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.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-1.:.:.

All characters mentioned here are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidencial.

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep (15 messages received)

Ding Dong (the clock struck 12.!!)

She was excited..She was staring at her mobileShe did not want to read the messages..!! She escaped them so that she would read it laterShe was impatiently waiting for a callShe was alone in a room while her college cum hostel friends were enjoying the Bday party arranged for her..they all have been partying for hours together now and she was half drained after all those dancing to the party songs.. She was such a sweet girl, loved by everyone and dint have much difficulties in making bunch of good friends in the college she has been for 2 years!!

All her friends including parents knew that Sowmya should not be called at 12.00 on her Birthday as the First Wish is always from her best and her close friend Karthickshe was impatient because she wanted to read the messages but she couldnt read others wishes (whom so ever is it!!) until her best buddie wishes!!!she knew that this birthday was very special.!! or she wanted to it to be special one!! Dont think about that now she said to herself and smiled. She turned towards the mirror and saw a just-turned-19 girl who was almost blushing..She saw the cute and expressive eyes and the smile which was adored by everyone Sowmya was simple, girl-next-door, not the

extremely beautiful and dashing kind but the smile was said everyone!!

Radhika (her next best friend in college) banged the door and rushed into the room breathing heavily!!

Shhssshhh..dont say it warned Sowmya!! Oh come on SouWe are enjoying there and you are sitting alone is a room!!Waiting for him to call!! make it to the culturals atleast this time!! oh by the way, awesome dance re!!we both should

Radhika, beautiful girl and wonderful dancerShe was described the best by her friends as the super bold girl in her college!!! Sou and Rads were the best friends in the college from day one!! though they were a huge gang, these two managed to be the best buddies and shared all the secrets with each other!! Rads, of course knew Sou was going through now. She dint know if she should feel happie or sad about the whole thing!! She has already planned to talk with Karthick but she knew it was too early!!

Sou was gladvery glad that Rads was with her..She knew it was dumb of her to ask others to wish her after 12.30 but she was crazy about her birthday and the First WishOnce Karthi wishes her, she would ask Rads to wish her and then it can be anyone!!She was even more close to Rads than Karthi, but they have been having this deal for the past 3 years (since school) and they have been living upto it.. :D Its getting late he is 5 minutes late!! teased Rads.. I know he will call!!He is just testing my patience!!Dont worrie.. I will demand extra gifts for all these minutes he is making me to wait!! replied Sou.

Ting Ting Ting Ting.. rang the mobile.. She rushed to the bed to pick the mobile and make sure it was KarthickYes it was!! she pressed the button with green symbol on it but said nothing!! She

wanted him to know tat she was angry!!

He: Hellooooooo.

She: (says nothing) He: Happieeeeee Birthday Sou. and he sings the Happie bday song in all the possible pitches he could!!

She: (laughs out before he finishes) thank u.. thank u.. But am angry!! what took u sooo long to call me??

He: Late?? Me??

She: oh yea.. u are, Duffer!! You cant say the Network prob, No balance, Was in a call or any other stuff!!

He: stupid gal!! Come.. check my mobile!! Its 12.00. on dot!! ha.. Karthick is never late!! U have set it early so that ur can blame me!!

She: Clever!! am sooooo not like u Karthi!! Chal where is my gift!!??

He: Surprise.

okie.. will call u later!! enjoy with your friends, but just pass the mobile to Sweetie..

Lemme try my luck today!!

She: Oh god!! stop irritating me on my Bday!! U and ur sweetie Aaradhana!! Stop it!! K bye.. my friends are coming!! Will call u after the party!!

He: Dont forget to give me a piece of cake and a do take a pic of sweetie!!

She: Stupid!! Duffer!! byeeeeee!!

She cut the call before he added something more about sweetie..ooppss, Sorrie.. Aaradhana!! the dream girl for almost all the guys in collage!!

Happie Bday Sou!! May God bless u wished Rads and gifted her a pair of ear-rings that would match her Bday dress!! Sou hugged Rads, left the mobile in her room and joined the other gals for the

cake cutting and more dancing!!

Sou was on cloud 9 Perfect Bday it was!!! Karthi was the first one to wish cute gift from her friends..Bday cake..the party and dancing!! her parents had already sent her a Bday card and gift by courier which she would open later!! But still. she was praying for something else also!! She was suddenly reminded of the unread messages in her mobile!! she had almost forgot it as she was busy mad friends around her!!

it was 1.00 A.M now and she picked her mobile!! her friends were still dancing and enjoying the chocolates she had got for them!!

