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This Agreement for Sale is executed on_______ at Bhopal.

By and Between

M/S AAKAR BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS, a partnership firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932,
having its principal place of business at Bhopal (M.P.), (PAN AAPFA8916N, represented by its authorized Partner
Mr. Chetan Patidar, (Aadhar no. 398450785262), H. NO. 39, Near Govt. School, Village- Salaiya, Bhopal (M.P.),
authorized vide Partnership Deed, hereinafter referred to as the “Promoter”


Mr./Ms. ___________________, (Aadhar no. __________________) son / daughter of ______________, residing

at _________________________________, (PAN __________________), hereinafter called the “Allottee” (which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include his/her
heirs, executors, administrators, successors-in-interest and permitted an assigns).


For the purpose of this Agreement for Sale, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Act” means the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (16 of 2016);

(b) “appropriate Government” means the Central Government;

(c) “Rules” means the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) (General) Rules, 2016 made under the Real
Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016;

(d) “Regulations” means the Regulations made under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development Act, 2016; (e)
“section” means a section of the Act.


A. The Promoter is the absolute and lawful owner of Khasra no 150/2,177/2,178,179,180 totally admeasuring
28900 square meters situated at village Salaiya in Tehsil & District Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.)

B. The Said Land is earmarked for the purpose of building a [commercial/residential/any other purpose] project,
comprising 10 multi-storey apartment buildings and the said project shall be known as ‘CANAL KINSHIP’

C. The Allottee had applied for an apartment in the Project vide application no. ___________ dated __________
and has been allotted apartment no. ___________ having carpet area of _______sq/ft, built-up area of ______
sq/ft & super built-up area of________.sq/ft, type ________, on ____ floor in [tower/block/building]
no._______ (“Building”), in Phase- 1/2/3 & 4 along with covered parking no. __________

Bounded as under:-

In the East by : Unit/Flat No.

In the West by : Unit/Flat No.
In the North by : Unit/Flat No.
In the South by : Unit /Flat No.

Kindly accept the allotment of the said Unit/Flat, by signing this allotment letter dated…….., under the terms
contained herein.

1. Terms of Agreement:-

(1.1) That you intend to purchase a residential flat on payment of due consideration and have shown your
willingness to purchase one of such residential flat to be constructed by us on the terms and conditions as
mentioned in this agreement.

(1.2) That you agree we are well and sufficiently entitled to sell, transfer and assign the free hold rights in the
said residential scheme and the said premises is free from all charges, encumbrances, lien, leases, claims
demands and action of any kind whatsoever.

(1.3) WHEREAS on demand from the Allottee, the promoter has given inspection to the allottee of all
documents of title relating to the project land and plans, designs & Specification prepared by the project
Architect and all other such documents as specified under the. The Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act
and Rules & Regulations made there under.

(1.4) That we declare that we have all the lawful rights to secure the said land and do the construction over the
same. We have also acquired the right of allotting & selling the said property to the prospective Allottees /buyers
and get the sale deed executed in their name by virtue of the said allotment letters/agreements/sale deeds and
therefore this allotment letter is being issued for the allotment of the said residential unit/flat (hereinafter
referred as the ‘Respective Unit’). We will develop and construct various blocks in the said complex with parking,
Children Park, gym & other facilities. The construction shall be raised in Phases, in the first phase Block A-3,A-4,
A-5 and J-5 as shown in the map shall be constructed and in the second phase Block J-3 & J-4 shall be
constructed. And in the third Phase Block J-1,J-2,A-1 & A-2. All the blocks consist six storied, having Eight
residential units at each floor. Block J-1 & J-2 shall consist of Five stories, having Seven residential units at each
floor and block EWS consist three stories and block J-1 & J-2 has a commercial shops / space at ground floor.

(1.5) WHEREAS as per section 13 of the Real Estate Regulation Act, the Promoter is required to execute a
written agreement with the Allottee for the sale in respect of the said apartment and therefore, Promoter and
the Allottee are executing present Agreement as a compliance thereof and if required by the allottee or
promoter, they can also register the said Agreement under Registration Act, with the concerned Sub Registrar
Office within a time limit prescribed under the Registration Act.

