Writing Part 2

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Question: You should spend about 

40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change.
Others, however, think that change is always a good thing.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.

Analyze the question – the outline for the paragraph:

Type: Dicuss both view
Introduction: Fact (Start with something can evoke the problem)
Statement (Tell about two opinion – use the technique “paraphrase”)
Task (Dicuss about two views)
Body paragraph 1: Talk about the first opinion
● It’s advantages
● Your thinking about first opinion
● Giving examples prove for the first opinion
Body paragraph 2: Talk about the second opinion
● It’s advantages
● Your thinking of second opinion
● Giving examples prove for the second opinion
Conclusion: Confirm again the point of the paragraph
Talk about the future outcome (optional)
Give your own opinion (optional)

There are always heated arguments for the decision whether to change or not. Some
people have a viewpoint that prevent themselves from changing just keep doing well their
abillity is perhaps good, whilst the other may think changes are unavoidable and they are
positive elements which is benifit for life. This paragraph will dicuss both of thoughts and
give the author’s opinion

Initially, maintaining the traditional methods can’t be denied more comfortable and save
choice for most of people. Step out of comfort zone isn’t easy thing to do since it stands a
really high chance of failure. Additionally, people are not going to need understand new
things as it will too struggle for them to adapt. A good example is the old generation find it
hard of using electronic devices such as phone to search for news or maybe information
about the topic which they like. So as a result for that, a majority rate of them choose
newspaper and radio instead. And also we must admit that refrain from doing new things
keep us on the right track and not to be lack of concentration on our abillty or passion. For
instance, some cases people in the modern era, extremely want to catch the trend of
hobbies, major subject and even job. Unfortunately, most of them have to experience the
badly consequences afterward.
In contrary, on the other side of problem there are a few reason that prove change is an
essential thing in some extend. With youngsters, changing like a gold opportunity to explore
the world in another way. Especially those who are type of adventurous person, they have
tendency not to regret for every changes. In nowadays society, young person always try to
change their career no matter how it likes if he or she isn’t satisfied and they even ignore
their family advices. We can consider it is a good decision because if they continued their
unsuitable job, it would lead to boredom and a non-sucess future. Futhermore, not
changing means we keep repeating the mistake without realizing and reforming. The new
changes to keep pace with our modernized society is not really a bad idea for us.
To sum up, which one is the better choice depend on each of people’s personalities and how
they thought about two option. But personally, I think we should know when we have to
make changes in our daily life as well as recognize the ideal time to focus on certain point.

Sample Answer 1:
There are arguments that individuals should be refrained from doing new things and
must stick to traditional methods. However, some people are convinced that individuals
need to venture into some noble experiences in life. In my opinion, I would argue that
alterations in some activities and practices are essential to achieving progress and

Primarily, it can never be denied that some people may become comfortable with the
routine practices in life, which they are more accustomed. Clearly, people will not need
to learn new things as they are already more cognizant about the activities that they
habitually perform. For instance, in this modern era, the seniority group will find it
confusing to read newspapers on an electronic tablet due to the fact that they are not
aware of its new features and the proper operation of the gadget. For these reasons,
the geriatric individuals do not need to learn the settings and the high technology
applications as it will take them a long period of time to adapt this product of

However, it can be argued that the life of people will become more adventurous if they
opt to new trends and experiences. As can be expected, the progress and success in life
are often achieved when a person tries to explore new ideas and practices, which might
be beneficial for the improvement of his or her life. To illustrate, a businessman, who
have experienced failures in his or her business, will resort to new strategies in order to
make the business more firms and highly profitable. This can be done by abandoning
the old-fashioned styles and techniques while accepting the modern ways, which could
make the people’s lives more favourable. The new idea, a new way of life and changes
to the old way life often bring new opportunities to people and getting adapted to the
changes is the primary means of survivals and advancement.

In conclusion, there is a heated argument whether people must remain to the

conservative ways of life or resort to modern trends. However, I personally believe that
the ideology of success can be reached if people will embrace the new-fangled ways of
living in the society.

Sample Answer 2:
Masses are changing according to the environment needs. In the past time, all people
preferred to spend their lives doing the same things while only a handful of people did
not prefer it. However, nowadays the former category is lower in number. All people
especially youngsters prefer to change and they expect the changes would be enjoyable
and for better.

Firstly, in these days only young generation give full preference to changes in most of
the cases. They embrace changes and think that changes will make their life
meaningful. Secondly, changes create new opportunities which make us leap forward. A
new job, for instance,   might present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire
new knowledge, or add to their skill set. Thirdly, a change can represent a break with
the past and an old routine which has become boring and predictable. Finally, as well as
making life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and
mental health. We find that changes can make us experienced and valuable.

On the flip side of the coin, people like old generation avoid changes in many cases
because they do not want to become materialistic. They opine we should give our full
attention to one thing and to the old way of traditional living. They mainly avoid major
changes and thus remain on a safe side while missing many opportunities that the
changes might have bought. They do not want to step outside their comfort zone, prefer
following their daily habits. They feel satisfied with their circumstance. Perhaps they feel
that a routine gives them structure, maybe they are not fond of surprises or confident
enough to face new challenges. They believed that staying secure and maintaining the
current circumstance is the best way to live life safer.
To put it in a nutshell, both side seem to have their own merits. However, I also
persuaded that change is unavoidable and necessary if someone wants to keep up wit a
fast pace of modern life. Even if some people maintain a form of stability by following a
routine, the world keeps spinning and evolving.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.
Bullying is a big problem in many schools.
What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.

