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Nouns (

) )

Types ( ( Nouns ) 1 2 3 4 7 nouns 2 2 3 4 7 4

3 mass nouns 3 Common Nouns Proper Nouns Abstract Nouns

material nouns, concrete common nouns 7

4 Common Nouns

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

1. Common Nouns

Proper Nouns 2. Proper Abstract Nouns Collective Nouns Nouns 3. Abstract Nouns 4. Collective Nouns

5. Material Nouns 6. Concrete Nouns 7. Mass Nouns 1. Common Noun ( ) ( person,

animal, place, thing, idea ) elephant

proper nouns common nouns boy, sign, table, hill, water, sugar, atom,

city, hill, road, stadium, school, company revolution, journey, meeting fear, hate, love year, minute, millennium

Common Nouns (Countable)

( Uncountable )

Countable Nouns ( suitcase

dog, man, coin , note, dollar, table,

day, month, year, action, feeling ) Mass Nouns

Uncountable Nouns ( ,gold

furniture, luggage, rice, sugar , water

music, love, happiness, knowledge, advice , information Common countable indefinite( ) Singula a cow r plural cows the cows the cow milk the milk definite( ) Common uncountable indefinite( ) definite( )

Common Nouns

( Capital letter )

There are many children on the beach. Children love to swim.

2. Proper Nouns ( )

Common Noun

(Person Name) Somsak , Tom, Daeng ( Place Name) Australia, Bangkok, Sukhumvit

Road, Toyota Christmas


(Time name ) Saturday, January,

Proper Nouns Proper Nouns

( Capital letter ) )


the Jones ( ),

the United States, the Himalayas The White House, the Sahara (

the Pacific ( Ocean ), the Vatican, the Kremlin (


articles the ) proper nouns

common nouns Proper Nouns Lassie ( ) Jack ( Toyota ( )

Common Nouns dog boy car month road

January ( ) Sukhumvit ( )

university ship country

Chulalongkorn ( U.S.S. Enterprise ( Thailand ( )

, sight

5 (

3. Abstract Nouns touch-

, taste-

, hearing- , smell-

Abstract Nouns adjective) Abstract Nouns

( noun)

( verb) , ( Abstract Nouns

Abstract Nouns

decision - to decide thought - to think Imagination - to

beauty - beautiful poverty - poor vacancy - vacant

infancy - infant childhood - child friendship - friend

imagine speech - to speak growth - to grow happiness - happy wisdom - wise

4. Collective Nouns family ,

class, company, committee, cabinet, audience, board, group, jury, public, society, team, majority orchestra, party of birds, a herd of cattle ,a fleet of ships : The family are always fighting among themselves. ( ) ) a flock

: The average British family has 3.6 members. ( 3.6

: The committee has reached its decision. )

: The committee have been arguing all morning over what they should do.

Collective noun police, cattle


of Collective a group of students a pack of cards a bunch of flowers a kilo of pork

noun + of + common noun a flock of birds a flock of sheep a herd of cattle a fleet of ships

5. Concrete Nouns 5 ( touch-

, sight-

, taste-

, hearing- , smell

) book , chair, water, oil , ice cream abstract nouns.

6. Material Nouns

common nouns : iron, gold, air, copper

: stone, cotton, brick, paper, cloth

: water, coffee, wine, tea, milk : rice, bread, sugar, pork, fish, butter, fruit, salad

(quantity) two glasses of water a loaf of bread a slice of pizza a piece of paper a quart of milk

a bowl of rice two boxes of cereal five bottles of beer a cup of tea three bars of soap material nouns tea ( )

: I want some tea.

want a cup of tea. ) packet of tea. : I like their selection of teas. ( ) : I want some tea. I want a

I like their teas.

7. Mass nouns

(uncountable nouns

abstract nouns ) sugar, iron , butter, beer, money, blood, furniture, vehicle, courage, gratitude, mercy , accuracy

a , an , the some any


Blood is thicker than water.

( uncountable )

Depression often affects women immediately following the birth of their babies. abstract nouns ) He dropped some money on the floor. * mass nouns material nouns + concrete nouns nouns (

abstract nouns *

furniture, luggage, equipment, money table, chair



material nouns nouns

water concrete nouns honesty mass nouns abstract

Proper nouns

John, London chair, book, Concrete Countable nouns Collective nouns ,people student two flocks of birds


ice cream, oil, Common nouns furniture, money, Uncountable Nouns Material nouns oxygen, gold honesty, Abstract nouns friendship, honesty Mass Nouns honesty water, bread, Concrete nouns water



Articles ) Common Nouns Countable Nouns Uncountable Singular Plural Nouns Proper Nouns

Singular Plural Singular Plural the (definite ) the (the boy ) (indefinite ) the (the boys) the (the water ) article (John) (the Jones)

a/an (a tiger)

article article ( (water) tiger) -

Countable/Uncountable Nouns - 1. Countable Nouns (


) ...

