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Computer Architecture


Dr. S.K. Manju bargavi

Text & Reference Books
1 “Computer Systems Architecture”, M.Moris Mano, Pearson/PHI, 3rd Edition, 2007. ISBN: ISBN-13 : 978-8131700709.
(Module 1,2 & 3)

2 “Advanced Computer Architecture a Systems Design Approach”, Richard Y. Kain, PHI, 2nd edition 2011. ISBN: 978-
8131702086 (Module 4 &5)

3 “Computer Architecture a quantitative approach”, John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Elsevier, 4th Edition,
2017. ISBN: 978-0128119051

4 “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”, Kai Hwang and Faye Briggs, Mc GrawHill International Edition,
2000. ISBN: 9781259029141.

5 “Computer Organization” , Carl Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic, SafeaZaky, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-
6 “Structured Computer Organization”, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson /PHI , 4th Edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-0132916523

7 “Computer Organization and Embedded Systems”, Safwat Zaky and Naraig Manjikian, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition,
2012. ISBN : 978-0073380650

8 “Computer Organization and Architecture”, Sarangi, White Falcon Publishing; 1st edition, 2021, ISBN : 978-

• A computer can be defined as a fast electronic calculating machine

that accepts the (data) digitized input information process it as per
the list of internally stored instructions and produces the resulting
information. List of instructions are called programs & internal
storage is called computer memory.
Types of computer:
• Personal computers: - This is the most common type found in homes, schools, Business offices
etc., It is the most common type of desk top computers with processing and storage units along
with various input and output devices.
• Note book computers: - These are compact and portable versions of PC.
• Work stations: - These have high resolution input/output (I/O) graphics capability, but with same
dimensions as that of desktop computer. These are used in engineering applications of interactive
design work.
• Enterprise systems: - These are used for business data processing in medium to large
corporations that require much more computing power and storage capacity than work stations.
Internet associated with servers have become a dominant worldwide source of all types of
• Super computers: - These are used for large scale numerical calculations required in the
applications like weather forecasting etc.,
Functional unit
• A computer consists of five functionally independent main parts
input, memory, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), output and control unit.

Fig. Functional units of computer

• Input device accepts the coded information as source program i.e. high level

• This is either stored in the memory or immediately used by the processor to

perform the desired operations.

• The program stored in the memory determines the processing steps. Basically
the computer converts one source program to an object program. i.e. into
machine language.

• Finally the results are sent to the outside world through output device.

• All of these actions are coordinated by the control unit.

Input Unit
• The source program/high level language program/coded
information/simply data is fed to a computer through input devices
keyboard is a most common type.

• Whenever a key is pressed, one corresponding word or number is

translated into its equivalent binary code over a cable & fed either to
memory or processor.
Joysticks, trackballs, mouse, scanners etc are other input devices.
Memory unit
• Its function into store programs and data. It is basically to two types
1. Primary memory
2. Secondary memory
Primary memory:
• It is the one exclusively associated with the processor and operates at
the electronics speeds programs must be stored in this memory while
they are being executed.
• The memory contains a large number of semiconductors storage cells.
Each capable of storing one bit of information. These are processed in
a group of fixed site called word.
• To provide easy access to a word in memory, a distinct address is associated
with each word location.

• Addresses are numbers that identify memory location. Number of bits in each
word is called word length of the computer. Programs must reside in the
memory during execution.

• Instructions and data can be written into the memory or read out under the
control of processor.

• Memory in which any location can be reached in a short and fixed amount of
time after specifying its address is called random-access memory (RAM).

• The time required to access one word in called memory access time. Memory
which is only readable by the user and contents of which can’t be altered is
called read only memory (ROM) it contains operating system.
Secondary memory
• It is used where large amounts of data & programs must be stored,
particularly information that is accessed infrequently.
• Examples:
Magnetic disks & tapes, optical disks (ie CD-ROM’s), floppies etc.,
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
• Most of the computer operators are executed in ALU of the processor like
addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. the operands are
brought into the ALU from memory and stored in high-speed storage
elements called register.

• Then according to the instructions, the operation is performed in the

required sequence. The control and the ALU are may times faster than
other devices connected to a computer system.

• This enables a single processor to control a number of external devices

such as keyboards, displays, magnetic and optical disks, sensors and
other mechanical controllers.
Output unit
• These actually are the counterparts of input unit. Its basic function is to
send the processed results to the outside world.