Your essay: I completely agree with the mentioned statement as agressive and out-of-
control behaviors of children becomes one of the most considerable social issues which
takes a great deal of attention from the community. In this essay, I am going to have a
dicussion about the sources of the problem and some possible solution to this.
On the one hand, there are many causes of this problem. One of the main issues associated
with this is the affection of modernized lifestyle, significantly films and social media. It can’t
be denied that children nowadays run a higher chance of imitating a person or an action
they have already seen from a certain film, especially violent one, since they thought they
will look more attractive but actually, they don’t really have the faintest idea about their
faults. Another serious causes is that the children aren’t mature enough to take control of
emotional feeling. In many cases, because of jealousy with their friends when they own
something which the child don’t have, as a consequence, they will find lot of ways to reach
their achievement – to have it.
Several remarkable recommendations can be given on solving this. One solution to the
problem is that the awareness from each individual’s parents, that is a key factor lead to
their children’s self-direction. Spending more time with them and give an upbringing from
the earlier stage can create a huge impact on their transition from a bully to an obidient
child. Futhermore, not to overindulge them since gradually they will rebel to all of laws and
advices being given by parents. Another feasible solution to this problem is to reduce using
internet. If social network increase its popularity noticeably, that also means they won’t
manage the appeared content because obviously, no one have enough time for doing that.
For instance, the teenagers can arrage an ideal period of times for surfing the internet on
their own, around one or two hours per day, in addition to that, the topic of which they
follow on Facebook or Instagram have to be under supervision of parents.
In conclusion, bullying is an evitable issues due to the carelessness from parents and
families, causing many arguments and troubles in school environments. Fortunately, our
community have realized it soon and effectuate many different solutions not just to prevent
bullying occuring frequently but to enhance adolescences’ understanding of morality as
Model answer 1: I strongly agree with the afore mentioned statement. Bullying is a real and
identifiable cause of different types of dysfunctional and aggresive behaviour that affects
many children in numerous educational facilities.
It is my belief, that this repetitive behaviour may occur due to individual situations that
appear in families or communities. Due to differences in all aspects of life, starting from
visual aspect and ending with religious beliefs and racial backgrounds, children get confused
in appreciating diversity.
Having a wrong adult personality as an example and rolemodel may ultimately impact the
child's perception of his mates in society. This may in turn lead to pathologic behaviour.
As a middle-school student, I have encountered many situations where my colleagues were
judged and were emotionally distressed due to repetitive bullying behaviour from other
classmates. Usually it was because of differences in dressing styles, performance in class,
financial status or certain weigth-related issues. The children that were affected started to
experience social isolation and were demotivated in attending school, which was
unacceptable. Appropriate measures were taken and parents with teachers had to be
As such, it is imperative to be able to observe bullying early, identify the individuals that are
affected and react quickly. I think it should be the responsability of both the school
management, as well of the parents. Everyone has to be sensitive to the importance of adult
behaviour in the presence of children and its impact on their development. In my opinion,
sessions could be implemented in the regular school programm, that would invite both
parents and children to participate. In this way, I would try to rather anticipate and prevent
bullying than to have to deal with it once it happens.
I had a great appreciation of such measures that actually worked during my studies as a
medical student and then as an employee at the hospital. There were strict measures
starting from warnings to ejections, as well as mechanisms of contacting authorities in an
anonymous way. This ensured a sense of security for every individual.
Model answer 2: It is true that school violence is likely to be becoming one of the hottest
topical issues attracting a great deal of attention of the community due to its negative
impacts seriously on the physical and mental of victims. In this essay, I intend to explore the
sources of this problem along with a couple of possible measures to it.
Bullying in schools results from a variety of reasons. Firstly, because of the rapid
development of internet, it may be easier for children to have more access to harmfully
entertainment media such as: bloody movies, the music of sensitivity lyrics, fight
game.Without being controlled from adults, driving them into imitating what they see. As a
consequence, the violent media are considered as a crucial part contributing to this matter.
Secondly, one of the significant factors manages to strum from parents having a huge effect
on the form of awareness of offsprings. This means that children growing up with domestic
violence could tend to adopt behavioural standards for what they are obtainable in their
home, leading to in the fact that they might be able to useaggressive actions to solve
Several remarkable remedies can be given to tackle school bullying. First of all, the
authorities should strengthen to censor the content of technological products, bringing
about a safer internet environment for students. Furthermore, parents' supervision seems
to play a dispensable role assisting offsprings in developing their positive attitudes.
Therefore, It is extremely important for parents to spend some time in communicating with
their children in order to help them overcome troubles timely.
In conclusion, this problem is unlikely to be addressed in the short term. However, I believe
that the measures outlined above would constitute a great first step.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.
Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Model essay: Some people believe that living in metropolitan cities brings negative effects
on health.  I totally disagree with the statement due to several reasons that I will discuss in
greater detail in this essay. 
First of all, relocating to large cities brings several benefits to one’s physical wellbeing.  It is
noticeable that many health related facilities are located in the city nowadays.  For instance,
there are a lot of fitness centres built around the city.  As a result, people living in cities tend
to exercise more frequently mainly due to convenience and easy access to fitness centres. 
Moreover, it is common for city residents to arrange regular appointments with a dietitian.
In fact, this is usually a benefit provided by big corporates based in large cities. A dietitian
can evaluate a person’s nutrition intake and generate a diet plan specially designed for the
person. Crucially, by maintaining a healthy diet one can build a strong body.  As a result,
living in big cities can result in the improvement of physical health of a person. 
Next, mental health can also be maintained at a healthy state if a person is living in a large
city.  Apart from easier access to psychologists compared to rural areas, metropolitan cities
provide a wider range of entertainment, which can reduce the stress level of a person.  For
example, watching movies and getting a massage are both proven to bring positive impacts
to people’s minds.  In large cities, people can choose from various kinds of activities and
relax for a bit, relieving stress and tension built up from their daily lives.  Therefore, the
mental health of people living in metropolitan cities tends to be more stable. 
In conclusion, I do not think living in large cities brings negative impacts to people’s health. 
In fact, a cosmopolitan lifestyle can enhance both the physical and mental wellbeing of local

Your essay: According to some individuals thought, people’s health is affected seriously by
living in metropolitan cities. I partly disagree with that due to that might be true for a
variety of cases, but some benefits can be gained from city life.
It’s can’t be denied that people living in urban areas have always been involved negatively
with air and noise pollution caused by congestion and polluting chemicals from modern
infrastructures, in addition to that, factories work with high frequency without caring for
environmental protection or people’s health. So, as a result, those have been there for a
long time neither being guaranteed good mental health nor physical condition, furthermore,
they are at a high rate of being sick. For instance, the number of cases has to suffer from a
different kind of sickness such as respiratory problems are much more than those who have
lived in a rural area, a place where smog and even dust is in a low amount. Had the
government made a sufficient investment and concentrated on the problem thoroughly, the
environment would have been enhanced to be better. Another trouble is, that the city, a
place which is famous for fast foods and snacks, has made people get more obese easily
than ever before. Because of these problems, with people, the city seems to be not a
suitable position for living in.
On the other hand, as I mentioned, the city also has advantages that are beneficial and
necessary due to its qualified facilities as well as amenities, they can create a great impact
on improving health, and no longer did people need to worry about healthcare. Additionally,
doctors and hospitals, the elements which play an important role, certainly will help a lot to
each individual who is treated by those doctors. A good example is that, nowadays, in the
term of Covid 19 pandemic, people in the cities have enough vaccinations, not only do they
have a tendency to be healthier, but also reduce the death rate of viruses in their bodies
thanks to the helpful treatments from doctors and nurses in hospitals. Therefore, it is not a
struggle to maintain a healthy state when people live in urban areas, and it has even
become easier. Crucially, the city is an environment affording well-education, so the student
might be educated by the teacher at an earlier stage in their life about how to protect
themselves and make an improvement on their health. Compared to the countryside, the
educational system in cities is a key factor that makes them being exceeded, so that can
explain the reason why people tend to move to cities. It is clear evidence prove that city
isn’t bad like the opinion of many peoples.
To summarize, the answer to the argument of whether the city is a good place or not
depends on the majority of people, but for me, that’s just right to some extent. If the
authorities have a decent plan to find ways on solving environmental problems in the
future, I think that will make massive progress in enhancing living standards in cities.

Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artifically inteligent robot?
What is your opinion?
Introduction: Artifically intelligent robots are mostly replacing human workers in some
occupations in forthcoming future, whilst all the jobs which require complex calculation or
memorising huge amount of information will be completely done by robots, meanwhile it
doesn’t likely that work need human efforts can’t be taken over. This essay will make a
throughly dicussion the reason why ultimately just a few jobs left that human touch are
Body 1: On one hand, it can’t be denied that jobs whose skill was storing large and
complicated data with calculating precisely the numbers is really suitable for robotic
function. Many robots nowadays have been developed a sharp memory, the thing help
them to solve mathematical problems as well as house confidental information of the
governments, which abilities a normal person can’t have. AI robots have the number of IQ
larger than 100 times compare to human, on the other way, they can connect million of
resources at the same time just about one to two seconds, as a result for that, contribute a
great impact on many different fields, include scientific jobs, futhermore, that also more
economical than in favour for hiring, training, and rewarding salary to human resources. For
these reason, it is possible that robots stand a good chance of being chosen as an
alternative for human labours in some kind of works.
Body 2: On the other hand of the situation, obviously, there are still elements not existing in
a robot system, which mean only human touch can achieve those requirements. In a long
run, we will realize emotional expression and passion of jobs are the capacities robots will
never have. Education, psychology, medicine, and even art that intelligent robots are
impossible to take the responsibillity, also an improvement for the neccessity of human
being. A good evidence is hand – crafting jobs, because of reling on diversity and creativity
in each product, so it seems on this extent, human do much better than robot does,
additionally, if hand – made goods was produced virtually by artifical intelligents, it would
have been considered as “lack of soul” and loose its natural beauty, or it can be said not a
hand – made thing anymore.
Conclusion: For answering people’s thought of the replacing of robots for human in every
jobs, it can have quite a lot possible explanation, but personally, to conclude, sophisticated
jobs need a powerful long – term memory will be done entirely by AI robots, however, jobs
requiring specific skill of human will always exist. If people could create a combination
between techonology and human labour, that would be a great thing play an important part
of life’s development.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.
Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers,
whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.
Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Introduction: There are always an heated argument whilst according to some thought,
homework aren’t necessarily for teenagers to complete and focus on, the rest believe that
homework is included in educational system, so it act as an indispensable part of teaching as
well as developing children’s skill. This passage will make a dicussion of these views, also
giving the author’s opinion on this problem.
Body paragraph 1: It can’t be denied that goverments nowadays concentrate too much on
make the students to learn theory but completely forget spending time on practicing.
Obviously, children are often given large amount of projects at school which have been
occuping most spare time for a long time, usually contribute a huge impact on the tireness
and boredom. Additionally, this is the main factor causing stress with mental problem,
weekness health and create pressure on those children, as a result for that, students have a
mindset of being forced to study, not allowed to make their own choices. Although there
have been many kinds revolution in education, or even new method have been carried out
which is hoped to make progress in encouraging child study harder, however, it seems like
they are useless. In these days, at the time when the world are modernized by techonlogies,
computers and phones are gaining more popularity, homework not stand a good chance to
maange the child’s thought because of it’s length, so teenagers just sitting in front of the
screen, playing video games with their best friends, or watching television instead of
finishing homeworks given by teacher to avoid being tired. Seriously, more and more cases
in trouble
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.
But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the
difficulties inevitably encounters living and studying in a different cultures. To what extent
do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reason for your answer.
Whilst according to some thought, studying abroad may provide a good chance of
broadening students’ mind as well as accomodate ideal environment for developing
themselves, however, there are still lots of concern about whether they have any challenges
or more serious, face up to variety of problems they aren’t able to expect. This passage will
make a dicussion of both view and give the author’s opinion.
Initially, it can’t be denied that overseas studying will bring many beneficial things which can
be found hardly when they are still staying in their own country. Significantly, if they are
lucky enough to have opportunity studying in an English speaking country, those lectures
could offer better quality with special tutorial just jor enhancing their intellectual skills, also
assist these conscientious students more project to brush up on the available abillities. In
addition to that, quite obvious, qualifications gained abroad can make a great contribution
to better job opportunities, an effective way help them being assessed positively in working
environment. In fact, majority of successful individuals all have at least one or two or even
more years travelling and self-study in foreign countries, it shows a plausible explanation for
these impressive achievements. Last but not least, they might encounter a diversity number
of different cultures and leading to another benefit – learning new languages. So, as a result
for this, the interpersonal skill will certainly get noticeable improvement, additionally, create
a great aspect in their personalities.
Contrary to popular belief, though, studying overseas still includes drawbacks which have
been making many parents reflecting and feeling like they have stucked in a real dilemma
for a long time. If they chose to be the opposite of their children’s aspiration, that would be
consider as too cynical but on the other hand, they would let their beloved children at
certain risk. For many centuries, discrimination have always been a heated argument, while
most of international students have suffered from it, there seems to stay the same over
period of time. That can create persimisstic thinking in mind, affect negatively on mental
health, and result in second disavantage – homesickness. It could be predicted that a sense
of homesickness is an extent that rather unavoidable, when they have to leave families as
well as friends whom they are really accustomed to in childhood. Despite those trouble, the
most uphill struggle one, of course, language barrier. It doesn’t have any similarity to
guesswork at the time you need to answer a question in another language, in short, you
cannot use intuition to relate to native speakers. A barrier of language is becoming more
and more unsurmountable unless they have studied a language
before, otherwise, students just exacerbate everything and in the worst case, they will be
forced to go back their hometown because of the ignorant in term of linguistic speaking
skill. That the main reason account for many people failure in trying to study overseas but in
the end, they must have given up and staying home with disgruntled feeling.
In conclusion, we have to admit this two possibilities both stand a chance to occur, it would
be quite beyond belief if someone said that it could be presumed at first. Although there are
having some dubious opinions nowadays, but personally for my perspective, I just partly
agree due to the reason it relies mostly on each student knowledge, whether they are
capable to ready for going abroad or not, vitally, we must have had a logical viewpoint and
willingly to stand on their side whatever their decisions.

Task 2: Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school
students should be encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers.
Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion
Due to the generational gap, it has been a real challenge for students to have any
suggestions on improvements in terms of the education system in their school, particularly
expressing those ideas to tutors. There are existing arguments that support students raising
their voices or even criticizing the educators to enhance education quality, meanwhile for
others it can be seen as an unrespectful attitude. In my point of view, despite some
consequences that may be encountered, I do believe students’ opinions will do wonders for
our educational system. This passage will take an equal viewpoint on either side of the
problem as well as provide a conclusion.
First and foremost, motivating students to query seems not a good idea since having
students argue and evaluate the teacher, who is experienced, is perhaps really unacceptable
in many cultures. To put this in perspective, students correct their teachers' mistakes
meaning they have more knowledge than their tutors. A clear illustration is the majority of
students are taken over by their preference for teachers, so they have a high tendency to
give comments relying on the personal notion. As a result, this lead to an unavoidable
outcome – the desperate relationship between learners and tutors. Or looking for a further
view, it might also result in bad academic achievement as the teachers are becoming biased
toward each individual in the same class. Showing a respectful manner is always an
indispensable regulation at the class level, unless they don’t obey, it will reflect on those
students’ disrespect towards the teachers.
However, taking a look at the bright side, constructive feedback on tutors’ method of
teaching can give a surprisingly positive result, as long as that idea has reasonable point to
encourage the quality of schooling. A truth here, can’t be denied, that to some extent,
teachers are not the genius, they are - somehow - going to slip for a few times and even
themselves could not realize. At this time, students’ advice on their weaknesses is essential
assistance, not only do they give benefit feedback but fortify these tutors’ pedagogical skills
as well. We can take this as an example, nowadays, large numbers of schools require
teachers to stick to traditional data regardless of whether they are updated or not,
additionally, tutors are limited to making changes in that information. Students, on the
other hand, have approached recent reliable resources, thus, what they have known maybe
contain high accuracy far more than the teachers. Hence, if they have the chance to carry
out their ideas, that will be worthwhile for everyone to involve.
In short, this is a sort of paradox, however, I reckon students should be allowed to come up
with comments to teachers, and we may need to substitute these days' education method
with student-centered teaching. By way of conclusion, students always look up to their
teachers, so what they said doesn’t the same as exacerbating teachers’ values.
Bonus vocab:

 evaluate (v): đánh giá

 criticise (v): chỉ trích
 educator (n): giáo viên, những người làm việc trong lĩnh vực giáo dục
 disrespect (v): không tôn trọng
 indiscipline (v): không có kỉ luật
 unavoidable outcome (adj + noun): hệ quả không thể tránh khỏi
 approach (noun): cách tiếp cận
 judge (verb): đánh giá
 undermine (verb): ảnh hưởng tiêu cực/hao mòn
 lose one’s temper (phrase): mất bình tĩnh, cáu gắt
 overreact (verb): phản ứng thái quá
 exacerbate (verb): làm xấu đi
 imitate (verb): bắt chước
 student-centred teaching (phrase): giáo dục lấy học sinh làm trọng tâm
 two-way communication (phrase): trao đổi/giao tiếp hai chiều
 methodology (noun): cách, phương pháp
 substantial (adj); lớn
 proactive (verb): chủ động
 pedagogical skills (phrase): kĩ năng sư phạm
 feedback (noun): nhận xét
 academic achievement (phrase): kết quả học tập
 instability (noun): không chắc chắn
 disrespectful: thiếu tôn trọng
 constructive feedback: nhận xét mang tính xây dựng
 do wonders for: có lợi ích lớn cho
 look up to (p.v): tôn trọng
 obey (v): tuân theo
 impulsive (adj): bốc đồng
 personal criticism (n): công kích cá nhân
 express their opinions: thể hiện quan điểm của họ
 two-way communication: giao tiếp 2 chiều
 adjustment (n): sự điều chỉnh
 pedagogical skills (n): những kĩ năng sư phạm
 learning outcome (n): kết quả học tập
Model essay: (band 8)
Key features:
Coherence and cohesion (band 9)
Task achievement (band 9)
There exists an argument regarding whether learners in high school should be allowed to
offer suggestions or to contend with their teachers as a way of promoting the quality of
education. Yet, a few others believe this might result in disrespectful and shameful conduct
in the learning environment. I feel the teachers should be allowed to carry out their work
without disturbances. In this essay, I will tackle both of these views and give a conclusion.
First of all, the purpose of having a classroom in existence is to ensure the free flow of
information among the members. Nonetheless, teachers at times may lack updated data
on a given topic and only provide half-barked information to students. That being said,
most pupils may have come across more recent data that can be of great benefit to the
entire class if they were to be allowed to bring it to the fore. For example, since the current
education system requires that teachers should stick closely to the provided syllabus
regardless of whether it is updated or not, they are limited in the kind of alterations they
can make but to rigidly follow through. Hence, if students are given chance to comment,
they can bring up new ideas for the benefit of everyone involved.
On the other hand, granting students such freedom would mean giving them access to a
lack of respect and order in a classroom. To put this in perspective, upon correcting a
mistake by their teachers, a pupil might begin to assume that he knows better than them.
The resulting impact of this route is an indisciplined student who lacks respect for his tutors.
For instance, a survey conducted by the ministry of education in Malawi on the impact of
student comments on the classroom environment, it was determined that many pupils lost
respect from their teachers.
No wonder the present education system deters any student from making comments or
criticizing during lectures. By way of conclusion, I reaffirm my position that not giving chance
to learners in high school to comment is key in maintaining law and order at the classroom
Key features:
Coherence and cohesion (band 9)
Grammartical range (band 9)
Task achievement (band 8)
The educational system is one of the topics that the majority look for development because
it touches our kids' success. Furthermore, Enhancement in the education sector is one of
the humans' demands for progress. Nowadays, people think that pupils' opinion is
important to help teachers improve their work while others do not agree with this. In my
point of view, I strongly disagree with the idea that students can criticize or give their
opinion about their teachers. Due to students are not wise enough to judge a teacher,
besides that criticism is a huge topic that needs a high level of understanding.
First of all, students especially in high schools lack the wisdom that they need to come up
with authentic judgment. For instance, kids during this stage of their lives are controlled by
their emotions. Accordingly, they will give their opinion based on their feeling toward
teachers. To be more exact, the general atmosphere is that high school students feel
negative toward school and teachers. During high school students tend to enjoy their time
and have fun as much as they can instead of taking care of their education. This kind of
feeling toward school might affect teachers badly.
One more thing, criticism is not an easy topic to tackle. There are many rules we need to
follow to come up with reasonable judgment otherwise we might make a big mistake. For
example, some universities teach criticism as a subject and sometimes it takes many courses
to understand the point behind it. It is a very valuable subject if we follow the right rules to
criticize someone's work. As I guess high school students need a lot of practice to trust their
opinion about teachers. One of the rules is to be professional and to avoid being driven by
your emotion.
To conclude, the Education system is essential in our life, So to improve it we need experts
who have enough knowledge and experience to give their opinion and not judge teachers. I
disagree with the idea of giving the kids in high schools the right to comment or criticize
their teachers. The tutor is carrying an elevated message to humanity. We should show
respect and appreciation to those people.
People have different views on whether high school students should be allowed to
evaluate and criticize their teachers. Although this could be perceived as being
disrespectful, I believe constructive feedback from students could do wonders
for our education system.
On the one hand, proponents of the idea that students should not be allowed
to make comments regarding their teachers claim that this can result in
disrespect and lead to poorly behaved students. It is common knowledge that
students should look up to their teachers and obey all of their instructions. Having a
student, who is impulsive and inexperienced, criticizing a professional teacher is not
appropriate in many cultures. In addition, even the majority of high school students
are usually not mature enough to make objective judgments. Their feedback might
end up being personal criticism, which contributes nothing to the improvement of the
quality of the education.
On the other hand, many people, including myself, believe that it is beneficial
for both students and teachers if there is an open environment where students
can freely express their opinions, including their thoughts about their
teachers. This two-way communication allows students to actively think about the
lessons, and specifically what they want their teachers to improve. Moreover, thanks
to student feedback, teachers might recognise their own weaknesses and find ways
to make adjustments to their pedagogical skills. Consequently, their lessons are
likely to become more interesting as it suits both parties, which might result in a
better learning outcome.
In conclusion, students might not be the best people to comment on their teachers.
However, I strongly believe that encouraging students to provide relevant feedback
about their teacher’s teaching methods is advantageous for the education system.

Task 2: Although some software programs can translate languages, there are still many
advantages of learning foreign languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Intro: Paraphrase the question/topic

Body 1: Software progammes are not always benefit for translating a language
 Misunderstood about the purpose of translating system
 Word-by-word method is not exact

Body 2: Learning languages is benefit for our brains

 Enhanced Problem Solving Skills

 Enhanced Creative Thinking Capacity
 Better Memory

Conclusion: Software programmes aren’t as good as learning a language by yourself ( partly

agree with the statements)

