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Basic concepts/Fundamental • Introduction

principles of Bhaishajya •

Bhaishajya kalpana
Importance of bhaishajya kalpana
kalpana •

Qualities of bheshaja/dravya
Collection of drug
• Panchabhoutikata
• Dosha dhatu mala vichara
• Paribhasha
• Mana
• Aushadhi dravya visheshta
• Nirmit aushadhi abhishta guna
• Panchavidha kashaya kalpanas.
• Rasa-guna –virya-vipaka etc.of dravyas.
• Anukta & vishesokta visaya grahana.

A small quantity of a simple drug become potent to cure
the even most complicated disease by the influence of
different modifying procedure such as sodhana
(purification), shoucha (detoxification), mandhana
(churning), vasana (flavouring) ,bhavana (grinding) and
the time factor ie, kalaprakarsa.
So in order to prepare such potent drug one has to
follow or understand certain tatvas or siddhantas related
to the pharmaceutical science so they are called as
Bhaisajya Kalpana Adharabhuta Siddhantas.
This branch of Ayurveda is based on some principles,
which are closely related to subjects. They can be
considered as the foundation for Ayurveda pharmacy.
1. पा भौ तक स ा त वृ समानै सवषां वपरीतै वपयय । (अ
: : : : . )
• Generally body is nourished by ahara, and disease is treated by
Aushadha. • this rule the medicine should have properties suitable to the
• The dietic and medicinal preparation are composed of pancha patient and disease.
mahabhutas. • A single one from any of the five group will not be complete & potent
‘ पंचभूता मके दे हे आहार पांचभौ तक
’’ enough to protest and conquer the disease, protecting the health of
the patient.
• Body & dravya made up of panchamahabhutas.
• Fundamental principle of chikitsa is also panchamahabhuta • So combination of raw drugs become essential.
sidhanta. • The raw drugs are selected their panchabhoutika constitution
• Drugs- classified – Parthiva, Apya, Agneya, Vayavya and Akaseeya. and mixing and processing are done suitably to convert their
• The drugs will not change in their Bhouthika predominance, but
some properties are liable to change and used for improving the • A physician is capable of such a thing only because of the solid
action of drug by suitable processing technique. foundation of पा भौ तक स ा त

2. करण/ Samskara करणं पुन: वाभा वकानां ाणां अ भसं कार: ।

सं कारो ह गुणा तराध|नमु यते ।
• Actual fundamental principle of Bhaishajya Kalpana is Karana. ते गुणासतोया नस कषशौचम दे शकालवासन भावना द भ:
• Karana is Samskara itself. काल कषभाजना द भ धव ते॥ च. व.१/२१
• Acharya Caraka explains some procedures under the heading karana ,
forms the basis of pharmaceutical processing. So this can be
considered as basic concept of Bhaishajya Kalpana. • Karana is bringing about the transformation in the natural attributes of a
drug. Hence karana is also referred as Samskara.
• Processing of raw drug is termed as “karana”. Processing or samskara is
the change in properties.
• Properties of dravya include Rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava and
• Samskara is गुणा तराध|न- one guna after samskara changes to another.
3. Saucha – cleaning
Various process included under samskara: In Medicinal prepation wing needs strict cleanliness in every step of processing, of
❖ To increase the natural properties present in drug. vessels, machines, rooms etc.
❖ To add some new properties to a drug. eg- in A.H describing guda, sarkara etc increases shita guna by reducing the mala.
❖ To replace a property of a drug by a new one or more properties.
This is the expression of shita guna by shaucha samskara.

❖ To delete an undesired property and add a new desired one or more 4.Manthana – churning
properties. In different traditional preparations like takra, mantha, rasala etc..this procedure
used. Transformation of attributes by churning.
Eg- curd aggrevates shopha by nature, when churned alleviate shopha.
1. Thoya sannikarsha- thoya- water.
Combination of substance with water. Drugs should be washed well 5.Desa- place
before processing, for cleaning. All kalpanas need water during With reference to samskara desa means Storing place.
preparation except choorna. Thus toya sannikarsha is a method of Placing drug in particular desha imparts specific gunas to it.
samskara, which is inevitably related with all kalpanas viz. food and
medicines. Concerned with BK desa forms collection, storage, preservation of raw drugs and
formulated ones. Placing dravya in a particular place impats specific gunas in it.
Eg- Soaking of hard substance in water make it soft such as rice soak in water becomes soft.
Collection of Ushna virya drug from jangala desa & shita aushadhi from anupa desa
2. Agnisannikarsha-fire is stated as supreme desa for collection of drug.
Drying and cooking of medicines/drugs. All preparations need agni Eg-Brahma rasayana stored below the heap of ash increases some gunas.
sannikarsha in due course of its processing procedures.
Eg- vrihi possesses guru kathina gunas turn to laghu mridu by roasting it( laja)

