H10 Vocab 2 Exercises

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eyReNO Choosing the Select the boldface word that better completes each sentence. You might refer to the selection on pages 22-23 to see how most Right Word cfthese words are used in context 1. Marian Wright Edelman has never succumbed advotate lassitude) but has instead remained a tireless of children's rights since the 1960s. 2. In stating that “All men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable Declaration of Independence proclaims , callow) value of every human being, The large (occulte nded the strange mansion ur view of the building ist be done; what aplomb)! Marian Wright Edelman, a lawyer ie basis of what may and champion of children's Dut only in accordance with fights, established the Children's pa wale sel Defense Fund in 1973. 6. One way to (ingratiatef ameliora}e) your fears of giving a speech & persgeff anecdote, ut your audience at ease with 7. A sour odor of decay, stale air, and generations of living/(permeat precipitated) every of the old tenement. infringed) that you did well on your test when you bolted through the fr as though you had just won the lottery. Senly colpsed in the high winds, the people on it at the time precipitatedjio their deaths in the watery abyss below. , the pianist followed the sheet music and played the piece with great(aplomb, issitude). 12. The song had a pleasantetrfagent, ati Gained it quick popularity and then cau: 13. | trust that we shall have the will to improve what car e\mproved and the Patience to bear what cannot now be (ameliorated{'surmiseq 14. After the unexpected defeat, the members of the te\m wapted to by regarded anyone who entered the locker room as a(nytifiterlopemassitude)| 16. | can usually forgive a(nf (€€fiow, px officio) display of feeble jokes and showing off—but not by someon who hagfpassed his fortieth birthday! |. Aller the speaker had droned on pointless for half an hour, an angry man i . If you desire a strong garlic flavor that (precipita The*Bublsher w) take prompt legal action against anyone who (Inveighs, fresh, minced garlic rather than garlic powder. front row SF And said, “Must we continue to listen to all this oa . Kathy baifed gabkies for her book club, hoping to (etn feed be nominated as president. . Because | believe in spreading governmental powers among several officials, | am opposed to having the Mayor serve as (intrinsic, ex officio) head of the Boar if of Education. 7 eS . His message may seem (bombastic, callow), but there is a solid framework o Do we need new laws to combat crime, or rather, more (ingretlating, string » a practical ideas underlying the rather pompous language. at " ws we already have? . itis easy (inveigh| precipitate) against “dirty politics," but less easy ye Choose the word from this unit that is SymOnyMS the same in meaning as the boldface . hints of a concealed presence . a siain that leaked through . overdramatic, high-flown language _ . the model of what not to wear . a smile meant to flatter ‘ . to rail against a harmless . a line delivered wi Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly opposite in Antonyms ‘meaning to the boldface word or expression in the phrase. Write that word on the line. Use a dictionary if necessary. . to alienate your friends . uncover the truth . a cautious move on the chess board }. listen to wisdom . a performance filled with clumsiness Completing fromthe words in this unit, choose the one that best completes each the Sentence ofthe folowing sentences. Write the word in the space provided. . The prophets of old fervently ________ the people to amend their lives. . | refuse to accept the idea that conditions in this slum have deteriorated so far that nothing can be done to _______ them. . The voters of this city are looking for practical answers to urgent questions and will Not respond to that kind of _______and pretentious claptrap . They have a great deal to say on the subject, but unfortunately most of it is. meaningless . The people trying to “crash” our dance may think of themselves as merry pranksters, but they are really ____________ who would prevent us all from having a good time. . A good definition of freedoms: "The right to do anything you wish as long as you donot ______ on the rights of others.” . He tries to give the impression of being a true man of the world, but his conduct clearly shows him to be a(n) __________and somewhat feckless youth. . Though fossils show that human beings have been on earth a very, very long time, the earliest written records of their activities date back only about five . This old necklace has little ___________ value, but it means a great deal tome because it belonged to my mother. . How can we have any respect for people who try to themselves with their superiors by flattery and favors? 41. Throughout the dictator's long reign, some of his most trust in behind-the-scenes conspiracies and his knowledge. 12. The Vice President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense are ____________ members of the 2. 13. Addressing the school assembly for the first time was ier 14. That dancer is very talented, but isn't it going rather far t —_______ of feminine beauty and grace 15. We looked up hungrily as the delightful odor of broile the room. a 16. “The rashand______________ actions of that y us the battle, to say nothing of the war,” the general ren 17. We do not know what her motives were, but we n vehemently against dignity and independence. 20. “Ifyou think my training rules are too. coach said, “then you probably should

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