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Perry and Wise
for society

Attraction to policy
PSM1: Politics is a dirty word
PSM2: The give and take of public policy making doesn't appeal to
PSM3: I don't care much for politicians

Commitment to the public interest:

PSM4: It is hard for me to get intensely interested in what is
going on in my community
PSM5: I unselfishly contribute to my community
PSM6: I consider public service my civic duty
PSM7: Meaningful public service is very important to me
PSM8: I would prefer seeing public officials do what is best for
the whole community even if it harmed my interests

PSM9: It is difficult for me to contain my feelings when I see people

in distress
PSM10: Most social programmes are too vital to do without
PSM11: I am often reminded by daily events how dependent we are
on one another
PSM12: I am rarely moved by the plight of the underprivileged
PSM13: To me, patriotism includes seeing to the welfare of others
PSM14: I have little compassion for people in need who are
unwilling to take the first step to help themselves
PSM15: There are few public programs that I wholeheartedly
PSM16: I seldom think about the welfare of people I don't know

PSM17: Doing well financially is definitely more important to me

than doing good deeds
PSM18: Much of what I do is for a cause bigger than myself
PSM19: Serving other citizens would give me a good feeling even if
no one paid me for it
PSM20: Making a difference in society means more to me than
personal achievements
PSM21: I think people should give back to society more than they
get from it
PSM22: I am prepared to make enormous sacrifices for the good of
PSM23: I am one of those rare people who would risk personal loss
to help someone else
PSM24: I believe in putting duty before self
High performing
workplaces suggest
that practices that
promote shared
values not only
entice individuals
to join an
organization but
also motivate
people to act on
their values once a
part of the

have been rigorously tested,

discussed and adapted over
the past few decades
PSM relates to the
notion that individuals
are attracted to work
in the public service
because it affords
them the opportunity
of doing good for
others and for society.

Significant differences
in what motivates
public sector vs.
private sector
employees. PSM should
be taken into account
when designing
policies such as
reformation of civil
service recruitment.
Public and civil
servants with higher
levels of PSM
experience less work-
related stress, have
lower intentions to
quit, and are more
negatively affected by
red tape.

01 Equal work opportunities for all

02 Security of tenure

03 Work days and work hours

04 Weekly rest day

05 Wage and Wage-Related Benefits

Rights 06 Payment of Wages

of 07 Security of tenure

Employees 08 Employment of children

09 Safe working conditions

10 Rights to self-organization and

collective bargainkg
Better Salary Package

Enjoyment of a two-day off in a week

Entitlement to a 15-day vacation and

15-day sick leave in a year.
Government employees can join SSS
and GSIS
Retirement Benefits
of working
in the 13th month pay and Mid-year Bonus
Philippine Holidays: paid National Regular and
Government Special Holidays

-Outpatient Medicine Reimbursement
-Maternity Grant

Disability/Life Insurance
This represents all
financial and non-
financial rewards and
entitlements arising
from employment
These are derived
from the work
environment, which
are valued internally
by an individual.
These comprise all
benefits, both
monetary and non-
monetary and
received directly or
indirectly by the of
employee Compensation
These are cash compensation
items which are either fixed
Direct or variable and are paid to an
Compensation employee for the performance
of work.
These are usually non-cash or
in-kind benefit items that
contribute to the employee's
welfare, standard of living and
personal development
Type of Leaves
(Civil Service Form No. 6 Revised 2020)

01. Vacation Leave

02. Mandatory/Forced Leave
03. Sick Leave
04. Maternity Leave
05. Paternity Leave
06. Special Privilege Leave
07. Solo Parent Leave
08. Study Leave
09. Rehabilitation Privilege
10. Special Leave Benefits for Women
11. Special Emergency (Calamity)
12. Adoption Leave
13. others

These are cash compensation

items which are regularly
granted to all employees.
These are cash compensation
items which are granted to
employees based on certain
qualifications or rendition of
special services.
is the increase in salary from
step to step within the salary
grade of a position.

5% of Basic Pay after 5

years in service.
PERA is a P2,000.00 monthly allowance
authorized under the pertinent general
provision in the annual General
Appropriations Act (GAA)

P6,000.00 authorized under the

pertinent general provision of the
annual GAA is granted to cover the
cost of uniform/clothing of
employees to identify them with
their mother agency/office.
Representation and
Transporation Allowances

Officials of NGA, while in the actual

performance of their respective functions,
are hereby authorized monthly
commutable representation and
transporation allowances charged against

Official Vehicles and Transport

Government motor transportation may be
used by officials with costs chargeable to
the appropriations authorized for their
respective offices.
to cover hotel/lodging rate,
meals and incidental travel
expenses excluding
transportation expenses
going to and from the
free quarters for
government official refer
to the free use of
government-owned or
leased place of lodgings
which may include
telephone, water and
electricity for basic needs
may hire contractual
personnel as part of the
organization to perform
regular agency functions or
specific vital activities or
services which cannot be
provided by the regular or
permanent staff of the hiring
equivalent to one (1) month basic

Php 5,000.00

to recognize individual personnel

productivity and performance which
contributed to attainment of agency
goals and targets.
Excluded are those who are formally charged with
administrative cases as well as criminal cases which
relate to acts or omissions in connection with their
official duties and functions and found guilty and/or
meted penalties
to be granted to government employees
on the occasion of their agencies'
milestone years (not exceeding

to the government employees concerned

who have contributed either in
productivity or cost savings in an
agency (P25,000.00 maximum)
employees to be compensated through
time/days off in lieu of overtime pay

allowance for meal or sustenance of

government personnel who, by the nature of
duties and responsibilities, have to make their
services available in their places of work even
during mealtimes.

intended to defray the laundry cost

incurred for uniforms of specific
government personnel
is a compensation premium granted to
government personnel whose regular
work hours fall wholly or partly within
6:00pm to 6:00am of the following day

is a compensation premium granted to

each official and employee actually
assigned to, and performing duties in,
strife-torn or embattled areas

•Honoraria are token payments in

recognition of incidental services rendered.

Those who act as lecturers, resource

persons, coordinators and facilitators in
seminars, training programs and other
similar activities in training institutions,
including those conducted by entitles for
their officials and employees
Terminal Leave Benefit
refers to the money value of the total
accumulated vacation and sick leave
credits of an employee based on the
highest salary separation from
government service

Monetization of Leave Credits

refers to the payment in advance
under prescribed limits and subject
to specified terms and conditions of
the money value of the vacation and
sick leave credits of an employee
upon his/her request

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