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ID: 152–15–5611

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Supervised By

Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, PhD

Associate Professor and Associate Head
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University



©Daffodil International University I


This thesis titled “Pharmacovigilance study of opioid drugs on Twitter and PubMed
using artificial intelligence”, submitted by Md. Jamiur Rahman Rifat to the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University,
has been accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (BSc) and approved as to its style
and contents.


Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain Chairman

Professor and Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Dr. Sheak Rashed Haider Noori Internal Examiner

Associate Professor and Associate Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Md. Zahid Hasan Internal Examiner

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Dr. Mohammad Shorif Uddin External Examiner

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jahangirnagar University

©Daffodil International University II


I hereby declare that, this thesis has been done by me under the supervision of Dr.
Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Associate Professor and Associate Head Department
of CSE, Daffodil International University. We also declare that neither this thesis nor
any part of this thesis has been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree or diploma.

Supervised by:

Dr. Sheak Rashed Haider Noori

Associate Professor and Associate Head
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Submitted by:

Md. Jamiur Rahman Rifat

ID: 152 – 15 – 5611
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

©Daffodil International University III


I have given my efforts to this thesis. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to express my deepest
appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report.

At first, I express my heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty Allah for His divine
blessings which allowed me to complete this thesis successfully.

A special gratitude I give to my supervisor, Dr. Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Associate
Professor and Associate Head of CSE department, whose contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my thesis especially in
writing this report. His endless patience, scholarly guidance, constant and energetic
supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice have made it possible to complete
this thesis.

Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role
of my department head, Professor Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, who provided me with his
precious time and kind help to finish this thesis. I also give my deepest thanks to all the
faculty members and staff of CSE department of Daffodil International University.

Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patients of my

©Daffodil International University IV

Increased usage and under reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of opioids
instigates us to explore some other data sources like Twitter and PubMed. Our paper
aims at discovering illegal trafficking of opioids as well as distinguishing tweets from
having ADRs or not using binary classifier. We also evaluated the performance of
MetaMap in finding ADRs from Twitter and compared the MedDRA encoding system
on ADR terms found from tweets and PubMed. We used Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) to find tweets related to illicit sale and used several neural networks for binary
classification. It was reported that out of 98 ADRs found from tweets, 50 could be
mapped to Lowest Level Terms (LLTs) and 48 to (Preferred Terms) PTs where only 23
LLTs and 15 PTs were reported from PubMed. Among the binary classifier
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) were found to be more promising
with .71 F1 score though other models are close to the best one with little margin. Effect
of skewness was also monitored in our study. Social media is a good choice for mining
pharmacovigilance but during extraction a lot more noise data may come which needs
to be avoided.
Keywords Pharmacovigilance, Opioids, Deep Learning, PubMed, Twitter

©Daffodil International University V

Board of examiners II
Declaration III
Acknowledgements IV
Abstract V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables IX

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Rationale of the Study 2
1.4 Output 2
1.5 Report Layout 2

2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Related Works

3.1 Generating keywords 6

3.2 Data Collection 6
3.3 Manual annotation 7
3.4 Mapping to MedDRA terms 8
3.5 Finding ADRs using MetaMap 9
3.6 Topic modeling 9
3.7 PubMed Exploration 10
3.8 Binary Classification using deep learning 10
4.1 Results 13

4.2 Descriptive Analysis 14


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Figure 3.1: Some tweets having different spelling of “Morphine” 6

Figure 3.2: Examples of the annotated tweets 8

Figure 3.3: Work flow of our study 8

Figure 3.4: Samples of tweets regarding illegal sale of opioid drugs 10

Figure 3.5: Snippet of XML file format of PubMed data 11

Figure 3.6: Preprocessing example of a tweet 12

Figure 4.1: comparative analysis of different models (50:50 sampling) 15

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Table 3.1: Metaphone encoding output 6

