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Multiple Choice Questions ean aestions are provided after the last 3. According to yor Give 19 * Your text, how many points should a rating scale have? b. Four Ten d. Somewhere from 4 to 11 points v/2. What is the prob lem Vou ae (s) with this set of response the question “What 1-5 5-10 10-20 # 20-30 30-40 a. The categories are not mutual b. The categories are not exhaustwe e ¢. Both a and b are problems d. There is no problem with the above set of'response categories u should mix methods in a way that’provides complementary strengths and Nonoverlapping weaknesses. This is known as the fundamental principle of mixed research, a. True > b. False co (@) According to the text, Ry can address events and characteristics taking ‘place when? a. In the past (rtrospectiventors) b. In the present (current ti stions) c, In the future (prospective questions) ~ d. All of the above (5) which of the followit pt principles of questionnaire construction? ‘a. Consider using m methods when measuring abstract constructs b. Use multiple Itergs) measure abstract constructs ' ¢. avoid double-bai questions d. All of the above = * e. Only b and (© which of these is not a method of data collection. 2. Questionnaires b. Interviews ¢. Experiments Ss. : S Soe rosistna data may include which of the following? VS. Official documents b. Personal documents ¢. Archived research data 6. All of the above Scanned with CamScanner

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