STRAMA01 Act 1

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how did apple achieve a dominant position in the market as a seller of

both songs and music players

First of all I, myself experiencing the music player of apply which is called
ipod. The ipod and earpods itself is the first product that is more advance
other than its competitors. During my elementary days and high school days I
had these thing that what they called mp3 player. This mp3 player is also a
good product it can give you musics and it can download also a musics that
you want although when it is comes to sounds features mp3 player was lack
of it. But ipod and earpods from apple is far more good than that. The first
time I used it I surprised because the sounds features that I really desires is
there. The ipod and earpods gives that little thing that I desire in a music
player. Also the design and style of apple music player is very futuristic. So
that is why the music player of apple is become successful.

Which phase in the evolution of strategic management is present

I believe Phase 3 because they focused on meeting the customer needs and
wants satisfaction.

Which phase in the evolution of strategic management is present in the

given case study

I believe the CORPORATE-LEVEL STRATEGY because the company

focusing on long term vision and goal.

What competitive advantages contributed Apple’s success.

My answer is Differentiation strategy because there is so many of music

player and song product out there but the apple products brings unique and
beyond expectation quality and services.

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