14 Missed calls

25 messages received

She found few important friends had called and there were 7 calls from the number she saved the previous evening!! She felt bad that she missed it!!

She then checked the messages!!! .

(To be continued)

.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-2.:.:.

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She then checked the messages!!! .

She did not mind the other messages.. she focussed on the messages from a person that read Manav Sir

there were 8 messages..

Manav Sir: Bye take care!!

Manav Sir: Am sorry that I disturbed you..I thought u remembered meno issues..chillax!!have a wonderful day ahead!!

Manav Sir: I guess u r sleeping!!

Manav Sir: U dere??

Manav Sir: heellooooo!! am i disturbing u dear??

Manav Sir: Opppsss.. looks like the birthday girl is tooo busy!!

Manav Sir: Hey Birthday girl.. wish u a happie bday..May ur dreams come true this yearI thought i could call u and wishhere we go am calling u..

Manav Sir: Hi Sowmya.. this is Manav..ur senior from the same department!! U worked with me for the Symposium last year..I just got ur number just to wish you and thought we could be friends!!

She was surprised..Sou was already informed by her friend that the Handsome senior-Dream guy for every gal-Topper of the department had asked her number..She had got his number last evening from another friend of hers..(Sharing mobile numbers was not an easy one 5 years back!!) She did not forget that he was the first one to rag Sou in coll..Rads had not been dere to rescue as she was been questioned my 10 Hulk looking seniors!! It looked something like a RAPID FIRE ROUND which she faced with ease..!! Sou was asked to sing and dance for few school rhymes.. she did her best but the seniors did not stop laughing until she finish and looked at them!! She was embarassed..Manav looked straight into her eyes and asked her few questions!!

She was unable to answer themSou opened her mouth and picked few words her brain was sending but she could not voice out!! Sou stood there looking at the stunning, well built senior.. She started blushing!! the others seniors raised their voice and started asking her if she was not respecting her Senior Manav saw the tears that welled up in the corner of her eyes and asked her to leave the place as if he had no interest to wait for the answers and started ragging few other guys who passed the way

Ever since then she passed by Manav, she wished him and gave a bright smile..Manav studied her and took some time to smile back as if he was the Don or something of the college.. Well well.. her socalled-gang knew very well that Sou had a deep crush for ManavKarthick, many times teased Sou with Manav to get details about Aaradhana Nobody except Rads knew that Sou had something more than crush for Manav..Come on!! Rads had been in a steady relationship for 3 years now and Sou knew that she could always use her help.. Just in case!!

It was during the previous Symposium, Sou got a chance to work with Manav as they were listed into the same committee..!!Sou had no other option than to sit with Manav the whole day and secretly admire the way he workedSou always cherished certain moments in her heart!! the days they worked together, the way he planned things and executed them, the way he was responsible for the successful event.. Sou knew she liked him a lot but was scared to talk with him..She started worshiping him since then

Every time she started telling Karthick about how great is Manav Sir is he would simply divert the topic by talking about how beautiful the girls in other colleges are or about Aaradhana..oh ya

Sou: Do u know how handsome Manav Sir was looking??

Karthick: Aaradhana is an Angel.. .waddya think??


Sou: Karthi Manav Sir is a brilliant student!!

Karthick: Sou cud u please get me Aaradhanas number??? I guess am crazy about her!!

and so on..!!

She was overwhelmed to see the messages!! ufff.She has got a message from her Crush!! oh.. Sou did not want to debate if it was a crush..

Sous hands trembled as she typed the message!! Am extremly sorrie Sir..i can explain..u dere..still awake?? she sent it and closed her eyes!! ********************************************************************************* *********

Many yards away, in the mens hostel, beeped a mobile!! He read the message which read

Naina(tat is how he has stored her name!!) : Am extremly sorrie Sir..i can explain..u dere..still awake?

He gave a broad smile and called the same number from which he has recieved a message!!

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Sous heart was bearting out of the cage when she saw the call!!

She picked it up and said Helloo.

(To be continued.)

.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-3.:.:.

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She then checked the messages!!!

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She picked it up and said Helloo!!!

Happie Bday Sowmya said Manav in a husky voice!!

