away from uso
5. Ming thinks gravity is boring .

• listen again. Complete the dialogue. TR: 46

Ming: Mrs. Li, please can you explain something?

Mrs. Li: 5ure. How can 1 help you, Ming?
Ming: 1 still don't understand gravity
Mrs. Li: OK, when you fall over, what ? You fall down on the
ground. That's the of gravity pulling you.
Ming: So gravity everything doum, right?
Mrs. Li: Gravity doesn't pull things . Gravity doesn't pull the sun
down to earth, for example! So, what does do?
Ming: Does it pull things the earth?
Mrs. Li: Yes, that's right, Ming! So if you , gravity pulls you
toward the of the earth.


f!) look and read. Choose the correct answer.

1. The car is traveling toward I away from the zoo.

2. The truck 1S traveling toward / away from the mall.
3. The woman in the playground is pushing I pul1ing a girl on the swing.
4. The children in the playground are rubbing / spinning on the
5. The girl on the bicycle is moving forward I backward. She is pushing /
pulling the boy who is fallinq over I balancing on the skateboard.
That's dangerous.
6. They're very sil1y. A serious accident could connect I happen.

f!> Do the puzzle.

Everyone was busy having fun. Sorne children <2a>

around on the merry-go-round. A mom <8a> her
daughter on the swings. And a girl en a bicycle <Sd>
her friend, who «te» on a skateboard behind her. But
suddenly something bad <4a>. The girl saw
a car coming. When her brakes <6d> with
the ground, she stopped, but her friend
wasn't paying attention and he <3d> off his
skateboard. Luckily no one was hurt, but the
car driver was very angry. The boy got up and <ld>
his head. "We're really sorry," he said. "lt was silly and

~. r
.' t" :.,: .:. ""':., .: :.,': •••• " ••• '. • • • ',:':.:'.:":"

•• Ór ....... '

you can play athorne with a controller. . .

It is sornething
/ /

we push in t'he playground.

A swing is él .thing .'
pulís youJo\Nar.d the center of the Earth is .' .....
.... ~... éal¡edgrCi\lity.::~;; .... o··· ..' '. . ,.; ,,: -:Ó, '

: : :

.sorne peoPI~ ~ollect.They're
/ .. ' . .
.....,. .....;

• listen and write. Write the clues you hear in the quiz. Then
listen again and write the correct answers. TR:47



Clues Answers
1. lt's a useful subject _
2. lt's something _
3. lt's a vegetable _

(D Write. Write clues. Then guess two possible answers.

1. This / a machine with wheels / ride in the park, a bicycle
This is a machine with whee/s which we ride in the parK. a sKateboard
2. lt / something / pullo

3. This / a force I happens I when we move.

4. This / él popular sport / play / with él ball.

5. This / an invention / changed OUT lives.

6. lt / él thing / pcople / collect for a hobby.


...... ~ :.
~.~ '":"1
f!) look, read, and write. Rewrite the sentences so that they
have the same meaning. Then guess the objects!

1. We take it to the beach.

It is something which We taKe to the beach. beach ball
2. Sorne people collect them. They are soft.

3. lt is a classroom object. We rub it on paper.

4. lt is a kind of food. lt's cold and tasty!

5. They are pretty things. You find them in your garden.

~ Read and complete the clues.

bigger faster higher softer younger

1. The more air it has inside it, the higher the ball bounces.
2. The the person, the more popular this toy is.

ji 3. The harder you rub, the your words disappear.

4. The longer you leave an ice cream in the sun, the ____ it gets.
5. The more you water flowers, the they grow.

fl) What about YOu? Make five true sentences.
i 1. The eorlier 1 get vp (early I get up), the more time 1 hove to enjoy the doy.
j 2. (happy I fcel],
i 3. (late I go to bed), _
-1 4. .. (practice I sports), _
¡ fl) Work in a small group. Playa garue. Go to page 126.
! 113
.::$. ....
.... ; /:,/;/ .
: .. :./: .. ::: ..:......... .

