Augmented Reality

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Definition :

interactive experience that

Augmented Reality (AR) is an

combines the real world and computer generated content _

the content can span multiple sensory modalities including :

auditory .

visual , haptic ,
olfactory and somatosen

AR can be defined as a system that incorporates three basic

feature : a combination of real and virtual worlds seal time


interaction and accurate 3D registration of virtual and seal

objects .

The overlaid information can be constructive (ie

sensory :

additive to the natural environment) destructive ( ie;

of natural environment)

the primary value of

augmented reality is the manner in

which components of the digital world blend into a

perception of the real world not at a simple display of
data but
, through the integration of immersive sensations ,

lnlhich are perceived as natural parts of environment .

Difference between AR , Virtual Reality CVR) and Mixed Reality -

n ~ ~
~ ~

→ virtual reality CVR) is a simulated experience that employs

pose teaching and 3D -

eye displays togive the cues an

immersive feel
of a initial world .

→ Standard HR systems wee UR headed as multiprojected


environments to realistic image sounds and

generate ,

other sensations that simulate a axis physical presence in a

virtual environment A can move around the virtual

world and interact with virtual features or items .

ofa real world

Augmented reality alters one's
ongoing perception
environment , whereas virtual reality completely replaces the
user's real world environment with a simulated one .

fam used
→ Mined
Reality : is a to describe the
real world environment and computer generated
of a a

one .

Physical and virtual objects may co -

ein ist in mined

reality environments and interact in seal Grise .

Augmented reality is
possible cuing a simple device such al
al a mobile phone lnlhueae Mth require a special headgear
Moreover interaction Kittu the projected holographic image
is limited in AR lathereat this is possible in MR .

Advantage of Augmented Reality :

1. Enhanced
experience :-.
Users can
get in depth information/

knowledge about tneil

sueeoundings not visible to naked


2- Eaee of cue : No additional device seaweed Can .

from mobile
app in
phones .

Support basin eel activities : AR is speculated to transform every

business from
having to the retail market at the customer

would be able to get more benefit and invest accordingly .

4- Impeached technology : AR is often used in medical field

teaching and even
surgery guidance .
AR can heed in learning
disabilities such a dyslexia or ADHD by making it more

fun and engaging compared to traditional method .

5. Maku Job Eaeiu as information is available on hand

interrupting any other person

Disadvantage of A-R :

1. Unaffordable :
Really enpentire to create an A Reaper ienee

which feels organic to the uses .

2- Privacy and
securityIssues : IH difficult to discern tribal is

real arid virtual putting the cute at a disadvantage .

Moeeovée third
party apps can have direct accede personal


Sisky behaviour

4. Addiction arid fatalities : AR in Hoekplaice may hinder visibility

and lead to accident .

5- Health Issues :
Overexposure can result in hearing loss .
eye etc
Augmented Reality in Training and Operation
- n ~

→ The pros of augmented reality include it potential at an

educational tool that can
provide sich content The data

baled on accurate GPS coordinates and provide navigation

and direction without
relying maps
on .

It is possible to give navigational training inbae real life

simulations are
possible where in addition to vend speed ,

heading and weather elements a feeling of

being pseeent
physically in those situations can be created Lalith A R -

Machinery maintenance and operationalknowledge

be impacted Kitai out the actual need of a physical


setup .
augmented reality can be actual séd even

within the limited clan soon

spaces .

→ theoretical dance and practical sessions can be collaborated

with the help of AR enabling better

understanding and

in less time frame compared to the conventional methods .

Operational Benefits :


Better situational awaremeet leading to accurate decision

making .
For example in case of emergency the actions to be

taken can be suggested though augmented reality

thereby avoiding a
panic situation

Ease of
navigation Augmented sealily can enhance the

environment with information on traffic density heading and


speed of nearby vends ,

Ukc arid actions to be taken in

case any deviation is

required .

Machinery faults/system fault can easily be analysed and

corrective actions taken thereby reducing downtime due
to machinery breakdown and time waited on troubleshooting .

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