Manav had no clue of what he was doing and why he was doing this..until few months back, Sowmya was just his junior.. but today he just wanted to tell her everything!! right from what he felt the first time he saw her!! about her pretty and cute eyes which drew him completelyabout the heart which melted for her every time she smiled at him..about the voice in him which asked him to be with her alwaysabout the first time she appeared in his dreamsabout the way he and his friend tricked her name in his committee just to get a chance to be close with herabout the plans he had for the beautiful future with her..about the times when his heart begged him to just catch her handsabout the way he wanted to wake up every morning seeing her cute face..about the happiness he wanted to share with her!! about his life which he wanted to live for her, with her.!!!there was a million in his heart but he was running out of words!!

Everything seemed so stupid at the same time but it was all he wantedManav knew that Sou was very different than what he expected his girl to be..Manav knew that he would not match Sou by her culture!!But now there was not escape!!Manav knew that Sou was a pretty merry-giving girl who had disturbed him completely!!he wanted Sou to be smiling as always..he wanted her to have the best bday on Earth and thats why he chose this day

Thank you so much Sir. said Sou who was struggling hard not to blush!!

Oh.. pl dont be so formal!!! Call me Manav or whatever!! said impatient Manav who was waiting to propose any minute!! the three words came back to him again and again as if this was the last minute for him in the Earth

hmm.Ma..ManavManav Sir!! I was with my friends celebrating my Bday and tats why I did not pick up the call or reply your messages!! I saw your message that you want me to be your friend.. Sir.. that is very nice of u..I..I really dont know what to say..hmmm thanks for wishing me on my Bday.. th..this is so special to me!! blurted out Sou!! She did not want Manav Sir to know what she feels for him!!

Manav could not help smilingshe kept talking and he dint want her to stop!! he stood still, mesmerized by her innocencehe wanted her to know more about him and that was the only reason for him to propose for friendship..he wanted to express it at the right time so that Sou will not think that he was just trying to flirt or pass time with her..

the call went on for few more minutes and then they opted to text!! Uffff this is loads better..thought SouShe dint know what was stopping her..she wanted was to impress him and know more about him!!! Sou was extremly happie..This was something unexpected!! Manav Sir!!! She dozed off in her bed while texting some of the texts were

Manav Sir: So whats the bday gurl gonna do today??

Naina: Had I been in my place, my mom would have cooked food to serve a village!! hmmm i might go to the Shiva temple around 10. but tat depends on when these gals wake up!! so its sunday today!! wats ur plan Sir??

Manav Sir: Pl dont call me Sir..gudShiv temple is it!! fine!!

Naina: Ooppss.. sorrie!! den ??

Manav Sir: Then Kyajust going on!!

Sou forced herself to keep her eyes open but she couldnt

Morning Sou woke up with a call from her parents and relatives

it was already 8 in the morning!!!

She told Rads what all happened and was jumping with joyRads was now sure that Manav was also interested in her!! Though she was very happie abt things happening for her, she did not want her frnd to take any hasty decisions!! She wanted to talk to Karthick about this as he knew much more about Sou and her family!! Rads dialed Karthis number but it was busywhen she was about to call

him again, she got a call from her mother saying that she was coming to hostel to get few signatures from Rads

ooohhh hhooosomeone is looking very pretty!! ahhh hhhaaa!! lot de.. Happie Bday!! said Rads..

this dress and the colour suits u a

Still not ready?? come on!! its getting very late.. we have to go to the temple before it closes and we shall have lunch outside!!!wat say?? said Sou looking at Rads who was busy cleaning the place!!

Sorrie Sou Amma and appa are coming here..they need some of my certificates and my signature!! can we go out in the evening?? asked Rads

Oh boy no no!! its k.. carry on!! Lemme atleast go to the temple!! Amma will kill me if i dont!!She has already called me twice and asked me if i did puja!! said Sou with a sad face!!

why dont u go with someone else deBagya, Arpitha or Sandhya?? suggested Rads.. Pl dont go alone!!

Oh.. thats all rite!! I will be back in an hour!! said Sou and hurried out of the place.

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Place: Shiva Temple

Name- Sowmya, Nakshatram- Uthram, Raasi- Meenam said Sou and passed the bowl filled with coconut, bananas, beetal leaves and many more!!

Happie Birthday.U look very beautiful said the husky voice in her ear from behind!!

She was taken back for a second and she immediately knew who it was!! She turned to see Manav who was praying seriously with his eyes tightly closedshe smiled, she blushed, she thanked God!!

They slowly walked around the temple talking nothing!!

Sou broke the silence and asked Manav

Manav just caught her hand and said. Sowmya am sorrie!! this is very difficult for me! Never in my life I have waited in a temple for a girl to comeNever in my life I thought that I would be so incompleteNever in my life I knew I this much love in meNever in my life I thought I would swept off my feetNever in my life I believed that a girl with super cute eyes and kajal in it would occupy my life completely!!