Table 3.2: Example of variant list of some drugs 7

Table 4.1: MedDRA encoding performance 13

Table 4.2: Evaluation metric of different models 13

Table 4.3: Performance of different models on four random 14


©Daffodil International University IX

1.1 Introduction
Pharmacovigilance is the science and actions pertaining to the identification and
prevention of drug related problems and adverse events [1]. Adverse drug reactions
(ADRs) is the partial unsuccessful and harmful contribution of a drug on a human body.
Pharmacovigilance is the study of drug safety monitoring which has the potential to
find ADRs that were previously unknown [2]. It uses the feedback of patients to
improve the medication system and creates faith on medicinal products among the
general mass [3].
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) which is used as a standard
lexicon for classifying adverse event by pharmaceutical industry and health regulatory
authorities for reducing ambiguity among themselves during the regulatory process,
from pre-marketing to post-marketing activities. In MedDRA the terminologies are
classified into five hierarchies which provides options for retrieving data by specific or
broad grouping [4]. We have used MedDRA for mapping the user specified ADR terms
to Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Concept Unique Identifier (CUI). For a
single CUI we tried to identify its associated LLTs and PTs. Nikfarjame et al. [5]
manually mapped patients defined ADR terms to UMLS CUI by the medical
practitioners but we employed UMLS REST Application Programming Interface (API)
to fasten the mapping process. MetaMap is a program which can be used to find clinical
text from biomedical body using NLP or Computational linguistics [6]. We have used
MetaMap to find ADR terms form Twitter and PubMed.
To identify whether a tweet contains any ADR related terms or not, we built a binary
classifier using deep learning methods. Ginn et al [7] used machine learning approaches
like naive bayes and SVM for binary classification on tweets. But being inspired from
the work of Huynh et al [8] we used deep learning for avoiding manual feature
Finally, we would use PubMed, a free search engine for accessing biomedical literature
of MEDLINE database containing more than 28 million citations as a source of
structured data for finding ADRs [9]. The overall workflow of our study has been
demonstrated in figure 1.

1.2 Motivation
A review study of Sarkar et al [10] had shown that ADRs accrue an annual cost of 75
billion dollars in hospital related activities. Opioids are a class of drugs used for pain
management and anesthesia. Opioids can cause a significant burden on health care
systems and have become a more remarkable contributor to health care costs due to
ADRs in recent decades. It has been estimated that the monetary toll of prescription
opioid abuses and overdoses in the United States was 78 billion dollars in 2013 with

©Daffodil International University 1

only 3.6% accounting for legitimate medical treatments [11]. As Opioid use has tripled
from 1991-2011 thus post market surveillance of opioid related issues needs to be
increased [12]. Though Government agencies have developed tools such as US FDA’s
MedWatch program or the UK MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme to collect ADRs directly
from patients and medical practitioners using these systems. However, these reporting
platforms can only capture 10% of opioid related adverse events [13]. Due to these
limitations, researchers have turned to social media platforms such as Twitter,
DailyStrength, PatientsLikeMe for mining ADRs. DailyStrength and PatientsLikeMe
are health specific networks and are more useful to health researchers. Twitter is a great
source of data with 500 million tweets sent per day [14]. In this study we will use
Twitter and PubMed citations for pharmacovigilance research. Identifying ADRs in
tweets is very challenging because:
i)Tweets are usually written colloquially without following proper grammar and correct
ii)People have no knowledge of medical terminology regarding their drug effect.
In addition to ADRs, the illegal trade of opioids spreads drug addiction. It is possible
to identify illegal trading information from Twitter using an unsupervised model called
topic modeling. Topic modeling is a method of finding the subject in a document and
can be used as classifying text of bulk size where the supervised methods are much
harder and impossible to operate.
1.3 Rationale of the Study
There are much research that were carried on pharmacovigilance mining of general
drugs. But for the opioid drugs such exploration is so scarce. Also, opioid drugs bear
much challenges that other drugs don’t have, like illegal trafficking.
1.4 Outcome
This research work aims at

1) Classifying tweets in binary format to know whether a tweet contains ADR

information or not.

2) Identifying illegal sale of opioid drugs from Twitter.

3) Comparing the performance of MetaMap and MedDRA encoding system.

1.5 Report Layout

In this chapter we have discussed about the introduction of pharmacovigilance study,
motivation, rationale of the study and the outcome of the thesis. Later followed by the
report layout.

