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Teams can be formed anywhere, anytime

GESTURES) whenever the task is little difficult and complicated.\

Teams are divided into four main types namely:


Also known as Self-reliant or Self Directed teams. They are

natural work groups that are given substantial Autonomy and in
return are asked to control their own behavior and produce
significant results. The combination empowerment and training
to plan, direct, monitor and control their own activities
distinguishes this team from many others. They have wide-
ranging autonomy and freedom, coupled with capability to act
like managers. What is Self-Managing team Like? Typically,
team members learn a wide range relevant skills; this practice is
called multiskilling. As a result, members are flexibly float from
area to area and task to task, depending on where they are
needed the most. They make joint decision about work
schedules, resource requirements, and assignment of tasks.

Self-Managed Team may begin by assuming responsibility for

simple matters such as housekeeping issues and safety
trainings. Later, they may begin to manage their own
absenteeism, set overtime, and vacation schedule, select and
appraise team members, train co-workers, and engage in direct
contact with key customers.

Organization using self-managing teams report several


• Improved flexibility of the staff

• More efficient operations through reduced number of
job classification
TOPIC 4: BUILDING MULTICULTURAL TEAMS • Lower Absenteeism and turnover rates
• Higher level of organizational commitment and job
An essential skill for all tourism professionals is the ability to
Work in a Team. The reason it is important is because all
facilities and services offered by tourism enterprise are the result
of the input of many (Shannessy at al., 2008).
A Team according to (Shannessy at al., 2008) is a collection of
people who work together to achieve collectively established Teams where people from different functions work together
common goals. A team has one main objective: Achieving a towards a common goal. Members of this team could be subject
goal through the combined efforts of the members of that team. matter experts from different functions, say for example, one
On the other hand, Team Spirit is an attitude that enables people person is from Marketing, one person from Sales and the other
to work together, it is about camaraderie, cooperation, and one from Product Development. These people are put together
collaboration. A team spirit exists in successful teams, team to make a cross functional team. Cross Functional Teams are
members who have team spirit demonstrate through their used when a company is working on its improvement projects,
actions, commitment to the other members, the job and which require a team involving a number of functions. By their
themselves. very nature, they contain a high element of diversity, at least in
terms of professional background and work specialization.
Teamwork is the collective effort of all team members to
achieve the team’s common goals. When teams are effective
there is no doubt that is the result of teamwork, organization will
benefit and that our work life will be considerably more enjoyable 3. VIRTUAL TEAM
as a result. When the work environment is pleasant, employees Information technology has a powerful effect on the individual
are generally happy. When employees are happy, the behavior in organizations, and its effect is equally strong on
customers will benefit. (Shannessy at al., 2008) social networks at the Team level. Technology has allowed the
According to (Moga, 2017) in any organization, no one works emergence of Virtual teams. Groups of Individuals from around
alone. Every employee is a part of a team and works in close the globe that meet through the use of technological aids without
coordination with the team members to perform his level best all their members being present in the same location.
and in turn benefit the organization. The team members should The explosion in the use of Virtual teams came about due to
complement each other and come to each other’s need several compelling reasons. For example, the global
marketplace has created a demand for placing employees (e.g. group. External pressure interfere with the group, and tensions
customer-service persons) near their customers. Also, the most rise between individuals as they assert themselves and disagree
highly qualified team members maybe located thousand of Miles about initial actions. If these stresses are not confronted, hard
from each other, and the cost and time constraints of travel to a feelings may emerge and slows the group's progress.
central location would be prohibitive. Further, the personal
expectations of contemporary employees for flexibility and
involvement also create a push in this direction. Finally, the
3. NORMING. The group begin moving together in a cooperative
rapid development of both transmission capabilities (fiber-optic
fashion, and tentative balance among competing forces is
lines) and communication software has made it possible for
struck. Group Noms emerge to guide individual behavior, role
groups to "meet" from afar.
clarity emerges, cooperative feelings are increasingly evident,
Three (3) Dimensions characteristics of Virtual teams and a sense of cohesion becomes apparent.