Your essay:
Learning languages continues to be a controversial topic when it comes to people’s opinion.
According to some thought, languages would enhance your mind and fortify your skills
whilst another, by contrast, have seen learning languages as time-wasting and have used an
equipment in order to substitute it – software translating function. This essay will make a
dicussion of both viewpoints, also address the author’s opinion now.
In this modernisation era, softwares were created intelectually to be used the same as a tool in
helping people daily life, significantly, have the capability of translating thousand of
languages. However, whether its ability was reliable? We could totally put the question mark
here since the method word-by-word applied for all complex structure of software are
actually really need to be considered again. Majority of individuals have usually had a wrong
faith about the purpose of those translating system, they just used for understanding an
overall meaning of a single word, or perhaps a simple sentence in another languages,
completely not fit for “knowing a language throughly”, contrast to popular belief.
Futhermore, though, they are not accurate 100% in all occasions, they could - sometimes -
make a lot of “unpredictable” mistake that we unaware of. Take this as an example, in most
cases, visitors – who hadn’t learned any language before their trips, extremely horrified when
they all realized that they had to speak native language as where they go – without assistance
from any person. Quickest way, of course, used a translate app to deal with the problem until
at the time they reached the destination, the locals there misunderstood all of things they had
said for a simple reason, their words sounded like a “robot” with unatural grammartical
structures. Languages isn’t a robotic function, which means software system cannot give us
any access on how to master a language.
Look at the bright side, languages play an important role in the life, in other words, they can
better our brain in diverse way. Solving problems skill can be improved somehow if we know
more than 2 languages, it is reflected through our ability to share, to talk, to give a conclusion
or any verbal-activities else in a totally non-native language. In addition to that, two main
system in brain which are long-term as well as short-term memory are also given more
chance to work – lead to a good skill of memorising. Simultaneously, your creativity not just
get an opportunity to grow naturally by learning languages, but keep maintaining its best
condition as well. An evidence here are abroad students, whose working and studying
environment use another language different from their mother tongue in most of the time,

There are always heated arguments about the decision whether to change or not. Some
people have a viewpoint that prevents themselves from changing just keep doing well their
ability is perhaps good, whilst the other may think changes are unavoidable and they are
positive elements which are benefits for life. This paragraph will discuss both thoughts and
give the author’s opinion
Initially, maintaining the traditional methods can’t be denied more comfortable and save
choice for most people. Step out of your comfort zone isn’t an easy thing to do since it
stands a high chance of failure. Additionally, people are not going to need to understand
new things as it will be too struggle for them to adapt. A good example is the old generation
find it hard of using electronic devices such as phones to search for news or maybe
information about the topic which they like. So as a result for that, a majority rate of them
chooses newspaper and radio instead. And also we must admit that refraining from doing
new things keeps us on the right track and not to be lack of concentration on our ability or
passion. For instance, in some cases, people in the modern era, extremely want to catch the
trend of hobbies, major subjects, and even jobs. Unfortunately, most of them have to
experience the bad consequences afterward.
On contrary, on the other side of the problem, there are a few reasons that prove change is
an essential thing to some extent. With youngsters, changing is like a golden opportunity to
explore the world in another way. Especially those who are the type of adventurous person,
have a tendency not to regret every change. In nowadays society, young person always tries
to change their career no matter how it like if he or she isn’t satisfied and they even ignore
their family's advice. We can consider it is a good decision because if they continued their
unsuitable job, it would lead to boredom and a non-success future. Furthermore, not
changing means we keep repeating the mistake without realizing and reforming. The new
changes to keep pace with our modernized society are not a bad idea for us.
To sum up, which one is the better choice depends on each of people’s personality and how
they thought about the two options. But I think we should know when we have to make
changes in our daily life as well as recognize the ideal time to focus on certain points.

  Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the country,
while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
Paraphrase the question
Agree with hosting an international sport event is good for the country
Body 1:
International sport hosting could be bad due to the money it may involve
Labour – needing and planning requirement could become some uneconomic things
E.g. A country have to favour lots of money as well as finding candidates for the
competition – need people for doing that
Body 2:
Having world-wide sport events also beneficial in the other hand
Providing a source of entertainment for audiences
Finding potential in terms of sport for the country
E.g. Who has talent for sport will be trained and provided a golden opportunity to
show their own ability as well as being cheered by the audiences – increase a sense
of hapiness inside those young talent
Paraphrase again the topic
Although it quite costly to hold an international sport event, it would bring benefits
which seems to surpass the drawbacks.

Your essay:
Sport is one of the most famous types of entertainment for all age range, even
children, teenagers or the olds. Whilst holding an international sports event receives
lots of support from a group of opinion, others perhaps do not agree with this idea. In
my perspective, despite the quantity of money that could be required, I still prefer this
one to the remaining. This essay will tackle both sides and provide a complete
conclusion in the end.
When we take an overall view the requirement of either money or labor is rather
expensive than we thought. No one can assume accurately how much money will be
enough for places, equipment, snacks, and gifts setting aside of counting the number
of people. More essentially, if a single individual cannot deal with all the project, at
least a whole organization may be adequate, then, another larger sum of money
might be favored in hiring staff. Regardless of this element, for example, human
labor should be in use, afterward, both for finding candidates and preparing for an
appropriate competition, which is somehow, relatively challenging just for a brand
new event. It seems that whatever aspects are being looked at, it is still too costly
and time-wasting, though.
However, if we see a more positive side, maybe we will realize some beneficial
purposes hidden behind this idea. Sitting at home and focusing on the boring
television can be substituted with an enormous enthusiastic stadium full of cheering
sounds, as well as noise from around the corner, which should be ideal. In another
word, it could provide a unique kind of entertainment for the locals, really appealing
for those sport-lovers. Futhermore, all the young talents who are potential will be
given a golden opportunity to reflect on their ability, and better, keep the fire on their
aspiration. For instance, the majority of star footballers became taking off from
starting at sports events in their countries, after that, making progress throughout
these experiences eventually ended up reaching worldwide fame. Organizing a
sports event means giving chance for more people to show off what they are good
To conclude, everything has its pros and cons, international sports competition is not
an exception. Although it can’t be denied that initially, this sort of event would cost
much, it is worthwhile because what it could bring seems to surpass the drawbacks
that may be encountered.

Model essay:
International sporting events have become increasingly common in recent decades.
While some people reckon that host countries might have to deal with a sudden
surge in crime or involve themselves in an exhausting preparation process, more
importantly I believe they can take the opportunity to boost tourism.
To begin with, although events such as these are a great opportunity for countries to
gain global exposure, there are present significant challenges. Firstly, records have
shown that there is a twofold increase in crimes such as prostitution and petty
theft when a country organises an event such as the World Cup or the Olympics.
Furthermore, the process of preparing for these events is often demanding. For the
World Cup 2014, it took Brazil five years to revitalise its cities and construct various
facilities including stadiums and indoor athletics arenas to meet the world-class
standard set by FIFA.
On the other hand, I am of the opinion that international sporting games can
potentially stimulate the tourism sector. By being the host, a country is able to attract
a large array of athletes and their supporters from all around the world. This sudden
increase in visitors will likely proliferate the sales of products and services such
as accommodation and transportation within the period of the events. In the longer
term, it is a great chance for the host nations to promote their culture on a global
stage. For example, since the pictures of beautifully garnished Vietnamese
dishes made headlines during the SEA Games in 2003, Vietnam has been branded
as the “Kitchen of the world” and a must visit destination for global food lovers.
This obviously does wonders for the Vietnamese economy.
In conclusion, although sports events come at the expense of a few immediate
problems, the benefits of boosted gross sales and cultural promotion are of greater
significance. In my opinion, host nations can also consider the option of sharing an
event with a neighboring country to spread the risk and still enjoy the lucrative
long-term benefits.

Does education fuel economic growth?

Over the last decade, a huge database about the lives of southwest German villagers
between 1600 and 1900 has been compiled by a team led by Professor Sheilagh Ogilvie at
Cambridge University’s Faculty of Economics. It includes court records, guild ledgers, parish
registers, village censuses, tax lists and – the most recent addition – 9,000 handwritten
inventories listing over a million personal possessions belonging to ordinary women and
men across three centuries. Ogilvie, who discovered the inventories in the archives of two
German communities 30 years ago, believes they may hold the answer to a conundrum that
has long puzzled economists: the lack of evidence for a causal link between education and a
country’s economic growth.