Sou just blinked once..

Manav dint leave her hand but added Naina.the girl with most beautiful and expressive eyes, I wanna face each and every day with uwanna come to temple with u on every bday of ursi want to see u smiling always!! I just wanna live my life with u..and I am all in love with you..

(Do u expect me to write that I rained at that moment??? well.. fine for readers who love it that way, it slowly started raining!!! for readers who dont. chillax.. it dint!!!)

Sou had no words.she wanted to the time to freeze rite there!! she dint know how to respondShe took a deep breath and said ManavI need some time!!Not to think if i could accept it. to realize that its not a dream

Few minutes of silence..and then she added Thanks for making my bday the most beautiful and memorable one!!

Manav had no words with him now!! According to him, he was the luckiest man on Earth!!!

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Cupid slowly smiled and winked!!!

(To be continued..)

.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-4.:.:.

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She then checked the messages!!!

She picked it up and said Helloo!!!

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Cupid slowly smiled and winked!!!

Sou thanked God for giving her a beautiful birthday and for also bringing Manav into her life!! She did not want the day to end!! She was on could 9 when Manav caught her hands.she first wanted to tell him that it will be very difficult for her to be a good friend and obviously did not expect Manav to propose!!she knew that it was the most beautiful minute on Earth!! She dint want to give any negative replies or lie to himShe said and did what she liked and what she wanted!! She texted Rads that she would have lunch outside and be back to hostel in a while..she then switched off her mobile and went with Manav to a restaurant to have lunch!!

Manav did not want to leave her handshe had not said even 10% of what he felt and he did not expect that he would love her even more after coming to the temple!! His eyes were only on her all the time!! He melted whenever she looked at him and smiledhe started thinking how their kids are going to be!! He laughed to himself!! He had never been this crazy.. Infact, no other girl made him feel the way she did!!

The cute little jhumkhis (earrings), the black bindhi between the perfectly shaped eyebrows, the lucky lip gloss which moistened her lips, the tiny mole near her nose which stayed on her forever and of course her Kajal..!! Naina..!!!Manav wanted to hug her and remain that way for the whole life!! He wanted to tell more about him and know much more about her!! He wanted to jump around celebrate, but wondered why he was being very calm and composed!!

Sou and Manav settled down in the small, dimly lit restaurant facing each other!! Silence and looking deep into the eyes continued 5 minutes.Manav in a very low voice said Nainalove of my life!!You are the prettiest damsel i have ever seen!!Love you my Sweetheart!!and again wish u a very happie

Birthday!!Sous heart skipped a beat. it did every time he proposed her!! He took out a small bag made of satin and gave it to her!! Happie bday Naina....Sou was completely taken aback!!

Sou slowly opened and tilted the little bag.a thin silver chain slipped into her hands and in next few micro seconds, another identical one joined the other one!! Silver Anklets.. Oh.. Manav!! thats extremely sweet of you!!Thank u sooo much!!I am really very happie!! exclaimed SouThese little ones are to decorate your beautiful feet my dear. replied Manav!!

Both Sou and Manav had no idea about what the lunch was.. they ate a little talked a lot about their parents, siblings, friends, schooling and many more!! they did not know where and how to stop!!

********************************************************************************* ******* Dialing

Dear Tsunami!!

The number you have dialed is currently switched off Please try again later!!

He tried calling her again!! The lady in the machine repeated the same thing!!

aaagggrrrhhh.Is she a stupid to switch off her mobile on her bday!! yelled Karthick!!

Oh God I so want to talk with her now!!I wanna tell her everything..!! Impatient Karthick picked up his mobile

5 messages received

He quickly scanned all the messages and dialed another number

He was tensed!!..

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Meanwhile in the restaurant, Manav and Sou were engrossed in the talk and forgot the time that ticked away.

NainaI want us to have 2 kids..a babie girl and a babie boy exclaimed Manav

Manav.. I still havent said that I love you but how are you being so confident?? I do like you so much..and I thought that there was nothing wrong to have lunch with person I like..there are loads to think about before we get into a commitment!! said Sou

Oh for God sake.. there is a lot of difference between love and like!! What are you going to think about Sou?? Ur parents?? Ur family?? Ur friends?? Huh thinking about all these things does not mean you are thinking about accepting me, it means thinking of reasons to reject me!! Sou.I liked u and started falling for you because you always did what you liked..if you want to think of the reasons, you can think for your entire life!! blurted Manavhis temper raised!!

