Do Does

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Comparing “Do” and “Does”

do – to accomplish action 행동을 성취하기 위해

does (third person) – the accomplishment of another 다른 사람의

 Both are verbs or action words.
-What do you do on days off? (off from work)
-How does that clock work?

 Both are present tense. (action is in the present)

-I do love this game. (I do like soccer.)
-She does want to come over now. (visit)

 Both have the same general idea. (meaning)

-I do my hair before work. (before the work time)
-She does her hair before school.

 Both are put in the same place in sentences and questions.

-Do you like chicken? (found at the beginning of the sentence)
-Does your mom like chicken?

 “Do” is used for plural subjects like “you”, “we”, “they”’ “these”, “those”, or
“John and I”, as well as with “I”.
Example: John and I do not like snakes. (You do not like her.)

 “Does” is used for singular subjects like “he,” “she,” “it,” “this,” “that,” or “John.”
Example: John does not like snakes. (He does not like our animals.)

 “Do” is used to form imperative sentences, or commands.

Example: Do your homework. (Do your laundry.)

 “Does” is never used to form imperative sentences, or commands.

Example: Does your homework. (incorrect)
1. ____ you go to work by bus?
2. ____ she play on the computer?
3. ____ the girls like football?
4. ____ the cat like to drink milk?
5. ____ you speak English?
6. ____ he read books?
7. ____ the children go to school on Fridays?
8. ____ she like cats?
9. ____ they play tennis?
10. ____ he like birds?

Negatives: Don’t or Doesn’t (not)

1. He ____ live in Mexico. (doesn’t)
2. She ____ work in a bank. (doesn’t)
3. I ____ play golf. (don’t)
4. Max ____ listen to the radio. (doesn’t)
5. We ____ speak English. (don’t)
6. You ____ drink coffee in the morning. (don’t)
7. My cat ____ eat meat. (doesn’t) – (bag – thing, the snake - , my friend)
8. Shelley ____ drink milk. (doesn’t)
9. I ____ understand. (don’t)
10. His car ____ work. (doesn’t)

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