As Ogilvie explains, ‘Education helps us to work more productively, invent better technology,
and earn more … surely it must be critical for economic growth? But, if you look back
through history, there’s no evidence that having a high literacy rate made a country
industrialise earlier.’ Between 1600 and 1900, England had only mediocre literacy rates by
European standards, yet its economy grew fast and it was the first country to industrialise.
During this period, Germany and Scandinavia had excellent literacy rates, but their
economies grew slowly and they industrialised late. ‘Modern cross-country analyses have
also struggled to find evidence that education causes economic growth, even though there
is plenty of evidence that growth increases education,’ she adds.

In the handwritten inventories that Ogilvie is analysing are the belongings of women and
men at marriage, remarriage and death. From badger skins to Bibles, sewing machines to
scarlet bodices – the villagers’ entire worldly goods are included. Inventories of agricultural
equipment and craft tools reveal economic activities; ownership of books and education-
related objects like pens and slates suggests how people learned. In addition, the tax lists
included in the database record the value of farms, workshops, assets and debts; signatures
and people’s estimates of their age indicate literacy and numeracy levels; and court records
reveal obstacles (such as the activities of the guilds*) that stifled industry.

Previous studies usually had just one way of linking education with economic growth – the
presence of schools and printing presses, perhaps, or school enrolment, or the ability to
sign names. According to Ogilvie, the database provides multiple indicators for the same
individuals, making it possible to analyse links between literacy, numeracy, wealth, and
industriousness, for individual women and men over the long term.

Ogilvie and her team have been building the vast database of material possessions on top
of their full demographic reconstruction of the people who lived in these two German
communities. ‘We can follow the same people – and their descendants – across 300 years of
educational and economic change,’ she says. Individual lives have unfolded before their
eyes. Stories like that of the 24-year-olds Ana Regina and Magdalena Riethmüllerin, who
were chastised in 1707 for reading books in church instead of listening to the sermon. ‘This
tells us they were continuing to develop their reading skills at least a decade after leaving
school,’ explains Ogilvie. The database also reveals the case of Juliana Schweickherdt, a 50-
year-old spinster living in the small Black Forest community of Wildberg, who was
reprimanded in 1752 by the local weavers’ guild for ‘weaving cloth and combing wool,
counter to the guide ordinance’. When Juliana continued taking jobs reserved for male guild
members, she was summoned before the guild court and told to pay a fine equivalent to
one third of a servant’s annual wage. It was a small act of defiance by today’s standards, but
it reflects a time when laws in Germany and elsewhere regulated people’s access to labour
markets. The dominance of guilds not only prevented people from using their skills, but also
held back even the simplest industrial innovation.

The data-gathering phase of the project has been completed and now, according to Ogilvie,
it is time ‘to ask the big questions’. One way to look at whether education causes economic
growth is to ‘hold wealth constant’. This involves following the lives of different people with
the same level of wealth over a period of time. If wealth is constant, it is possible to discover
whether education was, for example, linked to the cultivation of new crops, or to the
adoption of industrial innovations like sewing machines. The team will also ask what aspect
of education helped people engage more with productive and innovative activities. Was it,
for instance, literacy, numeracy, book ownership, years of schooling? Was there a threshold
level – a tipping point – that needed to be reached to affect economic performance?

Ogilvie hopes to start finding answers to these questions over the next few years. One thing
is already clear, she says: the relationship between education and economic growth is far
from straightforward. ‘German-speaking central Europe is an excellent laboratory for testing
theories of economic growth,’ she explains. Between 1600 and 1900, literacy rates and book
ownership were high and yet the region remained poor. It was also the case that local guilds
and merchant associations were extremely powerful and legislated against anything that
undermined their monopolies. In villages throughout the region, guilds blocked labour
migration and resisted changes that might reduce their influence.

‘Early findings suggest that the potential benefits of education for the economy can be held
back by other barriers, and this has implications for today,’ says Ogilvie. ‘Huge amounts are
spent improving education in developing countries, but this spending can fail to deliver
economic growth if restrictions block people – especially women and the poor – from using
their education in economically productive ways. If economic institutions are poorly set up,
for instance, education can’t lead to growth.’

Practice IELTS writing part 2

1. Business
Business social responsibility:
As well as making money, businesses also have a responsibility towards society. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Your essay: In recent decades, there is some belief that besides making profits, companies
should also conduct their firms in a socially responsible manner. To my extent, that is
genuinely understandable, therefore, I completely agree with this statement for some typical
On the one hand, the concentration on maximizing profits offers an opportunity for the
corporations’ growth. The more firms spring up and be prosperous, the more diverse choices
for the buyers. As a result, this will accommodate a greater source of well-qualified products,
which then leads to the enhancement in the economic situation due to the increase in the
customers. Additionally, that also provides job opportunities for many employees, hence,
reducing the unemployment rate afterward. For instance, in countries such as America,
England, or Germany, where the organizations are targeting virtually expanding their
financial condition, not only do they change for the better in making themselves becoming
more profitable, but also play an indispensable factor in the development of those countries in
every aspect.
On the other hand, though, there are still strong reasons why enterprises should profoundly
reflect upon being responsible for the social benefits as a top priority. Initially, environmental
degradation, such as the increase of carbon dioxide, and the non-stop rise of loss in
biodiversity are the consequences stemming from the growth of buildings without controls. If
the companies can hand over the effects of those constructions, undoubtedly, that would be
helpful for the improvement of the environment. For example, they can install a waste
treatment system instead of discharging chemical wastes into the water, therefore, water
pollution could be improved. Secondly, a charity would be an even better choice if it could be
given by enterprises since obviously, they have enough capital to do so. For instance,
Vingroup, the biggest organization in Vietnam, willingly gives a charitable donation of 320
billion VNĐ for helping the poverty.
In conclusion, I do support the idea of the companies’ responsibility is a fundamental
principle of a decent organization, although keeping themselves profitable is essential, as it is
a standard requirement.

Band 9.0 writing for this topic (marked by an extremely experienced examiner):
The idea that besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities
remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is a top priority for
each company, I agree that they should also conduct their business in a socially responsible
On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximise their profits may have some benefits
for society as a whole. Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the more taxes the
pay to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to spend in key
fields, including education and health care, which leads to an improvement in the quality of
life for the whole community. Secondly, by earning huge profits, companies have the
opportunity to grow their business. For example, firms could use their capital to expand their
production, creating new job opportunities within the community.
On the other hand, there are some strong reasons why business should also accept that they
have social responsibilities. The first reason is that their activities have an effect on the
environment. Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental
degradation, such as global warming stemming from factory emissions or the irresponsible
disposal waste. For example, if factories installed waste treatment systems instead of
discharging wastes into rivers, water pollution could be controlled. Another reason is that
enterprises should help those who are less fortunate, since they have the money to do so. For
example, big corporations such as Vinamilk and Unilever have enhanced their public image
through philanthropic actions such as providing scholarships and giving charitable
In conclusion, although I recognise that making profits is the fundamental principle of
business, I would argue that all business should profoundly reflect upon their social
“Grammarly checked”
The idea that besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities
remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is a top priority for
each company, I agree that they should also conduct their business in a socially responsible
On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximize their profits may have some benefits
for society as a whole. Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the more taxes
they pay to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to spend in key
fields, including education and health care, which leads to an improvement in the quality of
life for the whole community. Secondly, by earning huge profits, companies have the
opportunity to grow their business. For example, the firm could use its capital to expand its
production, creating new job opportunities within the community.
On the other hand, there are some strong reasons why a business should also accept that they
have social responsibilities. The first reason is that their activities affect the environment.
Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental degradation, such
as global warming stemming from factory emissions or irresponsible disposal of waste. For
example, if factories installed waste treatment systems instead of discharging wastes into
rivers, water pollution could be controlled. Another reason is that enterprises should help
those who are less fortunate since they have the money to do so. For example, big
corporations such as Vinamilk and Unilever have enhanced their public image through
philanthropic actions such as providing scholarships and giving charitable donations.
In conclusion, although I recognize that making profits is the fundamental principle of
business, I would argue that all businesses should profoundly reflect upon their social

