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3. TECHNOLOGY What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones? What electronie devices have yout bought lately? Is there any technology you want to buy? Is technology important in your life? Is there any technology you don’t like? What do you think ate the trends in technology today compared to when you were young? Appropriate technology: céng nghé phu hop Bleeding edge (adj): cOng nghé moi (thong chura duge thir nghiém ki) Cleantech: cong nghé xanh Fifth-generation: cng nghé 5.0 (diing dé thé hién cng nghé méi nhat High tech: cbng nghé cao Intermediate technology: cong nghé & nhiing cudc gia dang phat trién, thudngla tiv nguyén liguré tin 1 vai tinh tirdi cing technology hop neir c&nh: Advanced, current, innovative, latest, modern, revolutionary, sophisticated, state-of-the-art, powerful 4, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION What kind of public transportation do you usually take? When do you usually take public transportation, in your everyday life or when are you travelling? Do most people prefer public transportation in your country? Did you take public transportation when you were a kid? Will there be more people taking public transportation in the future? Rush hour: gid cao diém Means of transport: phuong tién giao thong car users: ngudi lai xe commute: di bang phuong tién céng cng daily commute: di chuyén hing hang bing phuong tién cOng cong Mass transit: phurong tién céng céng Shuttle: xe buyt, tau héa,...(cic phuong tién cong cong) Boneshaker: 1 xe rat khé chiu va ct Eleciric bus: xe buyt dign Jam-packed: qua dong Bus route: tuyén xe buyt Bus stop: diém dimng xe bujt Season ticket: vé thang hoc nim 5. WEATHER What's the weather like whef You live? Do you prefer cold or hot weather? Do you prefer dry or wet weather? Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast?” When/How often? What do you think ate the effects of climate change in recent years? 6. Would you ike to visit other cities that have differes from where you live? ‘Tropical: nhiét déi ‘Seasonal surprises: nhimg thay déi thai tiét theo mia dét ngét Misty: nhigu suong mi Scorching: rat néng fickle weather: thoi tiét that thugng Seep into your bones: thiu xuong light drizzles: mua nhe superb condition: diéu kign hoan hio pleasant breezes: gié nhe ample sunlight: nang chan héa 6. BIRTHDAY What do you usually do on your birthday? What did you do on your birthday when you were young? Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday? Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China? Signify your beginning: Lam cho ngay ra dé cua minh c6 y nghia Give me a day to feel special: cho ban than 1 ngay dé thy duge dic biét Birthday gift/present: qua sinh nhat Goon an outing: di choi ‘A momentous occasion: dip quan trong Self-refiection: ty nhin lai ban than

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