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Email #2 From: Peta, Project Manager To: Carter, Executive Chef Subject: Program Expansion Concerns Good afternoon, Carter. It was a pleasure to meet with you yesterday and receive your input with regard to an expanded rollout. Your insight and contributions have been invaluable to the project thus far. As stated in our last meeting, | am still concerned about expanding the rollout past the bar sections of our restaurants, Omar has requested that we expand the rollout to include all dining sections in the Downtown & North locations, but I'm afraid this would be out of scope from our original intention. In my experience handling projects like this, an incremental approach affords a more limited risk and allows staff to problem solve with more limited consequences. Additionally, current staffing is not robust enough to handle a significant uptick in orders without hiring additional personnel immediately. At the end of the day, customer satisfaction drives our revenue. I believe you and | share a similar concern that an expansive rollout will have consequences that will negatively impact our customer satisfaction. Would you feel comfortable sharing a list of your biggest rollout expansion concerns with me, so that | may meet with Omar & Deanna to discuss them further? Moving forward, I'd like to be able to come to a consensus with our team and ensure buy-in from both Omar and Deanna that a gradual approach will yield the best results for long-term revenue growth. | am hoping that by showing a united front, we would be more convincing to Omar & Deanna to share this mindset. Warm Regards, Peta Project Manager

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