In chapter 2, we will discuss about the background of our research topic.

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In chapter 3, we will discuss about the methodologies employed in our study.

In chapter 4, we will discuss about the obtained results and discussion.

In chapter 5, we will discuss about the conclusion.

©Daffodil International University 3

1.1 Introduction
Previously several researches have been conducted to find the adverse effect of drugs
from social media or national databases as the inverse drug effect can be alarming for
the national health care system. In such cases, the work of Glowacki et al. [15] showed
that the public concern about the opioid misusage can bring havoc. To tackle those
situations much research has been done, though are not sufficient.
1.2 Related Works
In a paper of Henriksson et al. [16], they have used electronic health records (EHR) to
identify adverse drug events (ADEs) as the in practice discretionary reporting system
was so naïve. They used distributional semantic representation which is a type of
unsupervised learning for finding named entities such as disorders, symptoms, drugs
etc. Sarkar and Gonzalez [17] classified ADR texts from three annotated datasets. One
of which was from clinical reports and other two were from social networks. This study
also claimed that the usage of NLP techniques will be beneficial for creating high
quality feature set.
The present trending and usefulness of using social media data has been come out from
the review research output of Sarker et al. [18] where out of twenty two projects only
six had the annotation corpus. That insights us that the availability of annotated corpus
is still very less and unsupervised learning can be more efficient in this case.
In the study of Ginn et al. [19], 10822 tweets were annotated manually. This paper gave
us the outline of annotating the corpus. The corpus was annotated for binary
classification with kappa value .69. The corpus was trained using Naïve Bayes (NB)
and Support Vector Machine (SVM).
The work of Sarker et al. [20] tried to find that “is it possible to use Twitter for finding
medical prescription abuse”. They found that social media is a viable source of finding
adverse prescription uses.
Other than social media, online health forums can also be used for mining
pharmacovigilance which has been found in the study of Chee et al. [21]. Texts were
classified using ensemble classifier such as boosting, bagging.
Zorzi et al. [22] developed a language independent NLP algorithm named “MagiCoder”
for encoding user specified terms to MedDRA terms.

©Daffodil International University 4

The guidelines for preparing the keyword List for acquiring tweets were found from the
work of Pimpalkhute et al. [23], where they have used phonetic spelling variants, as in
Twitter the users are not much concerned about the spelling of a drug name. The google
custom search engine was used in their work for counting the number of usage of that
Huynh et al [8] harnessed different types of neural network for classifying tweets
related to ADRs in binary format.
A detailed work on pharmacovigilance had been demonstrated in the paper of
Nikfarjam et al. [24]. They not only classified the text in binary format but also tried to
find named entities such as name of the drug, span of ADR terms, span of Indication
terms from the text. The performance of their model was differentiated between two
types of data sources. One is Twitter and the other one is DailyStrength (DS). The
machine learning methods used by them were Conditional Random Fields (CRF),
clustering and word embeddings. The model worked best on DS datasets.
Limsopatham and Collier [25] tried to encode the user specified ADR terms with the
medical ontologies using deep neural network. But we used MedDRA encoding scheme
in our work.
Katsuki et al [26] used Support Vector Machine (SVM) and protocol of content coding
for finding illegal sale data. But using supervised learning for finding those data from
a colossal of data is troublesome. Mackey et al [27] used Biterm Topic Model for illicit
drug sale identification but Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) was employed in our

Norbutas [28] explored crypto market for finding the structure of illegal trading of
opioid drugs. He used Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) to accomplish his

©Daffodil International University 5


3.1 Generating keywords

We have downloaded tweets using a total of 167 keywords using the Stream API of
Twitter. Primarily generic names of 17 opioid drugs such as fentanyl, codeine and 11
opioid class names such as opioid medication, analgesics, pain medication were chosen
based on the recommendation of a pharmacology expert. At first using one edit distance
algorithm we created all the possible variants of a name. The drug name “morphine”
will have its associated variants list like morphin, morfine and moaphine. It is assumed
that phonetic misspelling occurs more frequently than other sorts of errors. Therefore,
we kept those name in the variant list which has similar phonetic representation with
respect to the original name. We used python metaphone library to get the
pronunciation words. The metaphone encoding output has been represented in table 3.1.
Then from the remaining variant list we choose the final set of variant list manually by
using the Google hit counts. The Google Custom Search Engine API [29] was used to
calculate the number of google hits. Figure 3.1 illustrates examples of hits from our

“I had to raise slow down & rest cause of stronger pains this lasr week. More
#Morphin I have already had several operations of the vertebral column and I'm
going to have it others in the coming months.”

