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Name: Pratyusha Mitra Std.

: 7 Date: 10/7/2020
Subject: HUMANITIES Classroom Organisation: Individual/Group/Pair
Topic: France in Revolt: GROUPING THE CAUSES

Q1: Pierre the peasant is thinking of some of the different causes of the French
Revolution. Group the causes into these four groups & label them:
A) Louis XVI is a weak king. B) The Third Estate wanted more power C) Ideas gained from
other countries. D) Other.
Louis is a weak king. He should Our King should not have married that
be a strong leader, not foreign woman. She spends money like
spending all his time hunting water

The taxes we pay to the priests

The poor pay taxes while the
have long been disgraceful.
rich and priests pay nothing.
That needs changing.
It’s not fair!
The ordinary people should have The British kings are not
a say in how the country is run, all-powerful and they
not only the King and Nobles. seem to be well off.

The King’s advisors are The harvests of 1787 and 1788

hopeless. They run the country have been dreadful. There is
20 years ago America
no badly and ruin managed
France. to change the way their country was run.
food forIt’s
thea much live
fairer place to live now.

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A) Louis is a weak king. He should be a strong leader, not spending all his time
Our King should not have married that foreign woman. She spends money like
B) The poor pay taxes while the rich and priests pay nothing. It’s not fair!
The ordinary people should have a say in how the country is run,
not only the King and Nobles.
C) The British kings are not all-powerful, and they seem to be well off.
20 years ago America managed to change the way their country was run.
It’s a much live fairer place to live now.
D) The taxes we pay to the priests have long been disgraceful. That needs changing.
The King’s advisors are hopeless. They run the country badly and ruin
The harvest of 1787 and 1788 have been dreadful. There is no food for the
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