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Group 4
Topic Outline


The integumentary system consist of the skin and
accessory structures, such as hair, skin, glands,
and nails. It also protect us from the external
environment. Other functions include sensation,
vitamin D production, temperature regulation,
and excretion of small amounts of waste
Skin is part of the
integumentary system
and is the primary
protective organ of the
human body. It covers the
body's entire external
surface and serves as a
first-order physical barrier
against the outer
Hairs are columns of dead
keratinized epithelial cells.
Each hair consists of a shaft,
a root, and a hair bulb which
is a site of hair cell formation.
Hairs have a growth phase
and a resting phase. It
contraction of the arrector
pili, which are smooth
muscles, causes hair to stand
on end and produces a
goose bump.
The major glands of the
skin are the sebaceous

glands and the sweat

glands. Sebaceous glands
are simple, branched acinar
glands. Most are connected
by a duct to the superficial
part of a hair follicle. They
produce sebum an oily,
white substance rich in
Sweat glands are simple,
Ecrrine glands are
coiled , tubular glands that
located in almost every
produce a thick secretion rich
part of the skin but in organic subtances . They
numerous in the palms open into hair follicles,but only
and sole. They produce in the armpit and genitalia.
a secretion that is Apocrine sweat glands active
puberty because of the
mostly water a few
influence of reproductive
salts. hormones.
The nail is a thin plate,
consisting of layers of dead
stratum corneum cells that
contain a very hard type of
Our nails serves as a
protection to the sensitive
tips of fingers and toes. They
also support the tips of our
fingers and toes, protect
them from injury, and help us
pick up small objects.
Functions of
Integumentary System
1. Protection
4. Temperature regulation
2. Sensation

3. Vitamin D Production 5. Excretion

The skin provides protection against
abrasion and ultra light. It also
prevents microorganisms from
entering the body and reduces
water loss thus preventing
- The integumentary
system has many sensory
receptors that are
associated with the skin.
Receptors in the
epidermis and dermis can
detect pain, pleasure,
heat, cold, pressure,
touch, tickle, itch,
vibrations, and more.
Vitamin D
Ultraviolet light stimulates the
production of a precursor molecule
in the skin that is modified by the
liver and kidneys into vitamin D.
Vitamin D increases calcium uptake
in the small intestine.
Regulation of body temperature is important
because the rate of chemical reactions within the
body can be increased or decreased by changes in
body temperature. Temperature regulation is a
type of homeostasis and a means of preserving a
stable internal temperature in order to survive.
Excretion could be a handle in
which metabolic waste is
eliminated from a living being. In
vertebrates typically basically
carried out by the lungs, kidneys,
and skin. Usually in differentiate
with emission, where the
substance may have particular
assignments after taking off the
cell. Excretion is an basic prepare
in all shapes of life.
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