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Department of English and German language

Class: 1-2, 2-2
Student code: H.EL20D074

Reading assignment

Reading-1 “Secret of happy brain”

1. How does the author explain spirituality? 

A.     It is a way of making new friends. 
B.  It is a way or recognizing the need to protect and preserve the beauty of nature. 
C.  It is a way of recognizing and trying to understand the wonder and beauty of life. 
2. According to the reading, people are in a state of flow when _______________ . 
A. people include spirituality in their daily lives 
B. we feel the need to help others 
C. time seems to pass very quickly 
3. What would the author think is not a way of caring for the well-being of others? 
A. volunteering at a home for old people 
B. giving advice to a friend who has marriage problems 
C. practicing yoga or meditation 
4. What is part of thinking positively? 
A. feeling bad about decisions we have made 
B. wishing that we could change the past 
C. appreciating what we have 
5. What is not given as a way people can include spirituality in their daily lives? 
A. going to a place of worship 
B. taking long walks in nature 
C. getting regular exercise 
6. What is not mentioned in the reading as being part of a quality relationship? 
A. enthusiasm 
B. sharing of feelings 
C. mutual respect 
7. Things we cannot control that affect our level of happiness are _______________ . 
A. the number and quality of relationships we have 
B. the number of volunteer positions we have 
C. our genes 
8. Why doesn't the brain remember positive experiences as much as negative ones? 
A. Our ancestors didn't understand what made them happy. 
B. Positive experiences were not as important for the survival of our ancestors as
negative ones. 
C. Positive experiences like having food and shelter were necessary for the survival
of our ancestors. 
9. What is not part of being mindful? 
A. taking pleasure in what you are doing at this time 
B. enjoying the memory of a past experience 
C. focusing on this moment 
10. The writer probably believes that _______________ can help someone experiencing
A. learning to play the piano or guitar 
B. learning to make art 
C. starting an exercise program. 
Graphic organizer

Main idea1: You likely Main idea2: Main idea3: think

know what makes you Psychologists positively
unhappy, but do you suggest
know what makes you

Example1: brain Example1: quality of Example1: that words

remembers negative our relationships meaning
experiences more
Details: involve the Details
sharing of feelings
Details: -grateful
- mutual respect
- dangerous animals -mindful
-like food - acceptance, trust, fun
and empathy -optimistic

Exemple2: level of Example2: habit of

happiness caring
Details: involve
Details volunteering, to
-our gen
support friends and
- chasing wealth, fame,
good looks, material family
things, and power, - do exercise

Example3: hobbies tend

to be happier
Details: activity could be
making art, playing piano,
surfing, or playing a game
”Secret of happy brain” Summary

The human brain remembers negative experiences more easily than positive ones. If
you've been chasing after wealth, fame, good looks, material things, or power, you
might be looking for happiness in the wrong place. Psychologists recommend that the
following seven habits make people happy. Relationships that bring happiness often
involve sharing feelings, mutual respect, acceptance, trust, fun, and empathy. In order
to be happy, people should do things they are interested in every day, learn some new
things, meet new people, and turn their hobbies into work. People need to help others
make the human brain happy. Most importantly, thinking positive things usually if not
always, makes a person happier than anything else. I was surprised that love was not
mentioned as the secret of happiness in this context, and after I researching, I found out
that the secret of happy life is the desire to live like the context. In the end, I understood
that if a person adheres to the following 3 things in life, your life and my life will be
better. The first you should do what you want, second you need exercise and get a new
hobby, third you must be motivation to live.
Reading-2 “The Hitchhiker”

1.Where did Andrea work? 

A.  Brockbourne 
B.  Mickley 
C.  London 
D.  the text doesn't say 
2. How was Andrea feeling as she drove home? 
A. happy 
B. afraid 
C. lonely 
D. hot 
3. Why didn't she listen to the radio? 
A. The radio had been stolen from her car. 
B. She liked peace and quiet. 
C. The radio was broken. 
D. There was a strike at the radio station. 
4. Why did she stop to give the old lady a ride? 
A. It was a cold evening. 
B. Andrea felt lonely. 
C. She felt sorry for the lady. 
D. All of the above. 
5. Where did the lady want to go? 
A. Brockbourne 
B. Mickley 
C. London 
D. The text doesn't say 
6. What made Andrea afraid when she looked at the old lady? 
A. She had a moustache. 
B. She had a hard voice like a man. 
C. She had a shopping bag. 
D. She had hairy arms. 
7. Why did Andrea suddenly stop the car? 
A. She thought she had hit a child in the road. 
B. She skidded on some ice in the road. 
C. She wanted to trick the passenger into getting out. 
D. She was so afraid that she couldn't concentrate, and she nearly had a crash. 
8. What did Andrea do when the "old lady" got out? 
A. waited for her 
B. drove away quickly 
C. opened her bag 
D. switched off the engine 
9. Why did Andrea look in the old lady's bag? 
A. She wanted to steal what was in it. 
B. She wanted to find her address so that she could send the bag back to her. 
C. She wanted to borrow the old lady's tools. 
D. She wanted to find out who the strange passenger was. 
10. What was the "old lady" probably going to do to Andrea? 
A. nothing 
B. kill her 
C. give her an axe 
Graphic organizer

Main idea1: about Main idea2: about Main idea3: she

Andrea this strange began scream

Example1: she feel Example1: she felt Example1: she had

lonely instinctively that there put a good three
was something wrong miles
Details: Details: thick black Details: she gunned
- another cottage she hair the engine and
live with her husband -Andrea’s blood frozen accelerated madly
-she had been stolen –this wasn’t woman away
her radio
-weather was bad

Exemple2: when she Example2: an idea Example2: she lifted

saw old lady, standing come into the away the heavy
by road Details: swinging the bag onto
Details wheel suddenly she details: a small hand
-hand written threw the car into a skid axe, a razor sharp
brockborne in her hand and brought it to a blade,
-the way the lady spoke halt7
“The Hitchhiker” summary

It begins with a girl named Andrea driving to another cottage after work. she saw an old
woman standing on the side of the road and wanted to pass by but she couldn't, so she
put her in his car out of pity. Then she didn’t know why, she felt instinctively that there
was something wrong something odd, something dangerous. Because old lady studied
that hat, the dirty collar of the dress, shapeless body, the arms with their thick black
hairs the she knew this wasn’t a woman. It was a man. Suddenly, an idea came to his
nervous and frightened mind. Her idea succeeds and runs away very quickly. But the
old lady had left her bag in the car. Andrea think, maybe the bag would provide some
information about real identity about the old lady who was not an old woman. Bag
contained only one item- small hand axe is covered with the dark red blood. What I
learned from this story is that people are not what they appear to be, any evil can be
hidden behind beautiful clothes and faces. That's why you should pay close attention to
your own. God knows what would have happened if Andrea hadn't thought quickly.

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