ITLE 421 Module 1

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ITLE 421: Teaching Common Competencies in AFA

Module 1: Teaching Approaches, Methods and Techniques in Teaching TLE

I. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the discussion, the Pre-service teachers are expected to:
1. Identify the teaching approaches, methods and techniques to enable
learners to satisfy the content and performance standard of TLE
2. Discuss the relevance of the competencies and skills in the identified
learning standard of TLE
3. Explore career opportunities of a TLE learner

II. Learning Content

One of the endearing features of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum is
enactment of Republic Act 10647 which act strengthen the ladderized interface
between Technical Vocational Education and Training on November 21, 2014,
declared the policy of the state to institutionalize the laddered interface between
technical vocational education and training (TVET) and Higher Education to:
1. Open the pathways of opportunities for career and educational
progression of students and workers
2. Create a seamless and borderless system of education,
3. Empower students and workers to exercise options or to choose when to
enter and exit in the education ladder
4. Provide job platforms at every exit as well as the opportunity to earn

The learning area standard of TLE, is the teaching and learning of the discipline,
will lead to:
1. Pursuit of Higher education,
2. Middle level manpower,
3. Entrepreneurship and employment.

It is expected that a TLE student must be able to:

1. Demonstrate mastery of a specific behavior or skill measured against
established standards in various level wherein the basic knowledge and
skills in entrepreneurship & ICT, and
2. Demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts of selected TLE
course in Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Agriculture and Fishery Arts

The Learners must be able demonstrate the common competencies and

skills in the following:
1. Mensuration and calculation,
2. Interpreting technical drawings,
3. Use and maintenance of tools,
4. Observing safety in the workplace and

The learner must gain specialized knowledge and skills in at least one TLE that
would enable one to obtain National
Certificate level II (NC II) the students must be provided with entrepreneurial mind
set wherein the students are taught to generate innovative business ideas and to
use information and communication technologies to achieve better business

IV. Learning Assessment

After reading the above infographics, Answer the following questions briefly
but concise.
1. What teaching approaches, methods and techniques have you identified to
develop the competencies and skills expected of a TLE learner?
2. What is the relevance of developing the knowledge, skills and attitude of the
learners to the exit they may opt to after finishing junior high school education?
3. What career opportunities open to TLE students especially with National
Certificate II ?

V. Learning Assignment.
1. Review the teaching of Technology and Livelihood Education
2. Secure a copy of how the PECs of a student is determined or assessed.

VI. Learning References

1. Principles of Teaching 2, Brenda B. Corpuz Ph.D, Et Al.Lorimar Publishing
Copyright 2015
2. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, Junior High School Technology and
Livelihood Education & Senior High School Technical -Vocational Livelihood
Track. Teaching Guides.


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