(1.6) That before the issuance of this agreement, you have clearly understood the definition of areas:-
(a) Carpet Area of the apartments defined as the net usable floor area of an apartment excluding the area
covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive open terrace area but includes the area
covered by the internal partition wall of the apartment.

(b) Built Up Area of the said proposed Residential Unit/Flat, shall mean the entire area enclosed by its periphery
outer walls, including the area under the walls, columns, balconies, cupboards, other apartment/premises, which
form an integral part of the said proposed Residential Unit/Flat.

(c) Super Built Up Area with respect to the said proposed residential Unit/Flat, shall be the sum of the Built Up
Area of the said proposed Residential Unit/Flat and its Pro-rata Share of the Common Areas in the said entire

(d) Common Areas shall mean, all such parts/areas in the entire said complex, which the you shall use, by
sharing with other occupants of the said complex, including the Foyer, Entrance Lobby at Ground Floor, Lift
Lobbies, Lift Shafts, Electrical Shafts, Common Corridors & Passages, Staircases, Mumties, Service Areas,
including but not limited to Lift Machine Room, Down Head Tank, Maintenance Office/Stores etc. and Security
Control Rooms.

(1.7) You have clearly understood the meaning & definition of Carpet Area, Built Up Area, Super-Built Up Area,
and Common Areas, as defined hereinabove and the said meanings & definitions are hereby accepted by you, as
on the date of the acceptance & signing of this agreement and therefore, you, will not raise any dispute or make
any claims in this regard, any time in future.

(1.8) That it is further expressly agreed by you that the areas shown in the sale literature published by us, are
super built up areas, and are based on the calculations of our Architect and Engineers. You shall not raise any
objection or demand any explanation regarding the same.


(A) Basic Cost :

(B) Other Charges :

1. Electricity Charges :
2. Water Charges :
3. Car Parking Charges :
4. Maintenance Charges of 3 years :
5. Registry Charges (As applicable) :
6. GST & Any Other Taxes & other :
charges (As applicable)
Total Sale Consideration (A) + (B) :

That the you shall pay a Total sale consideration of Rs. ………… (.…….. Rupees only) (Including All Other charges
Excluding Registry and GST & all other govt. charges and taxes) to us against the said residential unit. Out of the
aforesaid amount you have paid an amount of Rs………./- vide cheque ………… dated ……… Drawn on ……….,
Bhopal. Already paid to us. The remaining sale consideration of Rs. ………. (……………Rupees only ) Shall be paid in
installments by you to us as per the following payment schedule-


S.No. Total Basic cost of Flat +other charges RS.

1 Booking Amount 10%
2 On Foundation 10%
3 On Start of Stilt Floor roof Slab 10%
4 On Start of first Floor roof Slab 8%
5 On Start of Second Floor roof Slab 8%
6 On Start of Third Floor roof Slab 8%
7 On Start of Fourth Floor roof Slab 8%
8 On Start of Fifth Floor roof Slab 8%
9 On Start of Six Floor roof Slab 8%
10 On completion of Brick work 6%
11 At the time of Plaster work 6%
12 On Possession 10%

Apart from the above basic price of the residential unit being allotted to you, the following charges shall also be
payable as per the schedule mentioned above:-

(a) Registry charges : As per actual

(b) Any tax : As per actual
(c) Other charges (if applicable) : As per actual



(3.1) That the time of payment of installments as per above-mentioned schedule is the essence of this
agreement. It is mandatory on your part, to comply with the terms of payments and other terms and conditions
of works. In particular and without prejudice to the above right and/or any other right available to us under this
allotment, you shall be bound to pay the above installments within 15 days from the date of oral/written
demand raised or intimation given by us. In case the you fail to pay the aforesaid amounts within the period of

15 days from the demand/intimation raised by us, a monthly interest at the rate of 11% per annum on the
defaulted balance amount shall also be payable by you, but in no case shall the period for the payment of
installments be extended beyond two months from the date of demand/intimation and if you fail to make the
payment within the aforesaid period of two months, then in that case, you shall not be left with any lien on the
said residential unit mentioned in the schedule hereto. In such a situation we shall have the right to cancel this
agreement unilaterally and shall also have the right to sell the residential unit, booked & allotted by you, in
favour of any other person/party, as it may deem fit, and you shall not be entitled to question such sale or to
claim any amount, whatsoever from us. We shall also be entitled to forfeit the earnest money deposited by you
and if any amount is refunded to you, it shall be refunded without any interest and any objection if raised by you
in this regard shall be deemed to be null, void and inoperative. Or at our discretion, the construction work of the
said residential unit shall be stopped and shall be resumed only after all the due amount has been paid by you.
However, you shall also be liable, to refund all the damages suffered by us due to the delays caused by you in the
payment of the installment amounts.