6. Kala- time or season.

9. Kalaprakarsha –
Samskarana/ parinama/ change in the properties occurring during the
course of time. The actual process is maturing. Kala itself bring changes in Needs particular time limit for completion. This period attributes some
dravya. properties to the medicine.
This is to be considered as time of collection of raw drugs. Some drug Ex: Sandhana Kalpana specific time to complete the changes in properties.
attain maximum quantity of active ingredient in a particular season or similarly the shelf life, expiry date comes under this heading as they are
after a particular growth. specifying time limits, which cause some changes in properties.
Eg-In fruits changes in it state from unripen- half-ripened- ripened is
brought by kala. 10. Bhajana –
The vessels and equipment's used for processing should be inert like
7. Vasana – flavouring earthern/ glass ware. They will not react with any substance we use.
This make the preparation palatable, agreeable and tasty. In some cases vessels made up of specific metals are indicated for processing.
Eg- rose flowers kept in water imparts fragrance of rose in water even
removal of petals. Eg- triphala in iron vessel. So utensils have some function in Kalpana
vijnana, either to attribute some properties or to avoid reaction due to
8. Bhavana- triturating contact.
Done to increase the potency or decrease the toxicity. The continuous In storing , bhajana is important ; the containers & closures should not cause
grinding attributes more activity and bioavailability by reducing particle any chemical reaction with the content and it should be air tight.
3.Paribhasha 4. मान प रभाषा
฀ नगूढानु लेशो स द धाथ द पका।
सु न ताथ वबुधै प रभाषा नग ते ॥

र त २\२
. .
Mana: मीयते अनेन इ त मानम्। (Amarakosa)

The paribhasa is a statement that gives a clear and distinct Mana is defined as the system of measurement ,based on the
meaning of a word or an expression. It clarifies the measures of weight, length or capacity.
concealed(nighuda), omitted(anukta), unclear(lesokta) and
mystifying(sandhigdhartha) meaning of a word or verse in the • Mana is essential;
sanskrit. • To study sastra.
• It is inseperable & most essential in all 8 branches of Ayurveda
Triphala (Three fruits) • For quantitative assessment of body constituents.
❖ Hareetaki(Terminalia chebula) • To quantify the drugs for all purposes.
❖ Bibhitaki(terminalia balerica)
❖ Amalaki (Embilica officinalis)

5.अनु या वशेषो हण

THREE TYPES: (Depending up on the nature of measuring material, the mana At many instances of the classics we may not get
is classified as below) the clear meaning explained, in such cases one should
understand the things with help of following points.
1.Pautava mana( measures of weight or mass)
2.Druvaya mana(measures of capacity)
कालेऽनु े भातं याद े ऽनु े जटा भवेत् ॥
3.Payya mana( measures of length) भागेऽनु े तु सा यं य पा ेऽनु े च मृ मयम् ।
वेऽनु े जलं ा ं तैलेऽनु े तलो वम् ॥

शा. .१/४७-४८
6. प च वध कषाय क पन
1. वरस (Juice)
2.क क (Bruised coarsely powdered drugs or paste)
3. वाथ(Decoction)
4.शीत (Cold infusion)

5.फा ट (Infusion)