Sou felt very bad.she did not know if she chose the right words, but she surely did not want to upset Manav!! Manav did not say anything after thatHe did not even smile!! He just shot a look at Sou when she tried to pay the billhe signaled that he would and she slowly reacted to it!!

Manav wanted to accompany her to the hostel but he did not want to spoil her bday mood any more!! So they departed in front of the restaurant..

Am sorrie Manav.thanks for everything said Sou, fighting her tears back and left the place

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My parents asked me to convey their blessings to uDid u dine alone?? asked Rads as Sou entered the room

Please dont ask anything RadsDid amma and appa leave already?? said Sou in a dull voice

Before she replied, Sou told Rads that she wanted to discuss something personal. they talked for a very long time and Rads fired many questions to was a very deep discussion and finally they decided to conclude it!!

Sou.. do what your heart says..!! Love is something spontaneous and blessedu will regret your whole life if you dont do what your heart saysand i dont want you to regret!! concluded Rads

Sou hugged Rads and finally let the tears to flow down!!

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Manavs mobile beeped!! he did not care about it!! he wanted to spend some time alone!!

His mobile beeped again..he took his mobile in his hands, it was from Naina. no doubt about that!! He did not want to conclude before reading her messagesit read.

Sender: Naina

I wanna name the kids as Suman and Manya.!!!

(Soumya+Manav=Suman and Manav+Soumya= Manya)

Manav was overwhelmed!!he danced around the room and hugged his friends well..he was happier than before..!! he wanted to go back in time and take back the harsh words!!

He read the other message also.

Sender: Naina

Do u want me to text u or call u.??? watever it is, if u wanna call me naina, then i wanna call u bubbly or pappu!!

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Her heart started beating faster when her mobile rangher fingers reached it and picked it immediately

Hello hi. said Sou lovingly!!!

Stupid you are!! said the voice in the other end!!

What exclaimed Sou and checked the caller .Ufff.. it was Karthick..!! oooppsss.. she totally forgot him!! explaining things to him according to her was an impossible task!!

Sou whr were u?? gotto tell ya somethin!!! no no..u will guess it!! rushed Karthick

Karthick pl lets keep all ur stupid things aside and trust me I wanna tell u something very important!! said Sou anxiously..

No no no.. it was me who called!! So you are going to listen to me first!! and promise that u wont scold me!! this is something very important!! it finally happened Sou!!and i dont have much time so hurry up!! blurted Karthick

hmmm cleared ur arrears??? Got selected in College Cricket team??? hmmmm.did ur dad promise to get u a bike?? asked Sou she had no mood to think abt all these but Karthick did not give her another option.

No no no. tis something abt different!!! hmmmm.okie.. one clue!!its abt love!! said Karthick in a proud tone!!

hmmmmmlove ah?? ayyooo!! I also wanted to talk abt the same thing..Listen to me!!! said Sou thinking about how fast news spread in Mens hostel!!

No Sou u are very bad. lemme put it across by myself!!! I am in love!! exclaimed Karthick

WHAT!!! U IN LOVE!! kfinally u call it as Love!! who is d gal???? asked Sou..

Cant u guess that?? Guess it rite and i will declare that u r my bestest frnd!! said Karthick

U havent declared it yet??? Duffer!! Isha..?? Varshitha?? oh god!! Rads???!! Spare her, she is committed!! warned Sou..

No.. no.. no..U r a duffer u know!! My angel accepted my love!! We kinda started messaging for some notes.. one thing lead to another and i proposed her!! said Karthick filled with all enthusiasm!!

WHAT..Aaradhana??? asked Sou

Yaaaaaa.. she is my sweetieee SouOh god!! okieee gotto call her i hav been trying to reach u since afternoon!! now gotto call sweetiee!!

When did and before Sou could complete the sentence, Karthick had cut the call..

Sou was like OH MY GOD!! she dint know if she has to feel happie for Karthick!! Aaradhana had already played with the feelings of so many guys in college and yet guys fall for her!!

Her mobile beeped only then she saw the messages in it!!

10 messages!! from Bubbly .

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Minutes ticked by and turned into hours

The long hours summed up into weeks and days..

The days collected themselves into months.

The months curled up into years!!!

And before Sou and Manav could realize, it had been one and half years since they started seeing life together!!!

(To be continued)

.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-5.:.:.

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She then checked the messages!!!

She picked it up and said Helloo!!!

Cupid slowly smiled and winked!!!

=============================================================== ==========

The months curled up into years!!!

