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A Father Figure

In a family the father is the leader of the

family, he was build and protects the
family, has a rigid and strong attitude. Like
my father, so far I have never seen he cry
in front of him children, my father don't
want to bother other people, even when
he is sick, he never complain. my father
always do best for family, set a good
example and protect us all. So far, My
father have also become my role model in
spiritual life, always active in church
activities. When a problem occurs in
family, my father always try to find a way
out and he often act as a mediator when
my brothers disagree.

              I reflect like that Saint Joseph, a father who protects his family, wise, always strong,
tough, protects and nurtures the family that God has entrusted to him. From the film that I
saw, Saint Joseph really shows his love for Jesus and Mary, where when they have to move
from one place to another, Saint Joseph is always faithful to accompany and look after Jesus
and Mary. Especially at the beginning before he accepted Mary as his wife and found out
that Mary was pregnant, it was difficult for him to believe but in the end Saint Joseph was
able to entrust everything to God.

              In obedience to God, Saint Joseph worked hard for Mary and Jesus. The big role that
he plays has never been suggested by many people, in the holy books his name does not
appear much. Her attitude is simple, loving and runs everything with joy. in fact, he loved his
family sincerely and totally, even though he knew that Jesus was not his real child. Saint
Joseph had a very quiet person, but in his silence he was able to capture God's will and do
it. Like when he was about to leave Maria, but because he was warned in a dream he finally
took Maria to be his wife. When he had to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt, he was only be
warned by a dream but with his readiness to do what was God's will.

              In this year of Saint Joseph, I was invited to get for know Saint Yusuf more deeply, as
a nun I want to imitate the attitudes of Saint Yusuf. Always ready, rejoicing in every job,
doing everything sincerely, able to listen to God's will and do it. Because often in the life
that I live, it is easier for me to do my own will than to do God's will.  As Saint Joseph was
silent but able to understand and do God's will, I want to learn to live according to what
God’s will.

Sr. M. Virginia FSGM

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