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Setting Application
Activity A. Write a brief reflective essay on the implication of each of the theories
mentioned to special and inclusive education teachers. How do these theories help
them in designing learning activities? 5 points each

1. Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

This theory implies that children move through four different stages of mental
development. This is crucial because in different stages there are also discoveries that
leads to new understanding in the surroundings. When incorporating this theory in the
Special and Inclusive education it helps the teachers to make some observations and
that observation will be the bases in making teaching strategies. In this case the
teachers can identify on what part of the developmental stage will be the learners.
Allowing the teachers to have guidance and help the learners achieve the knowledge
that would be supplemented to them.
2. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
The theory emphasizes the importance of observing, modelling, and imitating the
behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. This theory is very helpful in the
special and inclusive education teachers because it will serve as a guide in observing
the learners in different situations. This is composed of four mediating processes and
for the teachers they can analyze on what type of mediating process a learner must be.
I realize that in order to understand the student you must comprehend with them. While
you teach there will be situations that are unpredictable and by observing the students
we should be able to make some new ways to develop learning capabilities that is
suited in their way of thinking.
3. Lev Vygotsky’s Scaffolding
This theory in my thought is the partnership of the students and the teacher implying to
the special and inclusive education. It helps the teachers because there will be
interaction with the teacher and the students. Further improving their socialization with
other people, classmates and the teacher. Group activities which unites the student in
developing strategies in presenting the activity. Zone of Proximal development or ZPD
also helps the teachers by providing the necessary activities that are having interaction
with each other. The teacher can also disregard activities that are difficult to solve or
might not be solve to avoid the stress to the learners.
4. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning
It promotes the idea that students learn better in collaborative group settings and when
the activities are based on real-life experiences. In a special and inclusive class this
theory serves as a tool for the teacher like in groupings and through collaboration. An
example is like sharing through the class the experiences or traumas in your life though
this is not appropriate to all of the class. The teacher should be the one who will
encourage the students to express and teach the things that they can relate with. As a
future teacher I can help the students by interacting with them through sharing the
values and knowledge to mold them in the future.

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