G Read the text again. Check T for Ttue and F for Fa/se.
1. To balance, you should stand with your feet near the curves.
2. The truck helps you control which direction you travel in.
3. Wheels just move the board.
4. When you push down on the wheels, they are stil1 round.
5. Always check that the parts are working before you go
skateboarding. o 0

... ..._ ..
fl) Read and write. Label the parts of a skateboard.


A dog called Tillman can skateboard.

He moves 100 m (328 feet) in just
19.68 seconds and always chews the
tires before he begins.

~ Read and complete the chart.

Check your skateboard is working. You can control the c1irection.

There are curves on the deck. lt bends, and it is very strong.

1. The deck is made of maple wood.
2. You can balance more easily.
3. The truck is connected to the wheels.
4. __ ",_"_,, You won't have an accident,

G Work with a partner. Explain how a skateboard works.

deck truck put control

wheels direction balance lean
curve bend move along
connect turn

e Read the paragraph on page 152 of your Student Book.
How did the writer plan her writing? Read the steps.
1. First, the writer chose a game that has a variety of movements, involving
cause and effect. Tetherball has many cause-and-effect movements.
2. Next, the writer wrote down
a description of the game:
the rules, what the players do, opinión
typical movements, and her own
opinion. She used a word map. movements

Which parts of the map do these sentences belong to?

t. Two people play thc qame. One person hits the ball to the riqhi. The othcr
person hits it to tne left. _
2. ro unn, you huue to hit the ball so thnt it turns round and round the poleo

3. It's cool. I uiant to play aqain 500n, but not with my brother!

3. After making notes about tetherball, she wrote down some common causes
and effects in the game. She used a cause-and-effect chart to do this.

The ball ls connected to a rope. The ball doesn't fly away.

To win. you have to hit the ball. It goes around the pole.

When I hit the ball. it flew up in a big

It was easy for my brother to hit!
When he hit the ball, it went around
He won every game!
the pole.

4. Then she thought of words and expressions that show cause and effect:

so that so as a result

Which words or expressions did she use to connect cause-and-effect sentences?

5. Finally, she wrote her first versión, called a draft, of her paragraph.

• look at Activity 19 in your Student Book. Follow steps 1-5 on
page 116. Plan your paragraph about a game or activity. Use the
word map below. Draw a cause-and-effect chart in your notebook.

fl) Write cause-and-effect sentences. Use the information in

your cause-and-effect chart and connect them with so, so thot,
and as a result. Then write your paragraph in your notebook.

1. When you 90 on a roller coaster: you have to use a safety bar so that

you don' t fall out.

2. ___

3. ___

~ 4. ___
:1 ~ Express yourself. Choose one of the
topics below and write a paragraph of
cause and effect. Plan your writing and
follow the steps on page 116. Write your
new paragraph in your notebook.

ocean pollution first-aid kits hobbies and sports

o Match the words with opposite meaning.
Then label the pictures.

1. together ~ d. backward
2. pul! ~ b. away frorn
3. fail '-..... c. alone
4. forward d. coopera te
5. problem c. push
6. compete f. solution
7. toward g. fall over
8. balance h. succeed

o look and listen. Number the pictures. TR: 49



o listen and write. Listen again. Answer the questions. TR: 50

1. What did Juan forget? You have to e"':!:?~__the door: _

2. How dicl he make his eye worse? ,
3. How did he get a broken ann? __ , , _
4. Why is he happy today? _


"'_ "-_- .\~,

ORead and write. Underline the correct word. Then
write examples.

1. Narne an invention ioho / --_._.-

iuhich. is useful: The electric light is useful.
2. Write two things uiho / which have wheels: _
3. Write a hobby who / which you used to have:
4. Name a friend or classmate who / iohich is creative: ""_._-------
5. Write two sehool subjeets who / iohich you enjoy: _
6. Name a singer uiho / which is popular with your friends: _

ORead and match. Draw lines to the correct pictures.


f(j} ""
Keiko '-.~
glasses bug


Weiwei camera comic book

1. Keiko is the girl who eolleets stuffed toys.

2. The girl who wears glasses is ealled Mei.
3. My friend Weiwei is the girl who takes photos.
4. The girl who wears glasses loves to read eomic books.
5. The girl who eollects stuffed toys also eolleets bugs!
6. The girl who takes photos is very crcative, She really enjoys art.