Paradi guna
7. गुण- All these 10 gunas inherently related to bhaishajya Kalpana. They form the
foundation for Ayurvedic pharmacy.
Bhaishajya Kalpana or Ayurveda pharmacy is nothing but
Gunantharadhana. So the gunas comes under the fundamentals of
1. पर व - त पर वं धान वं उपयो गतायां आस वम् ॥
- Superior/ most important
this branch of science. All gunas are important in such a view but
especially the paradi gunas are more related to the basic concept. The drug/ medicine should be of superior quality and every stage of processing
is important. Asannatva proximity is also important in Kalpana vijnana. Means
Charaka defined guna as the character or property which will remain availability and acceptability. Raw drug will be fresh, potent and reliable, low
in dravya with inherent relationship. cost if collected from near by source. Therefore, it should be assured that
majority of raw drugs, laboratory etc provided in the proximity of
Paradi gunas :10 they are; manufacturing unit itself. It help to maintain good quality of medicine.
• Paratwa, aparatwa, yukti, samkhya, samyoga, vibhaga, prithaktwa,
parimana, samskara and abhyasa .
2. अपर व- अपर वं अ धान वम् ।
• All these 10 gunas are inherently related to BK. While considering Unimportant, inferior, not suitable etc..
these 10 factors together, it is evident that they form the foundation
Acc. to utility Aparatwa is less availability or inferior quality.
of this Ayurvedic pharmacy.
Some drugs are not available in the proximity and so collected from distant
• All the topics related to bhaishajya Kalpana are based on these 10 place.
For ex: Anoopa desa is aparam, but it is essential to collect raw drugs from there.
5. संयोग
3.यु - blend or to combine ‘यु योजना ‘ • योग सह संयोग उ यते |(C.Chi)- mixed up or blending

In BK- it is combination. • To combine 2 or more compound together samyoga is effected. Most of

Ayurvedic medicine are compound of ingredients.
Most of preparations are compound and the process of blending them
• ‘Gunaantharadhana’- in samskara achieved by samyoga.
and intellectual work behind it, both are yukti. Also prescription of
drug/ dosage/ route of administration are also related to yukti. 6. वभाग - division/ seperation
• वभाग तु वभ : यात् वयोगो भागश ह ||
: :

• In BK it is important factor as the different steps for processing are essentially

4. सं या- denotes number/calculation based on this.
• सं या यात् ग णतं • Size reduction is the preliminary step in every Kalpana. Similarly during the
• स यक् यायते अनया इ त सं या process separation of essence and waste is effected and at end of all Kalpana a
mechanical straining completes the process of separation.
Naming of drugs based on numbers- asta choorna.
7. पृथ वं
Measurements of ingredients and its specific ratio based on arithmetic. पृथ वं यात् असंयोगो वैल यमनेकता |(C. Su)
Repeated processing techniques for the enhancement of quality also Property by which one substance is differentiated from another.
indicated with numbers. Ex: ksheerabala avarti 3 to 101, shatadhouta
Helps in identification of raw drugs and various prepared medicine. This in turn
ghrita.. helps the Kalpana to keep its genuineness and quality.

8. प रमाण
प रमाणं पुन मानम् । measurement.
8. औषध नामकरण
(Naming of preparations)
Knowledge about measures like weight, volume, length, time are very
essential in BK.
In classics majority of the compound preparations named on the
9. सं कार - सं कार करणं मतम् ॥(C. Su) basis of the first drug name mentioned.
यद् औषध तु थमं य य योग य क यते ।

Samskara is processing itself.

त ा नेव स योगो ह क यते अ न य ॥ :

10. अ यास
भावनां अ यसनं अ यास शीलनं सतत या।
वै प थमख ड २९
. . .

But this rule doesn’t apply in all cases. Many preparations

• अ यासात् ा यते ी कम स का शनी । (अ . )
are named on their main ingredient, action exerted,method of
• That which repeatedly done is Abhyasa. An experienced one is superior in preperation,appearance,dosage and many other significant factors of
every field & it is acquired by practice.
that particular preparation.
• Practical knowledge attained by abhyasa.
Legal requirements
Examples : 1. The name of preparation
(a) Based on the first drug of the compound 2. Strength &dosage form
▪ Punarnavastaka choorna
▪ Khadiradi vati 3. Quantity
▪ Jathyadi taila 4. Instructions for the use
(b)Based on the important ingredient/ingredients of the preparation

5. Precautions & Warnings
Hingvastaka choorna
▪ Draksharishta 6. Manufacturing license no.
▪ Dasamularishta
7. Batch number
Based on the method of preparation:
▪ Satadhauta ghrita 8. Manufacturing & Expiry date
▪ Based on therapeutic efficacy of the drugs:
9. MRP
▪ Arogyavardhini vati
▪ Arsoghna vati 10. The name and address of pharmaceutical industry
Dept. of RSBK 26

9. औषधसेवन काल
(Time of Medicine Administration)

฀ Aushadha Sevana Kaala is that which is mentioned for the

proper time of drug administration.

