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Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 8 Students

Time Frame: 1 hour

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Identify missing words from sentences using "context clues."
2. Define unknown words using context clues in a cold passage.
3. Find and define unknown words in trade books using context clues.
4. Determine the meaning of unknown words using a variety of context clues, including
word, sentence and paragraph clues
5. Apply the meaning of the terms synonym and antonyms.

II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Context clues
B. References: English II Based on the BEC, English Grammar Drills, Internet.
C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop
III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

Today we are going to play a

game and try to figure out missing
words in sentences. You will have to use
your creative juices to figure out which
words are covered.

Look how TINY that cat is! I think that’s

the smallest cat I’ve ever seen!
The crowd CHEERED as their favourite
team entered the football field.
Thomas went to the TOP of the mountain,
and because it was so high he had to take a
tank of oxygen with him.

Did you enjoy the activity? YES MA’AM!

C. Presentation

Those words that you determined are

what we called context clues.

Will you read the sentence

Look how TINY that cat is! I think that the

smallest cat I’ve ever seen!

The crowd CHEERED as their favorite team

entered the football field.

Thomas went to the TOP of the mountain,

and because it was so high oxygen with him

Do you have any ideas what are

context clues?
They give us an idea of what is a word.

Very good!

D. Lesson Proper

Context clues are bits of information

from the text that, when combined
prior knowledge, allow you to decide
the meaning. The meaning of
unknown words and the story or
article you are reading.

There several different types of

context clues that are commonly used
by authors.

Definition/Explanation clue
- Sometimes a word's or phrase's
meaning is explained immediately
after its use
(Students follow and read)
Example: There are many theories, or ideas,
about what made the ice ages happen.
Synonym clues
- are word around a difficult word
that mean the same or nearly the
same as the word. (Students read)

Example: After seeing the picture of

the starving children, we felt
compassion or pity for their suffering.

Antonym clues
- are words around a difficult word
that mean the opposite or nearly the
opposite as the word.

Example: Joe was reluctant to take

the job captain of the team. He was
afraid that the time it would take
would hurt his grade. On other hand,
billy was eager for the chance to be
the team captain.

Punctuation clues
-when an author wants to define a
word for reader they may use
commas to break apart the sentence.

Example: Nora was impetuous,

thoughtless, and that got her in

Inference clues
- Sometimes a word or phrase is not
immediately clarified within the same
sentence. Relationships, which are
not directly apparent, are inferred or
implied. The reader must look for
clues within, before, and after the
sentence in which the word is used.

Example: On hot, humid summer

afternoons, I often feel languid.

E. Generalization

All right class, in this part of our

discussion, let’s recall what is a
context clues?

Context clues are bits of information

from the text that, when combined
prior knowledge, allow you to decide
the meaning. The meaning of
unknown words and the story or
What are the context clue? article you are reading.

There several different types of

context clues that are commonly
used by authors.

Definition Context clues

Synonym Context clues
Antonym Context clues
Punctuation Context clues
Inference Context clues

F. Application

Now let’s answer together I have

prepared here scramble letters that
you will assembled , make it correct
and paste it in the blackboard the first
person who will finish will be
proclaimed as the winner.
Yes Ma’am!
Do you understand class?


IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer following by choosing the correct letter.
1. “But these flakes rarely make it to the ground.”
What choice means the same as rarely?
a. Hardly ever
b. Often
c. Sometimes
2. “Taffy walked proudly into yard.”
What does proudly mean in the sentences?
a. Very shy
b. Very quick
c. Very pleased
3. “Many seahorse live in tropical areas where the water is always warm.”
What does the word tropical mean in the sentence?
a. A place that is very hot and often damp
b. A place that gets cold during parts of the year.
c. A place off the coast of Alaska where.
4. “Digging around in the treasure box, I uncovered a ball of twine”.
What does uncovered mean in the sentence?
a. Found
b. Buried
c. Threw out
5. “Other stargazers and astronomers gaze through telescopes”.
What does then word gaze mean?
a. Study
b. Count
c. Look
6. “I think I forgot something’ she said.”
What word means the opposite of thrilled?
a. Remember
b. Caught
c. Undid
V. Agreement/Assignment

Direction: in 1 whole sheet of paper, look for the meaning of the underlined words using
context clue. Indicate the type of context clue being used in the sentence and write it on the
space provided before each number.

________1. Her Animosity or hatred, her sister had divided the family.
________2. The winner of the gold medal was omnipotent against his weaker opponents
________3. The picture of landscape is picturesque but the one of the old house.
________4. It was an idyllic day; sunny, warm and perfect for a walk in the park.
________5. This situation he is facing this time is conundrum- a puzzle.

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