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These are some possible red flags I've noticed in certain women for a while now.

If you're
looking for a good partner for a stable, healthy relationship filled with peace of mind or just
curious, this could be worth a read: 1. Long (fake) nails 2. Fake hair (~long and/or bright
colored) 3. Makeup (mostly heavy makeup) 4. Big earrings 5. Provocative clothing 6. Very
active on social media (attention seeking content; thirst trap antics, etc.) 7. Questionable..
questions (e.g. "Babe, would you date me if I were a [insert animal here]", "babe do you think
I'm pretty"..) 8. Tattoos/body mods/piercings 9. Most/all of her friends are male. 10.
Promiscuous or Using se>< as a proxy for feeling loved and adored (this can be especially true
for people who struggle with attachment issues/daddy issues) 11. S.I.G.N language (Shaming,
Insult, Guilting & Need to be right) 12. Herd mentality/No sign of individualism (follows beauty
standards, fashion trends, body ideals, bad friends or other trends without questioning or
reflecting on their reason[s] for doing so) [often correlates with No. 2, 3 & 5] 13. Spoilt brat-
like/elitist behaviour (e.g. people who refer to themselves as "bad b*tches", claim to have "very
high standards" or are "high maintenance" ) [often correlates with No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5] 14.
Materialistic [often correlates with No. 12 & 13] 15. Their actions don't follow their words
(cognitive dissonance) 16. No sense of boundaries 17. Uses past events or personal information
you gave when you 'opened up' to them, as ammunition against you during fights or quarrels. 18.
Clingy, jealous or possessive (e.g. not being allowed to have any female friends/spend time with
family or friends, etc) 19. Frequent quarrels over trivial things--it seems some people think
toxicity makes relationships more 'fun or exciting' (or even straight up admit they enjoy toxicity
in relationships) 20. Habit of lying (shouldn't be ignored [along with No. 7, 14 & 16] as it could
escalate over time [often correlates with No. 10, 11, 13 & 15. Possibly with No. 6] ) 21. Has a
tiny, little girl/baby-like voice (possibly due to trauma or abuse at a young age [Reference: Dr.
Drew Pinsky - Loveline] ) 22. Expects you to 'mind-read' their thoughts and/or 'hints' *Their
mentality of dependence and expectations is so high they use emotions to smoke screen this
shameful behaviour. [Shouldn't be ignored. Could correlate with No. 19] 23. Sh*t Tests---"used
to determine your frame. Frame is a concept which essentially means 'composure and self-
control.” (shouldn't be ignored; usually continues indefinitely, may escalate over time [Often
correlates with No. 11, 16 & 19. Possibly with No. 7 & 17] ) 24. Ultimatums (could correlate
with No. 13, 16 & 18) 25. Can't/doesn't take 'No' for an answer (Strongly correlates with No. 16,
possibly with No. 11 & 18 [Shouldn't be ignored; possible sign of an abusive person, may lead to
tantrums, physical assault or other 'crazy' behaviours] ) 26. Comes from a broken/toxic/abusive
home and/or lacks (proper) parental figure(s). (Often correlates with No. 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 19, 20
[compulsive or pathological lying] & 21) *The issue is simply not just coming from
aforementioned homes, but many don't seek professional help and/or properly work on
themselves so they carry that mental/emotional baggage into their relationships. 27. They're often
passive aggressive (Could correlate with No. 22. Possibly with No. 7, 11, 19 & 25) A link to my
book, if you're curious: CONTINUATION


6 hours ago
28. Bisexual ("People with loose sexual boundaries like bisexuality, polyamory & pansexuality-
sexualities where they can't really declare a major or stick to a specific type tend to be trauma
survivors*." [*May correlate with No. 26] ) 29. Exhibits 'infantile/neotenic' behaviours when in
need of aid (e.g. using a childlike voice* and speech pattern, acting "cute", naive; sometimes
with a 'sensual' undertone - often used to avoid accountability, responsibility or get their way)
[*Not to be confused with No. 21; this one (29) is intentional while No. 21 is 'involuntary']
[Could correlate with No. 10 & 25. Likely with No. 16] ) 30. Frequent mood swings-- could be
'preemptively' identified with certain comments e.g. "Having someone who can handle your
mood swings is such a blessing", "Need a man that can handle me (when I'm mad, act crazy..)"
[Correlates with No. 19. Possibly with No. 13, 17, 18, 22, 23 & 25] 31. Really into astrology (has
their personality, behaviours or actions based on zodiac signs) 32. Being "Free-spirited"; 'Hippie'
or 'Gypsy-like'. (Could correlate with No. 8, 10 & 26. Possibly with No. 28) 33. Often/always
plays the victim-- "When you're so used to playing the victim you don't realise when you're being
the villain." (Often correlates with No. 15, 20 & 29. Possibly with No. 6, 10, 11, 16 & 17) For
those who are perplexed about No. 1-5, google search for images of Saweetie or blac chyna or
sumn idk These flags could be a result of insecurities, emotional and/or mental immaturity,
childhood emotional neglect, attention/validation seeking, attachment issues, etc. Observing
people's personalities, character and behaviours rather than focusing on their 'physical
attractiveness' is a good way to overcome the halo effect. Also, like attracts like, so make sure to
be self-aware and reflect on your actions/behaviour to grow and mature as a person. And be
compassionate to others as you'd be to yourself. These are just my observations & opinions and
should be held up to scrutiny.

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