The disappearance of small businesses:

Small businesses are disappearing and being replaced by large multinational companies. Do
the advantages of this outweigh disavantages?
Your essay:
Nowadays, at a time when the business environment is fiercer than ever before, it is gradually
ubiquitous for the disappearance of small-sized companies, and those are substituted by the
more wealthy enterprises having enough capital to remain sustainable. Whilst it is still a
source of controversy whether this event can be beneficial or not, it seems to me that
drawbacks will exceed its positive side.
At some bright aspects, buyers may have a diverse range of selections for better quality
products due to this incident. Firstly, the majority of small firms sell low-priced items, which
means the qualification of production processes is not guaranteed, as a result, it is relatively
reasonable for minimizing these companies. If we seek for the further future, it might leave
more room for new, potential organizations to pop up successfully. Thanks to the elimination,
economic conditions in thousands of countries are making progress as well as expanding
themselves in terms of brand awareness and making profits, then leads to the enhancement of
that country.
However, on the other hand, not just do they exacerbate biodiversity, but they will cause a
detrimental impact on the rate of unemployment as a consequence. The first thing, not every
person has enough ability to apply for a standard company, hence they rely virtually on those
small firms for being employed. In case when the small-sized corporations disappeared, the
unemploying rate would be increasing dramatically, afterward the existence of more slum
areas may be stemmed from it. On a larger scale, that means the multinational enterprises will
spring up noticeably, so the more constructions occur, the worse our already bad
environmental pollution might become. In short, it should rather like an issue than
development, as in Vietnamese main trading center, Ho Chi Minh city, has been suffering
from profound environmental degradation.
In conclusion, it would be considered as having both benefits and disadvantages, but I do
reckon that small businesses deserve governmental benefit to stay firmly and continue their
jobs, otherwise, hundreds of individuals will be losing their incomes and that could be
harmful to our living surrounds simultaneously.

Cars damage the environment and their use is increasing. Why? How can this be
Introduction: Paraphrase the question, brief overview of your explanation and solution
Paragraph 1: Main reason
1. Requirement on commuting fast and effectively (e.g. go shopping, go to work..etc)
2. Act as a shelf protecting drivers from harmful radioactivity of sun ray
However, that could exacerbate the environmental issues existing now, releasing more
pollutants into the air ---> resulting in dangerously poor air quality
Paragraph 2: Solution
1. Enhance an extensive use of environmentally-friendly transportation
2. Introduce restrictions on cars uses (e.g. make a penalty to every over-users)
It has been common knowledge that Earth is now seriously polluted, and poses a risk to
human life. Nevertheless, there seems to have no realization of the issue when cars, the non-
environmentally-friendly means of transportation, ubiquitously commute from place to place.
It can’t be denied the fact that rarely anything else could substitute the convenience and
effectiveness of cars, as a result, solutions are typically required here.
Initially, the major reason for the popularity of cars is nothing but their speed. For example,
every single individual, specifically workers or students, necessarily have to be punctual if
they don’t want to have any disapproval from teachers and bosses. Therefore, a rapid form of
transport turns out to be essential. Besides, cars also act as a reliable protective shelf to
prevent drivers from direct exposure to humidity as well as high frequency of radioactivity
released by sun rays, hence, cars reign supreme among other transportations. However, these
advantages are not without consequences, though. Eventually, it might lead to dangerously
poor air quality, which stems from the amount of carbon emission escaping from cars’ heavy
More significantly, we will need to confront the problem, and also seek out for a solution to
tackle it. First and foremost, governments should prioritize expenditure on undepletable,
environmentally beneficial energy sources in concert with enhancing the extensive use of this
innovation. For example, solar energy could be an ideal choice in lieu of fuel derived from
coal. In addition to innovative means of transport, they ought to, simultaneously, impose an
official ban on cars restriction. For instance, a certain type of penalty may force commuters to
cut back on using cars, so resulting in a decline in car consumers.
In conclusion, despite their effectiveness with rapidity, cars attribute to air pollution, which
then leads to the global warming phenomenon. After all, humanitarian aid certainly plays a
key role in handling the polluted condition, so as long as we try to preserve the Earth, we are
retaining our lives.

Some people think that children can learn effectively in groups, while others think that
they should study alone. What are the benefits of each method? Which one is more
In some respects, cooperating with classmates to create a study group may well assist in
learning progress since it could offer greater engagement with the given task. However, the
advantages which are accommodated by self-studying virtually outweigh those of learning
together with mates due to providing far more highly intense concentration.
On the one hand, unnecessary distractions are stemmed from group studying, as the students
are prone to chatting rather than devoting time to finishing assignments. As a result, this
unawareness leads to disqualified academic outcomes, therefore causing detrimental harm to
their future career contemplation. This can be a good example of the case. In the research
conducted by Harvard University in 2019, the percentage of adolescents who were learning
with their friends suffered from the reduction of attention span was 54,6%, negatively
exceeding around 35,7% with those who stayed alone. Moreover, if we set the prior issue
aside, learning in a group would still be miserable, since the inaccuracies resulting from an
overwhelming number of suggestions and corrections from classmates might, repeatedly,
affect students’ grades afterward.
On the other hand, the majority of good students have a likelihood to prefer to self-study.
First and foremost, learning on your own promotes your self-consciousness as you have to
restrict yourself from losing in social media, and also arrange a logical timetable
simultaneously. Hence, that might undoubtedly result in higher academic feats as well as the
desirable recognition from your teachers. For instance, another experiment carried out by the
University of Cambridge scientifically proved that two out of three students using the self-
learning method had more significantly outstanding results in examinations compared to their
mates in the same age range. In concert with success in the school environment, self-
studying enhances students’ maturity, which means when they already have experienced full-
grown, they will effortlessly acclimatize to tough life consequently.
In the event of choosing between one of two ways, I will presumably opt for studying by
myself. In conclusion, either of the measures might be preferable for each different
individual. Nevertheless, from my perspective, resisting all types of misdirection and
perfectly focus on what I am studying perhaps reign supreme.