• TIME: When people work – working with different

hours, shifts or time zones
4. PERFORMING. The group matures and learns to handle
• SPACE: Where they work – different
complex challenges. Functional roles are performed fluidly
exchanged as needed, and task efficiently accomplished.
• CULTURE: How and to whom people work for –
However, a sense of achievement may also prematurely emerge
Gender, Race, Language, Profession, Education,
because of errors made, pessimism about the prospects of
Nationality etc.
success, and complacency among some members. Eventually,
however, a fully functioning team will resolve their issues,
establish a unique identity, and develop an atmosphere of
4. Problem Solving Team openness.

They are usually temporary and focus on solving specific issues.

Once guidelines are set in place and plans are formed the task
force, committees or such problem-solving teams are 5. ADJOURNING. Even the most successful groups,
disbanded. committees, and project teams disband (or change their
composition) sooner or later. Their break-up is called
Many times, PROBLEM SOLVING TEAM are created when an adjournment. which requires dissolving intense social relations
organization experiences a crisis, financial, operation or and returning to permanent assignments or moving on to
involving other major units or any unforeseen events or another jobs. The adjournment stage is becoming even more
challenges. The team’s aim is to come up with proper solutions frequent with the advent of flexible organizations, which features
to help the organization climb up out from a steep recession or temporary groups. Successful teams examine their own history
whatever its current difficult state. in search of lessons they have learned and bid farewell to their

Advising new teams of these likely stages can be helpful to

For teams to be effective, the people in the team must be able group members and their leaders. Awareness by all team
to work together to contribute collectively to team outcomes members can help them better understand what is happening
(Shannessy et al., 2008). But this does not happen and work through the issues involved. Consequently, not all
automatically: it develops as the team works together. You have teams will clearly experience all the stages of the cycle. Some
probably had an experience when you have been put on a team groups maybe temporarily stuck in a certain stage and others
to work on a school assignment or project. When your team first may find themselves reverting to an earlier stage from time to
gets together, you likely sit around and look at each other, not time. To prevent unnecessary trials and tribulation and expedite
knowing how to begin. Initially you are not a team. You are just their own development, team members may find it useful to
individuals assigned to work together. Over time you get to know study what problems other teams have encountered and also
each other, to know what to expect from each other, to know know what elements help create successful teams.
how to divide the labor and assign tasks, and to know how you
will coordinate your work. Through this process, you begin to
operate as a team instead of a collection of individuals.
The workplace is a dynamic environment that is frequently
There are 5 stages of Team Development process: changing. Whether it is people, processes, markets or products,
there are often shifts that employees have to deal with. While
some employees work with the same team for a long period of
time, it is more likely that new team members will come and go
1. FORMING. Members share and exchange basic personal
as business needs change. However, not all employees have
information, start to get to know and accept one another, ask
the same cultural background or personality traits, so it can be
questions about their assignments and objectives, and begin
difficult to get along with everyone and function effectively as a
turning their attention towards the group's task. An aura of
productive team. As a result, it is important to understand the
courtesy prevails, uncertainty is in the air, and interaction are
differences between team members and know how to work
often cautious.
through them in order to achieve business goals. (Ahmed, 2020)