) dog, chair , tree, school,


country, student, biscuit ( ) - day , month, year,

weekend, journey

: job, assignment

: dog, country, day, year :


dogs, countries, days, years determiners

I want an orange. ( Where is the bottle? (

I want orange.) Where is bottle?)

Do you want this book?



I like to feed the birds. ( Cats are interesting pets. (

articles ) article )

I want those books on the table. ( those determiners ) 2. Uncountable Nouns (


( abstract nouns )


Concrete: water, milk, butter, furniture, luggage, iron, equipment, clothing, garbage, junk Abstract : anger, courage, satisfaction, happiness, knowledge : English, German, Spain : hockey, football, tennis : sociology, medicine, anthropology : swimming, eating

: news, money, mail, work, homework, gossip, education, weather, difficulty, information, feminism, optimism, machinery, information, research, traffic, scenery, breakfast, accommodation, advice, permission


I have bread and butter for breakfast every morning. ( )

We cannot live without air and water. ( ) )

Information is often valuable.(

Sunlight and water are usually required for plants to grow. ( )


My favorite breakfast is cereal with fruit, milk, orange juice, and toast.

Uncountable nouns verb

Butter is fattening. (

two cups of water, three pieces of information, five patches of sunlight three games of hockey, two lumps of sugar I need two lumps of sugar for my coffee. 2 (

Two glasses of milk are enough. are glasses )



( this, that,,

these, those

the )

a, an the this/that these/those no articles Countable noun xx singular Countable noun xx xx xx xx xx -


plural Uncountable




I want an orange. ( Where is the bottle? ( Do you want this book? I want those books up there. I want orange.) Where is bottle?)


each, every,

much, some, any, many, both, less, most, several,

little, a more, all, a few/fewer/fewest, any, little, very lot of, no, none of a few, one of the, one a couple of, two, twenty

little, a the, large enough,


amount other, the of, Countable xx singular Countable plural xx (+s ) xx xx xx other, such

Uncountable Countable singular :

Out of every five men only two were fit.

I'd like one donut, please. Countable plural:

Can I have some biscuits? She has a lot of books.

I have fewer pencils than you. Uncountable: Can I have some water.


She has a lot of strength and much is due to her upbringing.

I have less courage than you. 3. Countable

Uncountable abuse ( ) adulthood ( )

faith ( ) nature ( )

fear ( fiction ( )

paper (

afternoon ( ) age ( anger ( appearance ( art ( ) ) ) ) )

passion ( people (

film ( fish (

) )

personality ( )

flavor ( ) food ( friendship ( ) )

philosophy ( ) power ( ) reading ( )

beauty (


beer ( belief ( breakfast ( )

) )

fruit (

religion ( revision ( )

glass ( ) government ( )

rock ( ) science (

cheese (

hair ( ) )

chicken ( ) childhood ( ) )

history ( ) school (

innocence ( )

shock ( ) society ( ) sorrow ( ) space ( ) )

college ( competition ( )

jail ( ) jealousy ( )

crime ( )

language (

culture ( death ( )

) law ( liberty (

) )

speech ( ) spirit ( ,


) divorce ( ) disease ( ) life ( ) stone ( ) strength ( )

love ( lunch (

drama (

teaching ( ) ) temptation ( ) theater (

duck ( ) education ( )

man ( ) marriage ( ) ) )

environment ( )

meat ( metal ( milk ( )

theory ( time ( )

evening ( ) exercise ( fact ( ) )

trouble (

) )

morning ( ) wine (

I like duck. ( uncountable noun ) I like ducks. ( ) ( countable noun )


Beer is a bitter drink. noun )

( uncountable

I think I ordered two beers. countable noun ) Life is full of surprise. uncountable noun ) A cat has nine lives.

( countable noun ) ( uncountable noun )

Paper is made from wood. She wrote three papers in one week.

( countable noun )

Religion has been a powerful force in history. ( uncountable noun )

Many religions are practiced in the United States. 3. alcohol ( clothing ( courage ( ) ) thunder ( ) ( countable noun ) countable (

uncountable nouns plural ) ) knowledge ( lighting ( ) )

freedom (

machinery (


) fun ( ) money ( ) ) music ( ) scenery ( )

furniture ( information ( )

intelligence ( , )

traffic (

/ (Singular/Plural)

Nouns 2 ( Singular

( countable nouns ) ( Plural ) ( uncountable nouns )

Singular )

- s




) Singular stamp ( apples combs computers ) face ( ) stamps faces Plural

1. Singular apple ( ) comb ( computer ( ) ) s


2. Singular

Plural glasses buses

s, ss, sh, ch, x, z Singular dish ( ) box ( quiz ( ) )