Figure 3.1: Some tweets having different spelling of “Morphine”

Variant Words Metaphone encoding

morphine MRFN

morfine MRFN

moaphine MFN

morphin MRFN

Table 3.1 Metaphone encoding output

After using the above mentioned procedure we got the final variant list some of which
has been endorsed in table 3.2.

©Daffodil International University 6

3.2 Data Collection
We have collected data from Twitter using the Twitter Stream API from (15 February
2018-24 April 2018). A total of 166723 tweets were downloaded. Out of which 68204
tweets were taken primarily for annotation. All the 166723 tweets were taken for topic
modeling. As tweets are very unstructured in nature and contain a lot of unicode
characters, we need to preprocess the raw form of the data. Manually annotated data
was first trimmed based on language. We kept the data which belongs to English
language. Later, removed retweets based on condition.
data starts with “RT” remove tweet
Using another rule, we have removed the tweets containing external web links.
data contains “https” remove tweet

Original Drug Names Example of variants

Tramadol tramadoll, tramadel

morphine morfine, morphin

codeine codene, codine

Table 3.2 Example of variant list of some drugs

Finally, we removed duplicated tweets and unicode characters from tweets. Thus we
got 4633 tweets for manual annotation. These data will also be used by the binary
In case of topic modeling, we kept the retweets and tweets containing external links.
However, before removing duplicated tweets we also removed unicode characters, ‘@’
and ‘#” characters and punctuations and numerical values. Finally, we have 60140
tweets to feed to our topic modeling algorithm.

3.3 Manual annotation

After preprocessing we got a total of 4633 for manual annotation. We annotated the
body in two ways. One for the binary classification to determine whether a tweet is
containing an ADR information or not. We have classified the tweets containing ADRs
as 1 and not containing ADRs as 0. A total of 98 tweets are classified as 1 that means
those tweets contain signals of having ADR related data. Tweets classified as 1 are
taken for annotation in details. We have annotated the corpus in details mentioning the
drug name, span of expression mentioning either ADR or indication. We consider, ADR
is regarded as the inverse effect of a drug for its consumption.
while indication is for which a drug is prescribed for or taken during illness. Finally,

©Daffodil International University 7

“my friend is a fucking oxy (drug name) fiend (idk why because that shits expensive)
and her nose bleeds (ADR) lots too”
“Misplaced a vial of morphine (drug name) today. Turns out it causes quite a
“Have ambiguous genitalia?You probably have Toxic Shock Syndrome
(Indication).This causes a total eclipse of the heart.Try Methadone (drug name)”

Figure 3.2: Examples of the annotated tweets

we got 89 tweets containing ADRs and 9 tweets bearing indications. Figure 3.2
delineates some of the annotated tweets.

Figure 3.3 Work flow of our study

3.4 Mapping to MedDRA terms

MedDRA is the abbreviated form of Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
which is used as a standard lexicon for classifying adverse event by pharmaceutical
industry and health regulatory authorities for reducing ambiguity among themselves. In
MedDRA the terminologies are classified into five hierarchies. LLTs is at the most
specific level containing more than 70,000 terms. The next level is PTs which has at
least one LLT or lexical variants. Related PTs are grouped to HLT terms and
subsequently same HLTs are incorporated to HGLTs. Lastly the HLGTs are assembled
to most general terms SOC based on etiology, manifestation site or purpose [4]. As
MedDRA is a standard dictionary for medical terminology we can get insight into how
people report ADRs in their own terms without having knowledge about medical
jargon. We have considered a successful mapping of the ADR terms if we could get the