(3.2) That in case you obtain loan from any Financing Institution/Bank and you furnish Loan Sanction Letter
indicating the payment of installments as per payment schedule of this agreement, then in such a case, we will
execute the required sale deed in your favor but the possession and lien of the property will remain with us. It is
also hereby made clear that in such a situation, as per the prevailing rules and law, even if the sale deed of an
incomplete structure is being executed in your favour, the valuation in the sale deed shall be done at the value of
the final finished residential unit and the you shall have to pay the stamp duty charges accordingly.

(3.3) The allottee, if resident outside India, shall be solely responsible for complying with the necessary
formalities as laid down in Foreign exchange management Act,1999, Reserve Bank of India Act 1934, and the
rules and regulations made there under or any statutory amendments, modifications made thereof and all other
applicable law including that of remittance of payment acquisition/sale /transfer of immovable property of India
etc. and provide the Promoter with such permission, approvals which would enable the promoter to fulfill its
obligations under this agreement.

(3.4) The Promoter shall not be responsible towards any third party making payment/remittances on behalf of
any allottee and such third party shall not have any right in the application/allotment of the said apartment
applied for herein in any way and the promoter shall be issuing the payment receipts in favour of the allottee


(4.1) That in case you desire to avail loan facility to meet the installments, from any Bank/Loan Agency/Financial
Institution/Employer, with or without our assistance. The promoter will not give separate demand letter for
disbursement of payment to the banks and then even if such loan disbursement or any part thereof gets delayed
and thereby the payment of installment/installments to us by you is also delayed, then all such delayed
payments shall attract a monthly interest at the rate of 11% per annum irrespective of the reason for which the
delay has been caused in the disbursement of the loan/finance facility.

(4.2) That however if you require a copy of title deeds/permissions etc., which are in our possession, for availing
such loan facilities, from any Bank/Financial institutions, we shall provide the same on a reasonable request by
you. In case of other documents for e.g. Search Report, Detailed Estimate from architect etc., you shall have to
make a written request, for each such document, to us and you shall also have to pay such charges as may be
fixed by us, for obtaining the aforesaid documents.


That it shall be your sole responsibility to inform all the changes in its address, to us under Registered A/D if it is
other than one mentioned in this agreement. All notices/demands, posted at the first registered address will be
deemed to have been delivered at the time, when those are posted by us and shall be deemed to have been
served upon you duly within time and in the event of non-service of any such notice/letter, you shall be
responsible for any default in payment and other consequences that might occur there from.


That we shall endeavor to complete the construction of the said residential unit according to Phase wise in all
respects and hand over its possession to you within Three year and six month from the date of this allotment

letter and thereafter a grace period of 6 (Six) months shall also be available to us, for completing the
construction work .However if the work is not completed due to any reasons beyond our control or due to any
force majeure, then we will pay a monthly interest @ 11%/- Per annual as compensation (excluding government
taxes and duties). However if the delay is caused due to non payment of the installment amounts as per the
schedule mentioned her in above or due the non payment of any other charges recoverable from you, or due to
any other act or omission on your part, then the time for completion & handing over of the possession of the
said residential unit shall automatically stand extended, till it is completed at our convenience and at our
discretion, the possession shall be handed over to you, only after all the dues are made clear by you and the
execution of Sale Deed in your favour. It is also further agreed between the parties that –

(6.1) That you shall not claim the possession of the residential unit, in case, any of the installments payments or
other charges are due.