฀ Agni, being the supreme factor for maintaining Dhatu-

samyata, all the therapies are directed to maintain and
preserve the potency of Agni.

฀ The proper knowledge of Agni and Aushadha Sevana Kaala

will help in food and drug interaction which is helpful to
attain a quick and sustainable relief to the patient.

DIFFERENCES IN OPINION Acc. To acarya Vagbhata: (A.S)-11
• अभ ं ा भ ं म यभ म् अधोभ ं सभ म् अ तराभ ं
सामु ं मु मु :

स ासं ासा तरं न श च ॥

3 different regarding the numbers among Acharyas. Abhakta Without food
❑ 10 – Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Pragbhakta Before food
Hridaya, Kashyapa Samhita. Madhyabhakta In between a meal

❑ 11 – Ashtanga Sangraha. Adhobhakta After food

Sabhakta Mixed along with the food
5 –  Sharangadhara Samhita.
Antarbhakta In between two meals
Samudga Before and after food
Muhurmuhuh Again and again
Sagrasa Along with each bolus of the food
Grasantara In between two bolus
Nisi Night at bed time

Acc .to Maharsi Susruta: 10

A.H-10 • त ाभ ं ा भ म् अधोभ ं म येभ म्
अ तराभ ं सभ ं सामु म् मु मु र् ासं ासा तरं
यु यादन म ादौ म येऽ ते कवला तरे । च इ त दशौषधकाला ॥ : सु उ ६४/६५ . .
Abhakta Without food
ासे ासे मु ः सा ं सामु ं न श चौषधम् ।
Pragbhakta Before food
(अ. /
. सु.१३ ३७ ) Madhyabhakta In between a meal
Adhobhakta After food
1.Without food 6.With each bolus Sabhakta Mixed along with the food
Antarabhakta In between two meals
2.Before food 7.Frequently
Samudga Before and after food
3.Middle of food 8.Mixed with food Muhurmuhuh Again and again
4.After food 9.Both before & after Sagrasa Along with each bolus of the food
5.Between each bolus 10.At night Grasantara In between two bolus

Acc. to Acharya Charaka: 10
भैष यकालो भ ादौ म ये प ा मु मु ः।

सामु ं भ संयु ं ास ासा तरे दश ॥

(च. / )
च, ३० २९८ (b/f) Acc. to Acharya Sarngadhara:5
ये : प च वध: कालो भैष य हणो नृणाम् ।
1.Bhuktadau(empty stomach
2.Bhuktadau-B/f (mrng meal)
क च सूय दये जाते तथा दवसभोजने ।।
3.Madhya bhukta- during meal/ in the साय तने भोजने च मु ा प तथा न श ।
4. Pascat bhukta-A/f (mrng meal)
5.Pascat bhukta-A/f (evng meal)
शा. .२/२-३
6.Muhur muhu- frequently Acc .to Sarngadhara 5 ausadha sevana kalas.
7.Samudgam- beginning a/f and end of
8.Bhakta samyukta
9.Grasa- along with each mouthful/
10.Grasantaram- (in b/w bolus of food


