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En esta actividad tomamos las palabras claves que se trabajan en el curso, usted debe buscar
cada definición y su respectiva traducción al idioma inglés.

Keywords Translation
Espacio A vector space is a triple (V, +, ·), where V is a set
vectorial not empty and +, · are two operations of the type + : V × V → R, · : R × V →
V at
which we will call 'vector sum' and 'scalar product' respectively and with
the following properties: denoting +(u, v) = u + v and ·(λ, v) = λv,
Vector In mathematics and physics, a vector is a mathematical entity such as a
line or a plane. A vector is represented by a line segment, oriented within
three-dimensional Euclidean space. A vector is completely determined in
three dimensions by three numbers. For example, for the position vector
in rectangular coordinates (x,y,z), in cylindrical coordinates (ρ,φ,z) or in
spherical coordinates (r,φ,θ).
Tridimensional Length, height and depth. They are the three dimensions that make up the
three-dimensional representation and, therefore, are present in any 3D
animation project. In fact, in our reality everything is three-dimensional
because it has length, height and depth.
Magnitud By the term magnitude, in general, we must understand simply the
measure of something. An object, a living being, a force of nature, all of
this has measurable and quantifiable dimensions and features, which can
be expressed through mathematical language, that is, magnitudes.
Variable A mathematical variable is a symbol used to propose formulas, algorithms
or equations. This, in turn, can take different values, depending on other
variables, as well as a series of parameters and certain constants.
Derivadas The derivative is a concept proper to calculus. The most precise textual
definition is the slope of the tangent line to the given function. This occurs
in a common function of two variables.
Derivada the partial derivatives of a function with several variables f(x , y, z) (three
parcial in this case) tells us how the function (df) changes when there is a small
change in a single independent variable (for example dx in the variablex).
Integral Integration is a fundamental concept of calculus and mathematical
analysis. Basically, an integral is a generalization of the sum of infinitely
many, infinitesimally small addends: a continuous sum. The integral is the
inverse operation to the differential of a function.
Velocidad Speed is a physical magnitude that expresses the relationship between the
space covered by an object, the time used for it and its direction.

Aceleración Acceleration is the name we give to any process where the speed changes.

Gradiente The gradient is a vector valued function, as opposed to a derivative, which

is a scalar valued function. Like the derivative, the gradient represents the
slope of the tangent line to the graph of a function
Laplaciano In vector calculus, the Laplacian or Laplacian operator is a second-order
elliptic differential operator, denoted as Δ, related to certain minimization
problems of certain magnitudes over a certain domain
Divergencia The divergence measures the difference between the outgoing flux and
the incoming flux of a vector field on the surface surrounding a control
volume, therefore, if the field has "sources" the divergence will be
positive, and if it has "sinks", the divergence will be negative

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