(6.2) That we shall, on the completion of the construction of the said residential unit, issue a final call notice to
you & you shall within 30 days thereof, remit all the dues, charges, deposits etc, as demanded by us from you
and shall take possession of the said unit. If the Allottee fails to take the possession of the apartment within such
period then the Allottee shall be liable to pay interest changes for any such balance delayed amount at a rate
equal to the rate as mentioned in the rules and the same shall not construe as delay of handing over of
possession by the promoter.

(6.3) That from the date commencing after 30 days when the final call notice is given by us to you, that the said
residential unit is ready for use and occupation, you shall be liable to bear and pay all cash, electricity bills and
other taxes, charges levies or outgoings payable in respect of the said unit even if the possession is not taken by
you & you shall also be liable to pay additional security charges in such a case.

(6.4) If the Allottee wishes to cancel the apartment due to reason not attributable to the default of the
Promoter, then the Promoter shall deduct 11% of the Total deposited amount towards liquidated damages and
other administrative expenses and balance amount (if any) shall be refunded after the apartment has been
booked by other Allottee. In the event of cancellation by Allottee, the Promoter is not responsible to refund any
taxes and duties such as GST or any taxes, stamp duty and registration charges which was paid to the

(6.5) The promoter shall submit the file to local Authorities for occupancy certificate. However, if, the local
authority delays issuing the certificate beyond 21 days after submission of all required documents for
occupation, then same shall not be construed as delay on the part of the Promoter in obtaining Occupancy


That it has been made clear to you that since you are is purchasing the said residential unit in the multistoried
building complex, therefore you would be bound to abide by the provisions of the M.P. Prakoshtha Swamitva
Adhiniyam and/or any other laws, bye-laws, rules or regulations enforceable at present or made enforceable any
time in future by the State or Central Govt. or any Local Body. You shall also be bound to abide by the rules and
bye-laws as framed by the Association or the Society in future.


(8.1) That you shall after possession, use the aforesaid unit only for the residential purposes and will not give it
on rent or lease or sublet the same for any illegal and unlawful purposes. You shall not be entitled to use the said
Residential Unit/Flat for any commercial purpose.

(8.2) The maintenance of Apartment is the primary responsibility of the Allottee and he shall always take
necessary precautions and preventive measures to ensure that the Apartment is maintained in a good condition.
He shall not cause any such activity that will be harmful to adjoining neighbours and for the building structure.

(8.3) That Moreover you also expressly agree that you shall not make any additions or alterations in or outside
the said unit, with or without our permission. You shall not at any time demolish or damage, cause to be
demolished or damaged, the Residential Unit or any part/walls thereof, nor will be at any time make or cause to
be made any additions or alterations changes, structural, architectural or elevation changes, of whatsoever

nature to the said Residential Unit or any part thereof or any part of the complex. You shall not be permitted for
closing the corridor, verandah or lounges or balconies nor shall you be permitted to carry out any alterations in
the elevation and outer space, including the colour scheme. The verandah, pathways, lounge, corridors shall not
be used for storing goods or in any other manner and these will always be kept open for common use.

(8.4) In case you desire a change/modification or extra work, which can conveniently be accommodated without
affecting the overall plan, in the specification/design/layout of the property agreed to be sold, we may agree to
such change/modification or extra work, on a reasonable request made on your part and only upon the payment
of a mutually agreed price according to the estimate prepared in this regard, the payment of such estimated
amount being a condition precedent for affecting any such change/alteration.


You shall not put up any name or sign board, neon sign, publicity or advertisement material, hanging of clothes
etc., on the external facade of the building or anywhere on the exterior of the building or common area. You
shall also not change the colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the doors &
windows etc. nor shall carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design.


(10.1) That you will visit the said residential unit during its construction at various stages, time to time and
satisfy yourself with the construction work, its progress and completion, the quality of work and material used,
as also the quality and number of installations made inside, and will give your comments and observations.

(10.2) That after payment of all outstanding dues accruing against the aforesaid booked unit, it shall be your
duty to fully inspect observe and confirm that you are taking the possession of the unit after satisfying yourself in
all respects i.e. regarding quality of workmanship, materials used etc. because after the possession, we will not
be responsible to carry out and/or repair any defect pointed out by you. But we shall undertake to carry all the
defects and repairs pointed out by you, before you take over the possession of the said unit.

