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Generic Name 3.

4 ml Calcium is Calcium gluconate is  Hypersen  Bradycardia Assess for cutaneous burning

Calcium IV essential for the a medication used to sitivity sensations and peripheral
Gluconate functional manage  Intramus  Hypotension vasodilation, with moderate fall
integrity of the hypocalcemia, cular/ in BP, during direct IV
Brand Name nervous, muscular, cardiac arrest, and subcutan  Headache injection.
Calgonate and skeletal cardiotoxicity due to eous
systems. It plays a hyperkalemia or (IM/SC)  Constipation Monitor ECG during IV
Drug role in normal hypermagnesemia. It administr administration to detect
Classification cardiac function, is classified as a ation  Diarrhea evidence of hypercalcemia:
Calcium Salts, renal function, calcium salt.  Ventricul decreased QT interval
Antidotes respiration, blood ar associated with inverted T-
 Flatulence
coagulation, and fibrillatio wave.
cell membrane and n during  Nausea
capillary CPR Lab test:
permeability.  High Determine levels of calcium
Also, calcium  Vomiting and phosphorus and
helps to regulate calcium magnesium frequently, during
the release and  Hypomagnes sustained therapy.
(hypercal emia
storage of cemia)
neurotransmitters  Digoxin
and hormones, the  Hypophosph
poisoning atemia
uptake and binding s
of amino acids,  Sarcoidos
absorption of  Extravasation
vitamin B 12, and necrosis
gastrin secretion

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