©Daffodil International University 8

corresponding CUI value of that term using the API. To retrieve CUI by searching with
ADR terms, the path value “/search/{version}” was used with the base URI. The
parameters value for “searchType” and “sabs” were chosen “exact” and “MDR”
respectively. Later, to find the LLT and PT terms of the CUI values found from the
above query we have used the path value “/content/{version}/CUI/{CUI}/atoms” with
the base URI [30]. At last we recorded that 51.02% annotated ADR terms were
successfully mapped to MedDRA terms. The result is compiled and illustrated in table

3.5 Finding ADRs using MetaMap

MetaMap is tool for discovering UMLS terms from texts using computational linguistic
procedure. It seems like an act of information retrieval. The tool can be used in three
way. First one is using MetaMap interactively, that means directly getting the output
by writing some texts on the interactive web platform. Second one is Batch Metamap,
in which users uploads file of texts and the MetaMap generates an output in the form
of json, plain text etc. The last one is using the web API [6].
In this study we wanted to find the number of terms related to ADRs (including
indications) from our annotated tweets body using batch MetaMap. Then compared the
result with the manual identification process. Batch MetaMap returned a xml file where
each token was given by a semantic type value. The tokens under a certain semantic
type were considered as ADRs. The semantic types are as follows: injury or poisoning,
pathologic function cell or molecular dysfunction, disease or syndrome, experimental
model of disease, finding, mental or behavioral dysfunction neoplastic process, signs
or symptoms, mental process [5]. We have got 137 terms as ADRs and extra 39 terms
as ADRs.

3.6 Topic modeling

All 60140 preprocessed tweets were fed in our algorithm. As LDA is very promising
in this era so we used the gensim implementation of LDA. We have selected the number
of topic as 10 and chosen our desired topic which was represented by the words like
buy, spend, price. Then for each tweet we build a topic distribution. The topic which
got the maximum distribution value is regarded as the representational topic of that
tweet. Thus, if the representational topic matches with our target topic then we have
marked that tweet as bearing a signal of illicit drug marketing and sales. Finally, we got
2880 tweets as such though there are some tweets which are not related to illegal sale.
Figure 3.4 gave us some example of such tweets. But this method shrank the size of
manual monitoring and helped us to get some valid examples. Some instances are given
below. We have also kept the associated external web links in a separate column for
further forensic examination of the websites.

©Daffodil International University 9

“Buy Hydrocodone online Street value Without Prescription. Secure payment
overnight freeship delivery in usa.”

“Buy Tramadol Online Video Looking for a tramadol? Not a problem! Buy
tramadol online ==>”

“take DayQuail or Nightquail”

“I recently bought your Hydro Skin Lip Therapy product.. But I spend more time
trying to get it out the nozzle”

“Tulsans and Oklahomans who live nearby spend between $18.7 and nearly $21
million per year on heroin. That's money”

Figure 3.4 Samples of tweets regarding illegal sale of opioid drugs

3.7 PubMed Exploration

Using “Opioid” as keyword approximately 1,11,000 biomedical literatures from
PubMed with abstract text and abstract title in xml format were downloaded. A snippet
of the data has been figured out in Figure 3.5. There were a lot of tagset in the file but
we have extracted the PMID and AbstractText tagset in our study. A snippet of our file
has been illustrated in figure1. As the data set was huge so we took 8.11% of the data
that is 9005 citations. Each Citations is uniquely defined with a PMID. To get ADR
terms from the abstract texts we used MetaMap and considered previously mentioned
[5] semantic types to be effectively tagged as ADR. By doing so we got a total of 57168
tokens as ADR. For a single PMID we got a couple of Preferred terms tagged as ADR.
But it is quite challenging to find the exact PMID from the returned xml file by
MetaMap. To identify the true PMID we have checked whether the PMID is a digit or
not and is equal to the PMID returned from the PubMed. To specifically mapping to
MedDRA, our further work will expand to find LLTs and PT terms from those tokens.
In table 3 we demonstrated a comparison of MedDRA coding of Twitter and PubMed.
For our access limitations we took 100 random ADR terms to feed into our mapping

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Figure 3.5 Snippet of XML file format of PubMed data