(10.3) It is also specifically agreed between the parties that some defects may appear in the natural materials
used in construction of the unit/flat, or after the completion of the flat/unit, air cracks or seepage may appear at
certain places, which is normal factor in due course of the construction. We shall not be held responsible in any
way for any such defects, air cracks or seepages.

(10.4) That it is hereby also made clear that if any complaint regarding any defect in the construction or
workmanship is raised within 6 months of taking over of the possession by you, then we shall, as a goodwill
gesture, make all our endeavor to remove such defect, but we shall not have any legal liability of any kind in this
regard. But it is specifically made clear, that no such complaint shall be entertained after the expiry of the period
of 6 months from the taking over of the possession by you, where after you shall only be responsible for any such
defects and shall carry out the repairs at your own cost.


(11.1) The aforesaid initial period of three years for maintenance of common areas/facilities shall be deemed to
start from the date when the possession of the first unit is handed over to its purchaser, irrespective of its
number or the date of its booking or completion of construction and the amount shall be exhausted within the
period of three years from the date of handing over of possession of such first unit to its purchasers. The said
date would become the Record Date and the purchasers who get the possession on later dates would have to
pay a proportionately lesser amount against the aforesaid external maintenance.

(11.2) It is also made clear that a society, in the name of " CANAL KINSHIP Welfare Society" shall be formed by
us for the maintenance of the complex and it is also here by specifically made clear that it shall be compulsory &
binding on you, to become a member of the said Society. After three years from the said Record Date the
maintenance of the complex shall be done .We shall not be responsible for the maintenance of the said society.
The owner/occupant of each residential unit will have to become a member of such society and shall have to
abide by the rules & regulations framed by such Society and standing instruction issued by it from time to time.

(11.3) That with the clear intention to maintain the common areas/facilities in general in the Complex, for a
period of three years from the date of First Possession, it is hereby mutually agreed, that maintenance amount

which shall be utilized by us or by the society formed by us for these purposes or by the external maintenance
agency appointed by us, towards maintenance charges to maintain salaries of security guards, House Keeping,
Diesel Expense of generator, Water charges for Tankers, lineman, gardener(s), lift men, other related staff and
common electricity/water bills, streetlight bills, common pump room bills, and day to day external cleanliness
and upkeeps of the common areas and various facilities being provided therein, but it does not cover any major
repairs/ renovation(s) Painting(s) etc., of common areas and outside of the buildings.

(11.4) That the owners/occupants of the complex shall be liable to maintain the minimum balance in the
maintenance fund account, so that the maintenance may be done properly and for this purpose, we and/or the
societies to formed by the owners/occupants, shall revise the maintenance charges and the owners/occupants
shall be liable to pay such additional maintenance charges as may be demanded by us and/or the maintenance
societies, as and when required. The promoter shall not be liable to pay any maintenance or common expenses
in respect of the unsold apartments in the said building or in a project.


The Allottee shall permit the Promoters and their surveyors and agents, with or without workmen and others, at
all reasonable times, to enter into and upon the said land and buildings or any part thereof to view, examine
and/or execute any changes as may required as per direction of the local authority and/or otherwise required to
maintain and preserve the state and condition thereof. The Allottee assures that after possession of the Said
Apartment he shall not cause any hindrance/ obstruction/ objection to the movement of the men and machinery
required to construct the future buildings.



(13.1) That you hereby agree to bear, the stamp-duty and registration charges and all other incidental charges
and expenses for lawyers and other legal services for execution and registration of Sale Deed. If there is any
escalation or increase in the stamp duty and/or the registration charges the same shall also be borne by you.

(13.2) If there is any increase or escalation in the other documentation charges/fees, you shall bear all such
additional requisite other documentation charges for getting the name entered with the government records
after the registration of the said residential unit. In case of non payment of additional other documentation
charges, as the case may be, the responsibility of the mutation shall rest exclusively on your side & not on us.

(13.3) That we shall have the first lien and charge on the said residential unit, un-till all its dues and other sums
and payments are completely paid and discharged by you to us. Even if any sale deed is executed in your favour,
after the construction of the said unit or before the construction on structure basis, the title in the said unit shall
be deemed to have been transferred in your favour, only after the entire sale consideration and allied expenses
are cleared by you. In such a situation the possession of the residential unit will remain with us, till you pay all
the charges, dues and also observes the terms and conditions of this agreement.