What is the need for you to go home nowall of a sudden??? questioned Manav.

The beautiful things between Manav and Sou seemed to reduce graduallypossessiveness and ego clashes came into the picture!! it was very easy to accept the positives projected in the first few days and later, after knowing each other very well, handling the negatives was very difficult of themthe cute little fights turned into arguments and discussions turned into disagreements

My dad is calling me home for this weekend baby.. he has booked the tickets already..!!he is not telling me what the reason is..!!and i have one more exam to finish my semester so will be back soon!! said Sou trying to calm herself down!! She was tired.. tired of explaining and reporting everything she did..!!

But u know that this is the last weekend for me in exams are already over and i want to spend some time with you..!! go to the places we have been to!! go to our favourite Shiv temple!!eat in the restaurant where we spent lotta time begged Manavand I know its quite impossible for you even to text me or call me from there!!

Baby.. I understand that!! but.. if appa is calling me then there is something very important!! and u know how many times i have been to my native in the last 2 years!! i will surely call you whenever i get a chance!! said Sou who had 100 things running in her mind!!..

Oh so it was me who was forcing you to stay is it.. even i dint go to my house in spite of my mama and dad calling me so many times!! You always have time for ur friends and family, but not me!!?? asked Manav.

Am sorrie darling.. i did not mean it that way..oh god!! only for 2 days Manav.. i will be back!!just be here for one more day..!! I will surely spend some time once I come back!!please!!! begged Sou in a sweet tone!!

Its your wish Naina I know I cannot stop you.!! i guess your dad is planning to marry you off!! blurted Manav

Oh God!!Pl.. dont start that now!!I beg you..!!they cannot marry me to someone without my consentam leaving tonight.. will be back in 2 daystake care of ur health and please dont think about anything else bubbly!! I love you and you only!! said Sou

Love you babie!! love u more than anything!!take care and pl be back as soon as possible!!!will miss you more than anything!! said Manav.!!

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Things changed big time!! Aaradhana dumped Karthick after 6 months they got committed for some other guy whom she felt was even more attractive and comfortable..!! Karthick and Sou had no time to spend for each other..and as far as the Bday wishes were concerned, Either Karthick wished her before 5 mins by calling Rads number or wished after 20 mins in Sous number itself!! Manav was always with her and Karthick became so detached.!! He now had his own gang in college and started concentrating on other things like organizing culturals college tourssymposiums and so on..!!!!

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Sou did not return after two days..First the calls were unanswered and after a while it was switched off!! Manav called up Rads to ask if she had any updates, the answer was negative!!!

Manav waited for one more day and called her that night..



(after 2 long rings)Hello whispered a male voice!!

Manav panicked that it was Sous dad and was about to cut the call..but then the voice whispered something.he pressed his ears to hear properly!!

Manav hi!!Karthick here. whispered the voice again!!

Before Karthick could add anything, Manav cut the call and switched off his mobile..!! His temper raised to worst heights and he started connecting so many unrelavent stupid things.Manav always had a feel that Karthick had feelings for Sou and things happened between Aaradhana and Karthick was just to get Sous attention!! he felt like a big time jerk!!

What is Naina doing with Karthick at this point of time..,Why dint Sou tell him that Karthick was also joining her..,why was her mobile switched off before and why is he picking up the call!!,Did Karthick propose to her??,Did Sous parents force Sou to marry Karthick??,Did these guys end up getting engaged to each other??

Sou called Manav the next day around the afternoon but Manav never picked up the call!! She also texted him asking him to call her..He switched off his mobile again and started packing.

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In Sous place

Why is he doing like this Karthiwill he ever understand me?? cried SouHer eyes were puffed and carried heavy packets.

Sou.. its not the time to think about itlook at you..I understand what you are going through and he doesntexplain him and things will be alright..!! Did you talk with your dad? he is totally crashed!!

Sous dad had called Sou to come home as Sous grandmother had a heart-attack!! She was hospitalised and was under treatment!! On Sunday nite she became very serious and Sou was forced to stay..The pity soul passed away on the early morning of that monday!! the entire family was devastated!! Until that day, her grandma was everything to the familyshe took the reins and controlled the entire family with love and atmost affection!! Many people poured in to do the last

respects for the wonderful soul which had lived a gr8 life..!!Karthicks dad being a very good friend of Sous dad and also like a son to Sous grandma was there the whole time and took care of all the things!! Karthick was also there and tried to console Sou as much as he could..!!

I want to explain, but he is not even talking with me.Amamma meant a lot to us and the family is not going to be the same without her. said Sou and tears rolled out.