G look and listen. Check the things that we used to do. TR: 51

sea shell paper money zipper

button horse

o Write what we used to and didn't use to do or have.

1. We used ta buy things with sea shells. (.1 / buy / sea shells)
2. - (X I buy I paper money)
3. (X / jeans / have zippers)
4. (.1 / jeans / have buttons)
5. (.1 / horses / pull buses)

ORead and write. Complete the sentences.

1 had a great birthday! My mom made a big cake far me

[for / cake / me / a / big / make). Mom and dad ~~ _
(camera / a / neto / me / buy}, and my brother .
icard / a / [unny / make / me). He drew a dinosaur! Later my friend
Weiwei (me / photo / qiue / amazinq / an}

which she took herself. Grandma couldn't come, but she

__________ isend / floiuers / me /pretty / to /some).
Now l'm going to ie-mails / uirite / them} to
say thank you.


ORead and write the answer.

1. You are in the jungle, and you see a spiderl Which direction should you gol

2. You go shopping to buy new clothes. Do you go with someone OTalone?

3. Your friend fails a test and feels very sad. What do you tell him or her?

4. You playa video game. lt's your first time. What do you have to do?

o Read. Check T tor True and f for False.

These days there is a solution for every problem, it seerns.

This interesting new idea is a pair of boots called the
"Oranqe Power Wellies." Next time the battery in your
cell phone is dead and you are not at heme, just put yOUT
phone in your boot and start walking. 500n your battery
will be good as new! How do the boots work? They use él
force called friction, As you push down on the boots, they
rub on the ground and make electricity. The faster you
move, the more electricity you rnake, 50 walk quickly, but
enjoy your walk, too!

1. Nowadays people often think of new inventions.

2. You should wear the boots when you are outdoors.
3. The boots make él new battery.
4. You can make more electricity if you rub your feet inside the boot.
5. lf you move too fast, you make less electricity .

• Write. What do you think about the invention in Activity la? Write
two advantages and two disadvantages in your notebook:
Unit 1 Student 1 Use with Activity 19 on p. 7

f!) Work with a partner. Find the differences. Ask questions about the
people in your partner's picture. Answer questions about the people
in your picture. Write five differences.

Grandma's birthday: Dad. Mom, Grandpa. Grandma. Aunt Sofia,

Uncle Ethan, Sonjo, and me

Useful expressions
Can you please describe (Mom, What does his/her hair look like?
Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, ...)? ls he/she wearing glasses?
What does he/she look like? 1t's rnyjyour turno

1. . _


3. _ _


5. _

. ,.
Unit 4 Student 1 Use with Activity 14 on page 46.

fI Complete the sentences.

partner. Take turns to ask
Then talk about your week with your

Oíd you play No. We didn't play

and answer questions. soccer on Sunday? soccer because Víctor
had a broken leg! What
about you? Oíd you play
broken cut bruise burn scratch soccer?

Sun. ~. victor has a

Play soccer ..••.. lego
Mon. Take photos for the school album. ...:!;: 1 got a playing
baseball, and my eye looks purple!

Tue. Do the science experiment. .:

Wed. Mak.e a cake. ::..1 have a 00 my finger. 1 got it when 1 made

a cake last week, and my mom is afraid 1 will burn myself again!

Thu. Go to the rnuseurn. <;;

Fri. Play video games. .:.:.1 hove a on my finger from cuttiog

potqtoes, and it hurts!