(14.1) That you specifically agree, that since the price is not inclusive of any tax, therefore if due to any
interpretation or amendment or new enactment or legislation or any other reason, the transaction covered
under the agreement is hereafter held, subject to Goods and Service tax (G.S.T.) or any other Tax under any
Law/Laws, including any payment required to be made by us or recovered from us or for which we are liable
towards the Central Government, State of Madhya Pradesh or Sales Tax on transfer of property in goods involved
in the execution of works contract or any other statutory modification or enactment thereof or any other
Tax/Property Tax/ Tax on vacant but booked units, becomes payable by us to the Government, Municipal
Corporation or any other local or Public body or authority, the same shall be paid by you, as the case may be
specifically or in proportion to the built up area of the purchased unit, i.e. on pro-rata basis along with the other
occupants and you hereby undertake to indemnify us in this regard.

(14.2) That, once the possession is handed over to you, all taxes, cesses, levies and any other charges payable in
respect of the said Residential Unit/Flat and the land beneath it presently in force and/or which may be
subsequently imposed by any lawful authority in the form of taxes, shall be paid and borne by you, from the date
of taking over possession of the Residential Unit.


(15.1) The Allottee is fully aware that electric connection for said scheme will be obtained from
M.P.M.K.V.V.CO.LTD based on the rules and regulations .That you hereby agree to bear, the electric meter
charges at the time of apply electric meter installation. We shall not be responsible for any delay/damages due
to or non-supply of electricity by State Electricity Board/ Company, or any other consequence arising thereof.

(15.2) That it shall also be our responsibility to complete external electrification works of the building or part
thereof, as per the estimate and work order awarded by M.P.M.K.V.V.CO.LTD /Concerned Electricity Supply
Company, and assist you in getting permanent residential electric connection at your own costs, as mentioned
above, as per the rules and regulations of M.P.M.K.V.V.CO.LTD / Concerned Electricity Supply Company, but we
shall at no time be responsible for any delay, which occurs in getting the estimate & drawing sanctioned, charged
by M.P.M.K.V.V.CO.LTD or/any electricity Company or to supply electricity in any manner whatsoever to you
from his own electric connections. In case as stated above in this clause, if delay occurs, the date of handing over
of residential unit, will be considered to be extended accordingly. If you desire to take possession of completed
unit, you alone shall be responsible to arrange electricity/take temporary electric connection on this own costs
and risks.

(15.3) That the expenses of the common area electric consumption shall be borne by the maintenance society
out of the maintenance fund. A generator facility shall be provided for the common area power back up & Lifts
and the expenses and maintenance of the said generator shall be also be borne by the maintenance society out
of the maintenance fund.


Motor pumps will be installed at Ground floor for filling up of the over head water tanks at the roof of the
building. The tanks on the roof will be used for other utility water. Water shall be supplied from the bore well/
other sources, as provided by us. The water shall be stored in an underground water tank and from there shall be
lifted by pumps to the over head water tanks and the supply of water will be supplied once in a day. As the bore-
wells are natural resources and afterwards due to any reason whatsoever, the water level goes down and the
discharge capacity decreases, the society formed by the owners/occupants, will manage their water
requirements from other alternative sources/resources or water tankers at their own cost. We will not be
responsible for this, in the future.


(17.1) PARKING:

(a) The stilt parking place for one car shall be reserved in the Ground Floor of the complex for the residential unit

(b) A separate car parking space shall be allotted to you which shall remain in your exclusive use. It is also hereby
made clear that the car parking space shall be provided to you and other purchaser/occupants, beneath the roof
of Podium/Stilt of the building complex or in open area with shed, as the case may be and that you shall not be
entitled to cover the parking space being provided to him by any walls or by any temporary or permanent
construction/ structure and shall not convert it into any garage form.

(c) The said Car Parking Space will be considered as a part of the said proposed Residential Unit/Flat,
provisionally allotted/kept reserved for you, without conferring any ownership rights on you therein and it shall
not be transferred/sold/leased to any one as a separate entity.