• Examples:- Printer, speakers, monitor etc.

Control unit
• It effectively is the nerve center that sends signals to other units and
senses their states.

• The actual timing signals that govern the transfer of data between
input unit, processor, memory and output unit are generated by the
control unit.
Hardware – Software Interface
Application software
+, C=5, -

Systems software

User Hardware

Operating system
Programs user
writes and runs

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
✓A set of assembly language instructions (ISA) provides a
link between software and hardware.Ex. C=a+b
✓Given an instruction set, software programmers and
hardware engineers work more or less independently.
✓ISA is designed to extract the most performance out of
the available hardware technology.
✓Defines data transfer modes between registers, memory
and I/O
✓Types of ISA: RISC, CISC, VLIW, Superscalar
• IBM370/X86/Pentium/K6 (CISC), PowerPC (Superscalar)
• Alpha (Superscalar), MIPS (RISC and Superscalar)
• Sparc (RISC), UltraSparc (Superscalar)
Historical Background
IBM System/360, 1964
- The real beginning of modern computer architecture
- Distinction between Architecture and Implementation
- Architecture: The abstract structure of a computer
seen by an assembly-language programmer

Compiler  -program
High-Level Instruction
Language Hardware
Architecture Implementation

Continuing growth in semiconductor memory and microprogramming

-> A much richer and complicated instruction sets
=> CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer)
- Arguments advanced at that time
Richer instruction sets would simplify compilers
Richer instruction sets would alleviate the software crisis
- move as much functions to the hardware as possible
- close Semantic Gap between machine language
and the high-level language
Richer instruction sets would improve the architecture quality
What is CISC?
• CISC is an acronym for Complex Instruction Set Computer and are chips that are easy to program
and which make efficient use of memory. Since the earliest machines were programmed in
assembly language and memory was slow and expensive, the CISC philosophy made sense

• Most common microprocessor designs such as the Intel 80x86 and Motorola 68K series followed
the CISC philosophy.

• But recent changes in software and hardware technology have forced a re-examination of CISC
and many modern CISC processors are hybrids, implementing many RISC principles.

• CISC was developed to make compiler development simpler. It shifts most of the burden of
generating machine instructions to the processor. For example, instead of having to make a
compiler write long machine instructions to calculate a square-root, a CISC processor would have
a built-in ability to do this.

High Performance General Purpose Instructions

Characteristics of CISC:
1. A large number of instructions (from 100-250 usually)
2. Some instructions that performs a certain tasks are not used frequently.
3. Many addressing modes are used (5 to 20)
4. Variable length instruction format.
5. Instructions that manipulate operands in memory.
1. C=a+b
2. Ex: ADD A B

RISC Characteristics
- Relatively few instructions
- Relatively few addressing modes
- Memory access limited to load and store instructions
- All operations done within the registers of the CPU
- Fixed-length, easily decoded instruction format
- Single-cycle instruction format
- Hardwired rather than microprogrammed control

More RISC Characteristics

-A relatively large numbers of registers in the processor unit.
-Efficient instruction pipeline
-Compiler support: provides efficient translation of high-level language
programs into machine language programs.
Advantages of RISC
- VLSI Realization
- Computing Speed
- Design Costs and Reliability
- High Level Language Support

The main characteristics of CISC microprocessors are:

• Extensive instructions.
• Complex and efficient machine instructions.
• Micro encoding of the machine instructions.
• Extensive addressing capabilities for memory operations.
• Relatively few registers.
In comparison, RISC processors are more or less the opposite of the above:
• Reduced instruction set.
• Less complex, simple instructions.
• Hardwired control unit and machine instructions.
• Few addressing schemes for memory operands with only two basic instructions, LOAD and
Many symmetric registers which are organised into a register file. 22
CISC versus RISC

Emphasis on hardware Emphasis on software

Includes multi-clock Single-clock,
complex instructions reduced instruction only
Memory-to-memory: Register to register:
"LOAD" and "STORE" "LOAD" and "STORE"
incorporated in instructions are independent instructions
Small code sizes, Low cycles per second,
high cycles per second large code sizes
Transistors used for storing Spends more transistors
complex instructions on memory registers

✓ The most important measure of a computer is

how quickly it can execute programs.
✓ Three factors affect performance:
❑ Hardware design
❑ Instruction set
❑ Compiler

✓Processor time to execute a program depends on the
hardware involved in the execution of individual machine

Main Cache
memory Processor


The processor cache.