Sat, Take the cat te the vet. ~

Unit 8 Student 1 Use with Activity 10 on page 97.

t!) Complete the puzzle. rr


A. Look at your words. Give elues

1- ., s '-¡-
to your partner. b

1- s
B. Listen to your partner's clu es t-- t-- 1-- - - -
and write the words. 1- 1- t--

1. fast 12. creative - 11

3. neighbors 14. handsorne - r¡-;- '-- - I I I

,., -
4. friend 15. singer '--

9. athlete 17. teacher 1 '-- -

1' I I I I ~ r¡¡;-
11. short Il

t-- t--
Number 1 across: '-- 1-

someone who IS not slow t--

'-- 123
Unit 1 Student 2 Use with Activity 19 on p. 7

f!) Work with a partner. Find the differences. Ask questions about the
people in your partner's picture. Answer questions about the people
in your picture. Write five differences.

Grandma's birthday: Dad, Mom, Grandpa. Grandma, Aunt Sofia.

Uncle Ethan. Sonja. and me

Useful expressions
Can you please describe (Mom, What does his/her hair look like?
Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, ...)? 15 he/she wearing glasses?
What does he/she look like? lt's my/your turno

1. ___

2. . ___

3. __ o

4. ___

Unit 5 Use with Activity 15 on page 59.

tj) s (j"
r','., ~:.:
Vou forgot o ~J ~
cool friendo game
animal to caH your best .I1,"-g-t0~O_d_v_íd
..e_O_n ...__ ....J ...


o ..........

..~! ~
......... bad




• Put al! the markers on START. Take turns lo t055 a
coin. The first piayer to get Heads starts the qame, Tails! Twa spaces. I think that the
• Toss a coin and travel the board from mast talented band is One Directian.
square 1 to square 35. Heads: 1 space.
Tails: 2 spaces, The winner is the first
student to rcach SqUéHC 35. That's right!
• lf you land on a snake, move to the bottom of the snake. My turno
• lf you land on a ladder, move to the top of the ladder.
• lf you land on a picture, say what lile picture is.
• Ir you land on a word, make él sentcnce. 125

Unit 9 Use with Activity 20 on page 113.

fl) Playa game. In a small group,

move around the wheel.
When you land on a picture,
make a sentence with the more.
When you land on a number,
make a definition
with which for one of the
words in the boxes.

Move 2 spaces. forces

. Tails:
Move 1space.

a tissue a chore an onion

a cast a bug a lettuce
a burn a fire a cabbage
a headache a TV show a zucchini
a cold glasses a carrot
a first-aid kit a comic book a hot pepper


Number 3. The more you brush your
teeth, the less you see the dentist.

Number 11. ít's a green vegetable which

you put in saJadsand sandwiches.


Number 24. The harder you

health try, the more you succeed.

home and

an oil spill a wheel a swing

sunlight a battery a force
. garbage a cell phone gravity
a shark an invention a skateboard
an octopus electricity . a skate
overtishing a playground


Unit 4 Student 2 Use with Activity 14 on page 46.
f!) Complete the sentences. Then talk about your week with
your partner. Take turns to
Oíd you play No. We didn't play
ask and answer questions. soccer on Sunday? soccer beca use Victor
had a broken leg! What
about you? Oíd you play
broken cut bruise burn scratch

Sun. Play soccer. .~

Mon. Take photos for the school album. ¿

Tue. Do the science experiment. ;,: 1 nave abad on my nand, so
1 ccn't do it. Next time 1'11be more careful witn the scissors.

Wed. Make a cake. .~

Thu. Go to the rnuseurn, .:!: 1 hove a leg, so 1 can' t walk .

Fri. Play video games. ,::;;.

Sat. Take the cat to the veto My dad has to take me. 1 tried to get the cct and
now 1 ha ve a big

Unit 8 Student 2 Use with Activity 10 on page 97.

~ Complete the puzzle. ,
A. Look at your words. Give clues J

to your partner,
r- .: ~~ ~
B. Listen to your partner's el ues "
- (1
and write the words.

'-- f- f-

1. farmer 8. actor 9
1 I I
r¡¡¡- 11

2. dentists 10. author f- ,

¡- r¡¡
..._ ¡- I I I I
5. relatives 13. invento r ¡-

6. doctor 16. pretty '--

r- '--
7. talented 1" I 1 I I ¡- -¡¡;-


Number 1 down: someone ¡- -

who grows vegetables '-- '--

and has cows or sheep -

> "

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