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Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyles

3.1 Meaning and Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle

3.2 Components of Physical Fitness and Wellness
3.3 Components of Heath Related Fitness
3.1 Meaning and Importance of physical fitness, wellness and

Physical fitness: Physical fitness means the capacity to do the routine work
without any fatigue or exertion and after doing the work the person has power
to do some more work and recovery is quicker and faster.

According to David R. Lamb: Physical fitness is the capacity to meet the

present and potential physical challenges of life with success.

Wellness: Wellness is the capacity of an individual by which he leads a


According to WHO- A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being,

not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Lifestyle: The way you live including your style, attitudes and possessions.

Importance of Physical Fitness and Wellness .

1. Improves Overall Health

2. Maintain Ideal Body Weight
3. Improves Body Posture and Muscles
4. Improves the Quality of Life
5. Active Life without Stress
6. Socially Active and Good Citizen

Importance of Lifestyles:

1. Reduces the Risk of Diseases

2. Regulates Mental Health
3. Increases Energy Level
4. Increases Satisfaction
5. Increases Creativity and Productivity
6. Regulates Positive Thinking and Self-Confidence

3.2 : Components of Physical Fitness

1. Strength: The amount of force that can be exerted by muscles is defined as

strength. Strength can also be defined as the ability to overcome resistance.
Strength is divided into two parts
(a) Static Strength: It is also known as isometric strength. It is the ability to
act against resistance from single or one position e.g. Arm wrestling,
Power lifting, Pushing wall.etc.
(b) Dynamic Strength: It is also known as isotonic strength. It is related to
movement. It is divided into three types:
(i) Maximal Strength : It is the quality of muscles to contract
forcefully in the quickest possible time. It is also known as power.
(ii) Explosive Strength : It is the ability to overcome resistance with a
high speed. It is the combination of strength and speed.
(iii) Strength Endurance : It is the combination of strength and
endurance ability. It is defined as the ability to overcome
resistance under fatigue condition.

2. Speed: It is the ability to perform movement at faster rate. In other

words, it is the ability to move as fast as possible. It is of three types:
(a) Reaction time : It is the time taken by the body to respond
immediately after the stimulus.
(b) Acceleration : It is the time taken by the body to reach maximum
(c) Speed of Movement : It is time taken by body to perform complete

3. Endurance : It is the ability to sustain or continue activity. In other words,

it is the ability to resist fatigue. It is also important component for middle and
long distance races. It is of two types:
(a) Short term endurance : Perform activity for longer duration with fast
(b) Long term endurance : Perform activity for longer duration with slow

4. Flexibility : It is the ability of joints to move in maximum range.

It is of two types: (a) Passive Flexibility : It is performed with external
(b)Active Flexibility : It is performed without external
help. It is of two types:
(i) Static flexibility
(ii) Dynamic flexibility

5. Co-ordinative Ability or Agility : It is the ability of the body to perform

movement with perfection and efficiency. In other words, it is the ability to

change the direction or movement in the shortest time without getting


It is divided into following types:

(a) Orientation ability: It is the ability of a person to adjust himself as per

the time and condition.

(b) Coupling ability: It is the ability of a player to move his physical organs

in order to do his activity. For e.g coordinative between hands and

(c) Reaction ability: It is the ability to react immediately quickly and

effectively to a signal.

(d) Balance ability: it is the ability to maintain balance .

(e) Rhythm ability: It is the ability to understand the rhythm of movement

and to do the movement with the required rhythm.

(f) Differentiation ability : The ability to attain a high degree of perfection

and economy of separate body movement and movement phase in a

motor action.

(g) Adaptation ability: Ability to adjust or change the movement effectively

on the basic of changes or anticipated changes in the situation.

Components of Wellness:

(a) Physical wellness

(b) Social wellness

(c) Intellectual wellness

(d) Spiritual wellness

(e) Emotional wellness

(f) Occupational wellness

(g) Environmental wellness

3.3: Components of Health-Related fitness:

(a) Cardiovascular Endurance :Cardiovascular endurance is the level at

which your heart, lungs and muscles work together when you are

exercising for an extended period of time. This shows how efficiently

your cardiovascular system functions and is an indicator of how

physical fit and health you are. For e.g. Swimming, Cycling and


(b) Muscular Strength : Muscular strength is the amount of force that a

muscle can produce in one single contractions. For e.g. Heavy

weight with few repetitions, push-ups and pull-ups.

(c) Muscular Endurance : The amount of force that a muscle can

produce over an extended period of time. For e.g. Light weight with

many repetitions.

(d) Body Compositions : Body composition is used to describe the

percentage of fat, bone, muscles and water in human bodies.

(e) Flexibility: Flexibility is the capacity to perform wide movement .

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