⚫ The processor and a relatively small cache
memory can be fabricated on a single
integrated circuit chip.
⚫ Speed
⚫ Cost
⚫ Memory management

Processor Clock
✓ Clock, clock cycle, and clock rate
✓ The execution of each instruction is divided
into several steps, each of which completes
in one clock cycle.
✓ Hertz – cycles per second

Basic Performance Equation
⚫ T – processor time required to execute a program that has been
prepared in high-level language
⚫ N – number of actual machine language instructions needed to
complete the execution (note: loop)
⚫ S – average number of basic steps needed to execute one
machine instruction. Each step completes in one clock cycle
⚫ R – clock rate
⚫ Note: these are not independent to each other

N S

Clock Rate
⚫ Increase clock rate
➢ Improve the integrated-circuit (IC) technology to make
the circuits faster
➢ Reduce the amount of processing done in one basic step
(however, this may increase the number of basic steps
⚫ Increases in R that are entirely caused by
improvements in IC technology affect all
aspects of the processor’s operation equally
except the time to access the main memory.

⚫ A compiler translates a high-level language program
into a sequence of machine instructions.
⚫ To reduce N, we need a suitable machine instruction
set and a compiler that makes good use of it.
⚫ Goal – reduce N×S
⚫ A compiler may not be designed for a specific
processor; however, a high-quality compiler is
usually designed for, and with, a specific processor.

Performance Measurement
⚫ T is difficult to compute.
⚫ Measure computer performance using benchmark programs.
⚫ System Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) selects and publishes
representative application programs for different application domains, together
with test results for many commercially available computers.

⚫ Compile and run (no simulation)

Reference computer

S PEC rating = Running time on the reference computer

Running time on the computer under test
n 1
SPEC ratin g = (  SPEC i ) n


Amdahl's Law
Amdahl's law states that performance improvement to be gained by using
a faster mode of execution is limited by the fraction of time the faster
mode can be used. Using this law, the performance gain that can be
obtained by improving some portion of the computer can be calculated
using the following formula.

Performance of entire task using the enhancement when possible

Speedup = ---------------------------------------------------------
Performance for the entire task without using the enhancement
Pipeline and Superscalar Operation
⚫ Instructions are not necessarily executed one after another.
The value of S doesn’t have to be the number of clock cycles to
execute one instruction.
• Pipelining – overlapping the execution of successive instructions.
Add R1, R2, R3[r1=r2+r3]
• Superscalar operation – multiple instruction pipelines are
implemented in the processor.
Goal – reduce S (could become <1!)
1. Import package
2. Read the values from user
3. Calculation
4. Display the result
5. Close main
• Bus is a group of lines that serves as a connection path for several
individual parts of a computer to transfer the data between them. To
achieve a reasonable speed of the operation, a computer must be
organized so that, All its units can handle one full word of data at a
given time.

Single Bus Structure

Multiple Bus structure System using multiple buses results in

concurrency as it allows two or more transfer at the same time. This
leads to high performance but at increased cost.
• A computer must have instruction capable of performing four types
of basic operations such as Data transfer between the memory and
the processor registers.
• Arithmetic and logic operation on data Program sequencing and
control I/O transfers To understand the first two types of instruction,
we need to know some notations.
• Register Transfer Notation
• Assembly Language Notation
Register Transfer Notation (RTN)
• Data transfer can be represented by standard notations given below.
• Processor registers are represented by notations R0, R1, R2.
• Address of the memory locations are represented by names such as LOC, PLACE,
MEM etc..
• I/O registers are represented by names such as DATAIN, DATAOUT.
• The content of memory locations are denoted by placing square bracket around the
name of the register.
• Example 1: R1 ← [LOC]
• This expression states that the contents of memory location LOC are transferred into the
processor register R1.
• Example 2: R3 ← [R1] + [R2]
• This expression states that the contents of processor registers R1 and R2 are added and the
result is stored into the processor register R3. This type of notation is known as Register
Transfer Notation (RTN).
Assembly Language Notation
• To represent machine instructions, assembly language uses
statements as shown below To transfer the data from memory
location LOC to processor register R1


• To add two numbers in register R1 and R2 and to place their sum in register

• ADD R1, R2, R3 (: R3 ← [R1] + [R2])

