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Azure Virtual Machine

Azure Active Directory

SQL Database

Azure Virtual Network

Storage Access
Azure Logic Apps
Microsoft Azure Serv


Microsoft Azure offers the addition of virtual machines in its Compute

category, thus creating Windows or Linux systems within a few seconds on a
physical computer

Creating and managing User,Groups roles.

User Requires database creation within a specific server.

Create Virtual Networks,

Connects VMs to incoming virtual private network (VPN) connections.

Blob : Storage service for very large objects, such as video files or bitmaps.
File : File shares that can be accessed and managed like a file server.
Table : Table storage is a service that stores
Integrate Azure Alerts and ServiceNow with the help of Azure Logic App.
When we integrate ServiceNow with Azure Alert, it will automatically generate
a ServiceNow Incident whenever an alert is fired(due to failed system
conditions) in Azure
rosoft Azure Services

Enpoint Details

Endpoint :{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups
URI Parameters : resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, vmName, api-version
Request Body : location, extendedLocation, identity
There are couple of more request body parameters that we need to send along with the reques

Endpoint :{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourc
Request headers
Content-Type : application/json.
Authorization : Bearer Access Token
URI parameters
subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serverName, databaseName, api-version

Endpoint :{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourc
URI parameters
resourceGroupName, subscriptionId, virtualNetworkName, api-version

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