Plural dishes boxes

glass ( ) bus ( )

church ( ) churches 3. Singular Plural o

quizzes es

o Singular echo (

Plural echoes

tomato ( tomatoes


) potato ( ) potatoes hero ( ) heroes

) torpedo ( ) torpedoes

o Singular auto ( ) bamboo ( ) studio ( studios ) kangaroos Plural autos

s Plural casinos

Singular casino ( )


piano ( tobacco ( ) kilo ( ) s

) pianos


kangaroo ( )

kilos es Plural buffalos, ) buffaloes mottos,


o Singular


cargo ( ) cargos, cargoes buffalo ( mango ( mangos, motto (



zero ( y

) mottoes zeros, zeroes

mosquito ( mosquitos, ) 4. mosquitoes y i Plural armies

es Singular lady ( ) library ( ladies Plural

Singular army ( ) family (

families ) babies s Plural toys boys keys ) days f


baby ( ) y

Singular toy ( ) boy ( ) key ( ) day ( ) 5. es Singular

Singular monkey ( ) storey ( ) valley (


monkeys storeys valleys






calf ( thief (

wolf ( ) ) calves ) thieves knives halves s Plural beliefs Singular dwarf ( grief ( briefs )

wolves lives ) wives

life ( ) wife (

knife ( ) half ( ) Singular belief ( brief ( ) chef ( ) chief ( cliff ( )

Plural dwarfs )



gulf (


) chiefs ) cliffs 2 Plural

reef ( ) reefs ) safes

safe (





scarf ( ) staff ( ) 6. Singular goose ( louse ( , ) lice staffs, staves Plural ) geese wharf ( scarfs, scarves roof (

roofs, rooves wharfs

) ,wharves

Singular man ( )

Plural men women oxen children

woman ( ) ox ( )

mouse ( ) mice foot ( ) tooth ( 7. ) feet teeth

child ( )

Singular & Plural herring ( ) salmon (

Singular & Plural ) species ( ) ) corps ( )

Singular & Plural aircraft ( )

Singular & Plural deer (

carp ( ) )

bison (

fish (

mackerel (


series (


barracks (

sheep ( ) trout ( 8.

civics (

economics ( ethics ( )

works ( ) ) news (

) mumps ( ) teens ( 19 ) twenties ( ) ) thirties ( ) headquarters ( ) ) ) 20-29 13 -

mathematics ( )

ashes ( )

mechanics ( )

measles ( 30 - 39 tactics ( )

politics ( sciences ( )

means ( )

statistics (

whereabouts (

Mathematics is my favorite subject. Measles is still a fairly serious childhood disease in some countries. 9.


arms (

pajamas ( )

thanks ( )

assets (

scissors (

shorts ( )

auspices ( ) biceps ( ) )

drawers ( )

wages ( ) intestines ( ) goods ( ) eyeglasses ( ) trousers, pants ( ) sandals ( ) )

sheers (

clothes (

suds (

contents ( customs ( )

spectacles (

earnings ( binoculars (

jeans ( ) remains ( )

credentials ( )

My trousers are too long. The company's earrings have increased for the last five years. 10.


people( police (

) )

cattle ( majority (

youth ( swine (

poultry ( ) clergy ( )

minority ( )

offspring ( )

They are nice people. The police are looking for the Olympic Park bomber. 11. Singular advice ( air ( color ( ) ) ) Plural advices ( airs ( ) ) ) )

colors (

compass ( ) content ( )

compasses ( contents ( coppers ( customs (

) ) )

copper ( ) custom ( )


draught ( dump ( effect ( ) )

draughts ( dumps ( effects (

) ) )

force ( ) good ( ) ground ( ) iron ( ) )

forces ( ) goods ( ) grounds ( irons ( manners ( minutes ( physics ( quarters ( returns ( sands ( spirits ( waters ( works ( Plural ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

manner ( minute ( ) physic ( )

quarter ( ) return ( sand ( spirit ( , ) ) )

water ( ) work ( ) 12, Singular

) )


agendum ( ) alumnus ( appendix ( ,

agenda ) alumni appendixes ( appendices ( ) )

bacterium ( curriculum ( fungus ( focus ( genius ( index ( ) ) ) ) ) ) )

) bacteria curricula fungi foci, focuses genii indexes ( matrices indices ( media ( )maxima ) fungi

matrix ( maximum ( medium (

) )

mediums ( memorandum ( ) memoranda


ovum ( ) radius ( spectrum ( )

ova radii spectra )

axes ) analyses bases crises criteria diagnoses parentheses phenomena ) hypotheses syntheses ) ) synopses

axis ( ) analysis ( basis ( ) )

crisis (

criterion ( ) diagnosis ( parenthesis ( phenomenon ( ) ) )

hypothesis ( synthesis (

synopsis (


( Subject - Verb Agreement ) ( Subject )

(Verb )

government , committee furniture, money

police, people 1.