General Purpose Registers
• Instructions register (IR)
• Program counter (PC)
• Memory address registers (MAR)
• Memory data register (MDR)
• Instruction registers (IR): IR holds the instruction that is currently being
executed by the processor. Its output is available to the control circuits,
which generates the timing signals that controls various processing
elements involved in executing the instruction.
• Program counter (PC): It is a special purpose register that contains the
address of the next instruction to be fetched and executed. During the
execution of one instruction PC is updated to point the address of the next
instruction to be fetched and executed. It keeps track of the execution of a
• Memory address registers (MAR): The MAR holds the address of the
memory location to be accessed.
• Memory data register (MDR): The MDR contains the data to be written
into or read from the memory location that is being pointed by MAR. These
two registers MAR and MDR facilitates communication between memory
and the processor.
Buffer registers
• Buffer register is an electronic register that is included with the devices
to hold the information during transfer. When the processor sends a set
of characters to a printer, those contents is transferred to the printer
buffer (buffer register for a printer). Once printer buffer is loaded
processor and the bus is no longer needed and the processor can be
released for other activity.
• Purpose of Buffer Register:
✓ Buffer register prevent a high speed processor from being
locked to a slow I/O devices.
✓ Buffer register is used which smooth out timing differences
among slow and the fast devices.
✓ It allows the processor to switch rapidly from one device to
• Interface between the high level language and the machine
language It has the following parts:
• Instruction set
•Addressing modes
• Instruction formats
• Instruction representation
Logical instructions
• AND, OR, XOR, Shift
Arithmetic instructions
Data types
Integers: Unsigned, Signed, Byte, Short, Long
Real numbers: Single precision (float), Double precision (double)
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Data transfer instructions
Register transfer: Move
Memory transfer: Load, Store
I/O transfer: In, Out
Control transfer instructions
• Unconditional branch
• Conditional branch
• Procedure call
• Return
Instruction Fields
OP-code field - specifies the operation to be performed
Address field - designates memory address(s) or a processor register(s)
Mode field - specifies the way the operand or the
effective address is determined
The number of address fields in the instruction format
depends on the internal organization of CPU

- The three most common CPU organizations:

Single accumulator organization:
ADD X /* AC  AC + M[X] */
General register organization:
ADD R1, R2, R3 /* R1  R2 + R3 */
ADD R1, R2 /* R1  R1 + R2 */
MOV R1, R2 /* R1  R2 */
ADD R1, X /* R1  R1 + M[X] */
Stack organization:
PUSH X /* TOS  M[X] */
Three-Address Instructions:

Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :
ADD R1, A, B /* R1  M[A] + M[B] */
ADD R2, C, D /* R2  M[C] + M[D] */
MUL X, R1, R2 /* M[X]  R1 * R2 */

- Results in short programs

- Instruction becomes long (many bits)

Two-Address Instructions:
Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :

MOV R1, A /* R1  M[A] */

ADD R1, B /* R1  R1 + M[B] */
MOV R2, C /* R2  M[C] */
ADD R2, D /* R2  R2 + M[D] */
MUL R1, R2 /* R1  R1 * R2 */
MOV X, R1 /* M[X]  R1 */
One-Address Instructions:
- Use an implied AC register for all data manipulation
- Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :
LOAD A /* AC  M[A] */
ADD B /* AC  AC + M[B] */
STORE T /* M[T]  AC */
LOAD C /* AC  M[C] */
ADD D /* AC  AC + M[D] */
MUL T /* AC  AC * M[T] */
STORE X /* M[X]  AC */
Zero-Address Instructions:
- Can be found in a stack-organized computer
- Program to evaluate X = (A + B) * (C + D) :
PUSH A /* TOS  A */
PUSH B /* TOS  B */
ADD /* TOS  (A + B) */
PUSH C /* TOS  C */
PUSH D /* TOS  D */
ADD /* TOS  (C + D) */
MUL /* TOS  (C + D) * (A + B) */
POP X /* M[X]  TOS */
• Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processors:
2operand instructions and 1operand instructions
Any instruction can use memory operands, Many addressing modes,
Complex instruction formats: Varying length instructions , Micro programmed
control unit.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processors:
3operand instructions, 2operand instructions, and 1operand
instructions. Architecture processors:
• Only memory transfer instructions (Load and Store) can use memory
• All other instructions can use register operands only.
– A few addressing modes.
– Simple instruction formats: Fixed length instructions.
– Hardwired control unit.
• An Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is a combinational circuit that
performs logic and arithmetic micro-operations on a pair of n-bit
operands (ex. A[3:0] and B[3:0]). The operations performed by an ALU
are controlled by a set of function select inputs.
• Design a 4-bit ALU with 3 function-select inputs: Mode M, Select S1
and S0 inputs. The mode input M selects between a Logic (M=0) and
Arithmetic (M=1) operation. The functions performed by the ALU are
specified in Table I.
Block diagram of 4-bit ALU
Functions of ALU
• Programs are normally written in a high-level language, which enables
the programmer to use constants, local and global variables, pointers,
and arrays. When translating a high-level language program into
assembly language, the compiler must be able to implement these
constructs using the facilities provided in the instruction set of the
computer in which the program will be run. The different ways in
which the location of an operand is specified in an instruction are
referred to as addressing modes.
Addressing modes
• Specification of operands in instructions.
• Different addressing modes:
• Register direct: Value of operand in a register
• Register indirect: Address of operand in a register
• Immediate: Value of operand
• Memory direct: Address of operand
• Indexed: Base register, Index register
• Relative: Base register, Displacement
• Indexed relative: Base register, Index register,
• Register mode The operand is the contents of a processor register; the name
(address) of the register is given in the instruction. It is used to access the
variables in the program.
• Absolute mode The operand is in a memory location; the address of this
location is given explicitly in the instruction. It is also called as Direct mode.
It also used to access the variables in the program.
• Example:
• Move LOC, R2

• Uses the register and absolute modes. The processor registers are used as temporary
storage locations where the data in a register are accessed using the Register mode. The
Absolute mode can represent global variables in a program. A declaration such as
Integer A, B
• Immediate mode Address and data constants can be represented in
assembly language using the Immediate mode. The operand is given
explicitly in the instruction.
• Example
• Move #200, R0

INDIRECTION AND POINTERS In the addressing modes that follow, the

instruction does not give the operand or its address explicitly. Instead, it
provides information from which the memory address of the operand can
be determined. We refer to this address as the effective address (EA) of
the operand.

Indirect mode: The effective address of the operand is the contents of a

register or memory location whose address appears in the instruction.
We denote indirection by placing the name of the register or the memory
address given in the instruction in parentheses.
Indirect Addressing
• It is useful in dealing with lists and arrays.
Index mode
The effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant
value to the contents of a register. The register used may be either a
special register provided for this purpose, or, more commonly; it may be
any one of a set of general-purpose registers in the processor.
In either case, it is referred to as an index register. We indicate the Index
mode symbolically as X (Ri) where X denotes the constant value
contained in the instruction and Ri is the name of the register involved.
The effective address of the operand is given by
EA = X + [Ri ].
Relative Addressing mode
Address Memory
200 Load to AC Mode
PC = 200 201 Address = 500
202 Next instruction
R1 = 400

399 450
XR = 100
400 700

500 800

600 900
Addressing Effective Content
Mode Address of AC
Direct address 500 /* AC  (500) */ 800 702 325
Immediate operand - /* AC  500 */ 500
Indirect address 800 /* AC  ((500)) */ 300
Relative address 702 /* AC  (PC+500) */ 325 800 300
Indexed address 600 /* AC  (XR+500) */ 900
Register - /* AC  R1 */ 400
Register indirect 400 /* AC  (R1) */ 700
Autoincrement 400 /* AC  (R1)+ */ 700
Autodecrement 399 /* AC  -(R) */ 450

Typical Data Transfer Instructions
Name Mnemonic
Load LD
Store ST
Move MOV
Exchange XCH
Input IN
Output OUT
Data Transfer Instructions with Different Addressing Modes
Mode Convention Register Transfer
Direct address LD ADR AC  M[ADR]
Indirect address LD @ADR AC  M[M[ADR]]
Relative address LD $ADR AC  M[PC + ADR]
Immediate operand LD #NBR AC  NBR
Index addressing LD ADR(X) AC  M[ADR + XR]
Register LD R1 AC  R1
Register indirect LD (R1) AC  M[R1]
Autoincrement LD (R1)+ AC  M[R1], R1  R1 + 1
Autodecrement LD -(R1) R1  R1 - 1, AC  M[R1]