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be
extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can
governments make an urban life better for everyone?
Nowadays, when urbanization is here to stay, a colossal amount of residents moving to
metropolitan cities is climbing dramatically. Hence, it might result in a bunch of social issues
associated with an unwanted barrier that makes life in cities turn out to be harsher. Therefore,
authorized organizations, typically governments, should take action to confront these
problems radically.
In terms of the issues themselves, the most devastating one is certainly environmental
degradation. In concert with deforestation and shortage of natural resources, the environment
now cannot accommodate such densely populated cities. Furthermore, because of heavy
migration to the urban area, it is therefore accompanied by a rise in unemployment rates.
Take Ho Chi Minh city as an example. According to an outlet, it is estimated that every two-
firth of the residents residing there are unemployed, or have jobs but not bring them
profitable incomes, then their daily life is impoverished direly. Besides, cities are also known
for their high crime rates, which pose a detrimental threat to innocent individuals.
To tackle this undesirable truth, governments should work out straightforward solutions and
assist the grassroots in urban lives. Initially, strict bans ought to be imposed to prevent
residents from causing further harm to the environment. For instance, some particular types
of penalties could be useful to enhance people’s consciousness of preserving environmental
surroundings. Simultaneously, job opportunities should be offered in rural areas to release the
pressure of metropolises, so afterward reduce the number of migratory people into industrial
areas. Last but not least, the authority needs to consider assurance policy, ensure residents’
safety as well as maximize the criminal justice system as much as possible. With all of these
efforts, life in cities would be hopefully refined for the better consequently.
In conclusion, despite the beneficial conveniences provided by cities, there are still a few
drawbacks that required decent evaluation. I firmly assume that with the aid of global unity
with goverments as a whole, the perfect living standard in cities will be no longer a
delusional dream.
Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free
time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual
teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree?
Rephrase again the question
Volunteer is beneficial for either the unpaid worker or the society itself (+reason)
But I completely disagree (+reason)
Para1: Military activities is positive because...
 Foster a sense of community
 Be mature faster, gain better knowledge while working with the others
 Take young voluntary in VN as an example
Para2: However, it shouldn’t be viewed as an obligation, typically to adolescents as...
 Volunteer should come from self-awareness, not from enforcement
 They almost up to ear in assignments at school, so they impossibly have more room
for military
 Take the volunteer organization as an example
Repharse again the question
Tighten your main support
Emphasize again the purpose of volunteering

In terms of the idea that adolescents need to work as a volunteer to better themselves as well
as the whole community simultaneously, understandable as it could be, I strongly dissent due
to contrasting the real value of volunteering.
On the one hand, it can’t be denied that the military is extremely beneficial because of highly
educative and fortifies the sense of empathy for another individual. Particularly for the youth,
they might learn to appreciate their daily life by aiding others to overcome tough periods.
Furthermore, regardless of how much they are paid, they acquire a thing that is further
priceless – knowledge. Doubtlessly, assisting grassroots suffering poverty or illness, they will
afterward gain more experiences in terms of medical conditions, resolution for
impoverishment, wild habitats, and natural species surrounding the nearby areas. Take the
case of Vietnamese young volunteers for example, when asked about their feelings on
volunteer activities, they all expressed their gratefulness throughout the journey in concert
with how beneficial it was in their academic fields.
On the other hand, though, some misconceptions from parental upbringing lead the youth to
the mindset that military activity is nothing but an urgent obligation. By and large,
volunteering comes from self-awareness, which requires people to be conscious and willing
to give others a hand by free will, not enforcement. Besides, since they have already been “up
to ears” in assignments at school, as a result, working as an unpaid worker has no room in the
insanely hectic schedule. Volunteering isn’t straightforward as it may be thought, it is more
about personal commitment than out-siders influence.
As long as hardship still exists, military workers are still called for. However, this doesn’t
mean that military volunteer is a must, it is self-consciousness, so let the adolescents choose
whatever they want, don’t enforce them to take up whichever they are not looking for.

Some people believe that school children should be given homework by their teacher,
whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.
Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.
Paraphrase the question
Strongly argee that homework is really beneficial

Paragraph 1:
Homework sometimes is not an useful support in studying
Focus too much on theory
Easily get the students to be bored with learning at school, hence create a dissapointment
Take your classmates as an example

Paragraph 2:
However, as I mentioned, its merits surpass its demerits
Help students reflect on previous knowledge
Keep their brain working even at home, therefore lead to better academic outcomes
Take outstanding students as an example

Though many objection on giving assignments, I still opt for viewing homework as a good

Regarding school environments, homework has been regarded as a source of controversy if it

is essential or time-wasting. Though, in my perspective, assignments play an indispensable
part in educational systems since it acts as a springboard to pupils in revising the lessons
themselves as well as activate their brain working even at home.
On the one hand, its theoretical framework is a plausible explanation for the prodigious
amount of objections to daily assignments. Virtually homework is all about memorising
knowledge and writing down accurate answers, which is likely to trigger disatisfaction
towards homework, typically student age range. In addition to central concentration on
theory, in some respects, it may conceptualize in learners’ mindset that school is nothing but
a tediously competitive milieu, then breed reluctance to study inside each individual. My
classmates are a good case in point of disappointment in finishing a colosal amount of
assignments. Although most of them are potentially competent eighth-graders, they, in
contrast, are getting bored with being surrounded by academically worded written homework
on a day-to-day basis. Afterward, their outrageous laziness is stemmed from that.
On the other hand, it can’t be underestimated as useless. First and foremost, it accommodates
students with opportunities to reflect on the previous lesson at school, hence they would
probably grasp far more thoroughly what they have learned before. Moreover, doing
homework is a perfect way to maintain the brain’s function in proper condition, and also acts
as a precursor for healthy brain growth. Also my peers – but they are the outstanding ones.
As they always consider homework as a vital element in studying progress rather than a
deadening obligation, it then facilitates their impressive academic feats. Last but not least,
theory in assignments is perhaps the key assistance to apply something practically, such as
inventing simple machinery alone can call for a broadened horizon in terms of mathematics
and physics.
Excruciating as homework might be, I still firmly opt for the positive viewpoint of daily
assignments, since despite its drawbacks, the merits offered by homework in connection with
both general knowledge and brain enhancement seem to surpass them as a whole.

Write a paragraph about the benefits of studying in high school for the gifted.
It remains a source of controversy regarding prestigious high schools for potential students,
whereas according to some opinions, such highly standardized school environments will
accommodate learners with a higher standard of studying. However, on the other side, this
can disproportionately be a barrier between the gifted generation and the ordinary one. From
my viewpoint, I strongly opt for the prior one due to their high academic systems.
First and foremost, it is indisputable that gifted school will undoubtedly turn out to be an
outrageous competitive surrounding, where the students have to suffer from what we usually
call peer pressure. As a result, such long-lasting coercion can trigger mental issues such as
depression, recklessness, or perhaps fatigue. Also, this may breed jealousy among students
when their friend is superior to them regarding academic accomplishments, hence driving
them to a failed friendship afterward. Another concern is the exorbitant price of different
costs relating to health insurance, annual intuitions, additional activities, and the like. For the
demerits above, some parents are still cynical about whether applying to a top-notch high
school is vital or just not significant to their children's academic paths.
On the other hand, I certainly agree that competent students deserve a school where their
outstanding capabilities have a chance to show off. The more pressure they are under, the
more motivated they might be. And nothing can be as pleasurable as befriending
knowledgeable mates, then acquiring something new from them to fortify each student's
capacity. For instance, when you are unfortunate to encounter a perplexing assignment, you
could easily ask your classmates since they are virtually brainy. Furthermore, the up-to-par
teachers in the school can act as a precursor to knowledge expansion. More noticeable, their
career paths will have a golden opportunity to be tailored, catalyzing a thriving future. So,
these are undoubtedly plausible explanations for the glory of such school systems.
In conclusion, it primarily depends upon the households' economic conditions and the
learners' abilities to decide whether they should apply for the gifted high school. I reckon that
the young generation always calls for an appropriate educational system that encompasses
high-glass teaching and learning method to suit their aspiration of broadening their horizons.

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