Your tears are precious Soudont waste it!!go spend time with your dad.he needs emotional support!!He cant cry out like you or your mom!! said Karthick and gave her a decent hug

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Sou missed her last exam and was in her native for the rest of the holidaysManav left the college and reached his native without seeing SouYes, they spoke and Sou tried to explain Manav and expected him to comfort her but rather he just acted differentvery different!!!

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Months rolled by and the drift created between Sou and Manav never seemed to heal!! the time never came!! Manav was busy with the job he just joined in Pune!! He became obsessive and started doubting for what ever she didHis friends advised him that Long distance relationship would never work.. Sou was too much into studies, projects and placements Karthick, to everybodys surprise was preparing for his GRE, TOFEL and all other exams possible!!

Sou dint know that she was fighting against the fate!!against something which was destined!!! The number of calls for each day gradually reduced as they fought all the time they spoke!! Manav started drinking and both started feeling insecure about the relation!! it was falling right in front of their eyes!!

Higuess it has been days together since we messaged. things are reducing gradually na?? okie fights..i just want to tell u tat am coming to college for my Convocation this Fridayguess I will get to see you atleast now!! texted Manav to the now-rarely-used number and closed his eyeshe saw the eyes which he loved!!!

Sou thought that meeting Manav would actually sort many things happening between themShe was sooo wrong!! Manav was in a very bad temper and asked Sou questions which he should have never asked!!

After a very long fight and bad argument with Sou, Manav said the words he never imagined he would say!!

Lets break up Sou. Its all over!!

.:.:.All is fair in Love and War-Finale.:.:.

=============================================================== =========

She then checked the messages!!!

She picked it up and said Helloo!!!

Cupid slowly smiled and winked!!!

The months curled up into years!!!

=============================================================== ==========

Lets break up Sou. Its all over!!

She cried.. She cried a lot since then!! She knew that Manav would be going through something very similar, but this was very difficult for her to handle!! She cried until late nights, she read all the messages she had saved, thought about all the beautiful moments!! every morning, her cheeks had the trail of the tears that ran down previous nite!!!

Hey. look at you!! u look horrible these days!! Sou, understand that whatever happens, happens for good!! time will heal all the scares and one day you are going to be all smiling and happie!! consoled Rads and hugged Sou Infact, that was the last hug before leaving the college!!

You have been more than a friend to me!!Promise me that you will never lose contact!!Promise me that you will never go away from me!!said Sou.the tears visited again!!!

Hey stupid!! dont worrie we are the best friends and nobody can change that!!take care!! bye!! said Rads and hugged her even more tight now!! the best friends stood near the gates of the hostel and admired the place which changed and touched their lives in many ways!! they all departed and was thinking about what the rest of their life would be!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Time ticked away and Sou actually forgot the pace in which days moved and 10 months later, she was well placed in an IT Company which did not give her any time to think about herself!! Rads was also in the same city but worked for a different company!! Sou got used to living without her parents and her family, but thoughts about Manav kept coming back all the time!!

On one lousy saturday afternoon, while she was busy playing in FB, somebody pinged her!!

Karthick: Heeelooooaaaaa!!! Look who is here!!

Sowmya : Oh my god!! Karthi.. been a very long time!! why no calls??howz the US?? and who is keeping u all busy now??

Karthick: ha ha.its my college which keeps me busy all the time!! sooooooo howz u?? howz india?? how r ur parents?? howz everyone dere??

Sowmya : hey hey.. stop!! everybody is fine!! and why no reply for me mails?? stupid!!

Karthick: U sure u wanna fight now!!?? Come on Sou.dont be such a kidddoo!!!

Sowmya : hey i dont wann a fight with u Karthick Infact I hav been missing u a lot!!


Sowmya : Yup I seriously miss the Karthi whom i used to discuss my problems with I miss the Karthi whose ring tone is Jane tu mera kya hai i miss the Karthi who adores all the stupid stuff i

do..I miss the Karthi who fight with me and for me!!.I miss the Karthi who msgs me all the time sitting in the same class, just benches away!!

Sowmya : U thr??

Sowmya : heellooooo

Karthick: Yups!!! am rite here!! go ahead!!

Sowmya : Am sorrie.. sorrie for rushing into so many things!! even after changing my priorities and breaking so many pacts, u hav always been there for me!! miss u soo much Karthi!!

Karthick: Can i tell u something?? but promise me that u wil not talk about the same topic ever again

Sowmya : Oh. secret!! ya ya..promise promise tell me!!!am all ears!!!

