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Report of training on “Disease outbreak management and prevention “for

Health Care Providers working at SWAN In touch wored’s of East Wollega:

(Sibu Sire, Guto Gidda, Kiremu And Limu)

August 5, 2022
Nekemte, Ethiopia
A. Summary of training report
Category Description Remark
Title of training Disease outbreak management and prevention
Training organized World vision Ethiopia SWAN project
and sponsored by
Targeted people Health workers from Four Woredas (S/Siree, Guto Gida, SWAN in touch Woreda’s
Kiremu and Limmu)

Training duration August 1,2022 - August 3,2022 (3days)

Training place Nekemte, Ijoo International Hotel

Facilitators MHN team Finance team World vision staffs

1. Desalegn Bekele 1. Gudeta Wayesa_Finance
2. Tujuba Diribsa 2. Biratu Gussu - Cashier

Trainers 1. Mr Dawit Tamsgen PHEM experts invited

2. Mrs Zemzem Mohamed from Zonal Health
3. Mr Dassalegi Kumera Department

Participants/  Total of 12 participants comes from the four mentioned Woreda’s were attended this
trainee training.
 The participants were health care providers invited from each woreda (PHEM focal person,
heath care providers working at OPD and health eatesion working at at kebele occupied by
 The number of participants was limited due to the shortage of budget.

Methods of - Mini lecture

training - Case study
- Group discussion
- Brain storming

Figure 1 Mini lecture

Figure 2 Discussion on the way forward and how to make it practical

Strength  All invited participants were attended the training ( they are PHEM focal person at
Woreda’s, and health care providers working at health centers under OPD unit
 Trainers are expert on the area of PHEM and they are primary stakeholders on disease
Outbreak management
 There were active participation from participants
 Information about “Monkey pox disease “ was provided
 The training were more of practical oriented, which take into consider the context of
humanitarian emergency
 Important topic of “Disease outbreak management and prevention” were addressed
Limitation/challen  Due to budget limitation, only 12 health workers were invited for this training
ges  Shortage of time. It is very difficult to cover all topics within this short period of time. We
tried to focus the most relevant topics

B. Summary of budget consumed for this training

Category Expenditure in Birr
Total expense for participants' perdiem including their accommodation and transportation cost 84,400
Trainers perdium 13,600
Facilitators perdium 8,950
Refreshment 12,288
Training Hall rent 5,400
Total expense for Stationaries (Note book, pen, parker, flip chart, banner, Scotch tap) 2,530
Total budget consumed for this training =127,168

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