Cha.chi.30/ Su.U.64/65 A.S.Su.23/12 A.H.Su.13/37 Sha.Purva K.S.
10. भेषज माग
298 khanda.2/2-3 Khilasthana.3/ The drug is administered through different routes as per the disease and dosik
43-44 involvement. Routes of administration of drugs and their kalpanas are tabulated in
given below:
Bhuktadau(b/ Abhaktam Abhaktam Anannam Suryodaya Purvam
f) bhaktasya
Route of drug Kalpana
a. Empty Pragbhaktam Pragbhaktam Annadau Divasabhojan Madhye
stomach a bhaktasya administration
b. B/f (mrng meal) Adhobhaktam Madhyabhakt Madhye Sayantana Adha bhaktasya
1. Tvak Lepa, pralepa,alepa.
am 2. Mukha Avaleha, asava, arista,kvatha, vati.
Bhuktamadhy Madhyebhakt Adhobhaktam Ante Muhu Samudgam( b/f & a/ 3. Aksi Tarpana, ascyotana, seka, pindi.
e (during meal/ in am (in b/w a (a/f) f)
4. Siras Seka, picu,vasti,abhyanga.
the middle) meal)
5. Nasa Nasya karma
Bhuktapashch Antarabhakta Sabhaktam Kabalantare (b/ Nishi Muhurmuhu
at m (in b/w 2 w each bolus) 6. Karna Karna purana
meals) 7. Guda Anuvasana vasti, asthapana vasti
a. A/f (mrng meal) Sabhaktam Antarabhakta Grase-grase Sabhaktam 8. Yoni Uttara vasti
9. Medhra Uttara vasti
b. A/f (evng meal) Samudgam Samudgam Muhu Bhaktayor-
10.Garbhasaya Uttara vasti
Muhurmuhu Muhurmuhu Muhurmuhu Sa-annam Grasa
11. औषध मा ा (Dosage) यतो म दा नयो वा हीनस वा नरा: कलौ ॥
• Though the classics of Ayurveda specify the exact dosage for the अत तु मा ा त ो या ो यते सु स मता ।
different dosage forms it has suggested, it emphasizes the fact that शा. .१/३७-३९
the exact dosage has to be decided only after looking in to the
factors like agni (digestion capacity) , bala (strenght of both the
person and the disease), vaya (age) ,prakrti (dosa prakrti) and dosa Further Acharya explains why the dosage has to be strictly
(vata,pitta,kapha) of the person along with the kala(season) and desa reconsidered for the person belonging to present
(jangala, anupa, sadharana). era(kaliyuga).He says that the person of kaliyuga will have
• तना येव मा ाया कालम न वयो बलम् ॥ mandagni(poor digestion capacity),he will be hrasva(short
कृ त दोषदेशौ च ् वा मा ां क पयेत् ।
built) and will have hina sattva(low vitality), so the
appropriate dosage has to be decided keeping in mind all
the above factors of the person.

Matra mentioned in classics:

• Kashyapa has advised the vidanga phala tulya matra for

Navajatasisu and increased gradually and its quantity should not
exceed the Amalaki phala.
• Charakacharya advised the dose of drug in case of children. It must
be very less in quantity, potency and frequency.
• Acharya mentioned dose of madanaphala for vamana purpose is
Antarnakha mushti pramana.
2 two
• As per Dalhana, madhyama matra of vamana dravya – 1 prakunca
or 1 pala in case of curna.
• The quantity of drug digested in 24 hours, 12 hrs, 6 hrs considered as
uttama, madhyama and alpa matra of snehana therapy.
• Is a branch of medicinal science which deals with dose or
quantity of drug which can be administered to a patient to
get the desired pharmacological action.

• The dose of drug cannot fixed rigidly. other factors like

age, sex, severity of diseases etc influenced.
• अनु प ात् पीयते इ त अनुपनम् । श क
12.अनुपान ( Adjuvant)
. .

• अनु प ात् वा अनु साकं पीयते इ त अनुपनम् । च सू २७/३१९. .

• Anupana is usually an adjuvant or the fluid vehicle for

internal administration of medicaments. • अ ाद् अनु प ात् पीयते इ त अनुपनम् । सु सू ४६/४१९
. .

✔ The concept of Anupana is a unique contribution and essential • अनुपनम् इ त अनु प ात् पानं तत् । शा म ८/४
. .
part in the administration of Ahara as well as Aushadha.
✔ The potency of the drug is enhanced when administered with • Those substances which are drunk along with or after medicine or food
suitable anupana.
intake is known as Anupana.
✔ Suitable anupana should be selected for different individuals
according to the condition. • It is considered as fluid vehicle for medicine.
• It may be defined as a substance given with medicine which effect the
action of the active ingredient in a predictable way.
• All the definitions of anupana mentioned above say that it is the drink taken
after consumption of medicine or food.
IMPORTANCE OF ANUPANA • यथा तैलं जले तं णेनैव सप त ।
• अनुपानं तपय त ीणय त ,ऊजय त बृंहय त पया तम भ नवतय त भु मवसादय त
, , , , ,

अ सङ् घातं भन ,मादवमा्पादय त लेदय त जरय त सुखप रणा मतामाशु वा यतां च

अनुपानबलाद े तथा सप त भेषजम् ||
आहार योपजनयती त ॥
, , ,
शा म ६/५
. .