That separate lifts and stair cases have been provided in each of the multistoried towers, situated in various
blocks of the complex, which shall remain in common use of all the occupants/purchasers of residential units in
the complex. The maintenance of the lifts shall be done from the maintenance amount collected, as per clause
(11.3) of this agreement mentioned hereinabove.


(a) That all the roof tops, common roads, gardens, open/common parking areas buildings, sheds, verandah,
passages, lounge, pathways, corridors and all other facilities etc. and the furniture and equipment provided
therein in the complete complex are and will always remain our sole and exclusive property and no right of
ownership, management, developments etc. will be passed on to you. The use of such buildings, articles etc., will
be allowed to you in accordance with the terms and conditions and subject to the special charges as prescribed
by us only. Individually or jointly you shall raise no claim/objection over there.

(b) That the terrace at the top of all the buildings/towers shall not be a part of the common areas and shall
always remain our property either before or after the execution of the sale deed in your favour or any other
occupant. The terrace of the buildings, including the parapet walls, shall always remain our property and the we
shall always be entitled to use the same in any manner, as it desires, including leasing/licensing the space

(c) We shall always have the right to access the roof tops, parapet walls etc. You hereby render your
unconditional consent in this regard and agree that you shall not be entitled to raise any objection or make any
claim(s) and/or demand any damages or compensation on the ground of inconvenience or any other ground


(18.1) That you agree that you are purchasing the residential unit in a Multistoried Complex, where construction
activities will regularly go on. Therefore, you will not raise any objection to such activities, after you have taken
possession of your residential unit, but on the contrary you will give your full support/co-operation to us.

(18.2) That you hereby agree to covenant with us, that you shall at all times after obtaining possession of the
said property, duly perform and observe the conditions of sale and keep us and our representatives indemnified,
against all suits, proceedings, clearances, approvals, ownership and use of the said property.

(18.3) That you will observe and follow all the rules & regulation of the concerned local authority or other public
authority. In the event of any such act in contravention of the above provisions on your part, you shall only be
responsible and liable for the consequences thereof, towards the concerned local authority and / or other public

(18.4) That you will not throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage, or other waste or permit the same to be thrown from
the said residential unit in the compound, open spaces or any portion of the complex land thereof.

(18.5) That it is hereby clearly understood and so agreed by & between the parties hereto, that all the provisions
contained herein & the obligations arising hereunder, with respect to the said Residential Unit/said Building/said
Complex, shall equally and to the same extent, be applicable to and enforceable against any and all the
occupiers, tenants and/or subsequent purchasers/assignees of the said Residential Unit/Flat, and the said
obligations shall go along with the said Residential Unit/Flat, for all intents & purpose.


(19.1) That considering the nature of work involved in the project, in case, the completion of the unit is
reasonably delayed due to unforeseen reasons or due to shortage of raw materials steel cement etc., then you
shall not claim any interest or damage whatsoever. Thus you agree that the sale of the Residential Unit is subject
to Force-de-Majure clause, Natural calamities and Act of God.

(19.2) That you agree that if as a result of any legislation, order or rule, we are unable to complete the unit
and/or deliver possession thereof to you, then our only responsibility and liability will be to pay to you the total
amount (attributable to the said unit) that may have been received by us for the further work, in the time and in
the manner as may be decided by us and no interest or damages shall be paid by us.

(19.3) That in any of the following cases, namely, where delay is caused by (i) strike or lock out of workmen, (ii)
accident at the works for which the First Party is not responsible, (iii) bad weather, (vi) force majure, (v) the acts
of the State enemies or Notification of the State or Central Government, change in M.P. Govt. Policy and/or M.P.
Bhumi Vikas Adhiniyam and/or any other Board or competent Authority or for any other reasons beyond our
control, the time frame fixed under this agreement shall be extended and the same fact shall be communicated
to you by us and in that event no claim would be entertained by us, in respect of such dwellings.


