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● Growth of plantation economy increased demand for slaves in the Americas
● Prince Henry the Navigator financed expeditions along the Cape of Good Hope and Africa’s Atlantic Coast
● Local rulers of the time exchanged slaves for the gunpowder and cannons of the Europeans
○ Kingdom of Dahomey in Africa grew strong from raiding villages to enslave people
● Portuguese explorers created inroads into the western african kingdoms of Kongo and Benin
● Vasco de Gama invaded the Swahili city states of east africa and portuguese took over trade in Kilwa
● With many Japanese converting to Christianity, the government banned anything dealing with Christianity
○ Limited almost all trade w/ foreign countries and none was allowed w/ Europe
● Many powers from Portuguese established trading posts in India like the Britain East India Company &
● East India Company established small forts on the coasts that focused on trading
● Muslims and Hindus in India increased its political power through treaties
● British also set up trading posts in West Africa
● Each post served as a trade center for goods from many parts of the world
● Spaniards melted down Aztecs’ treasures and sent the gold back home
● Destroyed Tenochtitlàn and built their own capital
● Pedro Menendez de Aviles established a fort in St. Augustin which would later be present day US
● The british began to move into Dutch territory which caused the dutch to realize the british were posing
more of a threat than the french were
● Influence of Europeans brought some disruption to the Indian Ocean Trade
○ Although, it absorbed the changes & continued its familiar ways
● Porcelain and silk from China along with cloth from western India and other exotic items created an
abundant market for trade and profit
○ In contrast Portuguese used their military for profit in trade
● Columbus brought home Tainos, back to Spain after not finding something of value
● Cities of Zacatecas and Potosi became thriving centers for silver mining by the end of the 16th century
● Spanish compelle villages to send their young men to do the dangerous work of the mines
● Silver trade greatly strengthened Spanish economy
● Late 1400s Portuguese trading ships arrived at the Kongo Kingdom seeking slaves
● Slavery in africa was in exsistence long before the Europeans were looking for enslavement
● Atlantic slave trade wreaked the most havoc in African societies
● Land was plentiful in Latin America & the Caribbean but labor to make the land profitable was scarce
● The repetitive efforts to enslave Native Americans failed w/ coerce labor
● Indentured European servants only had to work for about 7 years
○ Landowners in North America did not find them as ideal workers
● King Afonso of Kongo allowed slave trade to begin but later on realized his kingdom couldnt be run soely
on slavery of the population
● Captive Africans were taken from their family and land to “slave castles”
● 10-15% of the captives perished before reaching the Americas on the 6 week journey
● Slavery resulted in status from free people to enslaved
● Polygyny- having more than one wife became common
● Slaves from eastern Africa were sold northern Africa, the Middle East, and India
● Slaves taken across the Indian rather the Atlantic tended to work in seaports as labors or household servants

● Asante Empire- developed from the expansion of maritime trading networks and participation in trade
● Kingdom of the Congo- developed from expansion of maritime trading networks and participation in trade
● Ming Dynasty- prohibited private foreign trade and re emphasized the importance of Confucianism
● Aztec Empire- an alliance of three Nahua altepetl city-states: Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and
● Inca Empire- largest empire in pre-Columbian America
● New Spain- established on August 18, 1521
● Mexico City-built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan
● Francisco Pizaro- his crew and him in the Andes Mountains, attacked Inca and captured their ruler
● Atahualpa- was captured by Francisco Pizzaro and his crew
● Treaty of Tordesillas- Spain and Portugal divided the Americas between both countries
● Hispaniola- an island Columbus was convinced that had plentiful gold
● Conquistadores- was granted land from the Spanish crown as a reward for their efforts
● Silver-when discovered in Mexico & Peru they received economic fortunes
● Mercantilism- economic system increasing government control of economy
● Colonies-claimed lands settled by immigrants from the home c
● Indentured servitude- arrangements in which servants contracted to work for a certain amount of years
and in exchange for passage
● Chattel slavery-system where individuals were considered as property to be bought or sold
● Encomienda- a system used to gain access to gold and other resources from the Americas
● Encomenderos- landowners who called indigenous people to work for them in exchange for shelter & food
● Coercive labor systems- most notable for harsh and brutal living systems
● Hacienda system- developed when landowners used agriculture on their fields like wheat and sugar
● Mit'a system-labor obligation where young men had to devote a certain amount of time to public work
● Middle passage- grueling journey on the Atlantic where the captives were crammed into the cargo of the
ship w/ little food, water, and movement; the middle part of the slaves journey

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