Cross-cultural teams are global teams that include people who

2. STORMING. Members compete for status, jockey for position come from different cultures and unique experiences.
of relative control, and argue about appropriate direction for the Companies fail to consider these fundamental differences within
a team, leading to conflicts and frustration that can be easily team to swing their way. As a result, it can create unnecessary
thwarted once you gain a quick understanding of the individuals tensions and a frustrating environment for other team members.
in a team. Team and group dynamics can be a major concern in a cross-
cultural team. This can lead to unnecessary group politics and
These differences can stem from communication styles and conflicts within a team.
individual frame of references. For example, members in some
countries are willing to work more than the stipulated hours of
work, even working remotely from home. On the other hand,
workers in different countries may not consider working beyond 6. Motivation Factors. Normally, companies have a single-
the said hours except in emergency situations, and their mobile threaded motivation and rewards system that is largely
devices are switched off when they leave the office. determined by the norms and values of the company. It does
not account for the distinct motivational factors of a cross cultural
Another major difference of style in a cross-cultural team is the teams. The motivators for employees can range from tangible
communicating pattern of each team member. While some benefits of increments, bonus, incentives, career progression
team members vociferously voice their unfiltered opinions and and intangible benefits that include recognition, job satisfaction,
ideas, those from hierarchical cultures tend to think a lot before encouragement, etc.
raising their voice. So, how can you make sure that in such a
team all the ideas of the members are heard equally and It is important to recognize what motivates each individual to
manage the team effectively? excel in their role so that you can drive them aptly towards
performance. In the absence of a proper catalyst, the team
According to (Ahmed, 2020) it’s important to understand the members may lack enthusiasm and be less engaged at work.
differences in order to foster harmony in a team. Cultural
differences affect teamwork as a result of the following areas:
A prime concern in managing a cross-cultural team is to find a
unified thread to tie across all the distinct personalities. A one
1. Religious & Political. beliefs a person’s religious or political size fits all approach is not an effective solution. Since there are
belief should not affect the team as their relevance in the different beliefs and styles of communication at play,
workplace is insignificant. However, religious observation may multicultural teams are prone to friction.
influence a person’s ability to perform their task, which they need
to observe certain practices during work time. The good news is that there are simple ways to minimize this
friction and manage a cross-cultural team successfully.

2. Communication styles. In some cultures, it is considered

rude to speak directly, whereas in others it is encouraged. This According to statistics, culturally diverse teams outperform non-
can cause miscommunication, resentment, and confusion. diverse teams by 35%. If you have a cross-cultural team and
Some team members may not speak up if they disagree with steer it in the right direction, it can lead to greater efficiency.
another team member because it is not something that is done Companies are afraid to implement diversity with a fear that
in their culture. In other cases, providing direct feedback or introducing people who may not agree with each other will
instruction may be taken as stepping on toes or taking too much hamper productivity.
On the contrary, having different types of people on the same
team can help others look at problems prudently while also
being more innovative, creative and inclusive about their
3. Hierarchy and power. Equality in the workplace is the norm solutions.
in some cultures, whereas in others the structure is more
hierarchical. For employees that come from cultures that focus Here are some tips to foster cross-cultural working relationships:
on status and authority, speaking up about problems may be
difficult because they feel uncomfortable or disrespectful. On the
other hand, those that value equality may perceive others as 1. Get to Know Each Team Member
lacking competence if they don’t share their thoughts and
opinions with leadership. It is essential for the team leader to take the time and get to know
each team member. Learn about their story and journey. This
will help you analyse individual skills and leverage the
knowledge to help the group. You might uncover specialised
4. Risk and decision making. In some cultures, making a
skills that can be beneficial to everyone and also understand the
decision requires more data and information than others. Some
personality of the member at the same time.
employees may have a low tolerance for risk and not want to
commit to making a decision without having context or details.
Others may be confident in making decisions without much data.
This can affect the pace of the team and how work is conducted. 2. Adopt Flexibility

According to a book named the Cultural Map, scheduling and

decision making are two key workplace values that greatly vary
5. Influences. There can be chances that a section or group of across cultures. Assessing these values can go a long way to
the team has similar cultural identity or homogeneity. They may understand the priorities of your team members. For example,
attempt to dominate the process and try to influence the entire
different cultures prioritise either flexibility or a linear time collaborate and work together without stepping on each other’s
construct to finish a task. territory.