3.8 Binary Classification using deep learning

In machine learning, classification is a task of assigning a new instance to a preordained
category based on training set of data whose true class is already known [31]. Therefore,
in an abundance of twitter data where people used to write about diverse topics from
sports to science and their day to day life activities, finding an ADR related data will
be sparse and it will be almost impossible for human to find those ADR signal data
manually by reading between lines. So, building a classification model will eliminate
the manual monitoring system. Several machine learning approaches were used
previously like Support Vector Machine (SVM), logistic regression. Introduction of
deep learning is so innovative currently as it does not require explicit feature
engineering for natural language processing task. We have used CNN and RNN with
some of their variants to see which one works better. We also evaluated the sampling
effect because our dataset was highly skewed. We have got only 98 tweets as true
positives out of 4633 tweets. We resampled the data in two ways. At first taking equal
number of class “1” and class ”0” data (50:50 ratio). Another one was constituted taking
6:94 ratio where 98 tweets of class containing ADR were shuffled with 1400 tweets of
class not containing any ADR information data. The evaluation of different models are
given in table 4.2.
3.8.1 Preprocessing
First of all, we converted all letters to small and tokenized the word using NLTK
tokenizer, then using regex removed punctuation marks and digits. We stemmed the
word to its root form using WordNetLemmatizer. Tweets contain a lot of spelling errors
hence it would be better to automatically correct a misspelled word. But for the
computational complexity we have not deployed this method. The whole procedure has

©Daffodil International University 11

been illustrated with an example in figure 3.6. Each token has been separated using “/”

@Benjih1 Misplaced a vial of morphine today. Turns out it causes quite a commotion ....
Top tip dont misplace a vial of morphine.

benjih/misplaced/ a/ vial/ of/ morphine/ today/ turns/out/ it /causes/ quite /a

/commotion/ top /tip/ don’t/ misplace/ a/ vial /of/ morphine

benjih/misplace/ a/ vial/ of/ morphine/ today/ turns/out/ it /cause/ quite /a

/commotion/ top /tip/ don’t/ misplace/ a/ vial /of/ morphine

Figure 3.6: Preprocessing example of a tweet.

3.8.2 Word Embeddings

In natural language processing when using deep learning word embeddings plays a role
to identify the meaning of a word. Each word is uniquely defined by a vector of real
numbers. The shape is about [m,v] where m= number of words in the vocabulary and
v= number of representational states. The more the number of representational states,
the more the accuracy of the model will be and the computational cost will be greater
also. Building a quality embeddings requires huge amount of data and time to run.
Therefore, we have used pretrained Global Vector of stanford [32] which is of 50

3.8.3 Models
Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
(CRNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network
(RCNN) were implemented using the sequential model of keras and Convolutional
Neural Network with Attention (CNNA) with the functional API. “Relu” activation
function was applied in the hidden layers.For optimization deployed “adam” optimizer
in all models.

The model started with an embedding layer. A dropout value of .25 was used. In the
convolution layer we have used a filter size of 32. In , used a max pooling layer of pool
size 2. Then the input nodes were flatten. We used a hidden layer of 250 nodes. In the
output layer used a single node and sigmoid was used as an activation function in the
output node.

The first layer was an embedding layer. Then the output was convolved using a filter
size 32. Max pooling was operated using a pool size 2. Then instead of flattening we

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used a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) layer of 300 nodes. At last, sigmoid function was
used to generate the output.

This model also started with an embedding layer. We used GRU layer of 300 nodes
which is a variant of RNN. Then used a dropout value of 0.5. The output layer is a
single node with “sigmoid” activation function.

Embedding layer was the starting step as usual. A basic RNN layer comprising 300
nodes were then used. Then a convolutional layer, max pooling layer and flattening
were performed respectively. A dropout value of 0.50 was used. Lastly, the final output
was a single noded layer with sigmoid activation function.

This model was initiated with an embedding layer. Then applied a dropout value of
0.25. Using a filter value of 32 the output matrix was convolved. After that we
incorporated the attention mechanism. In the attention layer “softmax” activation
function was used. The nodes were flatten and a single final output node was used with
a sigmoid activation function.

