DIT2142 Assignment

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School of Computing

Diploma in Information Technology

July 2022 Semester

DIT2142 Database Management System

 Answer ALL questions
 Marks will be awarded for good presentation and thoroughness in your approach
 NO marks will be awarded for the entire assignment if any part of it is found to be
copied directly from printed materials or from another student.
 Complete this cover sheet (page 1 and 2) and attach it to your assignment.
 This assignment is to be undertaken by group of maximum 3 students only.
 The source code should be presented using 12-point Courier New font and 1.15 line
spacing in Microsoft Word document.
 You should not plagiarize another person's work as your own. Marks will be deducted if
your work is found to be copied.
 Assignment due is on 30 September 2022.

Student’s Particulars:
Matric No : Intake / Semester :
Student’s Name :
Lecturer’s Name :
Due Date : Submission Date :
Total number of pages including this cover page :

Official Use:
Marker’s Comment

Marks Awarded : / 100 Overall Marks (20%) :

Student declaration:
I declare that:
 I understand what is meant by plagiarism
 The implication of plagiarism has been explained to me by my institution
 This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published
and unpublished works of other people.

Student’s signature:……………………………. Date:………………………


The objective of the assignment is to analyze, design and implement database.

The students are also expected to further enhance their skills and executing SQL commands.


Bhajan Clinic uses a file system to manage appointment scheduling, doctor details, patient
details, treatment records and payments. An excel spreadsheet program is utilized for this
You are tasked to design a basic backend database support that would meet the business
needs of Bhajan clinic.

Analysis: (10%)
 Workflow of current business activities
Implementation: (60%)
 Data Modeling
 Data Dictionary
 Normalization
 SQL commands to create database
 SQL commands to create tables; minimum 5 tables are required
 Insert data with primary key, foreign key and other keys; minimum 5 attributes in each
 Demo of 10 DDL and DML in the database queries
 Create a user manual for the guide of the system user
Database System: (20%)
 Develop a database system using your chosen DBMS. Microsoft Access is
Presentation (10%)
 Demo your system during the presentation.
Marking Rubric - Report

Rating Code 4 3 2 1 0
Description of Outstanding Satisfactory Partial Inadequate Incompetent
Creation of database Excellent Good Need clarification in Difficulties in Missing information
(ERD) understanding of understanding of understanding the understanding
concepts concepts concepts concepts
Field names and data All field names Most field names Some field names and Incorrect used of field Missing information
types and data types are and data types are data types are names and data types.
appropriate. appropriate. inappropriate.
Primary Key / Foreign All primary Most primary Some primary Most primary Missing information
keys keys/foreign keys keys/foreign keys keys/foreign keys are keys/foreign keys are
are defined are defined not defined not defined
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
Completeness of report Include Include Include introduction, Include introduction, Missing some
introduction, introduction, project background, project background, information with lots of
project project background, ERD, Data Dictionary, ERD, Data Dictionary, writing errors.
background, ERD, Data Interface, conclusion Interface, conclusion
ERD, Data Dictionary, with minor writing with major/lots of
Dictionary, Interface, errors. writing errors.
Interface, conclusion with
conclusion with good writing skills.
excellent writing
User Manual All steps are Many steps are Only few steps are Almost none of the No user manual
clearly written. clearly written. clearly written. steps are
clearly written.
Marking Rubric - Database System

Rating Code 3 2 1 0
Description of Outstanding Good Poor Incompetent
Table creation Created all tables defined in Created most of the Partially created Tables created are different
the project requirement. tables defined in the some of the tables in than the tables in the report,
Named tables appropriately project requirements. project requirements.
in regard to their data Table name was little Table name did not
elements unclear in regard o its correlate to its
data elements. elements.
Relations and Correctly interpreted all the Correctly interpreted incorrectly No relationships between
cardinalities Business Rules and created most Business Rules interpreted the tables.
all necessary relations with and created most of the Business Rules, few
clear indication to the necessary relations with relations were
cardinalities and observing some indication to created and few
the three normalization cardinalities and indications to
forms. observing at least two cardinalities and
normal forms. normal forms.
Keys and Entities Correctly choose all Correctly choose most Incorrectly choose No primary key or foreign key
primary and foreign keys of the primary and most of the primary defined.
respecting the naming foreign key respecting keys and foreign
convention. the naming convention. keys, and somehow
respected the naming
Query Produce complex query Produce moderate query Produces simple No query is created.
using multiple criteria and using multiple criteria query using few
join tables. and join tables. criteria from only
one table.
User interface All forms/reports are nicely Most forms/ reports are Forms/ reports are No form or reports are created.
(forms/reports) designed and are nicely designed and are inappropriate.
appropriate. appropriate.
Marking Rubric - Presentation

Rating Code 3 2 1
Description of Outstanding Adequate Not Adequate
Eye contact Holds attention of entire Consistent use of direct eye Displayed minimal eye contact with
audience with the use of contact with audience but still audience, while reading mostly
direct eye contact, seldom returns to notes. from the notes.
looking at notes.
Enthusiasm Demonstrates a strong, Occasionally shows positive Shows some negativity towards
positive feeling about topic feelings about topic. topic presented.
during entire presentation.
Subject Knowledge Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with expected Student is uncomfortable with
knowledge by answering all answers to all questions, without information and is able to answer
class questions with elaboration. only rudimentary questions.
explanations and elaboration.
Organization Student presents information Student presents information in Audience has difficulty following
in logical, interesting logical sequence which audience presentation because student jumps
sequence which audience can can follow. around.
Mechanic Presentation has no Presentation has no more than Student's presentation has four or
misspellings or grammatical three misspellings and/or more spelling and/or grammatical
errors. grammatical errors. errors.

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