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Policy Action Matrix Themes 1. Governance & Institutional Reforms a.

Civil Service Reform Short Term (1 Year or less) Medium Term (3 to 5 Years) Long Term (More than 5 Years) Instititutional Involvement

A high-level committee should be formed to review the findings and recommendations of the report developed by the National Commission for Governance Reform, and prepare a blueprint for implementation. Reforms should focus on restructuring the government at the federal and provincial levels, reorganizing civil services, revamping human resource management policies and practices and monetization of perks. A proposal to streamline the national accountability mechanism should be developed.

Implementation of the findings of the committee.

Institutional arrangements should be set up to ensure civil service reform

Cabinet Division, Establishment Division, S&GND.

b. Strengthen National Accountability Mechanism

c. Restructuring of Public Sector Enterprises

Transparent privatization of loss sustaining public corporations, firms, companies and services should be undertaken. A report should be developed on the privatization of Public Sector Enterprises. The detailed proposals

The institutional capacity of the Public Accounts Committee and the offices of the Ombudsman and Auditor General need to be strengthened through more staff and other resources. Privatization of Public Sector Enterprises.

Federal and Provincial Ombudsman, Auditor General, Public Accounts Committee.

Cabinet Division, Civil Service Reform Unit

developed by the NCGR for the privatization of PSEs should be reviewed and implemented. Transition Chief Executive Officers and powerful Boards of Directors comprising all the stakeholders should be appointed in all the entities before entering the process of restructuring and later privatization. d. Develop a proposal to Rationalization reduce the number of of Subsidies untargeted subsidies. e. Resource Broaden the tax Mobilization base by reducing unjustifiable tax exemptions and preferences given to sectors or individuals and institute in its place a broader policy that taxes earnings and wealth, not activities. Pakistan must improve documentation of the economy in order to better estimate taxable income and increase government revenue. f. Strengthen legal institutions A budget framework targeted at improving the judicial capacity and increasing judicial resources. Case Flow Management Reforms should be extended to all the districts in Pakistan.

Eliminate untargeted subsidies. Integrated Tax Management System

Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission. Federal Bureau of Revenue.

Performance-based Implement bonus schemes National Judicial should be Policy 2009. introduced to increase the case disposal rate. Property rights should be strengthened through the

Law and Justice Commission.

introduction of land record digitalization in the provinces to ensure the provision of accurate, reliable, and accessible information and improve the efficient functioning of land markets. 2. Reforms for Markets b. Deregulation of Agricultural Markets c. 3. Reforms for Urban Management

5. Reforms for Connectivity

6. Youth & Community Engagement

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