Our models give a probability value of the class. If the probability value is more than
.50 then we classified that tweets as class “1” that means it contains ADR related
information and vice versa.

©Daffodil International University 13


4.1 Results

Study Total number Failed to map LLTs found PTs found

domain of ADR terms

Twitter 98 48 50 48

PubMed 100 77 23 15
Table 4.1 MedDRA encoding performance
The table 4.1 demonstrates a surprising result where it was believed that MedDRA is
good at mapping structured data sources like PubMed but we got that the encoding
platform works much better in social media sites like Twitter. In PubMed we found less
number of PT terms compared to the LLT terms found.
We have evaluated our different methods using (recall, precision and f1 score) by
splitting our dataset into 70:30 ratio where 70% data were used for training and 30%
data for testing. The performance of the models are close to each other where CRNN
performs better than others. We have also observed that skewness could highly affect
our model performance. In table 4.3 we also noticed the predicted result of our models
on four tweets.

Method 50:50 sampling 6:94 sampling

Recall Precision F1 Recall Precision F1

CNN .71 .68 .69 .10 .25 .14

CRNN .71 .71 .71 .14 .14 .14

RCNN .57 .66 .61 .10 .20 .13

RNN .61 .72 .66 .14 .13 .13

CNNA .72 .65 .68 .05 .12 .07

Table 4.2 Evaluation metric of different models where bests are marked with bold

The results obtained from various models doesn’t fluctuate a lot but overally CRNN
came up victorious with f1 score .71. The figure 4.1 demonstrates the comparative
supremacy of each model.

©Daffodil International University 14

True Predicted Class
“Last time was paracetamol. It 0 1 0 0 0 0
goes: paracetamol, codine,
morphine in-terms of painkillers”
“Have trouble focusing? You 1 1 0 0 0 1
probably have ADHD.This causes
denial.Try Methadone”
“This squirrel needs Vicodin!” 0 0 0 0 0 0
“Have hardening of the nipples? 1 1 1 1 1 1
You probably have PTSD.This causes
a catatonic state.Try Xanax”
Table 4.3 Performance of different models on four random tweets

4.2 Descriptive Analysis

Figure 4.1 Comparative analysis of different models (50:50 sampling)

It was observed that people are less interested to share any negative impact on their
body of any drug in social media. When it is opioids the result is much less as expected.
On the contrary it was seen that the number of tweets regarding illegal sale of opioid
drug is quite alarming. For pharmacovigilance other social network sites like
DailyStrength, PatientsLikeMe or any other drug forum will be more convincing than
Twitter. But Twitter provides free access for anybody. Facebook can also be great
source of data for such study.
Though we have collected data about 17 drug names. But after manual annotation in
our corpus it was noticed that codeine, fentanyl, tylenol were dominated in ADR report.
Another think that was noted in our report that codeine is a popular pain killer and
sometimes it is termed as cody. But this keyword generates a lot of noise data which is
not our case of study.
As word embeddings helps to understand the meaning of different unknown words and
in biomedical text research there could me many medical terminologies, so the choice
of word vector representation can contribute to the success of any deep learning

©Daffodil International University 15

methodology. Though we have used GloVe but other methods like word2vec and
FastText could be effective also.
Albeit we used supervised classification methods but unsupervised models like
autoencoder and restricted boltzman machine can be used for binary classification. In
an environment where it is difficult to get labeled data, unsupervised model can be a
best choice [33].

©Daffodil International University 16


In our study we have assembled different techniques those were explored individually
before to analyses pharmacovigilance from twitter and PubMed for opioid drugs. It is
a specialized class of drugs which got several misuses than any other drugs. Illegal
distribution of those drugs can rise in drug addiction in the society. Our system can
find those information from a bulk of data size. We also justified the performance of
MetaMap on both PubMed data and twitter. The binary classifier built depicts that the
availability of quality data is much more appreciable than the choice of algorithm as
the performance is same for different models. One of the drawback of our study is the
lack of quality data which can be eradicate by using some other health related social
media sites. But if anybody wants to use twitter or Facebook then they need to define
the keyword list as precise so that noise data couldn’t jumble up.

©Daffodil International University 17

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