च सू २७/३२५
. . Acharya Sarngadhara says that as the drop of oil put on
stable water spreads quickly,in the similar way anupana
Anupana if consumed judiciously provides trpti, does helps for quick absorption and assimilation of medicine.
prinana, produces urja, gives bala, helps in proper
movement of food, breaks down food into smaller
particles and brings mrduta and klinnata which makes
it easier to digest. After digestion of food it helps in good
circulation of ahara rasa all over the body.

53 54
य ोगेन रसाद नां वभ ा परमाणव ।
: :

तम े षु सप त सहपानं त यते॥ R.T.6/99

• Drink taken along with medicine.

• The dravya yoga which added along with medicine while
consumption and one in which the medicine disintegrates and
spreads all through the body is called Sahapana.
त ोग नभैष यं भेषज यानुपीयते ।
य साहा यका र यदनुपानं त यते ॥ R.T.6/200
After consumption of medicine alone or the medicine added with sahapana, the ‘dravya
yoga’ administered to therapeutically assist the medicine or hasten the process of
absorption and assimilation of medicine is known as anupana.
Commonly used Anupanas
Suitable anupanas for different diseases
- based on ahara
न धो णं मा ते श तं प े मधुरशीतलम् ।
कफे ऽनुपानं ॊ णं ये मांसरस: परम् ॥ (C.Su.27) Aharadravya Anupana
฀ Pishtanna, food which are hard to Hot Water
न धो णं मा ते प यं कफे ो ण म यते । digest
अनुपानं हत चा प प े मधुरशीतलम् ॥ (S.Su) ฀ Food prepared with curd, yava, wheat Cold Water
& food which produce burning
Vataja rogas- snigdha & ushna sensation
Pittaja rogas- Madhura & shita ฀ Food made of shali, shashtika, green Milk
Kaphaja rogas- Ruksha & ushna
฀ Vegetable preparations Buttermilk, mastu
Kshaya rogas- Mamsa rasa.


-Based on different condition -Based on season

Conditions Anupana ฀ Hemantha - Hot water, Milk, Mamsarasa
฀ Emaciated ฀ Sura ฀ Vasantha - Water boiled with Shunti / Kadhira /
฀ Obese ฀ Honey water Chandana, Honey water
฀ Bleeding disorders ฀ Milk / sugarcane juice ฀ Greeshma - Cold water, water stored in earthen vessels
฀ Fatigue due to excess speech, ฀ Milk Coconut water, water boiled with ushira
฀ Varsha - Buffalo milk, Boiled water
฀ Shosha ฀ Mamsarasa ฀ Sarat - Cold water

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Effect of Anupana in different timing of meal Anupana & diseases

ौय - Water boiled with Asana

Before food - cause emaciation-karshyakara मेह - Water with Ekanayaka / Amalaki
In between food - maintain the physique कु - Water with Kadhira
Agnimandhya- ushna jala
After food - increase body weight -brihmana
Mootrakrichra- trina panchamoola.
Jwara - shunti Kashaya.
Chardi - lajamandam

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सवीयता अव ध मास यात् तथा चूण हीनवीय वमा ुयात् ॥

13. हीन वं गु टकालेहौ लभते व सरा परम् ।
हीना युर्घृततैला ा तुमासा धका था ॥
पुराणा युगुणैयु ा आसवा धातवो रसा ।

शा १/५१ ५३
: :
In general all the ausadha dravya/ausadha kalpana are . . -

going to loose their potency after one year time period.

฀ गुणहीनं भवेद ् वषा व त पमौषधम् । Ausadha kalpana Saviryata avadhi

शा १/५१. .
Ausadha dravya or kalpana
Laghupaki ausadha
1 year
1 year
Another generalized statement by the same author is that Curna 2 months
the laghupaki ausadha will also loose their potency after
one year. Gutika and avaleha 1 year

฀ औष यो लघुपाका यु नव या व सरा परम्।

1 year+4months=16 months
शा १/५३
. . Dhatu and rasa ausadha infinite


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