Jane lives in China. The Jones live in France.




Jean and David are moving back to Australia. 2 3. and

Bread and butter has been my breakfast for years. 4. and ( )

Honesty and truth is the best policy. 1

Rice and curry is my daughter's favorite food.

Rice and curry are what we have for lunch today.

article article

The manager and owner of this restaurant is my friend.

The manager and the owner of this restaurant are my friends. ( )


The black and white cat under the table is my cat. ( )

The black and the white cat under the table are my cats. 5. ) ) ) ( 2 ) )

accompanied by ( along with (

in company with ( including ( like ( not ( plus ( ) ) ) )

as well as ( besides ( ) but ( ) except ( ) excluding ( )

together with ( with ( )

in addition to ( ) John together with his colleagues has agreed to work late tonight to get the job finished. ( John )

Some people including my brother find cricket boring.


( 6,

some people)

7. anybody anyone anything anywhere each + each of +

John, with all his players, was on the field. ( with all his players

John ) everybody everyone everything everywhere either + either of + someone somebody something somewhere neither + neither of +

Mr. Clark like our other neighbors is very helpful.


every +



Is there anybody here who could speak Japanese? 1 Each of the lessons takes an hour. Somebody is in the room.

Neither of my sisters is married.

Either of us is to clean up the house after the party tonight. 8. or either....or Neither the Priminister nor his representatives are to attend the meeting. ) (

neither... nor not only......but also

Either the teachers or the principal is to blame for the accident.

Not only Jim but also his friends are coming to the party tonight.



Indefinite Pronouns

all, both, (a) few, many, several, some All were ready to leave the party by midnight. some of ...percent of 12

Few were in the audience to see the horrible play.

Many were invited to the lunch but only twelve showed up. 10. 1.

a lot of lots of plenty of all of

most of none of

I think a lot of English wine is too sweet. ( wine

A lot of people are in the room,


( people are

Nouns -singular/plural

Some of my jewelry is missing.

Some of my friends were at the airport to see me off

Ten per cent of the men have lung problems.

Ten per cent of the money is yours.


a number of a large number of a great number of

many a good many a great many

A number of students are playing football.

A large number of tourists get lost because of that



There are still a large number of problems to be solved. 11. a large number of a large amount of a large quantity of

much a great deal of a good deal of

Although a great deal of progress has been made in the development of spoken communication with computers, there are still a large number of problems to be solved. the number of

The number of students in the class is limited to twenty. 12.

who, which , that Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun

who, which , that

He is one of my friends who are millionaires. (


) who

my friends ) Infinitive Phrase ( to ) )

( are 13.

gerund ( ing )

To see is to believe.

To distill a quart moonshine takes two hours. 1 2

Winning the national championship is her most important achievement. 14.

Twenty thousand baths is too high for this camera.

Two hundred miles is a long way. 15.

Two-thirds of the boys are absent. Two-thirds of the wall has been painted. 16.

Gulliver's travels was written by Swift.


NOUNS-EXERCISE Exercise 1 Direction : Give the opposite gender of the following nouns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. nephew lady princess landlady tiger bride widower governess madam ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ( )

( ) ( )

10. gander 11 peacock 12. host 13. horse 14. sultan 15. hero


16. waiter 17. duck 18. bee 19. ram 20. fox

( ( (

) ) )

( ) ( )

Post Test-Nouns Direction : Choose the correct answer for each item. 1. That beautiful ring are more expensive. Which one is the noun? a. ring c. expensive b. more d. beautiful

2. Toms friend is coming from America. a. Tom c. friend b. coming d. American

3. Which sentence doesnt have the noun? a. He listens to her. c. There is no meat today. food? 4. Which one is the countable noun? a. work c. dirt b. love d. safe b. We love our parents d. Is he eating any


5. Which one is the uncountable noun? a. fly c. hair b. way d. life

6. Which one is the singular noun? a. oxen c. woman b. wives d. aircraft

7. Which one is the plural noun? a. fish c. cliff b. louse d. grass

8. Which one is the plural form of gulf? a. gulf c. gulfes b. gulfs d. gulves

9. Which one is the singular form of wolves? a. wolf d. wolves 10. Which one is the opposite gender of horse? a. mare c. drone b. bitch d. drake b. wolv c. wolfe

11. There is a ___________ on the dish. a. salt c. drone 12. She is a _____________ . b. fish d. butter


a. heir c. waiter

b. host d. maidservant

13. There is some _________ on the ground. a. oil d. rose 14. There are ___________ in the garden. a. ass c. goose 15. ____________ is dirty. a. Mud c. Mice b. Lice d. Knife b. grass d. flies b. ant c. egg

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