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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 Berilah tanda silang (x) huruf a,b,c atau d
pada jawaban yang paling benar!

1. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.

Era : I don’t think so. ...... Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Which phrase is appropriate to complete the dialogue?
a. I know it.
b. I am thinking of.
c. He forget it.
d. In my opinion.
Dialogue for No. 2-3
Dave : Hi, John!
John : Yeah?
Dave : What do you think of my drawing?
John : It’s really good, but I think you should erase the scribbles oveer here.
Dave : Thanks for your opinion, John.
John: No problem, Dave!
2. What does dave say to get John’s attention?
a. Yeah?
b. No problem.
c. Hi, John!
d. Excuse me.
3. From the dialogue above, John is …
a. Asking for help.
b. Giving an opinion.
c. Asking for an opinion.
d. Giving attention.
4. From the underlined sentence, we know that ...
a. Dave state his opinion.
b. Dave asks for John’s opinion.
c. John asks for Agus’ attention.
d. John appreciates Dave.
5. Which phrase is used for appreciating someone’s job?
a. You look charming.
b. What a pretty girl you are.
c. Your drawing is wonderful.
d. Your dress is gorgeous.
Dialogue for No. 6-10
Tari : Are you cooking soto, Mum?
Mrs. Ayu : Yes, I am. It’s your favorite food, isn’t it?
Tari : Yes, it is. Are you able to make lemon squash? I really want it.
Mrs. Ayu : I am able to make it. Don’t worry; I will make it for you.
Tari : Thanks. This soto looks delicious.
Mrs. Ayu : Will you pass me the bowl? I need it to put the soto.
Tari : Here you are, Mum.
Mrs. Ayu : Thanks, dear. Will you prepare the lemons to make lemon squash?
Tari : Sure, I’ll do it.
6. Where are Tari and Mrs. Ayu?
They are in the ...
a. Garden
b. Bedroom
c. Garage
d. Kitchen
7. Mrs. Ayu uses a ... to put the soto in.
a. Pan
b. Bowl
c. Mug
d. Cup
8. “Sure, I’ll do it.”
The word “it” refers to ...
a. Lemon squash
b. Soto
c. Lemon
d. Preparing the lemons
9. From the italic phrase, we know that ...
a. Tari states her capability to make lemon squash
b. Mrs. Ayu states her capability to make lemon squash
c. Tari shows her willingness to make lemon squash
d. Mrs. Ayu shows her willingness to make lemon squash
10. What does the underlined phrase imply?
a. Mrs. Ayu asks Tari’s willingness to prepare lemons
b. Mrs. Ayu shows her willingness to prepare lemons
c. Tari shows her willingness to prepare lemon
d. Tari states her capability to make lemon squash
11. Dewi : Did you get it?
Rani : ... . Can you explain it once more?
a. Yes, of course.
b. Yes, I did.
c. No, I did not.
d. No, I did.
12. Ranu : ...
Sari : Yes, I am able to surf.
a. Are you able to surf?
b. Do you like surfing?
c. I am not able of diving.
d. I don’t know how to surf.
13. Which one is the expression of stating rules and obligations?
a. Do we have to come on time?
b. Let’s leave the class now.
c. They must wear a cap to attend flag ceremony.
d. What should we do?

Which phrase of stating rules and obligation is match with the picture?
a. Let’s smoke together.
b. We must submit the assignment today.
c. You should park here.
d. You must not park here.
15. Situation : You see your friend throw away the rubbish everywhere.
What is your suggestion related to the situation?
a. You should sleep now.
b. You should put the rubbish into the trash can.
c. Why don’t you play a football?
d. Let’s go home now.
Dialogue for No. 16-20
Ayu : Sari?
Sari : Yes
Ayu : Sorry, I can’t join you and your family for camping.
Sari : Why?
Ayu : My teachers give me lots of assignments to do.
Sari : You can do them after camping.
Ayu : It’s impossible. I have to submit them all on Monday morning.
Sari : I see. You should use your weekend for doing all of them.
Ayu : That’s right. I’m really sorry.
Sari : It’s okay.
16. From the dialogue, we kno that Ayu cannot join Sari for ...
a. A party
b. Camping
c. A meeting
d. Diving
17. Who gives Ayu lots of assignments?
a. Sari does.
b. Sari and her family.
c. Ayu’s teacher.
d. Ayu’s moother.
18. What does the underlined sentence imply?
a. Ayu states rules and obligations to do.
b. Sari gives Ayu a suggestion.
c. Ayu gives Sari a suggestion.
d. Sari states rules and obligations to do.
19. What is Sari’s suggestion?
a. Ayu should go camping.
b. Ayu should refuse to do the assignment.
c. Ayu should have a holiday.
d. Ayu should do the assignments at the weekend.
20. Does Ayu accept Sari’s suggestion?
a. Yes, she does.
b. Yes, she doesn’t.
c. No, she doesn’t.
d. No, of course.

B. Read the following dialogue carefully, then answer each question!

Dara : Hi, Sarah!
Sarah : Yes?
Dara : You can play the violin, right?
Sarah : Yes, I am able to play the violin.
Dara : You should join the music club at our school.
Sarah : I can play the violin, but I will not join the club.
Dara : Why?
Sarah : I have lots of things to do after school.
Dara : Ah, I see.

1. “Hi, Sarah!”
What expression is used in the phrase above?
2. What is the instrument that Sarah can play?
3. Does Sarah have a willingness to join the music club?
4. “I can play the violin ...”
What does the phrase imply?
5. “You should join the music club at our school.”
What expression is used in the sentence above?

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