3. Promote Open Communication 9. Build Great Rapport and Trust

Give every team member a chance to voice their opinions. An Building work relations and trust cannot happen overnight. Take
open communication line is essential for greater efficiency. the steps to slowly build an environment for collaboration.
Otherwise, team members feel under-appreciated and Respect individual differences and understand them to build
dominated by either the management or the dominant players in unity in a culturally diverse team.
the group.
The proliferation of cross-cultural teams might bring challenges,
When attempting to reach a consensus through virtual meetings, but it can be handled successfully with sensitivity and respect
plan ahead and ensure to send the agenda well in advance to for other cultures. We need to institute a framework that makes
actively solicit each team member’s opinions. it easier to understand individual differences and leverage those
differences to bring out the best capabilities in a team.

Most of the times a clear understanding and acceptance of

4. Encourage Team Building Activities cultural differences is what it takes to successfully manage a
cross-cultural team.
When a mix of cultures is trying to come together in a team,
organizations should make every effort to create opportunities Having a cross-cultural team is the greatest opportunity to learn
for casual interactions. Happy hours, team outings, lunch and different backgrounds, innovate new solutions and procreate
learn, birthday parties, pantry banter, etc. help employees to success. It’s time to consider cross-cultural teams as an asset
bond with each other despite their differences. Encourage team and not a liability!
members to interact during their downtime and through social

What is Team Feedback?

5. Address Conflict Immediately This is information about a reaction to a product, or a person’s

performance of a task, which is used as basis for improvement.
If a conflict ensues regardless of your efforts, make sure to Giving and receiving feedback is an important component of
address it promptly before it is too late. Understand different successful teamwork. In addition, feedback should always focus
cultural perspectives at play and try to resolve the conflict by on work performance. According to (Shannessy et al., 2008)
taking the middle path. A leader should serve as a cultural bridge Team feedback must:
to connect different members of the team and bring unison.

Be communicated positively to have the desired effect.

7. Create a Cross-Cultural Awareness Program
Positive Feedback would include communicating your concerns
You can teach your members how to interact with others in assertively, openly and by highlighting the impact the behavior
different regions and countries effectively. Training and has on achieving the team’s goals.
awareness can include sessions on greetings, business
etiquette and dining customs. This will help to dissolve the Positive feedback allows the person to receive the information
tension and educate members on the prevalent cultural styles of without feeling defensive or hostile in return
other team members.
Negative feedback must also be expressed but should not be
This will also enable you to identify and embrace cultural done in a harsh way, intended at making the person feel guilty
differences rather than ignoring them altogether. Organisations and defensive. The feedback may be negative but the purpose
will be able to create resilient global teams and better of communicating it is always to be constructive so that the
relationships with clients, customers across the globe. situation and performance will improve.

Here are some tips on how to give valuable and constructive

feedback to staff according to Jones, (n.d.)
8. Develop a Team Identity and Clearly Define Roles and
Responsibility of Members

In a team, it’s important that all members understand the 1. Be problem focused and specific
common goal. Having a shared goal and a common purpose will
give your team an identity that can bring them together. At the Example: “You need to be getting into the office earlier”
same time, clearly outline the expectations of each team
Telling the employee what they need to do better. Explain them
member and let everyone know that their contribution matters.
why one needs to be clear about the actual problem at hand.
Break down the common goal into actionable steps that define
each member’s role and responsibilities. This way, everyone will
2. Talk about the situation, not the individual
Example: “Your presentation put a lot of people to sleep” INTERACTIVE CONTENT