Three Basic Types: Arithmetic instructions
Logical and bit manipulation instructions
Shift instructions
Arithmetic Instructions
Name Mnemonic
Increment INC
Decrement DEC
Subtract SUB
Multiply MUL
Divide DIV
Add with Carry ADDC
Subtract with Borrow SUBB
Negate(2’s Complement) NEG

Logical and Bit Manipulation Instructions Shift Instructions

Name Mnemonic Name Mnemonic
Clear CLR Logical shift right SHR
Complement COM Logical shift left SHL
AND AND Arithmetic shift right SHRA
OR OR Arithmetic shift left SHLA
Exclusive-OR XOR Rotate right ROR
Clear carry CLRC Rotate left ROL
Set carry SETC Rotate right thru carry RORC
Complement carry COMC Rotate left thru carry ROLC
Enable interrupt EI
Disable interrupt DI
Generic Addressing Modes

Clock Input

(7 lines)
3x8 A bus B bus



The control unit directs the information flow through ALU by:
- Selecting various Components in the system
- Selecting the Function of ALU

Example: R1 <- R2 + R3
[1] MUX A selector (SELA): BUS A  R2
[2] MUX B selector (SELB): BUS B  R3
[3] ALU operation selector (OPR): ALU to ADD
[4] Decoder destination selector (SELD): R1  Out Bus
3 3 3 5

Encoding of register selection fields

000 Input Input None
001 R1 R1 R1
010 R2 R2 R2
011 R3 R3 R3
100 R4 R4 R4
101 R5 R5 R5
110 R6 R6 R6
111 R7 R7 R7
Encoding of ALU operations OPR
Select Operation Symbol
00000 Transfer A TSFA
00001 Increment A INCA
00010 ADD A + B ADD
00101 Subtract A - B SUB
00110 Decrement A DECA
01000 AND A and B AND
01010 OR A and B OR
01100 XOR A and B XOR
01110 Complement A COMA
10000 Shift right A SHRA
11000 Shift left A SHLA

Examples of ALU Microoperations

Symbolic Designation
Microoperation SELA SELB SELD OPR Control Word
R1  R2 - R3 R2 R3 R1 SUB 010 011 001 00101
R4  R4  R5 R4 R5 R4 OR 100 101 100 01010
R6  R6 + 1 R6 - R6 INCA 110 000 110 00001
R7  R1 R1 - R7 TSFA 001 000 111 00000
Output  R2 R2 - None TSFA 010 000 000 00000
Output  Input Input - None TSFA 000 000 000 00000
R4  shl R4 R4 - R4 SHLA 100 000 100 11000
R5  0 R5 R5 R5 XOR 101 101 101 01100
- Very useful feature for nested subroutines, nested loops control
- Also efficient for arithmetic expression evaluation
- Storage which can be accessed in LIFO
- Pointer: SP
- Only PUSH and POP operations are applicable
stack Address
Register Stack Flags 63


Stack pointer 4
SP C 3
B 2
A 1
Push, Pop operations 0
/* Initially, SP = 0, EMPTY = 1, FULL = 0 */
SP  SP + 1 DR  M[SP]
M[SP]  DR SP  SP - 1
If (SP = 0) then (FULL  1) If (SP = 0) then (EMPTY  1)
EMPTY  0 FULL  0
Memory with Program, Data, PC (instructions)
and Stack Segments
AR (operands)

SP 3000
- A portion of memory is used as a stack with a 4001
processor register as a stack pointer DR

- PUSH: SP  SP - 1
M[SP]  DR
- POP: DR  M[SP]
SP  SP + 1

- Most computers do not provide hardware to check

stack overflow (full stack) or underflow(empty stack)

• For the following processor, obtain the performance.
• Clock rate = 800 MHz
• No. of instructions executed = 1000
• Average no of steps needed / machine instruction = 20

• 25 micro sec
• Registers R1 and R2 of a computer contains the decimal values 1200
and 4600. What is the effective- address of the memory operand in
each of the following instructions?
• (a) Load 20(R1),R5
• (b) Move#3000,R5
• (c) StoreR5,30(R1,R2)
• (d) Add-(R2),R5

• EA = [R1]+Offset=1200+20 = 1220
• (b) EA = 3000
• (c) EA = [R1]+[R2]+Offset = 1200+4600+30=5830
• (d) EA = [R2]-1 = 4599

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