(20.1) That nothing contained in this agreement is intended to be nor shall be constructed as a grant, demise or
assignment in law of the said unit or of the said area or any part thereof. You shall have no claim, save and
except in respect of the unit hereby agreed to be reserved for you and all open spaces, common parking spaces
etc., shall always remain our property. This agreement or any of your interest in this agreement, shall not be
assigned by you, without obtaining our prior written consent, which consent may be given or denied by us in our
sole discretion and shall be subject to applicable laws and notifications or any governmental directions as may be
in force and further shall also be subject to the Transfer Fees/Charges, terms & conditions, as we may impose.

(20.2) That you agree, that in case you wish to transfer the allotment of the unit made in your favour through
these presents, before the registration of the sale deed or before the handing over of the possession, to any
Third Party/Person, who agrees to pay the full or balance amount as agreed, then the sum of earnest money shall
not be refunded nor shall it be transferable to the account of any such third party/person. In such a case you
hereby agree that you will obtain "no dues" and "no objection certificate" from us, before sale/transfer of the
unit to any such Party/Person and you would have also to pay the transfer charges as decided by us. In case of
failure to do the same, the transfer, if any made by you, will be treated as null and void.


That it is also expressly agreed by you that all the terms and conditions mentioned in all correspondences related
to this unit including this agreement, will be binding upon you and all your successors. This agreement and the
terms and conditions supersede any and all understandings in any other Agreements, corresponding agreements
whether written or oral, if any, between the parties. This agreement or any provision hereof cannot be orally
changed, terminated or waived. That we the Developers on the one part & you the Allottee on the other part
shall be free to execute Agreement to Sell or such other Agreements in future, as may be necessary, on such
terms & conditions, including all the above terms, as may be mutually agreed.


That any delay tolerated or indulgence shown by us in enforcing the terms of this Agreement or any forbearance
or giving of time to you, shall not be construed as a waiver on the our part, or any breach or non-compliance of
any of the terms and conditions of this agreement; nor shall the same in any manner, prejudice our rights.


That in case of any dispute between you & us, in respect of any of the clauses of this agreement or in respect of
any claim arising out of this agreement or the disputes relating to the termination of the allotment, non payment
of the dues in time, or with respect to any dispute between the parties to this allotment or any
persons/heirs/successors claiming shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion ,failing which the same shall be
decided by an Arbitrator, who shall be appointed by us at our own choice and whose decision on the said
dispute shall be final and binding on both you & us. The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
shall be applicable to the proceeding before the said Arbitrator. The place of Arbitration shall be at Bhopal.


That without prejudice to the aforementioned Arbitration Clause, this allotment letter & the allotment of the
Unit/Flat thereof, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Bhopal (M.P.).


= Staircase, Lifts, Corridors, Common Entrance and Exist of Building.

= Boundary Wall, Entrance Gate and Security Cabin.
= Electricity Room.
= External Electrification.
= Open Landscaped area.
= Kids Play area.
= RCC/Paved block Roads.
= Underground water tank.
= Drainage System.
= Street Lighting.
= Rainwater Harvesting.
= Fire Fighting System.
= Sewage Treatment Plant.
= DG backup for Building common area.


Structure: Earthquake Resistant RCC Framed Structure.

4’’ thick wall. Interior walls are plastered and painted with oil bound distemper and
Walls & Paint
exterior walls with Ace/ Apex or equivalent brands.

Flooring Premium Quality vitrified tiles of 2’0’’ x 2’0’’ size. Anti-skid ceramic tiles in toilet &
Granite country with dado of ceramic tiles up to 2 ft. height, Stainless steel sink.
Door Frame – Painted Dewas section/Wooden Panal door frame & Door Panel – Flush
Doors Door with laminates in drawing room and Bedrooms and with attractive laminated Main
Door with central lock.

MS grill powder coated, three track aluminum section.

Electrical wiring Concealed ISI copper wiring with Modular switches, all circuits are protected by MCBs.
TV & AC point in drawing & all bedrooms.
Dado in ceramic tiles up to 7ft. White chinaware with C.P Fittings Premium brand
Water Supply
CPVC water lines with separate overhead water tank. (1000 LTR / 750 LTR )

This Agreement has been issued by the Promoter & all the terms contained therein have been accepted by
the Allottee by signing the letter in presence of the witnesses at Bhopal on this Date …………...


ALLOTEE Signature--------------------------------------











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