Constructive feedback focuses on outcomes and impartial For cross cultural teams, motivators for employees can range
observations rather than the employees’ personal attributes. from tangible benefits of bonus, incentives, career progression
You are just showing that you are concerned about fixing the and intangible benefits that includes recognition, job satisfaction
problem at hand not the employees personality and encouragement. It is important to recognize what motivates
each individual to excel in their role so that you can drive them
properly towards performance. --- True
3. Give praise where it is due When providing feedback, it’s best to use technology (Phone,
email, SMS) to relay your message, as this can avoid
EXAMPLE: “I think you did a great job with this account. Sales
misinterpretation and make it seem so important than it really is.
are up 13% since last quarter.” “However, we've had a few
--- False
customers still complaining about product”
Teams which do not have a face to face interaction, working in
Weaving some positive among the negative can be a good way
different time zone, from different culture & languages and they
to reassure employees that you have not lost perspective. It tells
are working towards a common goal using the help of
the employee that you are not criticizing their overall
technology. --- Virtual Team
performance; just that certain aspect of the job that needs
attention. A person’s religious or political belief affects the team, as their
relevance in the workplace is significant. Religious observation
may influence a person’s ability to perform their task, which they
4. Be direct but formal need to observe certain practices during work time. --- False

Try not to use technology (Phone, email, SMS) to relay your To foster Cross Cultural working relationship, we must
feedback, as this can lead to misinterpretation and make it seem understand different cultural perspectives and try to resolve
less important than it really is. Find a quiet room where you can issues right away. A leader should serve as a cultural bridge to
have an honest and informal one on one chat with the employee. connect different members of the team and bring unison. ---
Address conflict immediately

Constructive feedback focuses on outcomes and impartial

5. Be Sincere observations rather than the employee’s personal attributes.
You are just showing that you are concerned about fixing the
If your tone and manner do not match the context of the
problem at hand not the employee’s personality --- True
feedback itself, you could send out a mixed message that
confuses the recipient

In some cultures, making a decision requires more data and

information than others. Some employees may have a low
If feedback is positive, let your emotions indicate that you
tolerance for risk and not want to commit to making a decision
appreciate their effort. On the other hand, if providing negative
without having context or details. This can affect the pace of the
feedback, a more concerned tone will show that you believe that
team and how work is conducted. --- True
the problem should be taken seriously. Always avoid displaying
negative emotions, such as anger, sarcasm, or disappointment, When providing feedback, it needs to be communicated
as they are likely to be perceived as personal criticism. positively due to the fact that it provides a desired effect to the
person receiving the feedback. --- True

Giving & receiving feedback is an important component of

6. Listen
successful teamwork. --- True
While giving constructive feedback, make sure that staff is given
An attitude that enables people to work well together. It’s about
a chance to respond. You must be prepared to listen to their
camaraderie, cooperation, and collaboration between different
concerns and their interpretation of events; it can also be used
members of the organization. --- Team Spirit
as an opportunity for employees to express their ideas.
Organizations should make every effort to create opportunities
for casual interactions. Happy hours, team outings, and birthday
7. Make Timely parties to help employees to bond with each other despite their
differences. --- Encourage team building activities
Always try to give positive feedback when the employee's
praiseworthy achievement is still fresh in everyone's memory. The ability of team members to work together, communicate
The same applies to negative feedback. When giving effectively, anticipate, and meet each other's demands, and
constructive feedback focus on the behavior, not their inspire confidence, resulting in a coordinated collective action.
personality and it is given in a tone and setting that conveys --- Teamwork
support and respect.
While giving constructive feedback, make sure that staff is given
a chance to respond. You must be prepared to listen to their
concerns and their interpretation of events; it can also be used
as an opportunity for employees to express their ideas. --- True
Training sessions on greetings, business etiquette and dining
customs. This will help to bring awareness to dissolve any
tension and educate members on the prevalent cultural styles of
other team members. --- Create Cross Cultural Awareness

This type of team are usually created after a company

experienced financial crisis or any unplanned events or
challenges. Its aim is to come up with proper solution to help
the company climb out of a steep recession. --- Problem
Solving Team

A group of people with different skills & task who work together
on a common project, service, or goal --- Team

Consider allowing people to work from home to help them

achieve a better work/life balance. --- Adopt Flexibility

Give every team member a chance to voice his or her opinions.

--- Promote Open Communication.

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