Karthick: I have been missing you a lot!! Infact, i planned our friendship and became close to u!! First i thought it was all an infactuation!! U hav no clue how much i had to fight to get into the same college!! Things that u think are destined are actually planned and vice versa!! U neva realise it!!

Sowmya : WHAT??

Kathick: Chup until i finish!! I did a lotta mistake before understanding what u mena to me Sou!!

Sowmya : Karthi..u are always a very sweet frnd of mine!! u are someone who can never hurt me!! someone who knows me very well!!!

Karthick: Oh god.I miss u a lot Sou!! When I was forced to distance myself from u, i had to face it.I go f#$#$% mad when you cry!! Being a frnd to u all the time was very difficult to me!!

Sowmya : Karthi.. are u gonna tell me that u love me???

Karthi: ha ha ha ha!! foooolll!!! why is it always sooo easy to fool u!! why do u even fall for my trap!!all the time!!! ha ha ha!! me ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!oh god!!

(Sowmya has logged off)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

That day Sou realised how lonely she felt and how badly her relationship had broken her!! She then drafted a mail to Kathick

Sender: Sowmya

Receipient: Karthi

Subject: GO TO HELL!!

Wat do u think abt yourself in ur mind?? laughing at me is not going to help me in anyway!! i am hurt Karthi!!! but you know what . I actually feel that u might hav had feelings for me!! u never liked Manav. u never liked me talking abt him!! u were so possessive abt me!! true that i dint realise all those but now i hav understood it!! GO TO HELL!!!

P.S: did u actually hav feelings for me???

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Karthick did not know how to handle Sou and the mail!!! He smiled and cried at the same time!! he first laughed that himself that he did not realise that he had been swept off the feet!! his heart stumbled and started beating for her!! He knew that it would take a very long time for Sou to forget the bitter past and start thinking abt her future but he swore that he would wait for it!!

He called up his dad his first best friend and spoke with him!! he said everything to convince him and by the end of the call, his dad just added I know u son!!! I know u very well!!!! .

His dad then called up Sous dad and well it was a very elderly talk!! Soud dad had tears in his eyes when the call was done!!! He thanked Karthicks dad and said I owe u a lot!! more than what u owe me!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

It was 11.30 has been 2 years since she has been celebrating her bday again with her family!! She looked at the clock and then stared at her mobile!! Last year, same day she had cried!! cried a lot!! Manav dint even call her to wish her same day she saw in his facebook account that he was engaged to some other girl!! Nothing else could wreck her bday!!

She was in no mood to celebrateshe took leave and went home as she felt like spending it with her parents!! she locked herself in her room.she knew that Rads and some of her college friends would surely call!!! she was waiting for that!!

Ding Dong rang the door bell!!

Who is it at this point of time. Sou opened the door!!! She was super surprised!! It was Rads she never knew that Rads would travel all the way long for her bday.. she hugged her and invited her in!!!

Rads blindfolded Sou with a black cloth and took her to the terrace!! In the moon light, all she could see was the project set.Rads took control and the video began!! it was a video for 15 minutes!! Video which had clipings all all her childhood pics and her friends who spoke abt her and wished her!! a video which made her feel special..

Tears welled up in her eyes and exactly at 12, a figure walked into the scenehe had been hiding behind the projector screen Karthick had 3 red roses in hand. hugged Sou and whisphered in her ears Sou..yes i do hav feelings for u.I love u!! U mean more than anything to me!!

Sou was taken aback!! She did not know if she could let another guy to play with her feelings!!

I dont ask u to love me Sou marry me!! marry me now!! Come into my life and complete it!! I see a future with u Sou.. I see my life with u!! said Karthick and kissed her hands!!

But Started Sou. she had tears in her eyes but was not sure if it was called crying!!

Come on SouDont come up with any excuses!! I am going to make it work!! We are going to!! NO point in making me wait anymore!! Karthick now kissed her cheeks!!!

Sous parents and Karthicks parents joined them at the terrace and Sou hugged her dad!!! She was all happiee again!!!

Karthick dad hugged Karthick and asked Did she say okiee??.. oooopsss !!! noooo!! and looked at Sou..

said Karthick

I dont have any excuses that i can think of so I have decided to marry u and make ur life a hell laughed Sou with tears all over her face!!

Sou hugged Rads and said thanks..Rads and Karthi gave a hi-fi and winked at each other!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Rads married her guy after 4 months

Sou and Karthick were married after 7 months of courtship.


(The end!!!)

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